2010-09-30 13:58:22 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
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2010-09-30 13:58:22 +02:00
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2002-02-21 14:52:00 +00:00
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2002-01-23 17:58:17 +00:00
A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underline }
2011-03-07 08:12:39 +08:00
< / style > < title > API Alphabetic Index F-I for libxml2< / title > < / head > < body bgcolor = "#8b7765" text = "#000000" link = "#a06060" vlink = "#000000" > < table border = "0" width = "100%" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "0" align = "center" > < tr > < td width = "120" > < a href = "http://swpat.ffii.org/" > < img src = "epatents.png" alt = "Action against software patents" / > < / a > < / td > < td width = "180" > < a href = "http://www.gnome.org/" > < img src = "gnome2.png" alt = "Gnome2 Logo" / > < / a > < a href = "http://www.w3.org/Status" > < img src = "w3c.png" alt = "W3C Logo" / > < / a > < a href = "http://www.redhat.com/" > < img src = "redhat.gif" alt = "Red Hat Logo" / > < / a > < div align = "left" > < a href = "http://xmlsoft.org/" > < img src = "Libxml2-Logo-180x168.gif" alt = "Made with Libxml2 Logo" / > < / a > < / div > < / td > < td > < table border = "0" width = "90%" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "0" align = "center" bgcolor = "#000000" > < tr > < td > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < tr > < td align = "center" > < h1 > The XML C parser and toolkit of Gnome< / h1 > < h2 > API Alphabetic Index F-I for libxml2< / h2 > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table border = "0" cellpadding = "4" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" align = "center" > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#8b7765" > < table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "2" width = "100%" > < tr > < td valign = "top" width = "200" bgcolor = "#8b7765" > < table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "1" width = "100%" bgcolor = "#000000" > < tr > < td > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > Developer Menu< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < form action = "search.php" enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method = "get" > < input name = "query" type = "text" size = "20" value = "" / > < input name = "submit" type = "submit" value = "Search ..." / > < / form > < ul > < li > < a href = "index.html" style = "font-weight:bold" > Main Menu< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "html/index.html" style = "font-weight:bold" > Reference Manual< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "examples/index.html" style = "font-weight:bold" > Code Examples< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "guidelines.html" > XML Guidelines< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "tutorial/index.html" > Tutorial< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xmlreader.html" > The Reader Interface< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "ChangeLog.html" > ChangeLog< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "XSLT.html" > XSLT< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "python.html" > Python and bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "architecture.html" > libxml2 architecture< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "tree.html" > The tree output< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "interface.html" > The SAX interface< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xmlmem.html" > Memory Management< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xmlio.html" > I/O Interfaces< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "library.html" > The parser interfaces< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "entities.html" > Entities or no entities< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "namespaces.html" > Namespaces< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "upgrade.html" > Upgrading 1.x code< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "threads.html" > Thread safety< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "DOM.html" > DOM Principles< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "example.html" > A real example< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "xml.html" > flat page< / a > , < a href = "site.xsl" > stylesheet< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > API Indexes< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < ul > < li > < a href = "APIchunk0.html" > Alphabetic< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIconstructors.html" > Constructors< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIfunctions.html" > Functions/Types< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIfiles.html" > Modules< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "APIsymbols.html" > Symbols< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > Related links< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < ul > < li > < a href = "http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/" > Mail archive< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/" > XSLT libxslt< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://phd.cs.unibo.it/gdome2/" > DOM gdome2< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/" > XML-DSig xmlsec< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "ftp://xmlsoft.org/" > FTP< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.zlatkovic.com/projects/libxml/" > Windows binaries< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "htt
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk1.html" > C-C< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk2.html" > D-E< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk3.html" > F-I< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk4.html" > J-N< / a >
2004-06-29 17:04:39 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk5.html" > O-P< / a >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk6.html" > Q-R< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk7.html" > S-S< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk8.html" > T-U< / a >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< a href = "APIchunk9.html" > V-X< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk10.html" > Y-a< / a >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk11.html" > b-b< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk12.html" > c-c< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk13.html" > d-d< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk14.html" > e-e< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk15.html" > f-f< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk16.html" > g-h< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk17.html" > i-i< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk18.html" > j-l< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk19.html" > m-m< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk20.html" > n-n< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk21.html" > o-o< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk22.html" > p-p< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk23.html" > q-r< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk24.html" > s-s< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk25.html" > t-t< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk26.html" > u-v< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk27.html" > w-w< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk28.html" > x-x< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk29.html" > y-z< / a >
