2021-02-10 17:42:30 +01:00
import json
import urllib . request
import urllib . parse
from typing import Dict , List
def get_registry_uri ( namespace : str ,
gitlab_uri : str = " https://gitlab.com " ) - > str :
Construct a v4 API URI pointing the namespaced project ' s image registry.
: param namespace : GitLab project namespace , e . g . " libvirt/libvirt "
: param gitlab_uri : GitLab base URI , can be a private deployment
: param api_version : GitLab REST API version number
: return : URI pointing to a namespaced project ' s image registry
# this converts something like "libvirt/libvirt" to "libvirt%2Flibvirt"
namespace_urlenc = urllib . parse . quote_plus ( namespace )
project_uri = f " { gitlab_uri } /api/v4/projects/ { namespace_urlenc } "
uri = project_uri + " /registry/repositories "
return uri
def get_registry_images ( uri : str ) - > List [ Dict ] :
List all container images that are currently available in the given GitLab
project .
: param uri : URI pointing to a GitLab instance ' s image registry
: return : list of container image names
r = urllib . request . urlopen ( uri + " ?per_page=100 " )
# read the HTTP response and load the JSON part of it
return json . loads ( r . read ( ) . decode ( ) )
2021-03-15 15:42:13 +01:00
def get_image_distro ( image_name : str ) - > str :
Extract the name of the distro in the GitLab image registry name , e . g .
ci - debian - 9 - cross - mipsel - - > debian - 9
: param image_name : name of the GitLab registry image
: return : distro name as a string
name_prefix = " ci- "
name_suffix = " -cross- "
distro = image_name [ len ( name_prefix ) : ]
index = distro . find ( name_suffix )
if index > 0 :
distro = distro [ : index ]
return distro
def get_registry_stale_images ( registry_uri : str ,
supported_distros : List [ str ] ) - > Dict [ str , int ] :
Check the GitLab image registry for images that we no longer support and
which should be deleted .
: param uri : URI pointing to a GitLab instance ' s image registry
: param supported_distros : list of hosts supported by lcitool
: return : dictionary formatted as : { < gitlab_image_name > : < gitlab_image_id > }
images = get_registry_images ( registry_uri )
stale_images = { }
for img in images :
if get_image_distro ( img [ " name " ] ) not in supported_distros :
stale_images [ img [ " name " ] ] = img [ " id " ]
return stale_images