mirror of https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt-python.git synced 2024-10-26 16:25:10 +03:00
Philipp Hahn 051a00c212 override: no type change
static typing forbids re-declaring a variable with different types.
Rename the variable.

Signed-off-by: Philipp Hahn <hahn@univention.de>
2020-08-18 09:48:25 +00:00

294 lines
10 KiB

# Manually written part of python bindings for libvirt
# On cygwin, the DLL is called cygvirtmod.dll
import libvirtmod # type: ignore
except ImportError as lib_e:
import cygvirtmod as libvirtmod # type: ignore
except ImportError as cyg_e:
if "No module named" in str(cyg_e):
raise lib_e
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, overload, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
_T = TypeVar('_T')
_EventCB = Callable[[int, int, int, _T], None]
_EventAddHandleFunc = Callable[[int, int, _EventCB, _T], int]
_EventUpdateHandleFunc = Callable[[int, int], None]
_EventRemoveHandleFunc = Callable[[int], int]
_TimerCB = Callable[[int, _T], None]
_EventAddTimeoutFunc = Callable[[int, _TimerCB, _T], int]
_EventUpdateTimeoutFunc = Callable[[int, int], None]
_EventRemoveTimeoutFunc = Callable[[int], int]
_DomainCB = Callable[['virConnect', 'virDomain', int, int, _T], Optional[int]]
_BlkioParameter = Dict[str, Any]
_MemoryParameter = Dict[str, Any]
_SchedParameter = Dict[str, Any]
_TypedParameter = Dict[str, Any]
# The root of all libvirt errors.
class libvirtError(Exception):
def __init__(self, defmsg: str) -> None:
# Never call virConnGetLastError().
# virGetLastError() is now thread local
err = libvirtmod.virGetLastError() # type: Optional[Tuple[int, int, str, int, str, Optional[str], Optional[str], int, int]]
if err is None:
msg = defmsg
msg = err[2]
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
self.err = err
def get_error_code(self) -> Optional[int]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[0]
def get_error_domain(self) -> Optional[int]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[1]
def get_error_message(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[2]
def get_error_level(self) -> Optional[int]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[3]
def get_str1(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[4]
def get_str2(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[5]
def get_str3(self) -> Optional[str]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[6]
def get_int1(self) -> Optional[int]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[7]
def get_int2(self) -> Optional[int]:
if self.err is None:
return None
return self.err[8]
# register the libvirt global error handler
def registerErrorHandler(f: Callable[[_T, List], None], ctx: _T) -> int:
"""Register a Python function for error reporting.
The function is called back as f(ctx, error), with error
being a list of information about the error being raised.
Returns 1 in case of success."""
return libvirtmod.virRegisterErrorHandler(f, ctx)
def openAuth(uri: str, auth: List, flags: int = 0) -> 'virConnect':
# TODO: The C code rquires a List and there is not *Mutable*Tuple for a better description such as
# auth: Tuple[List[int], Callable[[List[MutableTuple[int, str, str, str, Any]], _T], int], _T]
This function should be called first to get a connection to the
Hypervisor. If necessary, authentication will be performed fetching
credentials via the callback.
See :py:func:`open` for notes about environment variables which can
have an effect on opening drivers and freeing the connection resources.
:param str uri: (Optional) connection URI, see https://libvirt.org/uri.html
:param auth: a list that contains 3 items:
- a list of supported credential types
- a callable that takes 2 arguments (credentials, user-data) and returns 0 on succcess and -1 on errors.
The credentials argument is a list of credentials that libvirt (actually
the ESX driver) would like to request. An element of this list is itself a
list containing 5 items (4 inputs, 1 output):
- the credential type, e.g. :py:const:`libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME`
- a prompt to be displayed to the user
- a challenge, the ESX driver sets this to the hostname to allow automatic
distinction between requests for ESX and vCenter credentials
- a default result for the request
- a place to store the actual result for the request
- user data that will be passed to the callable as second argument
:param int flags: bitwise-OR of virConnectFlags
:returns: a :py:class:`virConnect` instance on success.
:raises libvirtError: on errors.
ret = libvirtmod.virConnectOpenAuth(uri, auth, flags)
if ret is None:
raise libvirtError('virConnectOpenAuth() failed')
return virConnect(_obj=ret)
# Return library version.
def getVersion(name: Optional[str] = None) -> int:
