2006-02-22 10:54:54 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl= "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version= "1.0"
extension-element-prefixes="exsl str"
exclude-result-prefixes="exsl str">
<xsl:output method= "xml" encoding= "UTF-8" indent= "yes" />
<!-- This is convoluted but needed to force the current document to
be the API one and not the result tree from the tokenize() result,
because the keys are only defined on the main document -->
<xsl:template mode= "dumptoken" match= '*' >
<xsl:param name= "token" />
<xsl:variable name= "ref" select= "key('symbols', $token)" />
<xsl:choose >
<xsl:when test= "$ref" >
<a href= "libvirt-{$ref/@file}.html#{$ref/@name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$token" /> </a>
<xsl:otherwise >
<xsl:value-of select= "$token" />
<!-- dumps a string, making cross - reference links -->
<xsl:template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:param name= "text" />
<xsl:variable name= "ctxt" select= '.' />
<!-- <xsl:value - of select="$text"/> -->
<xsl:for-each select= "str:tokenize($text, ' 	')" >
<xsl:apply-templates select= "$ctxt" mode= 'dumptoken' >
<xsl:with-param name= "token" select= "string(.)" />
<xsl:if test= "position() != last()" >
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
The following builds the Synopsis section
<xsl:template mode= "synopsis" match= "function" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "nlen" select= "string-length($name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "tlen" select= "string-length(return/@type)" />
<xsl:variable name= "blen" select= "(($nlen + 8) - (($nlen + 8) mod 8)) + (($tlen + 8) - (($tlen + 8) mod 8))" />
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "return/@type" />
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<a href= "#{@name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </a>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < -8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 (</xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "not(arg)" >
<xsl:text > void</xsl:text>
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@type" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "position() != last()" >
<xsl:text > , </xsl:text> <br />
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 	 	 	 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > );</xsl:text>
<xsl:text >
<xsl:template mode= "synopsis" match= "functype" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "nlen" select= "string-length($name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "tlen" select= "string-length(return/@type)" />
<xsl:variable name= "blen" select= "(($nlen + 8) - (($nlen + 8) mod 8)) + (($tlen + 8) - (($tlen + 8) mod 8))" />
<xsl:text > typedef </xsl:text>
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "return/@type" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<a href= "#{@name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </a>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < -8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 (</xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "not(arg)" >
<xsl:text > void</xsl:text>
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@type" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "position() != last()" >
<xsl:text > , </xsl:text> <br />
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 	 	 	 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > );</xsl:text>
<xsl:text >
<xsl:template mode= "synopsis" match= "exports[@type='function']" >
<xsl:variable name= "def" select= "key('symbols',@symbol)" />
<xsl:apply-templates mode= "synopsis" select= "$def" />
<xsl:template mode= "synopsis" match= "exports[@type='typedef']" >
<xsl:text > typedef </xsl:text>
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "string(key('symbols',@symbol)/@type)" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<a href= "#{@symbol}" > <xsl:value-of select= "@symbol" /> </a>
<xsl:text > ;
<xsl:template mode= "synopsis" match= "exports[@type='macro']" >
<xsl:variable name= "def" select= "key('symbols',@symbol)" />
<xsl:text > #define </xsl:text>
<a href= "#{@symbol}" > <xsl:value-of select= "@symbol" /> </a>
<xsl:if test= "$def/arg" >
<xsl:text > (</xsl:text>
<xsl:for-each select= "$def/arg" >
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "position() != last()" >
<xsl:text > , </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > )</xsl:text>
<xsl:text > ;
<xsl:template mode= "synopsis" match= "exports[@type='enum']" >
<xsl:template mode= "synopsis" match= "exports[@type='struct']" >
The following builds the Details section
<xsl:template mode= "details" match= "struct" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<div class= "refsect2" lang= "en" >
<h3 > <a name= "{$name}" > Structure </a> <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </h3>
<pre class= "programlisting" >
<xsl:value-of select= "@type" /> <xsl:text > {
<xsl:if test= "not(field)" >
<xsl:text > The content of this structure is not made public by the API.
