2022-08-03 14:59:14 +02:00
The virtualization API
The libvirt project:
- is a toolkit to manage `virtualization platforms <platforms.html> `__
- is accessible from C, Python, Perl, Go and more
- is licensed under open source licenses
- supports
`KVM <drvqemu.html> `__ ,
`Hypervisor.framework <drvqemu.html> `__ ,
`QEMU <drvqemu.html> `__ ,
`Xen <drvxen.html> `__ ,
`Virtuozzo <drvvirtuozzo.html> `__ ,
`VMWare ESX <drvesx.html> `__ ,
`LXC <drvlxc.html> `__ ,
`BHyve <drvbhyve.html> `__ and
`more <drivers.html> `__
- targets Linux, FreeBSD, `Windows <windows.html> `__ and `macOS <macos.html> `__
- is used by many `applications <apps.html> `__
Recent / forthcoming `release changes <news.html> `__
Quick Links
`New contributors <contribute.html> `__
Get involved in the libvirt community & student outreach programs
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`Submitting patches <hacking.html> `__
Already a regular open source contributor and have git set up? Have a quick
look at how to propose your changes to libvirt correctly
2022-08-03 14:59:14 +02:00
`Security vulnerabilities <securityprocess.html> `__
View security notices and report vulnerabilities to the libvirt security
response team
`Bug reporting <bugs.html> `__
View and report bugs in libvirt packages
`XML configuration <format.html> `__
Description of the XML schemas for
`domains <formatdomain.html> `__ ,
`networks <formatnetwork.html> `__ ,
`network filtering <formatnwfilter.html> `__ ,
`storage <formatstorage.html> `__ ,
`storage encryption <formatstorageencryption.html> `__ ,
`capabilities <formatcaps.html> `__ ,
`domain capabilities <formatdomaincaps.html> `__ ,
`storage pool capabilities <formatstoragecaps.html> `__ ,
`node devices <formatnode.html> `__ ,
`secrets <formatsecret.html> `__ ,
`snapshots <formatsnapshot.html> `__ ,
`checkpoints <formatcheckpoint.html> `__ ,
`backup jobs <formatbackup.html> `__
`Wiki <https://wiki.libvirt.org> `__
Read further community contributed content
`Knowledge base <kbase/index.html> `__
Learn more about libvirt through knowledge base
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`Documentation <docs.html> `__
Comprehensive documentation map
2022-08-03 14:59:14 +02:00
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Read more on the `Virt Tools blog planet <https://planet.virt-tools.org/> `__