2015-11-16 11:11:59 -05:00
{{template "base/head" .}}
<div class="user profile">
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
<div class="ui container">
2017-12-31 01:47:52 +01:00
<div class="ui stackable grid">
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
<div class="ui five wide column">
<div class="ui card">
2016-06-26 19:51:09 +02:00
{{if eq .SignedUserName .Owner.Name}}
2018-05-15 12:07:32 +02:00
<a class="image poping up" href="{{AppSubUrl}}/user/settings" id="profile-avatar" data-content="{{.i18n.Tr "user.change_avatar"}}" data-variation="inverted tiny" data-position="bottom center">
2017-12-03 03:55:13 -08:00
<img src="{{.Owner.SizedRelAvatarLink 290}}" title="{{.Owner.Name}}"/>
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
<span class="image">
2017-12-03 03:55:13 -08:00
<img src="{{.Owner.SizedRelAvatarLink 290}}" title="{{.Owner.Name}}"/>
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
2019-07-01 03:56:26 +02:00
<div class="content wrap">
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
{{if .Owner.FullName}}<span class="header text center">{{.Owner.FullName}}</span>{{end}}
<span class="username text center">{{.Owner.Name}}</span>
2019-07-01 03:56:26 +02:00
<div class="extra content wrap">
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
<ul class="text black">
{{if .Owner.Location}}
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
<li>{{svg "octicon-location" 16}} {{.Owner.Location}}</li>
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
2019-02-19 15:11:50 +01:00
{{if .ShowUserEmail }}
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-mail" 16}}
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
<a href="mailto:{{.Owner.Email}}" rel="nofollow">{{.Owner.Email}}</a>
{{if .Owner.Website}}
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-link" 16}}
2018-12-06 21:15:48 +01:00
<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer me" href="{{.Owner.Website}}">{{.Owner.Website}}</a>
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
2019-03-18 22:28:10 -04:00
{{if .Owner.Description}}
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-info" 16}}
2019-03-18 22:28:10 -04:00
2017-03-20 09:31:08 +01:00
{{range .OpenIDs}}
{{if .Show}}
<i class="fa fa-openid"></i>
2018-07-04 02:52:36 +03:00
<a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{{.URI}}">{{.URI}}</a>
2017-03-20 09:31:08 +01:00
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
<li>{{svg "octicon-clock" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.join_on"}} {{.Owner.CreatedUnix.FormatShort}}</li>
2019-02-18 17:00:27 +01:00
{{if and .Orgs .HasOrgsVisible}}
2016-01-12 03:09:59 +01:00
2019-05-13 22:52:59 +02:00
<ul class="user-orgs">
2016-01-12 03:09:59 +01:00
{{range .Orgs}}
2019-02-18 17:00:27 +01:00
{{if (or .Visibility.IsPublic (and ($.SignedUser) (or .Visibility.IsLimited (and (.IsUserPartOfOrg $.SignedUserID) .Visibility.IsPrivate) ($.IsAdmin))))}}
2019-05-13 22:52:59 +02:00
<a href="{{.HomeLink}}"><img class="ui image poping up" src="{{.RelAvatarLink}}" data-content="{{.Name}}" data-position="top center" data-variation="tiny inverted"></a>
2019-02-18 17:00:27 +01:00
2016-01-12 03:09:59 +01:00
2019-05-13 22:52:59 +02:00
2016-01-12 03:09:59 +01:00
2016-01-14 21:29:25 +08:00
2015-12-21 04:24:11 -08:00
{{if and .IsSigned (ne .SignedUserName .Owner.Name)}}
<li class="follow">
2016-07-24 01:08:22 +08:00
{{if .SignedUser.IsFollowing .Owner.ID}}
2020-02-25 14:28:47 -06:00
<form method="post" action="{{.Link}}/action/unfollow?redirect_to={{$.Link}}">
<button type="submit" class="ui basic red button">{{svg "octicon-person" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.unfollow"}}</button>
2015-12-21 04:24:11 -08:00
2020-02-25 14:28:47 -06:00
<form method="post" action="{{.Link}}/action/follow?redirect_to={{$.Link}}">
<button type="submit" class="ui basic green button">{{svg "octicon-person" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.follow"}}</button>
2015-12-21 04:24:11 -08:00
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
<div class="ui eleven wide column">
2017-12-31 01:47:52 +01:00
<div class="ui secondary stackable pointing menu">
2020-02-09 22:18:01 +02:00
<a class='{{if and (ne .TabName "activity") (ne .TabName "following") (ne .TabName "followers") (ne .TabName "stars")}}active{{end}} item' href="{{.Owner.HomeLink}}">
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-repo" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.repositories"}}
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
<a class='{{if eq .TabName "activity"}}active{{end}} item' href="{{.Owner.HomeLink}}?tab=activity">
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-rss" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.activity"}}
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
<a class='{{if eq .TabName "stars"}}active{{end}} item' href="{{.Owner.HomeLink}}?tab=stars">
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-star" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.starred"}}
2020-02-09 22:18:01 +02:00
<div class="ui label">{{.Owner.NumStars}}</div>
<a class='{{if eq .TabName "following"}}active{{end}} item' href="{{.Owner.HomeLink}}?tab=following">
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-person" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.following"}}
2020-02-09 22:18:01 +02:00
<div class="ui label">{{.Owner.NumFollowing}}</div>
<a class='{{if eq .TabName "followers"}}active{{end}} item' href="{{.Owner.HomeLink}}?tab=followers">
2020-02-11 11:02:41 -06:00
{{svg "octicon-person" 16}} {{.i18n.Tr "user.followers"}}
2020-02-09 22:18:01 +02:00
<div class="ui label">{{.Owner.NumFollowers}}</div>
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
{{if eq .TabName "activity"}}
2018-10-23 04:57:42 +02:00
{{if .EnableHeatmap}}
2018-11-27 11:36:54 +02:00
<div id="user-heatmap" style="padding-right: 40px">
<activity-heatmap :locale="locale" :suburl="suburl" :user="heatmapUser">
<div slot="loading">
<div class="ui active centered inline indeterminate text loader" id="loading-heatmap">{{.i18n.Tr "user.heatmap.loading"}}</div>
2018-10-23 04:57:42 +02:00
<div class="ui divider"></div>
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
<div class="feeds">
{{template "user/dashboard/feeds" .}}
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
{{else if eq .TabName "stars"}}
<div class="stars">
2018-05-24 04:03:42 +03:00
{{template "explore/repo_search" .}}
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
{{template "explore/repo_list" .}}
2017-02-07 19:54:16 +08:00
{{template "base/paginate" .}}
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
2020-02-09 22:18:01 +02:00
{{else if eq .TabName "following"}}
{{template "repo/user_cards" .}}
{{else if eq .TabName "followers"}}
{{template "repo/user_cards" .}}
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
2018-05-24 04:03:42 +03:00
{{template "explore/repo_search" .}}
2016-12-29 12:58:24 -02:00
{{template "explore/repo_list" .}}
{{template "base/paginate" .}}
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
2014-03-02 21:47:55 +08:00
2015-12-07 23:30:52 +01:00
{{template "base/footer" .}}