2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
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< h1 > The XML C library for Gnome </ h1 >
< h2 > Search engine </ h2 >
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< table border = " 0 " cellpadding = " 4 " cellspacing = " 0 " width = " 100% " align = " center " >< tr >< td bgcolor = " #8b7765 " >< table border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 0 " cellpadding = " 2 " width = " 100% " >< tr >
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< li >< a href = " python.html " > Python and bindings </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " architecture.html " > libxml architecture </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " tree.html " > The tree output </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " interface.html " > The SAX interface </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " xmldtd.html " > Validation & amp ; DTDs </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " xmlmem.html " > Memory Management </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " encoding.html " > Encodings support </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " xmlio.html " > I / O Interfaces </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " catalog.html " > Catalog support </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " library.html " > The parser interfaces </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " entities.html " > Entities or no entities </ a ></ li >
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< li >
< a href = " xml.html " > flat page </ a > , < a href = " site.xsl " > stylesheet </ a >
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< table width = " 100% " border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 1 " cellpadding = " 3 " >
< tr >< td colspan = " 1 " bgcolor = " #eecfa1 " align = " center " >< center >< b > API Indexes </ b ></ center ></ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td bgcolor = " #fffacd " >< ul >
< li >< a href = " APIchunk0.html " > Alphabetic </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " APIconstructors.html " > Constructors </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " APIfunctions.html " > Functions / Types </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " APIfiles.html " > Modules </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " APIsymbols.html " > Symbols </ a ></ li >
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< table width = " 100% " border = " 0 " cellspacing = " 1 " cellpadding = " 3 " >
< tr >< td colspan = " 1 " bgcolor = " #eecfa1 " align = " center " >< center >< b > Related links </ b ></ center ></ td ></ tr >
< tr >< td bgcolor = " #fffacd " >< ul >
< li >< a href = " http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/ " > Mail archive </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/ " > XSLT libxslt </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://phd.cs.unibo.it/gdome2/ " > DOM gdome2 </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/ " > XML - DSig xmlsec </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " ftp://xmlsoft.org/ " > FTP </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://www.fh-frankfurt.de/~igor/projects/libxml/ " > Windows binaries </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://garypennington.net/libxml2/ " > Solaris binaries </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://www.zveno.com/open_source/libxml2xslt.html " > MacOsX binaries </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://sourceforge.net/projects/libxml2-pas/ " > Pascal bindings </ a ></ li >
< li >< a href = " http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=libxml&product=libxml2 " > Bug Tracker </ a ></ li >
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< ? php
// We handle only the first argument so far
$query = ltrim ( $query );
if ( ! $query ) {
2002-10-04 15:58:34 +00:00
echo " <h1 align='center'>Search the X documentation on XMLSoft.org</h1> " ;
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
2002-10-08 16:55:06 +00:00
< p > The search service indexes the XML API , the XML documentation and the xml @ gnome . org mailing - list archive . To use it simply provide a set of keywords :
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
< p >
< form action = " <?php echo " $PHP_SELF " , " ? query = " , rawurlencode( $query ) ?> "
enctype = " application/x-www-form-urlencoded " method = " GET " >
< input name = " query " type = " TEXT " size = " 50 " value = " <?php echo $query ?> " >
< input name = submit type = submit value = " Search ... " >
</ form >
< ? php
2002-10-04 15:58:34 +00:00
function logQueryWord ( $word ) {
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT ID,Count FROM Queries WHERE Value=' $word ' " );
if ( $result ) {
$i = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
if ( $i == 0 ) {
mysql_free_result ( $result );
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO Queries (Value,Count) VALUES (' $word ',1) " );
} else {
$id = mysql_result ( $result , 0 , 0 );
$count = mysql_result ( $result , 0 , 1 );
$count ++ ;
mysql_query ( " UPDATE Queries SET Count= $count WHERE ID= $id " );
} else {
mysql_query ( " INSERT INTO Queries (Value,Count) VALUES (' $word ',1) " );
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
function queryWord ( $word ) {
$result = NULL ;
$j = 0 ;
if ( $word ) {
2002-10-07 13:17:22 +00:00
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT words.relevance, symbols.name, symbols.type, symbols.module, symbols.descr FROM words, symbols WHERE LCASE(words.name) LIKE LCASE(' $word ') and words.symbol = symbols.name ORDER BY words.relevance DESC " );
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
if ( $result ) {
$j = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
if ( $j == 0 )
mysql_free_result ( $result );
2002-10-04 15:58:34 +00:00
logQueryWord ( $word );
