2010-09-30 13:58:22 +02:00
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2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
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2010-09-30 13:58:22 +02:00
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2002-02-21 14:52:00 +00:00
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2002-01-23 17:58:17 +00:00
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2011-03-07 08:12:39 +08:00
< / style > < title > API Alphabetic Index j-l for libxml2< / title > < / head > < body bgcolor = "#8b7765" text = "#000000" link = "#a06060" vlink = "#000000" > < table border = "0" width = "100%" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "0" align = "center" > < tr > < td width = "120" > < a href = "http://swpat.ffii.org/" > < img src = "epatents.png" alt = "Action against software patents" / > < / a > < / td > < td width = "180" > < a href = "http://www.gnome.org/" > < img src = "gnome2.png" alt = "Gnome2 Logo" / > < / a > < a href = "http://www.w3.org/Status" > < img src = "w3c.png" alt = "W3C Logo" / > < / a > < a href = "http://www.redhat.com/" > < img src = "redhat.gif" alt = "Red Hat Logo" / > < / a > < div align = "left" > < a href = "http://xmlsoft.org/" > < img src = "Libxml2-Logo-180x168.gif" alt = "Made with Libxml2 Logo" / > < / a > < / div > < / td > < td > < table border = "0" width = "90%" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "0" align = "center" bgcolor = "#000000" > < tr > < td > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < tr > < td align = "center" > < h1 > The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome< / h1 > < h2 > API Alphabetic Index j-l for libxml2< / h2 > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table border = "0" cellpadding = "4" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" align = "center" > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#8b7765" > < table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "2" width = "100%" > < tr > < td valign = "top" width = "200" bgcolor = "#8b7765" > < table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "1" width = "100%" bgcolor = "#000000" > < tr > < td > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > Developer Menu< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < form action = "search.php" enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method = "get" > < input name = "query" type = "text" size = "20" value = "" / > < input name = "submit" type = "submit" value = "Search ..." / > < / form > < ul > < li > < a href = "index.html" style = "font-weight:bold" > Main Menu< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "html/index.html" style = "font-weight:bold" > Reference Manual< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "examples/index.html" style = "font-weight:bold" > Code Examples< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "guidelines.html" > XML Guidelines< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "tutorial/index.html" > Tutorial< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xmlreader.html" > The Reader Interface< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "ChangeLog.html" > ChangeLog< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "XSLT.html" > XSLT< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "python.html" > Python and bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "architecture.html" > libxml2 architecture< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "tree.html" > The tree output< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "interface.html" > The SAX interface< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xmlmem.html" > Memory Management< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xmlio.html" > I/O Interfaces< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "library.html" > The parser interfaces< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "entities.html" > Entities or no entities< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "namespaces.html" > Namespaces< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "upgrade.html" > Upgrading 1.x code< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "threads.html" > Thread safety< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "DOM.html" > DOM Principles< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "example.html" > A real example< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xml.html" > flat page< / a > , < a href = "site.xsl" > stylesheet< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > API Indexes< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < ul > < li > < a href = "APIchunk0.html" > Alphabetic< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIconstructors.html" > Constructors< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIfunctions.html" > Functions/Types< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIfiles.html" > Modules< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIsymbols.html" > Symbols< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > Related links< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < ul > < li > < a href = "http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/" > Mail archive< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/" > XSLT libxslt< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://phd.cs.unibo.it/gdome2/" > DOM gdome2< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/" > XML-DSig xmlsec< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "ftp://xmlsoft.org/" > FTP< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.zlatkovic.com/projects/libxml/" > Windows binaries< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "htt
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk1.html" > C-C< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk2.html" > D-E< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk3.html" > F-I< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk4.html" > J-N< / a >