2003-11-20 11:59:09 +00:00
< / h2 > < h2 > Letter F:< / h2 > < dl > < dt > FALSE< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlwriter.html#xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity" > xmlTextWriterStartDTDEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlwriter.html#xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity" > xmlTextWriterWriteDTDEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlwriter.html#xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity" > xmlTextWriterWriteDTDExternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlwriter.html#xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity" > xmlTextWriterWriteDTDInternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlwriter.html#xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity" > xmlTextWriterWriteFormatDTDInternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlwriter.html#xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity" > xmlTextWriterWriteVFormatDTDInternalEntity< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > FFFE< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_CHAR" > IS_CHAR< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > FFFF< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_CHAR" > IS_CHAR< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > FIXED< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetNoNsProp" > xmlGetNoNsProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetNsProp" > xmlGetNsProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlGetProp" > xmlGetProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlHasNsProp" > xmlHasNsProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlHasProp" > xmlHasProp< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseDefaultDecl" > xmlParseDefaultDecl< / a > < br / >
2005-05-06 11:40:56 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > FREE< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaGetCanonValue" > xmlSchemaGetCanonValue< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Facet< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaFreeFacet" > xmlSchemaFreeFacet< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaNewFacet" > xmlSchemaNewFacet< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > False< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlBoolToText" > xmlBoolToText< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Fetch< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPGet" > xmlNanoFTPGet< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > File< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderGetRemainder" > xmlTextReaderGetRemainder< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > Fills< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufGetNodeContent" > xmlBufGetNodeContent< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeBufGetContent" > xmlNodeBufGetContent< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Find< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpGetLanguage" > xmlExpGetLanguage< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpGetStart" > xmlExpGetStart< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlGetRefs" > xmlGetRefs< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashLookup" > xmlHashLookup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashLookup2" > xmlHashLookup2< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashLookup3" > xmlHashLookup3< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashQLookup" > xmlHashQLookup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashQLookup2" > xmlHashQLookup2< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashQLookup3" > xmlHashQLookup3< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashRemoveEntry" > xmlHashRemoveEntry< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashRemoveEntry2" > xmlHashRemoveEntry2< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#xmlHashRemoveEntry3" > xmlHashRemoveEntry3< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParserFindNodeInfo" > xmlParserFindNodeInfo< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex" > xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex< / a > < br / >
2008-11-27 15:26:28 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Finds< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlChildElementCount" > xmlChildElementCount< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpIsNillable" > xmlExpIsNillable< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlFirstElementChild" > xmlFirstElementChild< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlLastElementChild" > xmlLastElementChild< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNextElementSibling" > xmlNextElementSibling< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlPreviousElementSibling" > xmlPreviousElementSibling< / a > < br / >
2005-09-12 21:43:20 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > First< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#XML_SCHEMAS_TYPE_FIXUP_1" > XML_SCHEMAS_TYPE_FIXUP_1< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-entities.html#_xmlEntity" > _xmlEntity< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Fixed< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseDefaultDecl" > xmlParseDefaultDecl< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateOneAttribute" > xmlValidateOneAttribute< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateOneNamespace" > xmlValidateOneNamespace< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Float< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathStringEvalNumber" > xmlXPathStringEvalNumber< / a > < br / >
2012-09-11 15:00:08 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > Flush< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlsave.html#xmlSaveFlush" > xmlSaveFlush< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlwriter.html#xmlTextWriterFlush" > xmlTextWriterFlush< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > For< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-c14n.html#xmlC14NDocDumpMemory" > xmlC14NDocDumpMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-c14n.html#xmlC14NDocSave" > xmlC14NDocSave< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-c14n.html#xmlC14NDocSaveTo" > xmlC14NDocSaveTo< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-c14n.html#xmlC14NExecute" > xmlC14NExecute< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlCtxtResetLastError" > xmlCtxtResetLastError< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseComment" > xmlParseComment< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl" > xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlResetLastError" > xmlResetLastError< / a > < br / >
