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synced 2025-03-19 14:50:07 +03:00
a new version of libxml-doc.el. This new version works with both libxml1
* doc/libxml-doc.el: a new version of libxml-doc.el. This new version works with both libxml1 and libxml2 (it autodetects the prefix of the html-files) from Felix Natter. * doc/xml.html: updated doc accordingly Daniel
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
Sat Jun 23 19:36:31 CEST 2001 Daniel Veillard <Daniel.Veillard@imag.fr>
* doc/libxml-doc.el: a new version of libxml-doc.el. This new
version works with both libxml1 and libxml2 (it autodetects
the prefix of the html-files) from Felix Natter.
* doc/xml.html: updated doc accordingly
Sat Jun 23 18:30:28 CEST 2001 Daniel Veillard <Daniel.Veillard@imag.fr>
* xpath.c: fixed the bug generating a template loop in libxslt
@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
;;; libxml-doc.el - look up libxml-symbols and start browser on documentation
;;; libxml-doc.el - look up libxml-symbols and start browser on documentation
;; Author: Felix Natter <fnatter@gmx.net>
;; Author: Felix Natter <fnatter@gmx.net>, Geert Kloosterman <geertk@ai.rug.nl>
;; