#!/bin/bash # # functions used by dracut and other tools. # # Copyright 2005-2009 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # export LC_MESSAGES=C if [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY ]] && ! [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]]; then if ! [[ -d "$initdir/.kernelmodseen" ]]; then mkdir -p "$initdir/.kernelmodseen" fi DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR="$initdir/.kernelmodseen" fi if [[ $initdir ]] && ! [[ -d $initdir ]]; then mkdir -p "$initdir" fi # Generic substring function. If $2 is in $1, return 0. strstr() { [[ $1 = *"$2"* ]]; } # Generic glob matching function. If glob pattern $2 matches anywhere in $1, OK strglobin() { [[ $1 = *$2* ]]; } # Generic glob matching function. If glob pattern $2 matches all of $1, OK strglob() { [[ $1 = $2 ]]; } # helper function for check() in module-setup.sh # to check for required installed binaries # issues a standardized warning message require_binaries() { local _module_name="${moddir##*/}" local _ret=0 if [[ "$1" = "-m" ]]; then _module_name="$2" shift 2 fi for cmd in "$@"; do if ! find_binary "$cmd" &>/dev/null; then dinfo "dracut module '${_module_name#[0-9][0-9]}' will not be installed, because command '$cmd' could not be found!" ((_ret++)) fi done return $_ret } require_any_binary() { local _module_name="${moddir##*/}" local _ret=1 if [[ "$1" = "-m" ]]; then _module_name="$2" shift 2 fi for cmd in "$@"; do if find_binary "$cmd" &>/dev/null; then _ret=0 break fi done if (( $_ret != 0 )); then dinfo "$_module_name: Could not find any command of '$@'!" return 1 fi return 0 } # find a binary. If we were not passed the full path directly, # search in the usual places to find the binary. find_binary() { if [[ -z ${1##/*} ]]; then if [[ -x $1 ]] || { [[ "$1" == *.so* ]] && ldd "$1" &>/dev/null; }; then printf "%s\n" "$1" return 0 fi fi type -P "${1##*/}" } if ! [[ $dracutbasedir ]]; then dracutbasedir=${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*} [[ $dracutbasedir = "dracut-functions" ]] && dracutbasedir="." [[ $dracutbasedir ]] || dracutbasedir="." dracutbasedir="$(readlink -f $dracutbasedir)" fi ldconfig_paths() { local a i declare -A a for i in $( ldconfig -pN 2>/dev/null | grep -F '=>' | grep -E -v '/(lib|lib64|usr/lib|usr/lib64)/[^/]*$' | while read a b c d; do d=${d%/*} printf "%s\n" "$d"; done ); do a["$i"]=1; done; printf "%s\n" ${!a[@]} } # Detect lib paths if ! [[ $libdirs ]] ; then if [[ "$(ldd /bin/sh)" == */lib64/* ]] &>/dev/null \ && [[ -d /lib64 ]]; then libdirs+=" /lib64" [[ -d /usr/lib64 ]] && libdirs+=" /usr/lib64" else libdirs+=" /lib" [[ -d /usr/lib ]] && libdirs+=" /usr/lib" fi libdirs+=" $(ldconfig_paths)" export libdirs fi if ! [[ $kernel ]]; then kernel=$(uname -r) export kernel fi # Version comparision function. Assumes Linux style version scheme. # $1 = version a # $2 = comparision op (gt, ge, eq, le, lt, ne) # $3 = version b vercmp() { local _n1=(${1//./ }) _op=$2 _n2=(${3//./ }) _i _res for ((_i=0; ; _i++)) do if [[ ! ${_n1[_i]}${_n2[_i]} ]]; then _res=0 elif ((${_n1[_i]:-0} > ${_n2[_i]:-0})); then _res=1 elif ((${_n1[_i]:-0} < ${_n2[_i]:-0})); then _res=2 else continue fi break done case $_op in gt) ((_res == 1));; ge) ((_res != 2));; eq) ((_res == 0));; le) ((_res != 1));; lt) ((_res == 2));; ne) ((_res != 0));; esac } srcmods="/lib/modules/$kernel/" [[ $drivers_dir ]] && { if ! command -v kmod &>/dev/null && vercmp "$(modprobe --version | cut -d' ' -f3)" lt 3.7; then dfatal 'To use --kmoddir option module-init-tools >= 3.7 is required.' exit 1 fi srcmods="$drivers_dir" } export srcmods # is_func # Check whether $1 is a function. is_func() { [[ "$(type -t "$1")" = "function" ]] } if ! is_func dinfo >/dev/null 2>&1; then . "$dracutbasedir/dracut-logger.sh" dlog_init fi if ! [[ $initdir ]]; then dfatal "initdir not set" exit 1 fi # export standard hookdirs [[ $hookdirs ]] || { hookdirs="cmdline pre-udev pre-trigger netroot " hookdirs+="initqueue initqueue/settled initqueue/online initqueue/finished initqueue/timeout " hookdirs+="pre-mount pre-pivot cleanup mount " hookdirs+="emergency shutdown-emergency pre-shutdown shutdown " export hookdirs } dracut_need_initqueue() { >"$initdir/lib/dracut/need-initqueue" } dracut_module_included() { [[ " $mods_to_load $modules_loaded " == *\ $*\ * ]] } # Create all subdirectories for given path without creating the last element. # $1 = path mksubdirs() { [[ -e ${1%/*} ]] || mkdir -m 0755 -p -- "${1%/*}" } # Function prints global variables in format name=value line by line. # $@ = list of global variables' name print_vars() { local _var _value for _var in "$@" do eval printf -v _value "%s" \""\$$_var"\" [[ ${_value} ]] && printf '%s="%s"\n' "$_var" "$_value" done } # normalize_path # Prints the normalized path, where it removes any duplicated # and trailing slashes. # Example: # $ normalize_path ///test/test// # /test/test normalize_path() { shopt -q -s extglob set -- "${1//+(\/)//}" shopt -q -u extglob printf "%s\n" "${1%/}" } # convert_abs_rel # Prints the relative path, when creating a symlink to from . # Example: # $ convert_abs_rel /usr/bin/test /bin/test-2 # ../../bin/test-2 # $ ln -s $(convert_abs_rel /usr/bin/test /bin/test-2) /usr/bin/test convert_abs_rel() { local __current __absolute __abssize __cursize __newpath local -i __i __level set -- "$(normalize_path "$1")" "$(normalize_path "$2")" # corner case #1 - self looping link [[ "$1" == "$2" ]] && { printf "%s\n" "${1##*/}"; return; } # corner case #2 - own dir link [[ "${1%/*}" == "$2" ]] && { printf ".