2004-08-18 09:13:18 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlSetGenericErrorFunc" > xmlSetGenericErrorFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc" > xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction" > xmlXPathSubstringAfterFunction< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction" > xmlXPathSubstringBeforeFunction< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathSubstringFunction" > xmlXPathSubstringFunction< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathTranslateFunction" > xmlXPathTranslateFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Form< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-uri.html#xmlBuildURI" > xmlBuildURI< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Formating< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLtree.html#htmlDocContentDumpOutput" > htmlDocContentDumpOutput< / a > < br / >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Formats< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlStrPrintf" > xmlStrPrintf< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlStrVPrintf" > xmlStrVPrintf< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPatherror" > xmlXPatherror< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Formed< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlRecoverDoc" > xmlRecoverDoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlRecoverFile" > xmlRecoverFile< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlRecoverMemory" > xmlRecoverMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXParseDoc" > xmlSAXParseDoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXParseFile" > xmlSAXParseFile< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXParseFileWithData" > xmlSAXParseFileWithData< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXParseMemory" > xmlSAXParseMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData" > xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Fragment< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNewDocFragment" > xmlNewDocFragment< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Frameset< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#_htmlElemDesc" > _htmlElemDesc< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Frees< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufferFree" > xmlBufferFree< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlDOMWrapFreeCtxt" > xmlDOMWrapFreeCtxt< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt" > xmlNanoFTPFreeCtxt< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Front-end< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncFirstLine" > xmlCharEncFirstLine< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > Function< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufContent" > xmlBufContent< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufEnd" > xmlBufEnd< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufUse" > xmlBufUse< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufferContent" > xmlBufferContent< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufferLength" > xmlBufferLength< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlSetGenericErrorFunc" > xmlSetGenericErrorFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlerror.html#xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc" > xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathFunctionLookup" > xmlXPathFunctionLookup< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS" > xmlXPathFunctionLookupNS< / a > < br / >
2009-09-10 18:23:39 +02:00
< / dd > < / dl > < h2 > Letter G:< / h2 > < dl > < dt > GCC< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED" > ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE" > LIBXML_ATTR_ALLOC_SIZE< / a > < br / >
2009-07-24 09:02:51 +02:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT" > LIBXML_ATTR_FORMAT< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > GEDecl< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseEntityDecl" > xmlParseEntityDecl< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > GET< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPFetch" > xmlNanoHTTPFetch< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPOpen" > xmlNanoHTTPOpen< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir" > xmlNanoHTTPOpenRedir< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > GeneralPunctuation< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation" > xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Generic< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncCloseFunc" > xmlCharEncCloseFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncInFunc" > xmlCharEncInFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlCharEncOutFunc" > xmlCharEncOutFunc< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > GeometricShapes< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes" > xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Georgian< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGeorgian" > xmlUCSIsGeorgian< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Gets< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderReadState" > xmlTextReaderReadState< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > Gives< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferGetContent" > xmlOutputBufferGetContent< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferGetSize" > xmlOutputBufferGetSize< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaGetBuiltInType" > xmlSchemaGetBuiltInType< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Global< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#_xmlDoc" > _xmlDoc< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Gothic< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGothic" > xmlUCSIsGothic< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Greek< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGreek" > xmlUCSIsGreek< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > GreekExtended< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGreekExtended" > xmlUCSIsGreekExtended< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > GreekandCoptic< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic" > xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Group< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl" > xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl" > xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Grow< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlBufferGrow" > xmlBufferGrow< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferGrow" > xmlParserInputBufferGrow< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Guess< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlDetectCharEncoding" > xmlDetectCharEncoding< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Gujarati< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGujarati" > xmlUCSIsGujarati< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Gurmukhi< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsGurmukhi" > xmlUCSIsGurmukhi< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < / dl > < h2 > Letter H:< / h2 > < dl > < dt > HTML_DEPRECATED< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlAttrAllowed" > htmlAttrAllowed< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlElementStatusHere" > htmlElementStatusHere< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HTML_INVALID< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlAttrAllowed" > htmlAttrAllowed< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlElementStatusHere" > htmlElementStatusHere< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HTML_NA< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlNodeStatus" > htmlNodeStatus< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HTML_REQUIRED< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlAttrAllowed" > htmlAttrAllowed< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HTML_VALID< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlAttrAllowed" > htmlAttrAllowed< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlElementStatusHere" > htmlElementStatusHere< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Hacking< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc" > xmlTextReaderCurrentDoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlreader.html#xmlTextReaderCurrentNode" > xmlTextReaderCurrentNode< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HalfwidthandFullwidthForms< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms" > xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Handle< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#attributeSAXFunc" > attributeSAXFunc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlErrMemory" > xmlErrMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathErr" > xmlXPathErr< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Handling< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCurrentChar" > xmlCurrentChar< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HangulCompatibilityJamo< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo" > xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HangulJamo< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHangulJamo" > xmlUCSIsHangulJamo< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HangulSyllables< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables" > xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Hanunoo< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHanunoo" > xmlUCSIsHanunoo< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Has< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlAttrAllowed" > htmlAttrAllowed< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Hash< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#_xmlDoc" > _xmlDoc< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#_xmlDtd" > _xmlDtd< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#_xmlXPathContext" > _xmlXPathContext< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Hebrew< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHebrew" > xmlUCSIsHebrew< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Hence< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseNotationDecl" > xmlParseNotationDecl< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HighPrivateUseSurrogates< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates" > xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > HighSurrogates< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates" > xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Hiragana< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsHiragana" > xmlUCSIsHiragana< / a > < br / >
2005-07-03 16:09:51 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Hmm< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaValueGetAsBoolean" > xmlSchemaValueGetAsBoolean< / a > < br / >
2006-01-05 15:29:44 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Holds< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaType" > _xmlSchemaType< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > How< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserInput" > _xmlParserInput< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > However< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-DOCBparser.html#docbFreeParserCtxt" > docbFreeParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-HTMLparser.html#htmlFreeParserCtxt" > htmlFreeParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlFreeParserCtxt" > xmlFreeParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#xmlNodeGetBase" > xmlNodeGetBase< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < / dl > < h2 > Letter I:< / h2 > < dl > < dt > I18N< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#_xmlOutputBuffer" > _xmlOutputBuffer< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#_xmlParserInputBuffer" > _xmlParserInputBuffer< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferWrite" > xmlOutputBufferWrite< / a > < br / >
2004-05-16 01:00:37 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferWriteEscape" > xmlOutputBufferWriteEscape< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlOutputBufferWriteString" > xmlOutputBufferWriteString< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferGrow" > xmlParserInputBufferGrow< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferPush" > xmlParserInputBufferPush< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlParserInputBufferRead" > xmlParserInputBufferRead< / a > < br / >
2010-11-04 18:35:57 +01:00
< / dd > < dt > IANA< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCheckLanguageID" > xmlCheckLanguageID< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > IDREF< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseAttributeType" > xmlParseAttributeType< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateAttributeDecl" > xmlValidateAttributeDecl< / a > < br / >
2009-01-18 17:26:02 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateAttributeValue" > xmlValidateAttributeValue< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateDocumentFinal" > xmlValidateDocumentFinal< / a > < br / >
2004-10-27 17:29:04 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateDtd" > xmlValidateDtd< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateOneAttribute" > xmlValidateOneAttribute< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateOneElement" > xmlValidateOneElement< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateOneNamespace" > xmlValidateOneNamespace< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IDREFS< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseAttributeType" > xmlParseAttributeType< / a > < br / >
2009-01-18 17:26:02 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateAttributeValue" > xmlValidateAttributeValue< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidateDocumentFinal" > xmlValidateDocumentFinal< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IDREFs< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#_xmlDoc" > _xmlDoc< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IDs< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathIdFunction" > xmlXPathIdFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IEEE< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathCompareValues" > xmlXPathCompareValues< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathStringFunction" > xmlXPathStringFunction< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathSubstringFunction" > xmlXPathSubstringFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IMPLIED< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseAttributeType" > xmlParseAttributeType< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseDefaultDecl" > xmlParseDefaultDecl< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IPAExtensions< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions" > xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > ISO< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#UTF8Toisolat1" > UTF8Toisolat1< / a > < br / >