2004-06-29 17:04:39 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk5.html" > O-P< / a >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk6.html" > Q-R< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk7.html" > S-S< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk8.html" > T-U< / a >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< a href = "APIchunk9.html" > V-X< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk10.html" > Y-a< / a >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk11.html" > b-b< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk12.html" > c-c< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk13.html" > d-d< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk14.html" > e-e< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk15.html" > f-f< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk16.html" > g-h< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk17.html" > i-i< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk18.html" > j-l< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk19.html" > m-m< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk20.html" > n-n< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk21.html" > o-o< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk22.html" > p-p< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk23.html" > q-r< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk24.html" > s-s< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk25.html" > t-t< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk26.html" > u-v< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk27.html" > w-w< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk28.html" > x-x< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk29.html" > y-z< / a >
2006-08-12 14:09:01 +00:00
< / h2 > < h2 > Letter j:< / h2 > < dl > < dt > just< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#_xmlDOMWrapCtxt" > _xmlDOMWrapCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLtree.html#htmlSetMetaEncoding" > htmlSetMetaEncoding< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#inputPop" > inputPop< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#namePop" > namePop< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#nodePop" > nodePop< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#valuePop" > valuePop< / a > < br / >
2009-03-25 10:45:20 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlCleanupParser" > xmlCleanupParser< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlCleanupThreads" > xmlCleanupThreads< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlCopyEnumeration" > xmlCopyEnumeration< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-entities.html#xmlCreateEntitiesTable" > xmlCreateEntitiesTable< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlCreateEnumeration" > xmlCreateEnumeration< / a > < br / >
2006-02-23 22:07:59 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlDOMWrapAdoptNode" > xmlDOMWrapAdoptNode< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlHandleEntity" > xmlHandleEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPInit" > xmlNanoFTPInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPInit" > xmlNanoHTTPInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlSnprintfElementContent" > xmlSnprintfElementContent< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderByteConsumed" > xmlTextReaderByteConsumed< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#xmlXPathNewContext" > xmlXPathNewContext< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNewParserContext" > xmlXPathNewParserContext< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNextSelf" > xmlXPathNextSelf< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpointer.html#xmlXPtrNewContext" > xmlXPtrNewContext< / a > < br / >
2005-08-23 13:41:17 +00:00
< / dd > < / dl > < h2 > Letter k:< / h2 > < dl > < dt > keep< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpNewOr" > xmlExpNewOr< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpNewRange" > xmlExpNewRange< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpNewSeq" > xmlExpNewSeq< / a > < br / >
2012-05-23 17:10:59 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme" > xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme< / a > < br / >
2005-08-23 13:41:17 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-uri.html#xmlParseURIRaw" > xmlParseURIRaw< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParserInputGrow" > xmlParserInputGrow< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault" > xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderPreserve" > xmlTextReaderPreserve< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderPreservePattern" > xmlTextReaderPreservePattern< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNextNamespace" > xmlXPathNextNamespace< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > keeps< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme" > xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlSetBufferAllocationScheme" > xmlSetBufferAllocationScheme< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > kept< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#_xmlXPathContext" > _xmlXPathContext< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlAutoCloseTag" > htmlAutoCloseTag< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlIsAutoClosed" > htmlIsAutoClosed< / a > < br / >
2010-03-15 16:21:00 +01:00
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlParseElement" > htmlParseElement< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlKeepBlanksDefault" > xmlKeepBlanksDefault< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#xmlXPathOrderDocElems" > xmlXPathOrderDocElems< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > keyword< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseDefaultDecl" > xmlParseDefaultDecl< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > kill< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#xmlCheckVersion" > xmlCheckVersion< / a > < br / >
2006-01-05 15:29:44 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > kind< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaAttributeGroup" > _xmlSchemaAttributeGroup< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaElement" > _xmlSchemaElement< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaFacet" > _xmlSchemaFacet< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaNotation" > _xmlSchemaNotation< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaType" > _xmlSchemaType< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaWildcard" > _xmlSchemaWildcard< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > know< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#BAD_CAST" > BAD_CAST< / a > < br / >
2006-08-12 14:09:01 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlDOMWrapCloneNode" > xmlDOMWrapCloneNode< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > knowledge< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlAttrAllowed" > htmlAttrAllowed< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > known< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserInput" > _xmlParserInput< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlAllocParserInputBuffer" > xmlAllocParserInputBuffer< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlCreateIOParserCtxt" > xmlCreateIOParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlIOParseDTD" > xmlIOParseDTD< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlNewIOInputStream" > xmlNewIOInputStream< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferCreateIO" > xmlOutputBufferCreateIO< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlParseCharEncoding" > xmlParseCharEncoding< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd" > xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferCreateFile" > xmlParserInputBufferCreateFile< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename" > xmlParserInputBufferCreateFilename< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO" > xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem" > xmlParserInputBufferCreateMem< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferCreateStatic" > xmlParserInputBufferCreateStatic< / a > < br / >
2012-05-23 17:10:59 +08:00
< / dd > < / dl > < h2 > Letter l:< / h2 > < dl > < dt > label< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > labeled< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity" > xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseExtParsedEnt" > xmlParseExtParsedEnt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseExternalEntity" > xmlParseExternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lack< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncodingInputFunc" > xmlCharEncodingInputFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc" > xmlCharEncodingOutputFunc< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMallocAtomicLoc" > xmlMallocAtomicLoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMallocLoc" > xmlMallocLoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemMalloc" > xmlMemMalloc< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemRealloc" > xmlMemRealloc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlReallocLoc" > xmlReallocLoc< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lang< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeGetLang" > xmlNodeGetLang< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathLangFunction" > xmlXPathLangFunction< / a > < br / >
2010-11-04 18:35:57 +01:00
< / dd > < dt > langtag< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCheckLanguageID" > xmlCheckLanguageID< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > language< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCheckLanguageID" > xmlCheckLanguageID< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeGetLang" > xmlNodeGetLang< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeSetLang" > xmlNodeSetLang< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathLangFunction" > xmlXPathLangFunction< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > languages< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpExpDerive" > xmlExpExpDerive< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpGetStart" > xmlExpGetStart< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpSubsume" > xmlExpSubsume< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > large< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserInput" > _xmlParserInput< / a > < br / >
2012-05-23 17:10:59 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme" > xmlGetBufferAllocationScheme< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > largest< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathFloorFunction" > xmlXPathFloorFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > later< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashAddEntry" > xmlHashAddEntry< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashAddEntry2" > xmlHashAddEntry2< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashAddEntry3" > xmlHashAddEntry3< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashUpdateEntry" > xmlHashUpdateEntry< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashUpdateEntry2" > xmlHashUpdateEntry2< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashUpdateEntry3" > xmlHashUpdateEntry3< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlKeepBlanksDefault" > xmlKeepBlanksDefault< / a > < br / >
2008-08-27 11:45:41 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-entities.html#xmlNewEntity" > xmlNewEntity< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseAttValue" > xmlParseAttValue< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > latest< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPReturnCode" > xmlNanoHTTPReturnCode< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > layer< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlChildrenNode" > xmlChildrenNode< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlInitMemory" > xmlInitMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPCleanup" > xmlNanoFTPCleanup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPInit" > xmlNanoFTPInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPCleanup" > xmlNanoHTTPCleanup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPInit" > xmlNanoHTTPInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlRootNode" > xmlRootNode< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlSaveFileTo" > xmlSaveFileTo< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlSaveFormatFileTo" > xmlSaveFormatFileTo< / a > < br / >
2008-05-12 12:58:46 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemas.html#xmlSchemaSAXPlug" > xmlSchemaSAXPlug< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemas.html#xmlSchemaSAXUnplug" > xmlSchemaSAXUnplug< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > leading< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseAttValue" > xmlParseAttValue< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl" > xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl" > xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseNotationType" > xmlParseNotationType< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue" > xmlValidCtxtNormalizeAttributeValue< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidNormalizeAttributeValue" > xmlValidNormalizeAttributeValue< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathLeading" > xmlXPathLeading< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathLeadingSorted" > xmlXPathLeadingSorted< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNodeLeading" > xmlXPathNodeLeading< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted" > xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNormalizeFunction" > xmlXPathNormalizeFunction< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathStringFunction" > xmlXPathStringFunction< / a > < br / >
2009-03-25 10:45:20 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > leak< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlCleanupParser" > xmlCleanupParser< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlCleanupThreads" > xmlCleanupThreads< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > least< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlDetectCharEncoding" > xmlDetectCharEncoding< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathStringFunction" > xmlXPathStringFunction< / a > < br / >
