diff --git a/doc/html/gnome-xml-parser.html b/doc/html/gnome-xml-parser.html index 59c0ca56..6c723ad0 100644 --- a/doc/html/gnome-xml-parser.html +++ b/doc/html/gnome-xml-parser.html @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ >parser




parser -- 
parser —
xmlChar*); +struct xmlParserInput; typedef xmlParserInputPtr; -xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader) - (const char *URL, - const char *ID, - xmlParserCtxtPtr context); struct xmlParserNodeInfo; +typedef xmlParserNodeInfoPtr; struct xmlParserNodeInfoSeq*hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc) (void *ctx); +struct xmlSAXHandler; typedef xmlSAXHandlerPtr; +xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader) + (const char *URL, + const char *ID, + xmlParserCtxtPtr context); extern const char *xmlParserVersionxmlSubstituteEntitiesDefaultValue; +void xmlCleanupParser (void); int xmlParserInputReadxmlChar *SystemID); void xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); +void htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); +void xmlInitParserCtxt (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); void xmlFreeParserCtxt (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt); +void xmlSetupParserForBuffer (xmlChar *buffer, const char *filename); -void xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); -void htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit (void); +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateDocParserCtxt (xmlChar *cur); +xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreatePushParserCtxt (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + const char *chunk, + int size, + const char *filename); +int xmlParseChunk (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, + const char *chunk, + int size, + int terminate); const xmlParserNodeInfo





xmlExternalEntityLoader ()

struct xmlParserInput

xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader)
-                                            (const char *URL,
-                                             const char *ID,
-                                             xmlParserCtxtPtr context);
struct xmlParserInput { + /* Input buffer */ + xmlParserInputBufferPtr buf; /* UTF-8 encoded buffer */ + + const char *filename; /* The file analyzed, if any */ + const char *directory; /* the directory/base of teh file */ + const xmlChar *base; /* Base of the array to parse */ + const xmlChar *cur; /* Current char being parsed */ + int length; /* length if known */ + int line; /* Current line */ + int col; /* Current column */ + int consumed; /* How many xmlChars already consumed */ + xmlParserInputDeallocate free; /* function to deallocate the base */ +};


typedef xmlParserInput *xmlParserInputPtr;
URL : 
ID : 
context : 
Returns : 


typedef xmlParserNodeInfo *xmlParserNodeInfoPtr;


typedef xmlParserNodeInfoSeq *xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr;


typedef xmlParserCtxt *xmlParserCtxtPtr;


typedef xmlSAXLocator *xmlSAXLocatorPtr;


struct xmlSAXHandler

struct xmlSAXHandler {
+    internalSubsetSAXFunc internalSubset;
+    isStandaloneSAXFunc isStandalone;
+    hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc hasInternalSubset;
+    hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc hasExternalSubset;
+    resolveEntitySAXFunc resolveEntity;
+    getEntitySAXFunc getEntity;
+    entityDeclSAXFunc entityDecl;
+    notationDeclSAXFunc notationDecl;
+    attributeDeclSAXFunc attributeDecl;
+    elementDeclSAXFunc elementDecl;
+    unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc unparsedEntityDecl;
+    setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc setDocumentLocator;
+    startDocumentSAXFunc startDocument;
+    endDocumentSAXFunc endDocument;
+    startElementSAXFunc startElement;
+    endElementSAXFunc endElement;
+    referenceSAXFunc reference;
+    charactersSAXFunc characters;
+    ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc ignorableWhitespace;
+    processingInstructionSAXFunc processingInstruction;
+    commentSAXFunc comment;
+    warningSAXFunc warning;
+    errorSAXFunc error;
+    fatalErrorSAXFunc fatalError;
+    getParameterEntitySAXFunc getParameterEntity;
+    cdataBlockSAXFunc cdataBlock;


typedef xmlSAXHandler *xmlSAXHandlerPtr;

xmlExternalEntityLoader ()

xmlParserInputPtr (*xmlExternalEntityLoader)
+                                            (const char *URL,
+                                             const char *ID,
+                                             xmlParserCtxtPtr context);

URL : 
ID : 
context : 
Returns : 

xmlCleanupParser ()

void        xmlCleanupParser                (void);

Cleanup function for the XML parser. It tries to reclaim all +parsing related global memory allocated for the parser processing. +It doesn't deallocate any document related memory. Calling this +function should not prevent reusing the parser.