\n"; return; } IFS="/" __current=($1) IFS="/" __absolute=($2) __abssize=${#__absolute[@]} __cursize=${#__current[@]} while [[ "${__absolute[__level]}" == "${__current[__level]}" ]] do (( __level++ )) if (( __level > __abssize || __level > __cursize )) then break fi done for ((__i = __level; __i < __cursize-1; __i++)) do if ((__i > __level)) then __newpath=$__newpath"/" fi __newpath=$__newpath".." done for ((__i = __level; __i < __abssize; __i++)) do if [[ -n $__newpath ]] then __newpath=$__newpath"/" fi __newpath=$__newpath${__absolute[__i]} done printf "%s\n" "$__newpath" } if [[ "$(ln --help)" == *--relative* ]]; then ln_r() { ln -sfnr "${initdir}/$1" "${initdir}/$2" } else ln_r() { local _source=$1 local _dest=$2 [[ -d "${_dest%/*}" ]] && _dest=$(readlink -f "${_dest%/*}")/${_dest##*/} ln -sfn -- "$(convert_abs_rel "${_dest}" "${_source}")" "${initdir}/${_dest}" } fi # get_fs_env # Get and the ID_FS_TYPE variable from udev for a device. # Example: # $ get_fs_env /dev/sda2 # ext4 get_fs_env() { local evalstr local found [[ $1 ]] || return unset ID_FS_TYPE ID_FS_TYPE=$(blkid -u filesystem -o export -- "$1" \ | while read line; do if [[ "$line" == TYPE\=* ]]; then printf "%s" "${line#TYPE=}"; exit 0; fi done) if [[ $ID_FS_TYPE ]]; then printf "%s" "$ID_FS_TYPE" return 0 fi return 1 } # get_maj_min # Prints the major and minor of a device node. # Example: # $ get_maj_min /dev/sda2 # 8:2 get_maj_min() { local _maj _min _majmin _majmin="$(stat -L -c '%t:%T' "$1" 2>/dev/null)" printf "%s" "$((0x${_majmin%:*})):$((0x${_majmin#*:}))" } # get_devpath_block # get the DEVPATH in /sys of a block device get_devpath_block() { local _majmin _i _majmin=$(get_maj_min "$1") for _i in /sys/block/*/dev /sys/block/*/*/dev; do [[ -e "$_i" ]] || continue if [[ "$_majmin" == "$(<"$_i")" ]]; then printf "%s" "${_i%/dev}" return 0 fi done return 1 } # get a persistent path from a device get_persistent_dev() { local i _tmp _dev _dev=$(get_maj_min "$1") [ -z "$_dev" ] && return for i in \ /dev/mapper/* \ /dev/disk/${persistent_policy:-by-uuid}/* \ /dev/disk/by-uuid/* \ /dev/disk/by-label/* \ /dev/disk/by-partuuid/* \ /dev/disk/by-partlabel/* \ /dev/disk/by-id/* \ /dev/disk/by-path/* \ ; do [[ -e "$i" ]] || continue [[ $i == /dev/mapper/control ]] && continue [[ $i == /dev/mapper/mpath* ]] && continue _tmp=$(get_maj_min "$i") if [ "$_tmp" = "$_dev" ]; then printf -- "%s" "$i" return fi done printf -- "%s" "$1" } expand_persistent_dev() { local _dev=$1 case "$_dev" in LABEL=*) _dev="/dev/disk/by-label/${_dev#LABEL=}" ;; UUID=*) _dev="${_dev#UUID=}" _dev="${_dev,,}" _dev="/dev/disk/by-uuid/${_dev}" ;; PARTUUID=*) _dev="${_dev#PARTUUID=}" _dev="${_dev,,}" _dev="/dev/disk/by-partuuid/${_dev}" ;; PARTLABEL=*) _dev="/dev/disk/by-partlabel/${_dev#PARTLABEL=}" ;; esac printf "%s" "$_dev" } shorten_persistent_dev() { local _dev="$1" case "$_dev" in /dev/disk/by-uuid/*) printf "%s" "UUID=${_dev##*/}";; /dev/disk/by-label/*) printf "%s" "LABEL=${_dev##*/}";; /dev/disk/by-partuuid/*) printf "%s" "PARTUUID=${_dev##*/}";; /dev/disk/by-partlabel/*) printf "%s" "PARTLABEL=${_dev##*/}";; *) printf "%s" "$_dev";; esac } # find_block_device # Prints the major and minor number of the block device # for a given mountpoint. # Unless $use_fstab is set to "yes" the functions # uses /proc/self/mountinfo as the primary source of the # information and only falls back to /etc/fstab, if the mountpoint # is not found there. # Example: # $ find_block_device /usr # 8:4 find_block_device() { local _majmin _dev _majmin _find_mpt _find_mpt="$1" if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then [[ -d $_find_mpt/. ]] findmnt -e -v -n -o 'MAJ:MIN,SOURCE' --target "$_find_mpt" | { \ while read _majmin _dev; do if [[ -b $_dev ]]; then if ! [[ $_majmin ]] || [[ $_majmin == 0:* ]]; then _majmin=$(get_maj_min $_dev) fi if [[ $_majmin ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_majmin" else printf "%s\n" "$_dev" fi return 0 fi if [[ $_dev = *:* ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_dev" return 0 fi done; return 1; } && return 0 fi # fall back to /etc/fstab findmnt -e --fstab -v -n -o 'MAJ:MIN,SOURCE' --target "$_find_mpt" | { \ while read _majmin _dev; do if ! [[ $_dev ]]; then _dev="$_majmin" unset _majmin fi if [[ -b $_dev ]]; then [[ $_majmin ]] || _majmin=$(get_maj_min $_dev) if [[ $_majmin ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_majmin" else printf "%s\n" "$_dev" fi return 0 fi if [[ $_dev = *:* ]]; then printf "%s\n" "$_dev" return 0 fi done; return 1; } && return 0 return 1 } # find_mp_fstype # Echo the filesystem type for a given mountpoint. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # No newline is appended! # Example: # $ find_mp_fstype /;echo # ext4 find_mp_fstype() { local _fs if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --target "$1" | { \ while read _fs; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs = "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done; return 1; } && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --target "$1" | { \ while read _fs; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs = "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done; return 1; } && return 0 return 1 } # find_dev_fstype # Echo the filesystem type for a given device. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # No newline is appended! # Example: # $ find_dev_fstype /dev/sda2;echo # ext4 find_dev_fstype() { local _find_dev _fs _find_dev="$1" if ! [[ "$_find_dev" = /dev* ]]; then [[ -b "/dev/block/$_find_dev" ]] && _find_dev="/dev/block/$_find_dev" fi if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --source "$_find_dev" | { \ while read _fs; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs = "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done; return 1; } && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'FSTYPE' --source "$_find_dev" | { \ while read _fs; do [[ $_fs ]] || continue [[ $_fs = "autofs" ]] && continue printf "%s" "$_fs" return 0 done; return 1; } && return 0 return 1 } # find_mp_fsopts # Echo the filesystem options for a given mountpoint. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # No newline is appended! # Example: # $ find_mp_fsopts /;echo # rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered find_mp_fsopts() { if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --target "$1" 2>/dev/null && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --target "$1" } # find_dev_fsopts # Echo the filesystem options for a given device. # /proc/self/mountinfo is taken as the primary source of information # and /etc/fstab is used as a fallback. # Example: # $ find_dev_fsopts /dev/sda2 # rw,relatime,discard,data=ordered find_dev_fsopts() { local _find_dev _opts _find_dev="$1" if ! [[ "$_find_dev" = /dev* ]]; then [[ -b "/dev/block/$_find_dev" ]] && _find_dev="/dev/block/$_find_dev" fi if [[ $use_fstab != yes ]]; then findmnt -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --source "$_find_dev" 2>/dev/null && return 0 fi findmnt --fstab -e -v -n -o 'OPTIONS' --source "$_find_dev" } # finds the major:minor of the block device backing the root filesystem. find_root_block_device() { find_block_device /; } # for_each_host_dev_fs # Execute " " for every " " pair found # in ${host_fs_types[@]} for_each_host_dev_fs() { local _func="$1" local _dev local _ret=1 [[ "${!host_fs_types[@]}" ]] || return 0 for _dev in "${!host_fs_types[@]}"; do $_func "$_dev" "${host_fs_types[$_dev]}" && _ret=0 done return $_ret } host_fs_all() { printf "%s\n" "${host_fs_types[@]}" } # Walk all the slave relationships for a given block device. # Stop when our helper function returns success # $1 = function to call on every found block device # $2 = block device in major:minor format check_block_and_slaves() { local _x [[ -b /dev/block/$2 ]] || return 1 # Not a block device? So sorry. if ! lvm_internal_dev $2; then "$1" $2 && return; fi check_vol_slaves "$@" && return 0 if [[ -f /sys/dev/block/$2/../dev ]]; then check_block_and_slaves $1 $(<"/sys/dev/block/$2/../dev") && return 0 fi [[ -d /sys/dev/block/$2/slaves ]] || return 1 for _x in /sys/dev/block/$2/slaves/*/dev; do [[ -f $_x ]] || continue check_block_and_slaves $1 $(<"$_x") && return 0 done return 1 } check_block_and_slaves_all() { local _x _ret=1 [[ -b /dev/block/$2 ]] || return 1 # Not a block device? So sorry. if ! lvm_internal_dev $2 && "$1" $2; then _ret=0 fi check_vol_slaves "$@" && return 0 if [[ -f /sys/dev/block/$2/../dev ]]; then check_block_and_slaves_all $1 $(<"/sys/dev/block/$2/../dev") && _ret=0 fi [[ -d /sys/dev/block/$2/slaves ]] || return 1 for _x in /sys/dev/block/$2/slaves/*/dev; do [[ -f $_x ]] || continue check_block_and_slaves_all $1 $(<"$_x") && _ret=0 done return $_ret } # for_each_host_dev_and_slaves # Execute " " for every "" found # in ${host_devs[@]} and their slaves for_each_host_dev_and_slaves_all() { local _func="$1" local _dev local _ret=1 [[ "${host_devs[@]}" ]] || return 0 for _dev in ${host_devs[@]}; do [[ -b "$_dev" ]] || continue if check_block_and_slaves_all $_func $(get_maj_min $_dev); then _ret=0 fi done return $_ret } for_each_host_dev_and_slaves() { local _func="$1" local _dev [[ "${host_devs[@]}" ]] || return 0 for _dev in ${host_devs[@]}; do [[ -b "$_dev" ]] || continue check_block_and_slaves $_func $(get_maj_min $_dev) && return 0 done return 1 } # ugly workaround for the lvm design # There is no volume group device, # so, there are no slave devices for volume groups. # Logical volumes only have the slave devices they really live on, # but you cannot create the logical volume without the volume group. # And the volume group might be bigger than the devices the LV needs. check_vol_slaves() { local _lv _vg _pv _dm for i in /dev/mapper/*; do [[ $i == /dev/mapper/control ]] && continue _lv=$(get_maj_min $i) _dm=/sys/dev/block/$_lv/dm [[ -f $_dm/uuid && $(<$_dm/uuid) =~ LVM-* ]] || continue if [[ $_lv = $2 ]]; then _vg=$(lvm lvs --noheadings -o vg_name $i 2>/dev/null) # strip space _vg=$(printf "%s\n" "$_vg") if [[ $_vg ]]; then for _pv in $(lvm vgs --noheadings -o pv_name "$_vg" 2>/dev/null) do check_block_and_slaves $1 $(get_maj_min $_pv) && return 0 done fi fi done return 1 } # fs_get_option # search for a specific option in a bunch of filesystem options # and return the value fs_get_option() { local _fsopts=$1 local _option=$2 local OLDIFS="$IFS" IFS=, set -- $_fsopts IFS="$OLDIFS" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case $1 in $_option=*) echo ${1#${_option}=} break esac shift done } if ! [[ $DRACUT_INSTALL ]]; then DRACUT_INSTALL=$(find_binary dracut-install) fi if ! [[ $DRACUT_INSTALL ]] && [[ -x $dracutbasedir/dracut-install ]]; then DRACUT_INSTALL=$dracutbasedir/dracut-install elif ! [[ $DRACUT_INSTALL ]] && [[ -x $dracutbasedir/install/dracut-install ]]; then DRACUT_INSTALL=$dracutbasedir/install/dracut-install fi if ! [[ -x $DRACUT_INSTALL ]]; then dfatal "dracut-install not found!" exit 10 fi [[ $DRACUT_RESOLVE_LAZY ]] || export DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS=1 inst_dir() { [[ -e ${initdir}/"$1" ]] && return 0 # already there $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} -d "$@" (($? != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} -d "$@" || : } inst() { local _hostonly_install if [[ "$1" == "-H" ]]; then _hostonly_install="-H" shift fi [[ -e ${initdir}/"${2:-$1}" ]] && return 0 # already there $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" (($? != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" || : } inst_simple() { local _hostonly_install if [[ "$1" == "-H" ]]; then _hostonly_install="-H" shift fi [[ -e ${initdir}/"${2:-$1}" ]] && return 0 # already there [[ -e $1 ]] || return 1 # no source $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" (($? != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" || : } inst_symlink() { local _hostonly_install if [[ "$1" == "-H" ]]; then _hostonly_install="-H" shift fi [[ -e ${initdir}/"${2:-$1}" ]] && return 0 # already there [[ -L $1 ]] || return 1 $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" (($? != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" || : } inst_multiple() { local _ret $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} -a ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} "$@" _ret=$? (($_ret != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} -a ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" || : return $_ret } dracut_install() { inst_multiple "$@" } inst_library() { local _hostonly_install if [[ "$1" == "-H" ]]; then _hostonly_install="-H" shift fi [[ -e ${initdir}/"${2:-$1}" ]] && return 0 # already there [[ -e $1 ]] || return 1 # no source $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" (($? != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} ${_hostonly_install:+-H} "$@" || : } inst_binary() { $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} "$@" (($? != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} "$@" || : } inst_script() { $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} "$@" (($? != 0)) && derror $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} ${DRACUT_RESOLVE_DEPS:+-l} ${DRACUT_FIPS_MODE:+-f} "$@" || : } mark_hostonly() { for i in "$@"; do echo "$i" >> "$initdir/lib/dracut/hostonly-files" done } # find symlinks linked to given library file # $1 = library file # Function searches for symlinks by stripping version numbers appended to # library filename, checks if it points to the same target and finally # prints the list of symlinks to stdout. # # Example: # rev_lib_symlinks libfoo.so.8.1 # output: libfoo.so.8 libfoo.so # (Only if libfoo.so.8 and libfoo.so exists on host system.) rev_lib_symlinks() { [[ ! $1 ]] && return 0 local fn="$1" orig="$(readlink -f "$1")" links='' [[ ${fn} == *.so.* ]] || return 1 until [[ ${fn##*.} == so ]]; do fn="${fn%.*}" [[ -L ${fn} && $(readlink -f "${fn}") == ${orig} ]] && links+=" ${fn}" done echo "${links}" } # attempt to install any programs specified in a udev rule inst_rule_programs() { local _prog _bin if grep -qE 'PROGRAM==?"[^ "]+' "$1"; then for _prog in $(grep -E 'PROGRAM==?"[^ "]+' "$1" | sed -r 's/.*PROGRAM==?"([^ "]+).*/\1/'); do _bin="" if [ -x ${udevdir}/$_prog ]; then _bin=${udevdir}/$_prog elif [[ "${_prog/\$env\{/}" == "$_prog" ]]; then _bin=$(find_binary "$_prog") || { dinfo "Skipping program $_prog using in udev rule ${1##*/} as it cannot be found" continue; } fi [[ $_bin ]] && inst_binary "$_bin" done fi if grep -qE 'RUN[+=]=?"[^ "]+' "$1"; then for _prog in $(grep -E 'RUN[+=]=?"[^ "]+' "$1" | sed -r 's/.*RUN[+=]=?"([^ "]+).*/\1/'); do _bin="" if [ -x ${udevdir}/$_prog ]; then _bin=${udevdir}/$_prog elif [[ "${_prog/\$env\{/}" == "$_prog" ]] && [[ "${_prog}" != "/sbin/initqueue" ]]; then _bin=$(find_binary "$_prog") || { dinfo "Skipping program $_prog using in udev rule ${1##*/} as it cannot be found" continue; } fi [[ $_bin ]] && inst_binary "$_bin" done fi if grep -qE 'IMPORT\{program\}==?"[^ "]+' "$1"; then for _prog in $(grep -E 'IMPORT\{program\}==?"[^ "]+' "$1" | sed -r 's/.*IMPORT\{program\}==?"([^ "]+).*/\1/'); do _bin="" if [ -x ${udevdir}/$_prog ]; then _bin=${udevdir}/$_prog elif [[ "${_prog/\$env\{/}" == "$_prog" ]]; then _bin=$(find_binary "$_prog") || { dinfo "Skipping program $_prog using in udev rule ${1##*/} as it cannot be found" continue; } fi [[ $_bin ]] && dracut_install "$_bin" done fi } # attempt to install any programs specified in a udev rule inst_rule_group_owner() { local i if grep -qE 'OWNER=?"[^ "]+' "$1"; then for i in $(grep -E 'OWNER=?"[^ "]+' "$1" | sed -r 's/.*OWNER=?"([^ "]+).*/\1/'); do if ! egrep -q "^$i:" "$initdir/etc/passwd" 2>/dev/null; then egrep "^$i:" /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null >> "$initdir/etc/passwd" fi done fi if grep -qE 'GROUP=?"[^ "]+' "$1"; then for i in $(grep -E 'GROUP=?"[^ "]+' "$1" | sed -r 's/.*GROUP=?"([^ "]+).*/\1/'); do if ! egrep -q "^$i:" "$initdir/etc/group" 2>/dev/null; then egrep "^$i:" /etc/group 2>/dev/null >> "$initdir/etc/group" fi done fi } inst_rule_initqueue() { if grep -q -F initqueue "$1"; then dracut_need_initqueue fi } # udev rules always get installed in the same place, so # create a function to install them to make life simpler. inst_rules() { local _target=/etc/udev/rules.d _rule _found inst_dir "${udevdir}/rules.d" inst_dir "$_target" for _rule in "$@"; do if [ "${_rule#/}" = "$_rule" ]; then for r in ${udevdir}/rules.d ${hostonly:+/etc/udev/rules.d}; do if [[ -e $r/$_rule ]]; then _found="$r/$_rule" inst_rule_programs "$_found" inst_rule_group_owner "$_found" inst_rule_initqueue "$_found" inst_simple "$_found" fi done fi for r in '' $dracutbasedir/rules.d/; do # skip rules without an absolute path [[ "${r}$_rule" != /* ]] && continue if [[ -f ${r}$_rule ]]; then _found="${r}$_rule" inst_rule_programs "$_found" inst_rule_group_owner "$_found" inst_rule_initqueue "$_found" inst_simple "$_found" "$_target/${_found##*/}" fi done [[ $_found ]] || dinfo "Skipping udev rule: $_rule" done } inst_rules_wildcard() { local _target=/etc/udev/rules.d _rule _found inst_dir "${udevdir}/rules.d" inst_dir "$_target" for _rule in ${udevdir}/rules.d/$1 ${dracutbasedir}/rules.d/$1 ; do if [[ -e $_rule ]]; then inst_rule_programs "$_rule" inst_rule_group_owner "$_rule" inst_rule_initqueue "$_rule" inst_simple "$_rule" _found=$_rule fi done if [ -n ${hostonly} ] ; then for _rule in ${_target}/$1 ; do if [[ -f $_rule ]]; then inst_rule_programs "$_rule" inst_rule_group_owner "$_rule" inst_rule_initqueue "$_rule" inst_simple "$_rule" _found=$_rule fi done fi [[ $_found ]] || dinfo "Skipping udev rule: $_rule" } prepare_udev_rules() { [ -z "$UDEVVERSION" ] && export UDEVVERSION=$(udevadm --version) for f in "$@"; do f="${initdir}/etc/udev/rules.d/$f" [ -e "$f" ] || continue while read line; do if [ "${line%%IMPORT PATH_ID}" != "$line" ]; then if [ $UDEVVERSION -ge 174 ]; then printf '%sIMPORT{builtin}="path_id"\n' "${line%%IMPORT PATH_ID}" else printf '%sIMPORT{program}="path_id %%p"\n' "${line%%IMPORT PATH_ID}" fi elif [ "${line%%IMPORT BLKID}" != "$line" ]; then if [ $UDEVVERSION -ge 176 ]; then printf '%sIMPORT{builtin}="blkid"\n' "${line%%IMPORT BLKID}" else printf '%sIMPORT{program}="/sbin/blkid -o udev -p $tempnode"\n' "${line%%IMPORT BLKID}" fi else echo "$line" fi done < "${f}" > "${f}.new" mv "${f}.new" "$f" done } # install function specialized for hooks # $1 = type of hook, $2 = hook priority (lower runs first), $3 = hook # All hooks should be POSIX/SuS compliant, they will be sourced by init. inst_hook() { if ! [[ -f $3 ]]; then dfatal "Cannot install a hook ($3) that does not exist." dfatal "Aborting initrd creation." exit 1 elif ! [[ "$hookdirs" == *$1* ]]; then dfatal "No such hook type $1. Aborting initrd creation." exit 1 fi inst_simple "$3" "/lib/dracut/hooks/${1}/${2}-${3##*/}" } # install any of listed files # # If first argument is '-d' and second some destination path, first accessible # source is installed into this path, otherwise it will installed in the same # path as source. If none of listed files was installed, function return 1. # On first successful installation it returns with 0 status. # # Example: # # inst_any -d /bin/foo /bin/bar /bin/baz # # Lets assume that /bin/baz exists, so it will be installed as /bin/foo in # initramfs. inst_any() { local to f [[ $1 = '-d' ]] && to="$2" && shift 2 for f in "$@"; do if [[ -e $f ]]; then [[ $to ]] && inst "$f" "$to" && return 0 inst "$f" && return 0 fi done return 1 } # inst_libdir_file [-n ] [...] # Install a located on a lib directory to the initramfs image # -n install matching files inst_libdir_file() { local _files if [[ "$1" == "-n" ]]; then local _pattern=$2 shift 2 for _dir in $libdirs; do for _i in "$@"; do for _f in "$_dir"/$_i; do [[ "$_f" =~ $_pattern ]] || continue [[ -e "$_f" ]] && _files+="$_f " done done done else for _dir in $libdirs; do for _i in "$@"; do for _f in "$_dir"/$_i; do [[ -e "$_f" ]] && _files+="$_f " done done done fi [[ $_files ]] && inst_multiple $_files } # install function decompressing the target and handling symlinks # $@ = list of compressed (gz or bz2) files or symlinks pointing to such files # # Function install targets in the same paths inside overlay but decompressed # and without extensions (.gz, .bz2). inst_decompress() { local _src _cmd for _src in $@ do case ${_src} in *.gz) _cmd='gzip -f -d' ;; *.bz2) _cmd='bzip2 -d' ;; *) return 1 ;; esac inst_simple ${_src} # Decompress with chosen tool. We assume that tool changes name e.g. # from 'name.gz' to 'name'. ${_cmd} "${initdir}${_src}" done } # It's similar to above, but if file is not compressed, performs standard # install. # $@ = list of files inst_opt_decompress() { local _src for _src in $@ do inst_decompress "${_src}" || inst "${_src}" done } # module_check # execute the check() function of module-setup.sh of # or the "check" script, if module-setup.sh is not found # "check $hostonly" is called module_check() { local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret local _forced=0 local _hostonly=$hostonly [ $# -eq 2 ] && _forced=$2 [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 if [[ ! -f $_moddir/module-setup.sh ]]; then # if we do not have a check script, we are unconditionally included [[ -x $_moddir/check ]] || return 0 [ $_forced -ne 0 ] && unset hostonly $_moddir/check $hostonly _ret=$? else unset check depends cmdline install installkernel check() { true; } . $_moddir/module-setup.sh is_func check || return 0 [ $_forced -ne 0 ] && unset hostonly moddir=$_moddir check $hostonly _ret=$? unset check depends cmdline install installkernel fi hostonly=$_hostonly return $_ret } # module_check_mount # execute the check() function of module-setup.sh of # or the "check" script, if module-setup.sh is not found # "mount_needs=1 check 0" is called module_check_mount() { local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret mount_needs=1 [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 if [[ ! -f $_moddir/module-setup.sh ]]; then # if we do not have a check script, we are unconditionally included [[ -x $_moddir/check ]] || return 0 mount_needs=1 $_moddir/check 0 _ret=$? else unset check depends cmdline install installkernel check() { false; } . $_moddir/module-setup.sh moddir=$_moddir check 0 _ret=$? unset check depends cmdline install installkernel fi unset mount_needs return $_ret } # module_depends # execute the depends() function of module-setup.sh of # or the "depends" script, if module-setup.sh is not found module_depends() { local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 if [[ ! -f $_moddir/module-setup.sh ]]; then # if we do not have a check script, we have no deps [[ -x $_moddir/check ]] || return 0 $_moddir/check -d return $? else unset check depends cmdline install installkernel depends() { true; } . $_moddir/module-setup.sh moddir=$_moddir depends _ret=$? unset check depends cmdline install installkernel return $_ret fi } # module_cmdline # execute the cmdline() function of module-setup.sh of # or the "cmdline" script, if module-setup.sh is not found module_cmdline() { local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 if [[ ! -f $_moddir/module-setup.sh ]]; then [[ -x $_moddir/cmdline ]] && . "$_moddir/cmdline" return $? else unset check depends cmdline install installkernel cmdline() { true; } . $_moddir/module-setup.sh moddir=$_moddir cmdline _ret=$? unset check depends cmdline install