2012-05-23 17:10:59 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > led< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-dict.html#xmlInitializeDict" > xmlInitializeDict< / a > < br / >
2005-08-23 13:41:17 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > left< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpNewOr" > xmlExpNewOr< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpNewSeq" > xmlExpNewSeq< / a > < br / >
2008-08-27 11:45:41 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemDisplayLast" > xmlMemDisplayLast< / a > < br / >
2005-08-23 13:41:17 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderGetRemainder" > xmlTextReaderGetRemainder< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > legacy< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlNodeStatus" > htmlNodeStatus< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > len< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufferAdd" > xmlBufferAdd< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufferAddHead" > xmlBufferAddHead< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlCharStrndup" > xmlCharStrndup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlDecodeEntities" > xmlDecodeEntities< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpStringDerive" > xmlExpStringDerive< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlGetFeaturesList" > xmlGetFeaturesList< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlGetUTF8Char" > xmlGetUTF8Char< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNewDocTextLen" > xmlNewDocTextLen< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNewTextLen" > xmlNewTextLen< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlSplitQName3" > xmlSplitQName3< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlStrncat" > xmlStrncat< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlStrncatNew" > xmlStrncatNew< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlStrndup" > xmlStrndup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlUTF8Strndup" > xmlUTF8Strndup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlUTF8Strsize" > xmlUTF8Strsize< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > length-1< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#xmlXPathNodeSetItem" > xmlXPathNodeSetItem< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > less< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpExpDerive" > xmlExpExpDerive< / a > < br / >
2012-09-11 15:00:08 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlsave.html#xmlSaveToFilename" > xmlSaveToFilename< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathCeilingFunction" > xmlXPathCeilingFunction< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathCompareValues" > xmlXPathCompareValues< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathSubstringFunction" > xmlXPathSubstringFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > less-than< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNewTextChild" > xmlNewTextChild< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > level< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_TOPLEVEL" > XML_SCHEMAS_ELEM_TOPLEVEL< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#_xmlDoc" > _xmlDoc< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufNodeDump" > xmlBufNodeDump< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-c14n.html#xmlC14NDocSave" > xmlC14NDocSave< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlCatalogSetDebug" > xmlCatalogSetDebug< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlCleanupMemory" > xmlCleanupMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlDebugDumpAttr" > xmlDebugDumpAttr< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlDebugDumpAttrList" > xmlDebugDumpAttrList< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlDebugDumpNode" > xmlDebugDumpNode< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlDebugDumpNodeList" > xmlDebugDumpNodeList< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlDebugDumpOneNode" > xmlDebugDumpOneNode< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeDump" > xmlNodeDump< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeDumpOutput" > xmlNodeDumpOutput< / a > < br / >
2008-08-27 11:45:41 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseVersionNum" > xmlParseVersionNum< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellPwd" > xmlShellPwd< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-pattern.html#xmlStreamPop" > xmlStreamPop< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathDebugDumpCompExpr" > xmlXPathDebugDumpCompExpr< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathDebugDumpObject" > xmlXPathDebugDumpObject< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lexical< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseDefaultDecl" > xmlParseDefaultDecl< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaGetCanonValue" > xmlSchemaGetCanonValue< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNode" > xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNode< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNodeNoNorm" > xmlSchemaValPredefTypeNodeNoNorm< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValidateFacet" > xmlSchemaValidateFacet< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValidateFacetWhtsp" > xmlSchemaValidateFacetWhtsp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacet" > xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacet< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacetWhtsp" > xmlSchemaValidateLengthFacetWhtsp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValidateListSimpleTypeFacet" > xmlSchemaValidateListSimpleTypeFacet< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType" > xmlSchemaValidatePredefinedType< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlValidateNCName" > xmlValidateNCName< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlValidateNMToken" > xmlValidateNMToken< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlValidateName" > xmlValidateName< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlValidateQName" > xmlValidateQName< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lib< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#xmlCheckVersion" > xmlCheckVersion< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > libc< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#DEBUG_MEMORY" > DEBUG_MEMORY< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > libraries< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_MODULE_EXTENSION" > LIBXML_MODULE_EXTENSION< / a > < br / >
