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    <h2><a name="packages">Pre-packaged releases</a></h2>

      The libvirt API is now available in all major Linux distributions,
      so the simplest deployment approach is to use your distributions'
      package management software to install the <code>libvirt</code>

    <h2><a name="tarball">Self-built releases</a></h2>

      libvirt uses GNU autotools for its build system, so deployment
      follows the usual process of <code>configure; make ; make install</code>


      # ./configure --prefix=$HOME/usr
      # make
      # make install

    <h2><a name="git">Built from GIT</a></h2>

      When building from GIT it is necessary to generate the autotools
      support files. This requires having <code>autoconf</code>,
      <code>automake</code>, <code>libtool</code> and <code>intltool</code>
      installed. The process can be automated with the <code>autogen.sh</code>


      # ./autogen.sh --prefix=$HOME/usr
      # make
      # make install
