2010-09-30 13:58:22 +02:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
2010-09-30 13:58:22 +02:00
< html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > < head > < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" / > < link rel = "SHORTCUT ICON" href = "/favicon.ico" / > < style type = "text/css" >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
TD {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}
BODY {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; margin-top: 2em; margin-left: 0em; margin-right: 0em}
H1 {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}
H2 {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}
H3 {font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica}
A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underline }
2003-11-18 13:54:15 +00:00
< / style > < style type = "text/css" >
2003-11-18 20:56:51 +00:00
div.deprecated pre.programlisting {border-style: double;border-color:red}
2004-01-05 01:56:38 +00:00
pre.programlisting {border-style: double;background: #EECFA1}
2012-05-23 17:10:59 +08:00
< / style > < title > Module SAX from libxml2< / title > < / head > < body bgcolor = "#8b7765" text = "#000000" link = "#a06060" vlink = "#000000" > < table border = "0" width = "100%" cellpadding = "5" cellspacing = "0" align = "center" > < tr > < td width = "120" > < a href = "http://swpat.ffii.org/" > < img src = "../epatents.png" alt = "Action against software patents" / > < / a > < / td > < td width = "180" > < a href = "http://www.gnome.org/" > < img src = "../gnome2.png" alt = "Gnome2 Logo" / > < / a > < a href = "http://www.w3.org/Status" > < img src = "../w3c.png" alt = "W3C Logo" / > < / a > < a href = "http://www.redhat.com/" > < img src = "../redhat.gif" alt = "Red Hat Logo" / > < / a > < div align = "left" > < a href = "http://xmlsoft.org/" > < img src = "../Libxml2-Logo-180x168.gif" alt = "Made with Libxml2 Logo" / > < / a > < / div > < / td > < td > < table border = "0" width = "90%" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "0" align = "center" bgcolor = "#000000" > < tr > < td > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < tr > < td align = "center" > < h1 > < / h1 > < h2 > Module SAX from libxml2< / h2 > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table border = "0" cellpadding = "4" cellspacing = "0" width = "100%" align = "center" > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#8b7765" > < table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "2" width = "100%" > < tr > < td valign = "top" width = "200" bgcolor = "#8b7765" > < table border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "1" width = "100%" bgcolor = "#000000" > < tr > < td > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > API Menu< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < form action = "../search.php" enctype = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" method = "get" > < input name = "query" type = "text" size = "20" value = "" / > < input name = "submit" type = "submit" value = "Search ..." / > < / form > < ul > < li > < a style = "font-weight:bold" href = "../index.html" > Main Menu< / a > < / li > < li > < a style = "font-weight:bold" href = "../docs.html" > Developer Menu< / a > < / li > < li > < a style = "font-weight:bold" href = "../examples/index.html" > Code Examples< / a > < / li > < li > < a style = "font-weight:bold" href = "index.html" > API Menu< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "libxml-parser.html" > Parser API< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "libxml-tree.html" > Tree API< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "libxml-xmlreader.html" > Reader API< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "../guidelines.html" > XML Guidelines< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "../ChangeLog.html" > ChangeLog< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > API Indexes< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < ul > < li > < a href = "../APIchunk0.html" > Alphabetic< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "../APIconstructors.html" > Constructors< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "../APIfunctions.html" > Functions/Types< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "../APIfiles.html" > Modules< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "../APIsymbols.html" > Symbols< / a > < / li > < / ul > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < table width = "100%" border = "0" cellspacing = "1" cellpadding = "3" > < tr > < td colspan = "1" bgcolor = "#eecfa1" align = "center" > < center > < b > Related links< / b > < / center > < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td bgcolor = "#fffacd" > < ul > < li > < a href = "http://mail.gnome.org/archives/xml/" > Mail archive< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://xmlsoft.org/XSLT/" > XSLT libxslt< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://phd.cs.unibo.it/gdome2/" > DOM gdome2< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec/" > XML-DSig xmlsec< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "ftp://xmlsoft.org/" > FTP< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.zlatkovic.com/projects/libxml/" > Windows binaries< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://opencsw.org/packages/libxml2" > Solaris binaries< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.explain.com.au/oss/libxml2xslt.html" > MacOsX binaries< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://lxml.de/" > lxml Python bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://cpan.uwinnipeg.ca/dist/XML-LibXML" > Perl bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://libxmlplusplus.sourceforge.net/" > C++ bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://www.zend.com/php5/articles/php5-xmlphp.php#Heading4" > PHP bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://sourceforge.net/projects/libxml2-pas/" > Pascal bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://libxml.rubyforge.org/" > Ruby bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://tclxml.sourceforge.net/" > Tcl bindings< / a > < / li > < li > < a href = "http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > int < a href = "#checkNamespace" > checkNamespace< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * namespace)< / pre >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > int < a href = "#getColumnNumber" > getColumnNumber< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#entityDecl" > entityDecl< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > int type, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId, < br / > < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * content)< / pre >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#attribute" > attribute< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * fullname, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * value)< / pre >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlNsPtr" > xmlNsPtr< / a > < a href = "#getNamespace" > getNamespace< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#setDocumentLocator" > setDocumentLocator< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlSAXLocatorPtr" > xmlSAXLocatorPtr< / a > loc)< / pre >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#initxmlDefaultSAXHandler" > initxmlDefaultSAXHandler< / a > (< a href = "libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXHandlerV1" > xmlSAXHandlerV1< / a > * hdlr, < br / > int warning)< / pre >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#ignorableWhitespace" > ignorableWhitespace< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ch, < br / > int len)< / pre >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > int < a href = "#hasExternalSubset" > hasExternalSubset< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#unparsedEntityDecl" > unparsedEntityDecl< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * notationName)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#globalNamespace" > globalNamespace< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * href, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * prefix)< / pre >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > int < a href = "#hasInternalSubset" > hasInternalSubset< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#reference" > reference< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< / pre >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#notationDecl" > notationDecl< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId)< / pre >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * < a href = "#getSystemId" > getSystemId< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#externalSubset" > externalSubset< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ExternalID, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * SystemID)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlParserInputPtr" > xmlParserInputPtr< / a > < a href = "#resolveEntity" > resolveEntity< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId)< / pre >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#startDocument" > startDocument< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#setNamespace" > setNamespace< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#cdataBlock" > cdataBlock< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * value, < br / > int len)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * < a href = "#getPublicId" > getPublicId< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler" > inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler< / a > (< a href = "libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXHandlerV1" > xmlSAXHandlerV1< / a > * hdlr)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#processingInstruction" > processingInstruction< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * target, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * data)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#endElement" > endElement< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#namespaceDecl" > namespaceDecl< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * href, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * prefix)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#initdocbDefaultSAXHandler" > initdocbDefaultSAXHandler< / a > (< a href = "libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXHandlerV1" > xmlSAXHandlerV1< / a > * hdlr)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEntityPtr" > xmlEntityPtr< / a > < a href = "#getEntity" > getEntity< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#characters" > characters< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ch, < br / > int len)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#elementDecl" > elementDecl< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > int type, < br / > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlElementContentPtr" > xmlElementContentPtr< / a > content)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#startElement" > startElement< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * fullname, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > ** atts)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEntityPtr" > xmlEntityPtr< / a > < a href = "#getParameterEntity" > getParameterEntity< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#attributeDecl" > attributeDecl< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * elem, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * fullname, < br / > int type, < br / > int def, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * defaultValue, < br / > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEnumerationPtr" > xmlEnumerationPtr< / a > tree)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > int < a href = "#isStandalone" > isStandalone< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#internalSubset" > internalSubset< / a > (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ExternalID, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * SystemID)< / pre >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< pre class = "programlisting" > void < a href = "#endDocument" > endDocument< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
< pre class = "programlisting" > int < a href = "#getLineNumber" > getLineNumber< / a > (void * ctx)< / pre >
< h2 > Description< / h2 >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< h3 > < a name = "comment" id = "comment" > < / a > Function: comment< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void comment (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * value)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > A < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#comment" > comment< / a > has been parsed. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2Comment()< / p >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > value< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#comment" > comment< / a > content< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "checkNamespace" id = "checkNamespace" > < / a > Function: checkNamespace< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > int checkNamespace (void * ctx, < br / > < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * namespace)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Check that the current element namespace is the same as the one read upon parsing. DEPRECATED< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > namespace< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the namespace to check against< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > 1 if true 0 otherwise< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "getColumnNumber" id = "getColumnNumber" > < / a > Function: getColumnNumber< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > int getColumnNumber (void * ctx)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Provide the column number of the current parsing point. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2GetColumnNumber()< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > an int< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "entityDecl" id = "entityDecl" > < / a > Function: entityDecl< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void entityDecl (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > int type, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId, < br / > < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * content)< br / >
< / pre > < p > An entity definition has been parsed DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2EntityDecl()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the entity name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > type< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the entity type< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > publicId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The public ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > systemId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The system ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > content< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the entity value (without processing).< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "attribute" id = "attribute" > < / a > Function: attribute< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void attribute (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * fullname, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * value)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Handle an < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > that has been read by the parser. The default handling is to convert the < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > into an DOM subtree and past it in a new < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlAttr" > xmlAttr< / a > element added to the element. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2Attribute()< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > fullname< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > name, including namespace prefix< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > value< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > value< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "getNamespace" id = "getNamespace" > < / a > Function: getNamespace< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlNsPtr" > xmlNsPtr< / a > getNamespace (void * ctx)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Get the current element namespace. DEPRECATED< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlNsPtr" > xmlNsPtr< / a > or NULL if none< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "setDocumentLocator" id = "setDocumentLocator" > < / a > Function: setDocumentLocator< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void setDocumentLocator (void * ctx, < br / > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlSAXLocatorPtr" > xmlSAXLocatorPtr< / a > loc)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Receive the document locator at startup, actually < a href = "libxml-globals.html#xmlDefaultSAXLocator" > xmlDefaultSAXLocator< / a > Everything is available on the context, so this is useless in our case. DEPRECATED< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > loc< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > A SAX Locator< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "initxmlDefaultSAXHandler" id = "initxmlDefaultSAXHandler" > < / a > Function: initxmlDefaultSAXHandler< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void initxmlDefaultSAXHandler (< a href = "libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXHandlerV1" > xmlSAXHandlerV1< / a > * hdlr, < br / > int warning)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Initialize the default XML SAX version 1 handler DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2InitDefaultSAXHandler() for the new SAX2 blocks< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > hdlr< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the SAX handler< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > warning< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > flag if non-zero sets the handler warning procedure< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "ignorableWhitespace" id = "ignorableWhitespace" > < / a > Function: ignorableWhitespace< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void ignorableWhitespace (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ch, < br / > int len)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > receiving some ignorable whitespaces from the parser. UNUSED: by default the DOM building will use < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#characters" > characters< / a > DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2IgnorableWhitespace()< / p >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ch< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > a < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > string< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > len< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the number of < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "hasExternalSubset" id = "hasExternalSubset" > < / a > Function: hasExternalSubset< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > int hasExternalSubset (void * ctx)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Does this document has an external subset DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2HasExternalSubset()< / p >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > 1 if true< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "unparsedEntityDecl" id = "unparsedEntityDecl" > < / a > Function: unparsedEntityDecl< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void unparsedEntityDecl (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * notationName)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > What to do when an unparsed entity declaration is parsed DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2UnparsedEntityDecl()< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The name of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > publicId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The public ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > systemId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The system ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > notationName< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the name of the notation< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "globalNamespace" id = "globalNamespace" > < / a > Function: globalNamespace< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void globalNamespace (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * href, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * prefix)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > An old global namespace has been parsed. DEPRECATED< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > href< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the namespace associated URN< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > prefix< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the namespace prefix< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "hasInternalSubset" id = "hasInternalSubset" > < / a > Function: hasInternalSubset< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > int hasInternalSubset (void * ctx)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Does this document has an internal subset DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2HasInternalSubset()< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > 1 if true< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "reference" id = "reference" > < / a > Function: reference< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void reference (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< br / >
< / pre > < p > called when an entity < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#reference" > reference< / a > is detected. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2Reference()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The entity name< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "notationDecl" id = "notationDecl" > < / a > Function: notationDecl< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void notationDecl (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > What to do when a notation declaration has been parsed. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2NotationDecl()< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The name of the notation< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > publicId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The public ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > systemId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The system ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "getSystemId" id = "getSystemId" > < / a > Function: getSystemId< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * getSystemId (void * ctx)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Provides the system ID, basically URL or filename e.g. http://www.sgmlsource.com/dtds/memo.dtd DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2GetSystemId()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > a < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > *< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "externalSubset" id = "externalSubset" > < / a > Function: externalSubset< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void externalSubset (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ExternalID, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * SystemID)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Callback on external subset declaration. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2ExternalSubset()< / p >
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c into a new
* encoding.c, parser.c, xmlstring.c, Makefile.am,
include/libxml/Makefile.am, include/libxml/catalog.c,
include/libxml/chvalid.h, include/libxml/encoding.h,
include/libxml/parser.h, include/libxml/relaxng.h,
include/libxml/tree.h, include/libxml/xmlwriter.h,
moved string and UTF8 routines out of parser.c and encoding.c
into a new module xmlstring.c with include file
include/libxml/xmlstring.h mostly using patches from Reid
Spencer. Since xmlChar now defined in xmlstring.h, several
include files needed to have a #include added for safety.
* doc/apibuild.py: added some additional sorting for various
references displayed in the APIxxx.html files. Rebuilt the
docs, and also added new file for xmlstring module.
* configure.in: small addition to help my testing; no effect on
normal usage.
* doc/search.php: added $_GET[query] so that persistent globals
can be disabled (for recent versions of PHP)
2004-01-06 11:52:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the root element name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ExternalID< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the external ID< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > SystemID< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL)< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "resolveEntity" id = "resolveEntity" > < / a > Function: resolveEntity< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlParserInputPtr" > xmlParserInputPtr< / a > resolveEntity (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * publicId, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * systemId)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > The entity loader, to control the loading of external entities, the application can either: - override this resolveEntity() callback in the SAX block - or better use the xmlSetExternalEntityLoader() function to set up it's own entity resolution routine DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2ResolveEntity()< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > publicId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The public ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > systemId< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The system ID of the entity< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlParserInputPtr" > xmlParserInputPtr< / a > if inlined or NULL for DOM behaviour.< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "startDocument" id = "startDocument" > < / a > Function: startDocument< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void startDocument (void * ctx)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > called when the document start being processed. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2StartDocument()< / p >
Re-examined the problems of configuring a "minimal" library.
Synchronized the header files with the library code in order
to assure that all the various conditionals (LIBXML_xxxx_ENABLED)
were the same in both. Modified the API database content to more
accurately reflect the conditionals. Enhanced the generation
of that database. Although there was no substantial change to
any of the library code's logic, a large number of files were
modified to achieve the above, and the configuration script
was enhanced to do some automatic enabling of features (e.g.
--with-xinclude forces --with-xpath). Additionally, all the format
errors discovered by apibuild.py were corrected.
* configure.in: enhanced cross-checking of options
* doc/apibuild.py, doc/elfgcchack.xsl, doc/libxml2-refs.xml,
doc/libxml2-api.xml, gentest.py: changed the usage of the
<cond> element in module descriptions
* elfgcchack.h, testapi.c: regenerated with proper conditionals
* HTMLparser.c, SAX.c, globals.c, tree.c, xmlschemas.c, xpath.c,
testSAX.c: cleaned up conditionals
* include/libxml/[SAX.h, SAX2.h, debugXML.h, encoding.h, entities.h,
hash.h, parser.h, parserInternals.h, schemasInternals.h, tree.h,
valid.h, xlink.h, xmlIO.h, xmlautomata.h, xmlreader.h, xpath.h]:
synchronized the conditionals with the corresponding module code
* doc/examples/tree2.c, doc/examples/xpath1.c, doc/examples/xpath2.c:
added additional conditions required for compilation
* doc/*.html, doc/html/*.html: rebuilt the docs
2005-01-02 09:53:13 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "setNamespace" id = "setNamespace" > < / a > Function: setNamespace< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void setNamespace (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Set the current element namespace. DEPRECATED< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the namespace prefix< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "cdataBlock" id = "cdataBlock" > < / a > Function: cdataBlock< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void cdataBlock (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * value, < br / > int len)< br / >
< / pre > < p > called when a pcdata block has been parsed DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2CDataBlock()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > value< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The pcdata content< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > len< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the block length< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "getPublicId" id = "getPublicId" > < / a > Function: getPublicId< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * getPublicId (void * ctx)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Provides the public ID e.g. "-//SGMLSOURCE//DTD DEMO//EN" DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2GetPublicId()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > a < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > *< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler" id = "inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler" > < / a > Function: inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void inithtmlDefaultSAXHandler (< a href = "libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXHandlerV1" > xmlSAXHandlerV1< / a > * hdlr)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Initialize the default HTML SAX version 1 handler DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2InitHtmlDefaultSAXHandler() for the new SAX2 blocks< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > hdlr< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the SAX handler< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "processingInstruction" id = "processingInstruction" > < / a > Function: processingInstruction< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void processingInstruction (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * target, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * data)< br / >
< / pre > < p > A processing instruction has been parsed. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2ProcessingInstruction()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > target< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the target name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > data< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the PI data's< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "endElement" id = "endElement" > < / a > Function: endElement< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void endElement (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< br / >
< / pre > < p > called when the end of an element has been detected. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2EndElement()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The element name< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "namespaceDecl" id = "namespaceDecl" > < / a > Function: namespaceDecl< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void namespaceDecl (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * href, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * prefix)< br / >