installkernel return $_ret fi } # module_install # execute the install() function of module-setup.sh of # or the "install" script, if module-setup.sh is not found module_install() { local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 if [[ ! -f $_moddir/module-setup.sh ]]; then [[ -x $_moddir/install ]] && . "$_moddir/install" return $? else unset check depends cmdline install installkernel install() { true; } . $_moddir/module-setup.sh moddir=$_moddir install _ret=$? unset check depends cmdline install installkernel return $_ret fi } # module_installkernel # execute the installkernel() function of module-setup.sh of # or the "installkernel" script, if module-setup.sh is not found module_installkernel() { local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 if [[ ! -f $_moddir/module-setup.sh ]]; then [[ -x $_moddir/installkernel ]] && . "$_moddir/installkernel" return $? else unset check depends cmdline install installkernel installkernel() { true; } . $_moddir/module-setup.sh moddir=$_moddir installkernel _ret=$? unset check depends cmdline install installkernel return $_ret fi } # check_mount # check_mount checks, if a dracut module is needed for the given # device and filesystem types in "${host_fs_types[@]}" check_mount() { local _mod=$1 local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret local _moddep [ "${#host_fs_types[*]}" -le 0 ] && return 1 # If we are already scheduled to be loaded, no need to check again. [[ " $mods_to_load " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && return 0 [[ " $mods_checked_as_dep " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && return 1 # This should never happen, but... [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 [[ $2 ]] || mods_checked_as_dep+=" $_mod " if [[ " $omit_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]]; then return 1 fi if [[ " $dracutmodules $add_dracutmodules $force_add_dracutmodules" == *\ $_mod\ * ]]; then module_check_mount $_mod; ret=$? # explicit module, so also accept ret=255 [[ $ret = 0 || $ret = 255 ]] || return 1 else # module not in our list if [[ $dracutmodules = all ]]; then # check, if we can and should install this module module_check_mount $_mod || return 1 else # skip this module return 1 fi fi for _moddep in $(module_depends $_mod); do # handle deps as if they were manually added [[ " $dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $dracutmodules " != *\ $_moddep\ * ]] \ && dracutmodules+=" $_moddep " [[ " $add_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $add_dracutmodules " != *\ $_moddep\ * ]] \ && add_dracutmodules+=" $_moddep " [[ " $force_add_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $force_add_dracutmodules " != *\ $_moddep\ * ]] \ && force_add_dracutmodules+=" $_moddep " # if a module we depend on fail, fail also if ! check_module $_moddep; then derror "dracut module '$_mod' depends on '$_moddep', which can't be installed" return 1 fi done [[ " $mods_to_load " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] || \ mods_to_load+=" $_mod " return 0 } # check_module [] # check if a dracut module is to be used in the initramfs process # if is set, then the process also keeps track # that the modules were checked for the dependency tracking process check_module() { local _mod=$1 local _moddir=$(echo ${dracutbasedir}/modules.d/??${1}) local _ret local _moddep # If we are already scheduled to be loaded, no need to check again. [[ " $mods_to_load " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && return 0 [[ " $mods_checked_as_dep " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && return 1 # This should never happen, but... [[ -d $_moddir ]] || return 1 [[ $2 ]] || mods_checked_as_dep+=" $_mod " if [[ " $omit_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]]; then dinfo "dracut module '$_mod' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted!" return 1 fi if [[ " $dracutmodules $add_dracutmodules $force_add_dracutmodules" == *\ $_mod\ * ]]; then if [[ " $dracutmodules $force_add_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]]; then module_check $_mod 1; ret=$? else module_check $_mod 0; ret=$? fi # explicit module, so also accept ret=255 [[ $ret = 0 || $ret = 255 ]] || return 1 else # module not in our list if [[ $dracutmodules = all ]]; then # check, if we can and should install this module module_check $_mod; ret=$? if [[ $ret != 0 ]]; then [[ $2 ]] && return 1 [[ $ret != 255 ]] && return 1 fi else # skip this module return 1 fi fi for _moddep in $(module_depends $_mod); do # handle deps as if they were manually added [[ " $dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $dracutmodules " != *\ $_moddep\ * ]] \ && dracutmodules+=" $_moddep " [[ " $add_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $add_dracutmodules " != *\ $_moddep\ * ]] \ && add_dracutmodules+=" $_moddep " [[ " $force_add_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $force_add_dracutmodules " != *\ $_moddep\ * ]] \ && force_add_dracutmodules+=" $_moddep " # if a module we depend on fail, fail also if ! check_module $_moddep; then derror "dracut module '$_mod' depends on '$_moddep', which can't be installed" return 1 fi done [[ " $mods_to_load " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] || \ mods_to_load+=" $_mod " return 0 } # for_each_module_dir # execute " 1" for_each_module_dir() { local _modcheck local _mod local _moddir local _func _func=$1 for _moddir in "$dracutbasedir/modules.d"/[0-9][0-9]*; do [[ -d $_moddir ]] || continue; [[ -e $_moddir/install || -e $_moddir/installkernel || \ -e $_moddir/module-setup.sh ]] || continue _mod=${_moddir##*/}; _mod=${_mod#[0-9][0-9]} $_func $_mod 1 done # Report any missing dracut modules, the user has specified _modcheck="$add_dracutmodules $force_add_dracutmodules" [[ $dracutmodules != all ]] && _modcheck="$_modcheck $dracutmodules" for _mod in $_modcheck; do [[ " $mods_to_load " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && continue [[ " $force_add_dracutmodules " != *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $dracutmodules " != *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && [[ " $omit_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] \ && continue derror "dracut module '$_mod' cannot be found or installed." [[ " $force_add_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && exit 1 [[ " $dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && exit 1 [[ " $add_dracutmodules " == *\ $_mod\ * ]] && exit 1 done } # Install a single kernel module along with any firmware it may require. # $1 = full path to kernel module to install install_kmod_with_fw() { # no need to go further if the module is already installed [[ -e "${initdir}/lib/modules/$kernel/${1##*/lib/modules/$kernel/}" ]] \ && return 0 if [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]] && [[ -e "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/${1##*/}" ]]; then read ret < "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/${1##*/}" return $ret fi if [[ $omit_drivers ]]; then local _kmod=${1##*/} _kmod=${_kmod%.ko} _kmod=${_kmod/-/_} if [[ "$_kmod" =~ $omit_drivers ]]; then dinfo "Omitting driver $_kmod" return 0 fi if [[ "${1##*/lib/modules/$kernel/}" =~ $omit_drivers ]]; then dinfo "Omitting driver $_kmod" return 0 fi fi if [[ $silent_omit_drivers ]]; then local _kmod=${1##*/} _kmod=${_kmod%.ko} _kmod=${_kmod/-/_} [[ "$_kmod" =~ $silent_omit_drivers ]] && return 0 [[ "${1##*/lib/modules/$kernel/}" =~ $silent_omit_drivers ]] && return 0 fi inst_simple "$1" "/lib/modules/$kernel/${1##*/lib/modules/$kernel/}" ret=$? [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]] && \ [[ -d "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR" ]] && \ echo $ret > "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/${1##*/}" (($ret != 0)) && return $ret local _modname=${1##*/} _fwdir _found _fw _modname=${_modname%.ko*} for _fw in $(modinfo -k $kernel -F firmware $1 2>/dev/null); do _found='' for _fwdir in $fw_dir; do if [[ -d $_fwdir && -f $_fwdir/$_fw ]]; then inst_simple "$_fwdir/$_fw" "/lib/firmware/$_fw" _found=yes fi done if [[ $_found != yes ]]; then if ! [[ -d $(echo /sys/module/${_modname//-/_}|{ read a b; echo $a; }) ]]; then dinfo "Possible missing firmware \"${_fw}\" for kernel module" \ "\"${_modname}.ko\"" else dwarn "Possible missing firmware \"${_fw}\" for kernel module" \ "\"${_modname}.ko\"" fi fi done return 0 } # Do something with all the dependencies of a kernel module. # Note that kernel modules depend on themselves using the technique we use # $1 = function to call for each dependency we find # It will be passed the full path to the found kernel module # $2 = module to get dependencies for # rest of args = arguments to modprobe # _fderr specifies FD passed from surrounding scope for_each_kmod_dep() { local _func=$1 _kmod=$2 _cmd _modpath _options shift 2 modprobe "$@" --ignore-install --show-depends $_kmod 2>&${_fderr} | ( while read _cmd _modpath _options; do [[ $_cmd = insmod ]] || continue $_func ${_modpath} || exit $? done ) } dracut_kernel_post() { local _moddirname=${srcmods%%/lib/modules/*} local _pid if [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]] && [[ -f "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist" ]]; then xargs -r modprobe -a ${_moddirname:+-d ${_moddirname}/} \ --ignore-install --show-depends --set-version $kernel \ < "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist" 2>/dev/null \ | sort -u \ | while read _cmd _modpath _options; do [[ $_cmd = insmod ]] || continue echo "$_modpath" done > "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist.dep" ( if [[ $DRACUT_INSTALL ]] && [[ -z $_moddirname ]]; then xargs -r $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} -a < "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist.dep" else while read _modpath; do local _destpath=$_modpath [[ $_moddirname ]] && _destpath=${_destpath##$_moddirname/} _destpath=${_destpath##*/lib/modules/$kernel/} inst_simple "$_modpath" "/lib/modules/$kernel/${_destpath}" || exit $? done < "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist.dep" fi ) & _pid=$(jobs -p | while read a ; do printf ":$a";done) _pid=${_pid##*:} if [[ $DRACUT_INSTALL ]]; then xargs -r modinfo -k $kernel -F firmware < "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist.dep" \ | while read line; do for _fwdir in $fw_dir; do echo $_fwdir/$line; done; done | xargs -r $DRACUT_INSTALL ${initdir:+-D "$initdir"} ${loginstall:+-L "$loginstall"} -a -o else for _fw in $(xargs -r modinfo -k $kernel -F firmware < "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist.dep"); do for _fwdir in $fw_dir; do if [[ -d $_fwdir && -f $_fwdir/$_fw ]]; then inst_simple "$_fwdir/$_fw" "/lib/firmware/$_fw" break fi done done fi wait $_pid fi for _f in modules.builtin.bin modules.builtin modules.order; do [[ $srcmods/$_f ]] && inst_simple "$srcmods/$_f" "/lib/modules/$kernel/$_f" done # generate module dependencies for the initrd if [[ -d $initdir/lib/modules/$kernel ]] && \ ! depmod -a -b "$initdir" $kernel; then dfatal "\"depmod -a $kernel\" failed." exit 1 fi [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]] && rm -fr -- "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR" } [[ "$kernel_current" ]] || export kernel_current=$(uname -r) module_is_host_only() { local _mod=$1 local _modenc a i _k _s _v _aliases _mod=${_mod##*/} _mod=${_mod%.ko} _modenc=${_mod//-/_} [[ " $add_drivers " == *\ ${_mod}\ * ]] && return 0 # check if module is loaded [[ ${host_modules["$_modenc"]} ]] && return 0 [[ "$kernel_current" ]] || export