<xsl:for-each select= "field" >
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@type" />
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "@info != ''" >
<xsl:text > 	 : </xsl:text>
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "substring(@info, 1, 70)" />
<xsl:text >
<xsl:text > } </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "$name" />
<xsl:text > ;
<p >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "info" />
</p> <xsl:text >
</div> <hr />
<xsl:template mode= "details" match= "typedef[@type != 'enum']" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<div class= "refsect2" lang= "en" >
<h3 > <a name= "{$name}" > Typedef </a> <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </h3>
<pre class= "programlisting" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "string(@type)" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "$name" />
<xsl:text > ;
<p >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "info" />
</p> <xsl:text >
</div> <hr />
<xsl:template mode= "details" match= "variable" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<div class= "refsect2" lang= "en" >
<h3 > <a name= "{$name}" > Variable </a> <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </h3>
<pre class= "programlisting" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "string(@type)" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "$name" />
<xsl:text > ;
<p >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "info" />
</p> <xsl:text >
</div> <hr />
<xsl:template mode= "details" match= "typedef[@type = 'enum']" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<div class= "refsect2" lang= "en" >
<h3 > <a name= "{$name}" > Enum </a> <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </h3>
<pre class= "programlisting" >
<xsl:text > enum </xsl:text>
<a href= "#{$name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </a>
<xsl:text > {
<xsl:for-each select= "/api/symbols/enum[@type=$name]" >
<xsl:sort select= "@value" data-type= "number" order= "ascending" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<a name= "{@name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </a>
<xsl:if test= "@value" >
<xsl:text > = </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@value" />
<xsl:if test= "@info" >
<xsl:text > /* </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@info" />
<xsl:text > */</xsl:text>
<xsl:text >
<xsl:text > };
<p >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "info" />
</p> <xsl:text >
</div> <hr />
<xsl:template mode= "details" match= "macro" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<div class= "refsect2" lang= "en" >
<h3 > <a name= "{$name}" > Macro </a> <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </h3>
<pre class= "programlisting" >
<xsl:text > #define </xsl:text>
<a href= "#{$name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </a>
<xsl:if test= "arg" >
<xsl:text > (</xsl:text>
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "position() != last()" >
<xsl:text > , </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > )</xsl:text>
<xsl:text > ;
<p >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "info" />
<xsl:if test= "arg" >
<div class= "variablelist" > <table border= "0" > <col align= "left" /> <tbody >
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<tr >
<td > <span class= "term" > <i > <tt > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </tt> </i> :</span> </td>
<td >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@info" />
</tbody> </table> </div>
<xsl:text >
</div> <hr />
<xsl:template mode= "details" match= "function" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "nlen" select= "string-length($name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "tlen" select= "string-length(return/@type)" />
<xsl:variable name= "blen" select= "(($nlen + 8) - (($nlen + 8) mod 8)) + (($tlen + 8) - (($tlen + 8) mod 8))" />
<div class= "refsect2" lang= "en" >
<h3 > <a name= "{$name}" > </a> <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> ()</h3>
<pre class= "programlisting" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "return/@type" />
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < -8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 (</xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "not(arg)" >
<xsl:text > void</xsl:text>
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@type" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "position() != last()" >
<xsl:text > , </xsl:text> <br />
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 	 	 	 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > )</xsl:text> <br />
<xsl:text >
<p >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "info" />
</p> <xsl:text >
<xsl:if test= "arg | return/@info" >
<div class= "variablelist" > <table border= "0" > <col align= "left" /> <tbody >
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<tr >
<td > <span class= "term" > <i > <tt > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </tt> </i> :</span> </td>
<td >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@info" />
<xsl:if test= "return/@info" >
<tr >
<td > <span class= "term" > <i > <tt > Returns</tt> </i> :</span> </td>
<td >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "return/@info" />
</tbody> </table> </div>
</div> <hr />
<xsl:template mode= "details" match= "functype" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "string(@name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "nlen" select= "string-length($name)" />
<xsl:variable name= "tlen" select= "string-length(return/@type)" />
