2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version= "1.0"
<xsl:import href= "../site.xsl" />
<xsl:variable name= "href_base" > ../</xsl:variable>
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
<xsl:variable name= "menu_name" > Examples Menu</xsl:variable>
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<xsl:variable name= "toc" >
<form action= "../search.php"
enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method="get">
<input name= "query" type= "text" size= "20" value= "" />
<input name= "submit" type= "submit" value= "Search ..." />
<ul > <!-- style="margin - left: - 1em" -->
<li > <a href= "{$href_base}index.html" > Home</a> </li>
<li > <a style= "font-weight:bold"
href="{$href_base}docs.html">Developer Menu</a> </li>
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
<li > <a style= "font-weight:bold"
href="{$href_base}html/index.html">API Menu</a> </li>
2003-11-12 22:50:47 +00:00
<xsl:for-each select= "/examples/sections/section" >
<li > <a href= "#{@name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> Examples</a> </li>
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<li > <a href= "{$href_base}guidelines.html" > XML Guidelines</a> </li>
<xsl:template match= "include" >
2003-11-12 16:54:26 +00:00
<xsl:variable name= "header" select= "substring-before(substring-after(., '/'), '>')" />
<xsl:variable name= "doc" select= "concat('../html/libxml-', $header, 'tml')" />
<li > <a href= "{$doc}" > <xsl:value-of select= "." /> </a> </li>
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<xsl:template match= "typedef" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "@name" />
<xsl:variable name= "header" select= "concat(@file, '.h')" />
<xsl:variable name= "doc" select= "concat('../html/libxml-', @file, '.html#', $name)" />
<li > line <xsl:value-of select= "@line" /> : Type <a href= "{$doc}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </a> from <xsl:value-of select= "$header" /> </li>
<xsl:template match= "function" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "@name" />
<xsl:variable name= "header" select= "concat(@file, '.h')" />
<xsl:variable name= "doc" select= "concat('../html/libxml-', @file, '.html#', $name)" />
<li > line <xsl:value-of select= "@line" /> : Function <a href= "{$doc}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </a> from <xsl:value-of select= "$header" /> </li>
<xsl:template match= "macro" >
<xsl:variable name= "name" select= "@name" />
<xsl:variable name= "header" select= "concat(@file, '.h')" />
<xsl:variable name= "doc" select= "concat('../html/libxml-', @file, '.html#', $name)" />
<li > line <xsl:value-of select= "@line" /> : Macro <a href= "{$doc}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$name" /> </a> from <xsl:value-of select= "$header" /> </li>
<xsl:template match= "example" >
<xsl:variable name= "filename" select= "string(@filename)" />
2003-11-12 16:54:26 +00:00
<h3 > <a name= "{$filename}" href= "{$filename}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$filename" /> </a> : <xsl:value-of select= "synopsis" /> </h3>
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<p > <xsl:value-of select= "purpose" /> </p>
<p > Includes:</p>
<ul >
<xsl:for-each select= "includes/include" >
<xsl:apply-templates select= '.' />
<p > Uses:</p>
<ul >
<xsl:for-each select= "uses/*" >
<xsl:sort select= "@line" data-type= "number" />
<xsl:apply-templates select= '.' />
<p > Usage:</p>
<p > <xsl:value-of select= "usage" /> </p>
<p > Author: <xsl:value-of select= "author" /> </p>
<xsl:template match= "section" >
2003-11-12 16:54:26 +00:00
<li > <p > <a href= "#{@name}" > <xsl:value-of select= "@name" /> </a> :</p>
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<ul >
<xsl:for-each select= "example" >
<xsl:sort select= '.' />
2003-11-12 16:54:26 +00:00
<xsl:variable name= "filename" select= "@filename" />
<li > <a href= "#{$filename}" > <xsl:value-of select= "$filename" /> </a> : <xsl:value-of select= "/examples/example[@filename = $filename]/synopsis" /> </li>
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<xsl:template match= "sections" >
<p > The examples are stored per section depending on the main focus
of the example:</p>
<ul >
<xsl:for-each select= "section" >
<xsl:sort select= '.' />
<xsl:apply-templates select= '.' />
2004-03-29 14:58:38 +00:00
<p > Getting the compilation options and libraries dependancies needed
to generate binaries from the examples is best done on Linux/Unix by using
the xml2-config script which should have been installed as part of <i > make
install</i> step or when installing the libxml2 development package:</p>
<pre > gcc -o example `xml2-config --cflags` example.c `xml2-config --libs`</pre>
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
2003-11-12 16:54:26 +00:00
<xsl:template name= "sections-list" >
<xsl:for-each select= "sections/section" >
<xsl:variable name= "section" select= "@name" />
<h2 > <a name= "{$section}" > </a> <xsl:value-of select= "$section" /> Examples</h2>
<xsl:apply-templates select= '/examples/example[section = $section]' />
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<xsl:template match= "examples" >
<xsl:variable name= "title" > Libxml2 set of examples</xsl:variable>
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doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html >
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<xsl:with-param name= "title" select= "$title" />
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<tr >
<td valign= "top" width= "200" bgcolor= "#8b7765" >
<xsl:call-template name= "toc" />
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<td >
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<tr >
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<tr >
<td bgcolor= "#fffacd" >
<xsl:apply-templates select= "sections" />
2003-11-12 16:54:26 +00:00
<xsl:call-template name= "sections-list" />
2003-11-12 00:40:33 +00:00
<p > <a href= "../bugs.html" > Daniel Veillard</a> </p>