  an XML parser input  an indicative size for the lookahead the number of xmlChars read, or -1 in case of error, 0 indicate the +end of this entity

  an XML parser input  an indicative size for the lookahead the number of xmlChars read, or -1 in case of error, 0 indicate the +end of this entity

  the input xmlChar * a new xmlChar * or NULL

  the input xmlChar *  the len of cur a new xmlChar * or NULL

  the xmlChar * array (haystack)  the index of the first char (zero based)  the length of the substring the xmlChar * for the first occurence or NULL.

  the xmlChar * array  the xmlChar to search the xmlChar * for the first occurence or NULL.

  the xmlChar * array (haystack)  the xmlChar to search (needle) the xmlChar * for the first occurence or NULL.

  the first xmlChar *  the second xmlChar * the integer result of the comparison

  the first xmlChar *  the second xmlChar *  the max comparison length the integer result of the comparison

lenght of a xmlChar's string

length of a xmlChar's string

  the xmlChar * array the number of xmlChar contained in the ARRAY.

  the original xmlChar * array  the xmlChar * array added a new xmlChar * containing the concatenated string.

  the original xmlChar * array  the xmlChar * array added  the length of add a new xmlChar * containing the concatenated string.

  a pointer to an array of xmlChar the resulting document tree

  an pointer to a char array  the size of the array the resulting document tree

  the filename the resulting document tree

  int 0 or 1  the last value for 0 for no substitution, 1 for substitution.

  a pointer to an array of xmlChar the resulting document tree

  an pointer to a char array  the size of the array the resulting document tree

  the filename the resulting document tree

  an XML parser context 0, -1 in case of error. the parser context is augmented +as a result of the parsing.

  the SAX handler block  a pointer to an array of xmlChar  work in recovery mode, i.e. tries to read no Well Formed +documents the resulting document tree

  a SAX handler  The user data returned on SAX callbacks  a file name 0 in case of success or a error number otherwise

  a SAX handler  The user data returned on SAX callbacks  an in-memory XML document input  the length of the XML document in bytes 0 in case of success or a error number otherwise

  the SAX handler block  an pointer to a char array  the size of the array  work in recovery mode, i.e. tries to read not Well Formed +documents the resulting document tree

  the SAX handler block  the filename  work in recovery mode, i.e. tries to read no Well Formed +documents the resulting document tree

  a NAME* containing the External ID of the DTD  a NAME* containing the URL to the DTD the resulting xmlDtdPtr or NULL in case of error.

  the SAX handler block  a NAME* containing the External ID of the DTD  a NAME* containing the URL to the DTD the resulting xmlDtdPtr or NULL in case of error.

xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit ()

void        xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit        (void);

Initialize the default SAX handler

htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit ()

void        htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit       (void);

Initialize the default SAX handler

  an HTML parser context

  an XML parser context

xmlFreeParserCtxt ()

void        xmlFreeParserCtxt               (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);

Free all the memory used by a parser context. However the parsed +document in ctxt->myDoc is not freed.

ctxt : an XML parser context

  an XML parser context  a xmlChar * buffer  a file name

xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit ()

xmlCreateDocParserCtxt ()

void        xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit        (void);
xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreateDocParserCtxt (xmlChar *cur);

Initialize the default SAX handler

Create a parser context for an XML in-memory document.

cur : a pointer to an array of xmlChar
Returns :the new parser context or NULL

htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit ()

xmlCreatePushParserCtxt ()

void        htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit       (void);
xmlParserCtxtPtr xmlCreatePushParserCtxt (xmlSAXHandlerPtr sax, + void *user_data, + const char *chunk, + int size, + const char *filename);

Initialize the default SAX handler

Create a parser context for using the XML parser in push mode +To allow content encoding detection, size should be >= 4 +The value of filename is used for fetching external entities +and error/warning reports.

sax : a SAX handler
user_data : The user data returned on SAX callbacks
chunk : a pointer to an array of chars
size : number of chars in the array
filename : an optional file name or URI
Returns :the new parser context or NULL

xmlParseChunk ()

int         xmlParseChunk                   (xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
+                                             const char *chunk,
+                                             int size,
+                                             int terminate);

Parse a Chunk of memory

ctxt : an XML parser context
chunk : an char array
size : the size in byte of the chunk
terminate : last chunk indicator
Returns :zero if no error, the xmlParserErrors otherwise.