"""If no name parameter is passed (or name is None) then the
version of the libvirt library is returned as an integer.
If a name is passed and it refers to a driver linked to the
libvirt library, then this returns a tuple of (library version,
driver version).
If the name passed refers to a non-existent driver, then you
will get the exception 'no support for hypervisor'.
Versions numbers are integers: 1000000*major + 1000*minor + release."""
if name is None:
ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion()
ret = libvirtmod.virGetVersion(name)
if ret is None:
raise libvirtError("virGetVersion() failed")
return ret
# Invoke an EventHandle callback
def _eventInvokeHandleCallback(watch: int, fd: int, event: int, opaque: Tuple[_EventCB, _T], opaquecompat: None = None) -> None: ... # noqa E704
@overload # noqa F811
def _eventInvokeHandleCallback(watch: int, fd: int, event: int, opaque: _EventCB, opaquecompat: _T = None) -> None: ... # noqa E704
def _eventInvokeHandleCallback(watch: int, fd: int, event: int, opaque: Union[Tuple[_EventCB, _T], _EventCB], opaquecompat: Optional[_T] = None) -> None: # noqa F811
Invoke the Event Impl Handle Callback in C
# libvirt 0.9.2 and earlier required custom event loops to know
# that opaque=(cb, original_opaque) and pass the values individually
# to this wrapper. This should handle the back compat case, and make
# future invocations match the virEventHandleCallback prototype
if opaquecompat:
callback = opaque
opaque_ = opaquecompat
assert isinstance(opaque, tuple)
callback = opaque[0]
opaque_ = opaque[1]
libvirtmod.virEventInvokeHandleCallback(watch, fd, event, callback, opaque_)
# Invoke an EventTimeout callback
def _eventInvokeTimeoutCallback(timer: int, opaque: Union[Tuple[_TimerCB, _T], _TimerCB], opaquecompat: Optional[_T] = None) -> None:
Invoke the Event Impl Timeout Callback in C
# libvirt 0.9.2 and earlier required custom event loops to know
# that opaque=(cb, original_opaque) and pass the values individually
# to this wrapper. This should handle the back compat case, and make
# future invocations match the virEventTimeoutCallback prototype
if opaquecompat:
callback = opaque
opaque_ = opaquecompat
assert isinstance(opaque, tuple)
callback = opaque[0]
opaque_ = opaque[1]
libvirtmod.virEventInvokeTimeoutCallback(timer, callback, opaque_)
def _dispatchEventHandleCallback(watch: int, fd: int, events: int, cbData: Dict[str, Any]) -> int:
cb = cbData["cb"]
opaque = cbData["opaque"]
cb(watch, fd, events, opaque)
return 0
def _dispatchEventTimeoutCallback(timer: int, cbData: Dict[str, Any]) -> int:
cb = cbData["cb"]
opaque = cbData["opaque"]
cb(timer, opaque)
return 0
def virEventAddHandle(fd: int, events: int, cb: _EventCB, opaque: _T) -> int:
register a callback for monitoring file handle events
@fd: file handle to monitor for events
@events: bitset of events to watch from virEventHandleType constants
@cb: callback to invoke when an event occurs
@opaque: user data to pass to callback
Example callback prototype is:
def cb(watch, # int id of the handle
fd, # int file descriptor the event occurred on
events, # int bitmap of events that have occurred
opaque): # opaque data passed to eventAddHandle
cbData = {"cb": cb, "opaque": opaque}
ret = libvirtmod.virEventAddHandle(fd, events, cbData)
if ret == -1:
raise libvirtError('virEventAddHandle() failed')
return ret
def virEventAddTimeout(timeout: int, cb: _TimerCB, opaque: _T) -> int:
register a callback for a timer event
@timeout: time between events in milliseconds
@cb: callback to invoke when an event occurs
@opaque: user data to pass to callback
Setting timeout to -1 will disable the timer. Setting the timeout
to zero will cause it to fire on every event loop iteration.
Example callback prototype is:
def cb(timer, # int id of the timer
opaque): # opaque data passed to eventAddTimeout
cbData = {"cb": cb, "opaque": opaque}
ret = libvirtmod.virEventAddTimeout(timeout, cbData)
if ret == -1:
raise libvirtError('virEventAddTimeout() failed')
return ret
# a caller for the ff callbacks for custom event loop implementations
def virEventInvokeFreeCallback(opaque: Any) -> None:
Execute callback which frees the opaque buffer
@opaque: the opaque object passed to addHandle or addTimeout
WARNING: This function should not be called from any call by libvirt's
core. It will most probably cause deadlock in C-level libvirt code.
Instead it should be scheduled and called from implementation's stack.
See https://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt-event.html#virEventAddHandleFunc
for more information.
This function is not dependent on any event loop implementation.
libvirtmod.virEventInvokeFreeCallback(opaque[2], opaque[1])