diff --git a/doc/html/gnome-xml-sax.html b/doc/html/gnome-xml-sax.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3420faf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/html/gnome-xml-sax.html @@ -0,0 +1,3916 @@ +SAX
Gnome XML Library Reference Manual
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+#define     extern
+const xmlChar* getPublicId                  (void *ctx);
+const xmlChar* getSystemId                  (void *ctx);
+void        setDocumentLocator              (void *ctx,
+                                             xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc);
+int         getLineNumber                   (void *ctx);
+int         getColumnNumber                 (void *ctx);
+int         isStandalone                    (void *ctx);
+int         hasInternalSubset               (void *ctx);
+int         hasExternalSubset               (void *ctx);
+void        internalSubset                  (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
+                                             const xmlChar *SystemID);
+xmlEntityPtr getEntity                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);
+xmlEntityPtr getParameterEntity             (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);
+xmlParserInputPtr resolveEntity             (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId);
+void        entityDecl                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             int type,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId,
+                                             xmlChar *content);
+void        attributeDecl                   (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *elem,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             int type,
+                                             int def,
+                                             const xmlChar *defaultValue,
+                                             xmlEnumerationPtr tree);
+void        elementDecl                     (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             int type,
+                                             xmlElementContentPtr content);
+void        notationDecl                    (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId);
+void        unparsedEntityDecl              (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId,
+                                             const xmlChar *notationName);
+void        startDocument                   (void *ctx);
+void        endDocument                     (void *ctx);
+void        attribute                       (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *fullname,
+                                             const xmlChar *value);
+void        startElement                    (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *fullname,
+                                             const xmlChar **atts);
+void        endElement                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);
+void        reference                       (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);
+void        characters                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *ch,
+                                             int len);
+void        ignorableWhitespace             (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *ch,
+                                             int len);
+void        processingInstruction           (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *target,
+                                             const xmlChar *data);
+void        globalNamespace                 (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *href,
+                                             const xmlChar *prefix);
+void        setNamespace                    (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);
+xmlNsPtr    getNamespace                    (void *ctx);
+int         checkNamespace                  (void *ctx,
+                                             xmlChar *nameSpace);
+void        namespaceDecl                   (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *href,
+                                             const xmlChar *prefix);
+void        comment                         (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *value);
+void        cdataBlock                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *value,
+                                             int len);
+void        xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit        (void);
+void        htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit       (void);




#define     extern

getPublicId ()

const xmlChar* getPublicId                  (void *ctx);

Return the public ID e.g. "-//SGMLSOURCE//DTD DEMO//EN"

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns :a xmlChar *

getSystemId ()

const xmlChar* getSystemId                  (void *ctx);

Return the system ID, basically URL or filename e.g. +http://www.sgmlsource.com/dtds/memo.dtd

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns :a xmlChar *

setDocumentLocator ()

void        setDocumentLocator              (void *ctx,
+                                             xmlSAXLocatorPtr loc);

Receive the document locator at startup, actually xmlDefaultSAXLocator +Everything is available on the context, so this is useless in our case.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
loc : A SAX Locator

getLineNumber ()

int         getLineNumber                   (void *ctx);

Return the line number of the current parsing point.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns :an int

getColumnNumber ()

int         getColumnNumber                 (void *ctx);

Return the column number of the current parsing point.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns :an int

isStandalone ()

int         isStandalone                    (void *ctx);

Is this document tagged standalone ?

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns :1 if true

hasInternalSubset ()

int         hasInternalSubset               (void *ctx);

Does this document has an internal subset

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns :1 if true

hasExternalSubset ()

int         hasExternalSubset               (void *ctx);

Does this document has an external subset

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns :1 if true

internalSubset ()

void        internalSubset                  (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
+                                             const xmlChar *SystemID);

Callback on internal subset declaration.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : 
ExternalID : 
SystemID : 

getEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr getEntity                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);

Get an entity by name

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : The entity name
Returns :the xmlEntityPtr if found.

getParameterEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr getParameterEntity             (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);

Get a parameter entity by name

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : The entity name
Returns :the xmlEntityPtr if found.

resolveEntity ()

xmlParserInputPtr resolveEntity             (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId);