< / pre > < p > A namespace has been parsed. DEPRECATED< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > href< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the namespace associated URN< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > prefix< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the namespace prefix< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "initdocbDefaultSAXHandler" id = "initdocbDefaultSAXHandler" > < / a > Function: initdocbDefaultSAXHandler< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void initdocbDefaultSAXHandler (< a href = "libxml-parser.html#xmlSAXHandlerV1" > xmlSAXHandlerV1< / a > * hdlr)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Initialize the default DocBook SAX version 1 handler DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2InitDocbDefaultSAXHandler() for the new SAX2 blocks< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > hdlr< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the SAX handler< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "getEntity" id = "getEntity" > < / a > Function: getEntity< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEntityPtr" > xmlEntityPtr< / a > getEntity (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Get an entity by name DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2GetEntity()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The entity name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEntityPtr" > xmlEntityPtr< / a > if found.< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "characters" id = "characters" > < / a > Function: characters< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void characters (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ch, < br / > int len)< br / >
< / pre > < p > receiving some chars from the parser. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2Characters()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ch< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > a < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > string< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > len< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the number of < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "elementDecl" id = "elementDecl" > < / a > Function: elementDecl< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void elementDecl (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > int type, < br / > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlElementContentPtr" > xmlElementContentPtr< / a > content)< br / >
< / pre > < p > An element definition has been parsed DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2ElementDecl()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the element name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > type< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the element type< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > content< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the element value tree< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "startElement" id = "startElement" > < / a > Function: startElement< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void startElement (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * fullname, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > ** atts)< br / >
< / pre > < p > called when an opening tag has been processed. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2StartElement()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > fullname< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The element name, including namespace prefix< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > atts< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > An array of name/value attributes pairs, NULL terminated< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "getParameterEntity" id = "getParameterEntity" > < / a > Function: getParameterEntity< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEntityPtr" > xmlEntityPtr< / a > getParameterEntity (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Get a parameter entity by name DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2GetParameterEntity()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > The entity name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEntityPtr" > xmlEntityPtr< / a > if found.< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "attributeDecl" id = "attributeDecl" > < / a > Function: attributeDecl< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void attributeDecl (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * elem, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * fullname, < br / > int type, < br / > int def, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * defaultValue, < br / > < a href = "libxml-tree.html#xmlEnumerationPtr" > xmlEnumerationPtr< / a > tree)< br / >
< / pre > < p > An < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > definition has been parsed DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2AttributeDecl()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > elem< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the name of the element< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > fullname< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > type< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > type< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > def< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the type of default value< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > defaultValue< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the < a href = "libxml-SAX.html#attribute" > attribute< / a > default value< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > tree< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the tree of enumerated value set< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "isStandalone" id = "isStandalone" > < / a > Function: isStandalone< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > int isStandalone (void * ctx)< br / >
< / pre > < p > Is this document tagged standalone ? DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2IsStandalone()< / p >
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > 1 if true< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "internalSubset" id = "internalSubset" > < / a > Function: internalSubset< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void internalSubset (void * ctx, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * name, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * ExternalID, < br / > const < a href = "libxml-xmlstring.html#xmlChar" > xmlChar< / a > * SystemID)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Callback on internal subset declaration. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2InternalSubset()< / p >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > name< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the root element name< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ExternalID< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the external ID< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > SystemID< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the SYSTEM ID (e.g. filename or URL)< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "endDocument" id = "endDocument" > < / a > Function: endDocument< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > void endDocument (void * ctx)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > called when the document end has been detected. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2EndDocument()< / p >
2003-11-18 23:52:38 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < h3 > < a name = "getLineNumber" id = "getLineNumber" > < / a > Function: getLineNumber< / h3 > < pre class = "programlisting" > int getLineNumber (void * ctx)< br / >
2003-11-17 13:58:17 +00:00
< / pre > < p > Provide the line number of the current parsing point. DEPRECATED: use xmlSAX2GetLineNumber()< / p >
2003-11-18 20:56:51 +00:00
< div class = "variablelist" > < table border = "0" > < col align = "left" / > < tbody > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > ctx< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > the user data (XML parser context)< / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > < span class = "term" > < i > < tt > Returns< / tt > < / i > :< / span > < / td > < td > an int< / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table > < / div > < / div > < p > < a href = "../bugs.html" > Daniel Veillard< / a > < / p > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / body > < / html >