2009-03-25 10:45:20 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlCleanupParser" > xmlCleanupParser< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlCleanupThreads" > xmlCleanupThreads< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-relaxng.html#xmlRelaxNGInitTypes" > xmlRelaxNGInitTypes< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > library< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlerror.html#_xmlError" > _xmlError< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchema" > _xmlSchema< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlCleanupMemory" > xmlCleanupMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlCleanupParser" > xmlCleanupParser< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlCleanupThreads" > xmlCleanupThreads< / a > < br / >
2012-05-23 17:10:59 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-dict.html#xmlDictCleanup" > xmlDictCleanup< / a > < br / >
2005-09-04 21:39:03 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlHasFeature" > xmlHasFeature< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlInitThreads" > xmlInitThreads< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-globals.html#xmlInitializeGlobalState" > xmlInitializeGlobalState< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlLockLibrary" > xmlLockLibrary< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmodule.html#xmlModuleFree" > xmlModuleFree< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmodule.html#xmlModuleOpen" > xmlModuleOpen< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename" > xmlOutputBufferCreateFilename< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseNamespace" > xmlParseNamespace< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-relaxng.html#xmlRelaxNGCleanupTypes" > xmlRelaxNGCleanupTypes< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAXDefaultVersion" > xmlSAXDefaultVersion< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaCleanupTypes" > xmlSchemaCleanupTypes< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaFreeValue" > xmlSchemaFreeValue< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType" > xmlSchemaGetPredefinedType< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaInitTypes" > xmlSchemaInitTypes< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlUnlockLibrary" > xmlUnlockLibrary< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > libs< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlKeepBlanksDefault" > xmlKeepBlanksDefault< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > libxml< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#DEBUG_MEMORY" > DEBUG_MEMORY< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_TEST_VERSION" > LIBXML_TEST_VERSION< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-c14n.html#xmlC14NDocSave" > xmlC14NDocSave< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlGcMemSetup" > xmlGcMemSetup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemSetup" > xmlMemSetup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlRegisterHTTPPostCallbacks" > xmlRegisterHTTPPostCallbacks< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXParseFileWithData" > xmlSAXParseFileWithData< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData" > xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellPrintXPathError" > xmlShellPrintXPathError< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNodeSetFreeNs" > xmlXPathNodeSetFreeNs< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > libxml1< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlChildrenNode" > xmlChildrenNode< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlRootNode" > xmlRootNode< / a > < br / >
2009-03-25 10:45:20 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > libxml2< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlCleanupParser" > xmlCleanupParser< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlCleanupThreads" > xmlCleanupThreads< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlFreeMutex" > xmlFreeMutex< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlInitThreads" > xmlInitThreads< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlLockLibrary" > xmlLockLibrary< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlMutexLock" > xmlMutexLock< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlMutexUnlock" > xmlMutexUnlock< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlNewMutex" > xmlNewMutex< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlRMutexLock" > xmlRMutexLock< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlRMutexUnlock" > xmlRMutexUnlock< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlUnlockLibrary" > xmlUnlockLibrary< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lifetime< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufferCreateStatic" > xmlBufferCreateStatic< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpCtxtNbCons" > xmlExpCtxtNbCons< / a > < br / >
2009-07-24 09:02:51 +02:00
< / dd > < dt > like< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_CHAR_CH" > IS_CHAR_CH< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_DIGIT_CH" > IS_DIGIT_CH< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_EXTENDER_CH" > IS_EXTENDER_CH< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_LETTER_CH" > IS_LETTER_CH< / a > < br / >
2009-07-24 09:02:51 +02:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT" > LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION" > LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED" > LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncOutFunc" > xmlCharEncOutFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlLoadSGMLSuperCatalog" > xmlLoadSGMLSuperCatalog< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPScanProxy" > xmlNanoFTPScanProxy< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy" > xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlParseCatalogFile" > xmlParseCatalogFile< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellList" > xmlShellList< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderNormalization" > xmlTextReaderNormalization< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidityErrorFunc" > xmlValidityErrorFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidityWarningFunc" > xmlValidityWarningFunc< / a > < br / >
2009-09-10 18:23:39 +02:00
< / dd > < dt > likely< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlGetThreadId" > xmlGetThreadId< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > limit< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_NAME_LENGTH" > XML_MAX_NAME_LENGTH< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#_xmlXPathParserContext" > _xmlXPathParserContext< / a > < br / >
2012-05-23 17:10:59 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncFirstLine" > xmlCharEncFirstLine< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlDecodeEntities" > xmlDecodeEntities< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-dict.html#xmlDictSetLimit" > xmlDictSetLimit< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-pattern.html#xmlPatternMaxDepth" > xmlPatternMaxDepth< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > limitation< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_DICTIONARY_LIMIT" > XML_MAX_DICTIONARY_LIMIT< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_NAME_LENGTH" > XML_MAX_NAME_LENGTH< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH" > XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH< / a > < br / >