2005-03-13 18:34:29 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-hash.html#XML_CAST_FPTR" > XML_CAST_FPTR< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#isolat1ToUTF8" > isolat1ToUTF8< / a > < br / >
2010-11-04 18:35:57 +01:00
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCheckLanguageID" > xmlCheckLanguageID< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > ISO-8859-< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlversion.html#LIBXML_ISO8859X_ENABLED" > LIBXML_ISO8859X_ENABLED< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > ISO-Latin< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory" > xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover" > xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > ISO639Code< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCheckLanguageID" > xmlCheckLanguageID< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > ISOLatin< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#_xmlOutputBuffer" > _xmlOutputBuffer< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IS_BLANK< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_BLANK_CH" > IS_BLANK_CH< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IS_CHAR< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_CHAR_CH" > IS_CHAR_CH< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IS_DIGIT< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_DIGIT_CH" > IS_DIGIT_CH< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IS_EXTENDER< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_EXTENDER_CH" > IS_EXTENDER_CH< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IS_LETTER< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_LETTER_CH" > IS_LETTER_CH< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IS_PUBIDCHAR< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_PUBIDCHAR_CH" > IS_PUBIDCHAR_CH< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IanaCode< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCheckLanguageID" > xmlCheckLanguageID< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Identifier< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlACatalogResolve" > xmlACatalogResolve< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlCatalogLocalResolve" > xmlCatalogLocalResolve< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#xmlCatalogResolve" > xmlCatalogResolve< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Identifiers< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_NAMELEN" > XML_MAX_NAMELEN< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Ideographic< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_IDEOGRAPHIC" > IS_IDEOGRAPHIC< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#IS_LETTER" > IS_LETTER< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlIsLetter" > xmlIsLetter< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > IdeographicDescriptionCharacters< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlunicode.html#xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters" > xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters< / a > < br / >
2003-12-05 14:57:46 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Ignore< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#XML_SCHEMAS_ANYATTR_LAX" > XML_SCHEMAS_ANYATTR_LAX< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Ignored< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCopyChar" > xmlCopyChar< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Implements< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShell" > xmlShell< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellBase" > xmlShellBase< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellCat" > xmlShellCat< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellDir" > xmlShellDir< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellDu" > xmlShellDu< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellList" > xmlShellList< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellLoad" > xmlShellLoad< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellPwd" > xmlShellPwd< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellSave" > xmlShellSave< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellValidate" > xmlShellValidate< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-debugXML.html#xmlShellWrite" > xmlShellWrite< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathDifference" > xmlXPathDifference< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathDistinct" > xmlXPathDistinct< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathDistinctSorted" > xmlXPathDistinctSorted< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathHasSameNodes" > xmlXPathHasSameNodes< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathIntersection" > xmlXPathIntersection< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathLeading" > xmlXPathLeading< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathLeadingSorted" > xmlXPathLeadingSorted< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNodeLeading" > xmlXPathNodeLeading< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted" > xmlXPathNodeLeadingSorted< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#xmlXPathNodeSetItem" > xmlXPathNodeSetItem< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNodeTrailing" > xmlXPathNodeTrailing< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathNodeTrailingSorted" > xmlXPathNodeTrailingSorted< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathTrailing" > xmlXPathTrailing< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathTrailingSorted" > xmlXPathTrailingSorted< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Included< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParserHandlePEReference" > xmlParserHandlePEReference< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Increase< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpRef" > xmlExpRef< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Increment< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-dict.html#xmlDictReference" > xmlDictReference< / a > < br / >
2005-08-22 21:22:27 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Indicate< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlregexp.html#xmlExpMaxToken" > xmlExpMaxToken< / a > < br / >