<xsl:variable name= "blen" select= "(($nlen + 8) - (($nlen + 8) mod 8)) + (($tlen + 8) - (($tlen + 8) mod 8))" />
<div class= "refsect2" lang= "en" >
<h3 > <a name= "{$name}" > </a> Function type <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </h3>
<pre class= "programlisting" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "return/@type" />
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < -8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 < 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 (</xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "not(arg)" >
<xsl:text > void</xsl:text>
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@type" />
<xsl:text > </xsl:text>
<xsl:value-of select= "@name" />
<xsl:if test= "position() != last()" >
<xsl:text > , </xsl:text> <br />
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 8" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:if test= "$blen - 40 > 0" >
<xsl:text > 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > 	 	 	 	 	 </xsl:text>
<xsl:text > )</xsl:text> <br />
<xsl:text >
<p >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "info" />
</p> <xsl:text >
<xsl:if test= "arg | return/@info" >
<div class= "variablelist" > <table border= "0" > <col align= "left" /> <tbody >
<xsl:for-each select= "arg" >
<tr >
<td > <span class= "term" > <i > <tt > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </tt> </i> :</span> </td>
<td >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "@info" />
<xsl:if test= "return/@info" >
<tr >
<td > <span class= "term" > <i > <tt > Returns</tt> </i> :</span> </td>
<td >
<xsl:call-template name= "dumptext" >
<xsl:with-param name= "text" select= "return/@info" />
</tbody> </table> </div>
</div> <hr />
The following builds the general.html page
<xsl:template name= "generate_general" >
<xsl:variable name= "next" select= "string(/api/files/file[position()=1]/@name)" />
<xsl:document xmlns= "" href= "general.html" method= "xml" indent= "yes" encoding= "UTF-8" >
<html >
<head >
<meta http-equiv= "Content-Type" content= "text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title > <xsl:value-of select= "concat(@name, ': ', summary)" /> </title>
<meta name= "generator" content= "Libvirt devhelp stylesheet" />
<link rel= "start" href= "index.html" title= "libvirt Reference Manual" />
<link rel= "up" href= "index.html" title= "libvirt Reference Manual" />
<link rel= "stylesheet" href= "style.css" type= "text/css" />
<link rel= "chapter" href= "index.html" title= "libvirt Reference Manual" />
<body bgcolor= "white" text= "black" link= "#0000FF" vlink= "#840084" alink= "#0000FF" >
<table class= "navigation" width= "100%" summary= "Navigation header" cellpadding= "2" cellspacing= "2" >
<tr valign= "middle" >
<td > <a accesskey= "u" href= "index.html" > <img src= "up.png" width= "24" height= "24" border= "0" alt= "Up" /> </a> </td>
<td > <a accesskey= "h" href= "index.html" > <img src= "home.png" width= "24" height= "24" border= "0" alt= "Home" /> </a> </td>
<xsl:if test= "$next != ''" >
<td > <a accesskey= "n" href= "libvirt-{$next}.html" > <img src= "right.png" width= "24" height= "24" border= "0" alt= "Next" /> </a> </td>
<th width= "100%" align= "center" > libvirt Reference Manual</th>
<h2 > <span class= "refentrytitle" > libvirt API Modules</span> </h2>
<p >
<xsl:for-each select= "/api/files/file" >
<a href= "libvirt-{@name}.html" > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </a> - <xsl:value-of select= "summary" /> <br />
The following builds the index.html page
<xsl:template name= "generate_index" >
<xsl:document xmlns= "" href= "index.html" method= "xml" indent= "yes" encoding= "UTF-8" >
<html >
<head >
<meta http-equiv= "Content-Type" content= "text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title > libvirt Reference Manual</title>
<meta name= "generator" content= "Libvirt devhelp stylesheet" />
<link rel= "stylesheet" href= "style.css" type= "text/css" />
<body bgcolor= "white" text= "black" link= "#0000FF" vlink= "#840084" alink= "#0000FF" >
<table class= "navigation" width= "100%" summary= "Navigation header" cellpadding= "2" cellspacing= "2" >
<tr valign= "middle" >
<td > <a accesskey= "h" href= "index.html" > <img src= "home.png" width= "24" height= "24" border= "0" alt= "Home" /> </a> </td>
<td > <a accesskey= "n" href= "general.html" > <img src= "right.png" width= "24" height= "24" border= "0" alt= "Next" /> </a> </td>
<th width= "100%" align= "center" > libvirt Reference Manual</th>
<h2 > <span class= "refentrytitle" > libvirt Reference Manual</span> </h2>
2008-01-24 10:15:13 +00:00
<p > Libvir is a C toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of
2006-02-22 10:54:54 +00:00
recent versions of Linux (and other OSes). It is free software available
under the <a href= "http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.html" > GNU
Lesser General Public License</a> . Virtualization of the Linux Operating
System means the ability to run multiple instances of Operating Systems
2008-01-24 10:15:13 +00:00
concurrently on a single hardware system where the basic resources are driven
2006-02-22 10:54:54 +00:00
by a Linux instance. The library aim at providing long term stable C API
initially for the <a href= "http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/index.html" > Xen
paravirtualization</a> but should be able to integrate other virtualization
mechanisms if needed.</p>
<p > If you get lost searching for some specific API use, try
<a href= "http://libvirt.org/search.php" > the online search
engine</a> hosted on <a href= "http://libvirt.org/" > libvirt.org</a>
it indexes the project page, the APIs as well as the mailing-list archives. </p>