2012-09-11 15:00:08 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetLineNo" > xmlGetLineNo< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > limited< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#_htmlElemDesc" > _htmlElemDesc< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeDump" > xmlNodeDump< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > linear< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlEntityLookup" > htmlEntityLookup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlEntityValueLookup" > htmlEntityValueLookup< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpExpDerive" > xmlExpExpDerive< / a > < br / >
2012-09-11 15:00:08 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > lines< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetLineNo" > xmlGetLineNo< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > linked< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaAttributeLink" > _xmlSchemaAttributeLink< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaFacetLink" > _xmlSchemaFacetLink< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaTypeLink" > _xmlSchemaTypeLink< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > linking< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xlink.html#xlinkIsLink" > xlinkIsLink< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > links< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#ftpListCallback" > ftpListCallback< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > listing< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPList" > xmlNanoFTPList< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellList" > xmlShellList< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lists< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS" > XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#_xmlXPathContext" > _xmlXPathContext< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > literal< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCurrentChar" > xmlCurrentChar< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseAttValue" > xmlParseAttValue< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParsePubidLiteral" > xmlParsePubidLiteral< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParserHandlePEReference" > xmlParserHandlePEReference< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > load< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlLoadExternalEntity" > xmlLoadExternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPFetch" > xmlNanoHTTPFetch< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPMethod" > xmlNanoHTTPMethod< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir" > xmlNanoHTTPMethodRedir< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPOpen" > xmlNanoHTTPOpen< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir" > xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader" > xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity" > xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseExternalEntity" > xmlParseExternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShell" > xmlShell< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellLoad" > xmlShellLoad< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loaded< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loader< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-SAX.html#resolveEntity" > resolveEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#resolveEntitySAXFunc" > resolveEntitySAXFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlLoadCatalog" > xmlLoadCatalog< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlLoadCatalogs" > xmlLoadCatalogs< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader" > xmlNoNetExternalEntityLoader< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAX2ResolveEntity" > xmlSAX2ResolveEntity< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loaders< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlExternalEntityLoader" > xmlExternalEntityLoader< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loading< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-SAX.html#resolveEntity" > resolveEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#resolveEntitySAXFunc" > resolveEntitySAXFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlIsID" > xmlIsID< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAX2ResolveEntity" > xmlSAX2ResolveEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellLoad" > xmlShellLoad< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loads< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellLoad" > xmlShellLoad< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loadsubset< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS" > XML_COMPLETE_ATTRS< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#XML_DETECT_IDS" > XML_DETECT_IDS< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#XML_SKIP_IDS" > XML_SKIP_IDS< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > local-name< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathLocalNameFunction" > xmlXPathLocalNameFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > localname< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#startElementNsSAX2Func" > startElementNsSAX2Func< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAX2StartElementNs" > xmlSAX2StartElementNs< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlStrQEqual" > xmlStrQEqual< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > location< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlParseEntityRef" > htmlParseEntityRef< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlGetFeature" > xmlGetFeature< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPFetch" > xmlNanoHTTPFetch< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPOpen" > xmlNanoHTTPOpen< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir" > xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-relaxng.html#xmlRelaxNGNewParserCtxt" > xmlRelaxNGNewParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemas.html#xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt" > xmlSchemaNewParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-schematron.html#xmlSchematronNewParserCtxt" > xmlSchematronNewParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSetFeature" > xmlSetFeature< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlUTF8Strloc" > xmlUTF8Strloc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpointer.html#xmlXPtrLocationSetAdd" > xmlXPtrLocationSetAdd< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > locations< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpointer.html#_xmlLocationSet" > _xmlLocationSet< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > locator< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-SAX.html#setDocumentLocator" > setDocumentLocator< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc" > setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xlink.html#xlinkExtendedLinkFunk" > xlinkExtendedLinkFunk< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xlink.html#xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk" > xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-uri.html#xmlCanonicPath" > xmlCanonicPath< / a > < br / >