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
return array ( $result , $j );
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
function queryHTMLWord ( $word ) {
$result = NULL ;
$j = 0 ;
if ( $word ) {
2002-10-07 13:17:22 +00:00
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT relevance, name, id, resource, section FROM wordsHTML WHERE LCASE(name) LIKE LCASE(' $word ') ORDER BY relevance DESC " );
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
if ( $result ) {
$j = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
if ( $j == 0 )
mysql_free_result ( $result );
logQueryWord ( $word );
return array ( $result , $j );
2002-10-08 16:55:06 +00:00
function queryArchiveWord ( $word ) {
$result = NULL ;
$j = 0 ;
if ( $word ) {
$result = mysql_query ( " SELECT wordsArchive.relevance, wordsArchive.name, 'mailing-list', archives.resource, archives.title FROM wordsArchive, archives WHERE LCASE(name) LIKE LCASE(' $word ') and wordsArchive.ID = archives.ID ORDER BY relevance DESC " );
if ( $result ) {
$j = mysql_num_rows ( $result );
if ( $j == 0 )
mysql_free_result ( $result );
logQueryWord ( $word );
return array ( $result , $j );
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
function resSort ( $a , $b ) {
list ( $ra , $ta , $ma , $na , $da ) = $a ;
list ( $rb , $tb , $mb , $nb , $db ) = $b ;
if ( $ra == $rb ) return 0 ;
return ( $ra > $rb ) ? - 1 : 1 ;
if (( $query ) && ( strlen ( $query ) <= 50 )) {
$link = mysql_connect ( " localhost " , " nobody " );
if ( ! $link ) {
echo " <p> Could not connect to the database: " , mysql_error ();
} else {
mysql_select_db ( " xmlsoft " , $link );
$list = explode ( " " , $query );
$results = array ();
$number = 0 ;
for ( $number = 0 ; $number < count ( $list ); $number ++ ) {
$word = $list [ $number ];
list ( $result , $j ) = queryWord ( $word );
if ( $j > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $j ; $i ++ ) {
$relevance = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 0 );
$name = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 1 );
$type = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 2 );
$module = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 3 );
$desc = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 4 );
if ( array_key_exists ( $name , $results )) {
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
list ( $r , $t , $m , $d , $w , $u ) = $results [ $name ];
2002-10-07 13:17:22 +00:00
$results [ $name ] = array (( $r + $relevance ) * 2 ,
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
$t , $m , $d , $w , $u );
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
} else {
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
$id = strtoupper ( $name );
$m = strtolower ( $module );
$url = " html/libxml- $m .html# $id " ;
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
$results [ $name ] = array ( $relevance , $type ,
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
$module , $desc , $name , $url );
mysql_free_result ( $result );
list ( $result , $k ) = queryHTMLWord ( $word );
if ( $k > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $k ; $i ++ ) {
$relevance = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 0 );
$name = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 1 );
$id = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 2 );
$module = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 3 );
$desc = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 4 );
$url = $module ;
if ( $id != " " ) {
$url = $url + " # $id " ;
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
2002-10-07 13:17:22 +00:00
$results [ $name + " _html_ " + $number + " _ " + $i ] =
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
array ( $relevance , " documentation " ,
2002-10-07 13:17:22 +00:00
$module , $desc , $name , $url );
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
mysql_free_result ( $result );
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
2002-10-08 16:55:06 +00:00
list ( $result , $j ) = queryArchiveWord ( $word );
if ( $j > 0 ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $j ; $i ++ ) {
$relevance = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 0 );
$name = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 1 );
$type = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 2 );
$url = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 3 );
$desc = mysql_result ( $result , $i , 4 );
if ( array_key_exists ( $url , $results )) {
list ( $r , $t , $m , $d , $w , $u ) = $results [ $url ];
$results [ $name ] = array (( $r + $relevance ) * 2 ,
$t , $m , $d , $w , $u );
} else {
$id = strtoupper ( $name );
$m = strtolower ( $module );
$u = str_replace ( " http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/ " , " " , $url );
$results [ $url ] = array ( $relevance , $type ,
$u , $desc , $name , $url );
mysql_free_result ( $result );
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
if (( $j <= 0 ) && ( $k <= 0 )) {
echo " <p> No result found for $word\n " ;
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
mysql_close ( $link );
$nb = count ( $results );
echo " <h3 align='center'>Found $nb results for query $query </h3> \n " ;
usort ( $results , " resSort " );
if ( $nb > 0 ) {
printf ( " <table><tbody> \n " );
printf ( " <tr><td>Quality</td><td>Symbol</td><td>Type</td><td>module</td><td>Description</td></tr> \n " );
while ( list ( $name , $val ) = each ( $results )) {
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
list ( $r , $t , $m , $d , $s , $u ) = $val ;
2002-10-08 16:55:06 +00:00
$m = str_replace ( " < " , " < " , $m );
$s = str_replace ( " < " , " < " , $s );
$d = str_replace ( " < " , " < " , $d );
2002-10-07 11:13:27 +00:00
echo " <tr><td> $r </td><td><a href=' $u '> $s </a></td><td> $t </td><td> $m </td><td> $d </td></tr> " ;
2002-10-01 11:13:14 +00:00
printf ( " </tbody></table> \n " );
</ td ></ tr ></ table ></ td ></ tr ></ table ></ td ></ tr ></ table ></ td >
</ tr ></ table ></ td ></ tr ></ table >
</ body >
</ html >