kernel_current=$(uname -r) if [[ "$kernel_current" != "$kernel" ]]; then # check if module is loadable on the current kernel # this covers the case, where a new module is introduced # or a module was renamed # or a module changed from builtin to a module if [[ -d /lib/modules/$kernel_current ]]; then # if the modinfo can be parsed, but the module # is not loaded, then we can safely return 1 modinfo -F filename "$_mod" &>/dev/null && return 1 fi _aliases=$(modinfo -k $kernel -F alias $_mod 2>/dev/null) # if the module has no aliases, install it [[ $_aliases ]] || return 0 # finally check all modalias for a in $_aliases; do for i in "${!host_modalias[@]}"; do [[ $i == $a ]] && return 0 done done fi return 1 } find_kernel_modules_by_path () { local _OLDIFS [[ -f "$srcmods/modules.dep" ]] || return 0 _OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=: while read a rest; do [[ $a = */$1/* ]] || [[ $a = updates/* ]] || continue printf "%s\n" "$srcmods/$a" done < "$srcmods/modules.dep" IFS=$_OLDIFS return 0 } find_kernel_modules () { find_kernel_modules_by_path drivers } # instmods [-c [-s]] [ ... ] # instmods [-c [-s]] # install kernel modules along with all their dependencies. # can be e.g. "=block" or "=drivers/usb/storage" instmods() { [[ $no_kernel = yes ]] && return # called [sub]functions inherit _fderr local _fderr=9 local _check=no local _silent=no if [[ $1 = '-c' ]]; then _check=yes shift fi if [[ $1 = '-s' ]]; then _silent=yes shift fi function inst1mod() { local _ret=0 _mod="$1" case $_mod in =*) ( [[ "$_mpargs" ]] && echo $_mpargs find_kernel_modules_by_path "${_mod#=}" ) \ | instmods ((_ret+=$?)) ;; --*) _mpargs+=" $_mod" ;; *) _mod=${_mod##*/} # Check for aliased modules _modalias=$(modinfo -k $kernel -F filename $_mod 2> /dev/null) _modalias=${_modalias%.ko} if [ "${_modalias##*/}" != "$_mod" ] ; then _mod=${_modalias##*/} fi # if we are already installed, skip this module and go on # to the next one. if [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]] && \ [[ -f "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/${_mod%.ko}.ko" ]]; then read _ret <"$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/${_mod%.ko}.ko" return $_ret fi _mod=${_mod/-/_} if [[ $omit_drivers ]] && [[ "$_mod" =~ $omit_drivers ]]; then dinfo "Omitting driver ${_mod##$srcmods}" return 0 fi # If we are building a host-specific initramfs and this # module is not already loaded, move on to the next one. [[ $hostonly ]] \ && ! module_is_host_only "$_mod" \ && return 0 if [[ "$_check" = "yes" ]] || ! [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]]; then # We use '-d' option in modprobe only if modules prefix path # differs from default '/'. This allows us to use dracut with # old version of modprobe which doesn't have '-d' option. local _moddirname=${srcmods%%/lib/modules/*} [[ -n ${_moddirname} ]] && _moddirname="-d ${_moddirname}/" # ok, load the module, all its dependencies, and any firmware # it may require for_each_kmod_dep install_kmod_with_fw $_mod \ --set-version $kernel ${_moddirname} $_mpargs ((_ret+=$?)) else [[ $DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR ]] && \ echo $_mod >> "$DRACUT_KERNEL_LAZY_HASHDIR/lazylist" fi ;; esac return $_ret } function instmods_1() { local _mod _mpargs if (($# == 0)); then # filenames from stdin while read _mod; do inst1mod "${_mod%.ko*}" || { if [[ "$_check" == "yes" ]]; then [[ "$_silent" == "no" ]] && dfatal "Failed to install module $_mod" return 1 fi } done fi while (($# > 0)); do # filenames as arguments inst1mod ${1%.ko*} || { if [[ "$_check" == "yes" ]]; then [[ "$_silent" == "no" ]] && dfatal "Failed to install module $1" return 1 fi } shift done return 0 } local _ret _filter_not_found='FATAL: Module .* not found.' # Capture all stderr from modprobe to _fderr. We could use {var}>... # redirections, but that would make dracut require bash4 at least. eval "( instmods_1 \"\$@\" ) ${_fderr}>&1" \ | while read line; do [[ "$line" =~ $_filter_not_found ]] || echo $line;done | derror _ret=$? return $_ret } check_kernel_config() { local _config_opt="$1" local _config_file [[ -f /boot/config-$kernel ]] \ && _config_file="/boot/config-$kernel" [[ -f /lib/modules/$kernel/config ]] \ && _config_file="/lib/modules/$kernel/config" # no kernel config file, so return true [[ $_config_file ]] || return 0 grep -q -F "${_config_opt}=" "$_config_file" && return 0 return 1 } # get_cpu_vendor # Only two values are returned: AMD or Intel get_cpu_vendor () { if grep -qE AMD /proc/cpuinfo; then printf "AMD" fi if grep -qE Intel /proc/cpuinfo; then printf "Intel" fi } # get_host_ucode # Get the hosts' ucode file based on the /proc/cpuinfo get_ucode_file () { local family=`grep -E "cpu family" /proc/cpuinfo | head -1 | sed s/.*:\ //` local model=`grep -E "model" /proc/cpuinfo |grep -v name | head -1 | sed s/.*:\ //` local stepping=`grep -E "stepping" /proc/cpuinfo | head -1 | sed s/.*:\ //` if [[ "$(get_cpu_vendor)" == "AMD" ]]; then # If family greater or equal than 0x15 if [[ $family -ge 21 ]]; then printf "microcode_amd_fam15h.bin" else printf "microcode_amd.bin" fi fi if [[ "$(get_cpu_vendor)" == "Intel" ]]; then # The /proc/cpuinfo are in decimal. printf "%02x-%02x-%02x" ${family} ${model} ${stepping} fi } # Not every device in /dev/mapper should be examined. # If it is an LVM device, touch only devices which have /dev/VG/LV symlink. lvm_internal_dev() { local dev_dm_dir=/sys/dev/block/$1/dm [[ ! -f $dev_dm_dir/uuid || $(<$dev_dm_dir/uuid) != LVM-* ]] && return 1 # Not an LVM device local DM_VG_NAME DM_LV_NAME DM_LV_LAYER eval $(dmsetup splitname --nameprefixes --noheadings --rows "$(<$dev_dm_dir/name)" 2>/dev/null) [[ ${DM_VG_NAME} ]] && [[ ${DM_LV_NAME} ]] || return 0 # Better skip this! [[ ${DM_LV_LAYER} ]] || [[ ! -L /dev/${DM_VG_NAME}/${DM_LV_NAME} ]] }