2006-10-11 16:43:06 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-uri.html#xmlPathToURI" > xmlPathToURI< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAX2SetDocumentLocator" > xmlSAX2SetDocumentLocator< / a > < br / >
2012-09-11 15:00:08 +08:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemas.html#xmlSchemaValidateSetLocator" > xmlSchemaValidateSetLocator< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemas.html#xmlSchemaValidityLocatorFunc" > xmlSchemaValidityLocatorFunc< / a > < br / >
2008-05-12 12:58:46 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderErrorFunc" > xmlTextReaderErrorFunc< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderLocatorBaseURI" > xmlTextReaderLocatorBaseURI< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber" > xmlTextReaderLocatorLineNumber< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > locators< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xlink.html#xlinkExtendedLinkFunk" > xlinkExtendedLinkFunk< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xlink.html#xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk" > xlinkExtendedLinkSetFunk< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lock< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlLockLibrary" > xmlLockLibrary< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlMutexLock" > xmlMutexLock< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlNewRMutex" > xmlNewRMutex< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlRMutexLock" > xmlRMutexLock< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-threads.html#xmlUnlockLibrary" > xmlUnlockLibrary< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > logging< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMallocAtomicLoc" > xmlMallocAtomicLoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMallocLoc" > xmlMallocLoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemMalloc" > xmlMemMalloc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemRealloc" > xmlMemRealloc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemStrdupLoc" > xmlMemStrdupLoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlMemoryStrdup" > xmlMemoryStrdup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlReallocLoc" > xmlReallocLoc< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > long< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_BASECHAR" > IS_BASECHAR< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_COMBINING" > IS_COMBINING< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_DIGIT" > IS_DIGIT< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlDetectCharEncoding" > xmlDetectCharEncoding< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex" > xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaGetFacetValueAsULong" > xmlSchemaGetFacetValueAsULong< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > longer< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_NAMELEN" > XML_MAX_NAMELEN< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlCheckUTF8" > xmlCheckUTF8< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathTranslateFunction" > xmlXPathTranslateFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > look-ahead< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lookahead< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParserInputGrow" > xmlParserInputGrow< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParserInputRead" > xmlParserInputRead< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > looked< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#_xmlNodeSet" > _xmlNodeSet< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-pattern.html#xmlPatternFromRoot" > xmlPatternFromRoot< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > looks< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetNoNsProp" > xmlGetNoNsProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetNsProp" > xmlGetNsProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetProp" > xmlGetProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlHasNsProp" > xmlHasNsProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlHasProp" > xmlHasProp< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lookups< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#XML_DETECT_IDS" > XML_DETECT_IDS< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlParseCatalogFile" > xmlParseCatalogFile< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loop< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory" > xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover" > xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseExternalEntity" > xmlParseExternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > loops< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > lossless< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferWrite" > xmlOutputBufferWrite< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferWriteEscape" > xmlOutputBufferWriteEscape< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferWriteString" > xmlOutputBufferWriteString< / a > < br / >
2005-08-23 13:41:17 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > lower< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpNewRange" > xmlExpNewRange< / a > < br / >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > lowercase< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlTagLookup" > htmlTagLookup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlIsRef" > xmlIsRef< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
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2004-06-29 17:04:39 +00:00
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2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
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2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
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2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
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2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / h2 > < p > < a href = "bugs.html" > Daniel Veillard< / a > < / p > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / body > < / html >