2021-12-19 04:19:25 +00:00
// Copyright 2021 The Gitea Authors.
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package pull
import (
// lsFileLine is a Quadruplet struct (+error) representing a partially parsed line from ls-files
type lsFileLine struct {
mode string
sha string
stage int
path string
err error
// SameAs checks if two lsFileLines are referring to the same path, sha and mode (ignoring stage)
func ( line * lsFileLine ) SameAs ( other * lsFileLine ) bool {
if line == nil || other == nil {
return false
if line . err != nil || other . err != nil {
return false
return line . mode == other . mode &&
line . sha == other . sha &&
line . path == other . path
// readUnmergedLsFileLines calls git ls-files -u -z and parses the lines into mode-sha-stage-path quadruplets
// it will push these to the provided channel closing it at the end
func readUnmergedLsFileLines ( ctx context . Context , tmpBasePath string , outputChan chan * lsFileLine ) {
defer func ( ) {
// Always close the outputChan at the end of this function
close ( outputChan )
} ( )
lsFilesReader , lsFilesWriter , err := os . Pipe ( )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( "Unable to open stderr pipe: %v" , err )
outputChan <- & lsFileLine { err : fmt . Errorf ( "unable to open stderr pipe: %v" , err ) }
defer func ( ) {
_ = lsFilesWriter . Close ( )
_ = lsFilesReader . Close ( )
} ( )
stderr := & strings . Builder { }
2022-02-06 20:01:47 +01:00
err = git . NewCommand ( ctx , "ls-files" , "-u" , "-z" ) .
2022-04-01 10:55:30 +08:00
Run ( & git . RunOpts {
Dir : tmpBasePath ,
Stdout : lsFilesWriter ,
Stderr : stderr ,
2022-02-11 13:47:22 +01:00
PipelineFunc : func ( _ context . Context , _ context . CancelFunc ) error {
2021-12-19 04:19:25 +00:00
_ = lsFilesWriter . Close ( )
defer func ( ) {
_ = lsFilesReader . Close ( )
} ( )
bufferedReader := bufio . NewReader ( lsFilesReader )
for {
line , err := bufferedReader . ReadString ( '\000' )
if err != nil {
if err == io . EOF {
return nil
return err
toemit := & lsFileLine { }
split := strings . SplitN ( line , " " , 3 )
if len ( split ) < 3 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "malformed line: %s" , line )
toemit . mode = split [ 0 ]
toemit . sha = split [ 1 ]
if len ( split [ 2 ] ) < 4 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "malformed line: %s" , line )
toemit . stage , err = strconv . Atoi ( split [ 2 ] [ 0 : 1 ] )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "malformed line: %s" , line )
toemit . path = split [ 2 ] [ 2 : len ( split [ 2 ] ) - 1 ]
outputChan <- toemit
2022-02-11 13:47:22 +01:00
} ,
} )
2021-12-19 04:19:25 +00:00
if err != nil {
outputChan <- & lsFileLine { err : fmt . Errorf ( "git ls-files -u -z: %v" , git . ConcatenateError ( err , stderr . String ( ) ) ) }
// unmergedFile is triple (+error) of lsFileLines split into stages 1,2 & 3.
type unmergedFile struct {
stage1 * lsFileLine
stage2 * lsFileLine
stage3 * lsFileLine
err error
// unmergedFiles will collate the output from readUnstagedLsFileLines in to file triplets and send them
// to the provided channel, closing at the end.
func unmergedFiles ( ctx context . Context , tmpBasePath string , unmerged chan * unmergedFile ) {
defer func ( ) {
// Always close the channel
close ( unmerged )
} ( )
ctx , cancel := context . WithCancel ( ctx )
lsFileLineChan := make ( chan * lsFileLine , 10 ) // give lsFileLineChan a buffer
go readUnmergedLsFileLines ( ctx , tmpBasePath , lsFileLineChan )
defer func ( ) {
cancel ( )
for range lsFileLineChan {
// empty channel
} ( )
next := & unmergedFile { }
for line := range lsFileLineChan {
if line . err != nil {
log . Error ( "Unable to run ls-files -u -z! Error: %v" , line . err )
unmerged <- & unmergedFile { err : fmt . Errorf ( "unable to run ls-files -u -z! Error: %v" , line . err ) }
// stages are always emitted 1,2,3 but sometimes 1, 2 or 3 are dropped
switch line . stage {
case 0 :
// Should not happen as this represents successfully merged file - we will tolerate and ignore though
case 1 :
if next . stage1 != nil {
// We need to handle the unstaged file stage1,stage2,stage3
unmerged <- next
next = & unmergedFile { stage1 : line }
case 2 :
if next . stage3 != nil || next . stage2 != nil || ( next . stage1 != nil && next . stage1 . path != line . path ) {
// We need to handle the unstaged file stage1,stage2,stage3
unmerged <- next
next = & unmergedFile { }
next . stage2 = line
case 3 :
if next . stage3 != nil || ( next . stage1 != nil && next . stage1 . path != line . path ) || ( next . stage2 != nil && next . stage2 . path != line . path ) {
// We need to handle the unstaged file stage1,stage2,stage3
unmerged <- next
next = & unmergedFile { }
next . stage3 = line
default :
log . Error ( "Unexpected stage %d for path %s in run ls-files -u -z!" , line . stage , line . path )
unmerged <- & unmergedFile { err : fmt . Errorf ( "unexpected stage %d for path %s in git ls-files -u -z" , line . stage , line . path ) }
// We need to handle the unstaged file stage1,stage2,stage3
if next . stage1 != nil || next . stage2 != nil || next . stage3 != nil {
unmerged <- next