From fd09d1ffb8e47e2808fe8c24949271b39e7b672d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Jonas=20Br=C3=B6ms?= <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2017 01:52:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Drop unmaintained gogs migration script (#2947)

 contrib/migrate/ | 206 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 206 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 contrib/migrate/

diff --git a/contrib/migrate/ b/contrib/migrate/
deleted file mode 100755
index e9bb5aa02e..0000000000
--- a/contrib/migrate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-function usage() { 
-  echo "Optional parameters: [-b Gitea binary] [-i Gitea install dir] [-o gogs binary] [-h help]";
-  exit 1; 
-while getopts ":b::i:o:h:" opt; do
-  case $opt in
-    b)
-        gitea_binary=${OPTARG}
-        download_gitea=false
-      ;;
-    i)
-        gitea_path=${OPTARG}
-      ;;
-    o)
-        gogs_binary=${OPTARG}
-      ;;
-    h)
-       usage
-      ;;
-    \?)
-      echo -e "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" 
-      exit 1
-      ;;
-    :)
-      usage
-      exit 1
-      ;;
-  esac
-function exitOnError() {
-  if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-      echo -e $1
-      exit 1
-  fi
-function checkBinary() {
-  if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
-   echo "Unable to find $1"
-   exit 1
-  fi
-function continueYN(){
-  while true; do
-    echo -e "$1 Yes or No"
-    read yn
-    case $yn in
-        [Yy]* ) break;;
-        [Nn]* ) exit 1;;
-        * )     echo "Please answer yes or no.";;
-    esac
-  done
-########## Binary checks
-if pidof "$gogs_binary" >/dev/null; then
- echo "Please stop gogs before migrating to Gitea"
- exit 1
-checkBinary "$gogs_binary"
-if [ ! -x "$gogs_binary" ]; then
- echo "Please make sure that you are running this script as the gogs user"
- exit 1
-########## Version check
-gogs_version=$(./$gogs_binary --version)
-IFS="." && current_version=(${gogs_version#"Gogs version "}) && minimal_version=($tested_gogs_version)
-for i in "${current_version[@]}" 
-  if [ $i -gt ${minimal_version[$count]} ]; then
-   echo -e "!!!--WARNING--!!!\nYour $gogs_version is newer than the tested Gogs version $tested_gogs_version\nUse this script on your own risk\n!!!--WARNING--!!!"
-   break
-  fi
-  let count+=1
-########## Disclaimer
-continueYN "This migration script creates a backup before it starts with the actual migration
-If something goes wrong you could always resotre this backup.
-The backups are stored into your gogs folder in gogs-dump-[timestamp].zip file
-Migrating from gogs to gitea, are you sure?"
-########## gogs dump
-echo "Creating a backup of gogs, this could take a while..."
-./"$gogs_binary" dump
-exitOnError "Failed to create a gogs dump"
-########## Create Gitea folder
-if [ -z "$gitea_path" ]; then
-  echo "Where do you want to install Gitea?"
-  read gitea_path 
-if [ ! -d "$gitea_path" ]; then
-  mkdir -p "$gitea_path"
-  exitOnError
-if [ "$(ls -A $gitea_path)" ]; then
-  continueYN "!!!--WARNING--!!!\nDirectory $gitea_path is not empty, do you want to continue?"
-########## Download Gitea
-if [ $download_gitea == true ]; then
-  ########## Detect os
-  case "$OSTYPE" in
-    darwin*)    platform="darwin-10.6";; 
-    linux*)     platform="linux" ;;
-    freebsd*)   platform="bsd" ;;
-    netbsd*)    platform="bsd" ;;
-    openbsd*)   platform="bsd" ;;
-    *)          echo "Unsupported os: $OSTYPE\n Please download/compile your own binary and run this script with the -b option" exit 1;;
-  esac
-  arch=""
-  bits=""
-  if [[ "$platform" == "linux" ]] || [[ "$platform" == "bsd" ]]; then
-    arch="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/arm\(.*\)/arm-\1/' -e s/aarch64.*/arm64/)"
-  fi
-  if [[ "$platform" == "bsd" ]] && [[ "$arch" != "arm"* ]]; then
-    echo "Currently Gitea only supports arm prebuilt binarys on bsd"
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  if [[ "$arch" != "arm"* ]] &&  [[ "$arch" != "mips"* ]]; then
-    arch=""
-    case "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" in
-      64*)  bits="amd64";; 
-      32*)  bits="386" ;;
-    esac
-  fi
-  ########## Wget Gitea
-  echo "Downloading Gitea"
-  file="gitea-$gitea_version-$platform-$arch$bits"
-  url="$gitea_version/$file"
-  wget "$url" -P "$gitea_path"
-  exitOnError "Failed to download $url"
-  wget "$url.sha256" -P "$gitea_path"
-  exitOnError "Failed to Gitea checksum $url.sha256"
-  echo "Comparing checksums"
-  gogs_dir=$(pwd)
-  cd "$gitea_path"
-  sha256sum -c "$file.sha256"
-  exitOnError "Downloaded Gitea checksums do not match"
-  rm "$file.sha256"
-  mv "$file" gitea
-  cd "$gogs_dir"
-  checkBinary "$gitea_binary"
-  if [ "$gitea_binary" != "$gitea_path/gitea" ];then
-    cp "$gitea_binary" "$gitea_path/gitea"
-  fi
-########## Copy gogs data to Gitea folder
-echo "Copying gogs data to Gitea, this could take a while..."
-cp -R custom "$gitea_path"
-cp -R data "$gitea_path"
-#cp -R conf "$gitea_path"
-########## Moving & deleting old files
-#mv $gitea_path/conf $gitea_path/options
-cd "$gitea_path"
-mv "custom/conf/app.ini" "custom/conf/gogs_app.ini"
-wget "$url" -P "custom/conf/"
-exitOnError "Unable to download Gitea app.ini"
-rm -f conf/
-echo -e "Migration is almost complete, you only need to merge custom/conf/gogs_app.ini into custom/conf/app.ini"
-continueYN "Do you want to start Gitea?"
-########## Starting Gitea
-echo "Starting Gitea"
-chmod +x gitea
-./gitea web
-exitOnError "Failed to start Gitea"
\ No newline at end of file