The entity loader, to control the loading of external entities, +the application can either: +- override this resolveEntity() callback in the SAX block +- or better use the xmlSetExternalEntityLoader() function to +set up it's own entity resolution routine

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
publicId : The public ID of the entity
systemId : The system ID of the entity
Returns :the xmlParserInputPtr if inlined or NULL for DOM behaviour.

entityDecl ()

void        entityDecl                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             int type,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId,
+                                             xmlChar *content);

An entity definition has been parsed

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : the entity name
type : the entity type
publicId : The public ID of the entity
systemId : The system ID of the entity
content : the entity value (without processing).

attributeDecl ()

void        attributeDecl                   (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *elem,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             int type,
+                                             int def,
+                                             const xmlChar *defaultValue,
+                                             xmlEnumerationPtr tree);

An attribute definition has been parsed

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
elem : 
name : the attribute name
type : the attribute type
def : 
defaultValue : 
tree : 

elementDecl ()

void        elementDecl                     (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             int type,
+                                             xmlElementContentPtr content);

An element definition has been parsed

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : the element name
type : the element type
content : the element value (without processing).

notationDecl ()

void        notationDecl                    (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId);

What to do when a notation declaration has been parsed.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : The name of the notation
publicId : The public ID of the entity
systemId : The system ID of the entity

unparsedEntityDecl ()

void        unparsedEntityDecl              (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name,
+                                             const xmlChar *publicId,
+                                             const xmlChar *systemId,
+                                             const xmlChar *notationName);

What to do when an unparsed entity declaration is parsed

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : The name of the entity
publicId : The public ID of the entity
systemId : The system ID of the entity
notationName : the name of the notation

startDocument ()

void        startDocument                   (void *ctx);

called when the document start being processed.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)

endDocument ()

void        endDocument                     (void *ctx);

called when the document end has been detected.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)

attribute ()

void        attribute                       (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *fullname,
+                                             const xmlChar *value);

Handle an attribute that has been read by the parser. +The default handling is to convert the attribute into an +DOM subtree and past it in a new xmlAttr element added to +the element.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
fullname : 
value : The attribute value

startElement ()

void        startElement                    (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *fullname,
+                                             const xmlChar **atts);

called when an opening tag has been processed.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
fullname : 
atts : An array of name/value attributes pairs, NULL terminated

endElement ()

void        endElement                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);

called when the end of an element has been detected.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : The element name

reference ()

void        reference                       (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);

called when an entity reference is detected.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : The entity name

characters ()

void        characters                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *ch,
+                                             int len);

receiving some chars from the parser. +Question: how much at a time ???

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
ch : a xmlChar string
len : the number of xmlChar

ignorableWhitespace ()

void        ignorableWhitespace             (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *ch,
+                                             int len);

receiving some ignorable whitespaces from the parser. +Question: how much at a time ???

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
ch : a xmlChar string
len : the number of xmlChar

processingInstruction ()

void        processingInstruction           (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *target,
+                                             const xmlChar *data);

A processing instruction has been parsed.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
target : the target name
data : the PI data's

globalNamespace ()

void        globalNamespace                 (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *href,
+                                             const xmlChar *prefix);

An old global namespace has been parsed.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
href : the namespace associated URN
prefix : the namespace prefix

setNamespace ()

void        setNamespace                    (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *name);

Set the current element namespace.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
name : the namespace prefix

getNamespace ()

xmlNsPtr    getNamespace                    (void *ctx);

Get the current element namespace.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
Returns : 

checkNamespace ()

int         checkNamespace                  (void *ctx,
+                                             xmlChar *nameSpace);

Check that the current element namespace is the same as the +one read upon parsing.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
nameSpace : the namespace to check against
Returns : 

namespaceDecl ()

void        namespaceDecl                   (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *href,
+                                             const xmlChar *prefix);

A namespace has been parsed.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
href : the namespace associated URN
prefix : the namespace prefix

comment ()

void        comment                         (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *value);

A comment has been parsed.

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
value : the comment content

cdataBlock ()

void        cdataBlock                      (void *ctx,
+                                             const xmlChar *value,
+                                             int len);

called when a pcdata block has been parsed

ctx : the user data (XML parser context)
value : The pcdata content
len : the block length

xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit ()

void        xmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit        (void);

Initialize the default SAX handler

htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit ()

void        htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit       (void);

Initialize the default SAX handler

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