2004-06-27 12:08:10 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Indicates< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-schemasInternals.html#_xmlSchemaWildcard" > _xmlSchemaWildcard< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Infinity< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathStringFunction" > xmlXPathStringFunction< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Initial< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-xmlautomata.html#xmlAutomataGetInitState" > xmlAutomataGetInitState< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Initialization< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlInitParser" > xmlInitParser< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Initialize< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit" > docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit" > htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#htmlInitAutoClose" > htmlInitAutoClose< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX.html#initdocbDefaultSAXHandler" > initdocbDefaultSAXHandler< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX.html#inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler" > inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX.html#initxmlDefaultSAXHandler" > initxmlDefaultSAXHandler< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit" > xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-encoding.html#xmlInitCharEncodingHandlers" > xmlInitCharEncodingHandlers< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlmemory.html#xmlInitMemory" > xmlInitMemory< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlInitNodeInfoSeq" > xmlInitNodeInfoSeq< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlInitParserCtxt" > xmlInitParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPInit" > xmlNanoFTPInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPScanProxy" > xmlNanoFTPScanProxy< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPInit" > xmlNanoHTTPInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-nanohttp.html#xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy" > xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAX2InitDefaultSAXHandler" > xmlSAX2InitDefaultSAXHandler< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAX2InitDocbDefaultSAXHandler" > xmlSAX2InitDocbDefaultSAXHandler< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAX2InitHtmlDefaultSAXHandler" > xmlSAX2InitHtmlDefaultSAXHandler< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-SAX2.html#xmlSAXVersion" > xmlSAXVersion< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlschemastypes.html#xmlSchemaInitTypes" > xmlSchemaInitTypes< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpath.html#xmlXPathInit" > xmlXPathInit< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xpathInternals.html#xmlXPathRoot" > xmlXPathRoot< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Initially< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault" > xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Initiate< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-nanoftp.html#xmlNanoFTPGetSocket" > xmlNanoFTPGetSocket< / a > < br / >
2004-11-04 17:34:35 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Initilize< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-relaxng.html#xmlRelaxNGInitTypes" > xmlRelaxNGInitTypes< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Input< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#_xmlParserCtxt" > _xmlParserCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlIOParseDTD" > xmlIOParseDTD< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlInputCloseCallback" > xmlInputCloseCallback< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlInputMatchCallback" > xmlInputMatchCallback< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlInputOpenCallback" > xmlInputOpenCallback< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-xmlIO.html#xmlInputReadCallback" > xmlInputReadCallback< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlNewIOInputStream" > xmlNewIOInputStream< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Insert< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-list.html#xmlListAppend" > xmlListAppend< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-list.html#xmlListInsert" > xmlListInsert< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parser.html#xmlParserAddNodeInfo" > xmlParserAddNodeInfo< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Instruction< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParsePI" > xmlParsePI< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Instuction< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-catalog.html#XML_CATALOG_PI" > XML_CATALOG_PI< / a > < br / >
< / dd > < dt > Intended< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-valid.html#xmlSnprintfElementContent" > xmlSnprintfElementContent< / a > < br / >
2006-08-12 14:09:01 +00:00
< / dd > < dt > Internal< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-tree.html#_xmlDOMWrapCtxt" > _xmlDOMWrapCtxt< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlParseMarkupDecl" > xmlParseMarkupDecl< / a > < br / >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< / dd > < dt > Introduced< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_DICTIONARY_LIMIT" > XML_MAX_DICTIONARY_LIMIT< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_LOOKUP_LIMIT" > XML_MAX_LOOKUP_LIMIT< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_NAME_LENGTH" > XML_MAX_NAME_LENGTH< / a > < br / >
< a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH" > XML_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH< / a > < br / >
2010-11-04 18:35:57 +01:00
< / dd > < dt > Irregular< / dt > < dd > < a href = "html/libxml-parserInternals.html#xmlCheckLanguageID" > xmlCheckLanguageID< / a > < br / >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / dd > < / dl > < h2 align = "center" > < a href = "APIchunk0.html" > A-B< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk1.html" > C-C< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk2.html" > D-E< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk3.html" > F-I< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk4.html" > J-N< / a >
2004-06-29 17:04:39 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk5.html" > O-P< / a >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk6.html" > Q-R< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk7.html" > S-S< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk8.html" > T-U< / a >
2012-08-10 10:42:56 +08:00
< a href = "APIchunk9.html" > V-X< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk10.html" > Y-a< / a >
2005-07-10 21:38:31 +00:00
< a href = "APIchunk11.html" > b-b< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk12.html" > c-c< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk13.html" > d-d< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk14.html" > e-e< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk15.html" > f-f< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk16.html" > g-h< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk17.html" > i-i< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk18.html" > j-l< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk19.html" > m-m< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk20.html" > n-n< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk21.html" > o-o< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk22.html" > p-p< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk23.html" > q-r< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk24.html" > s-s< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk25.html" > t-t< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk26.html" > u-v< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk27.html" > w-w< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk28.html" > x-x< / a >
< a href = "APIchunk29.html" > y-z< / a >
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / h2 > < p > < a href = "bugs.html" > Daniel Veillard< / a > < / p > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / body > < / html >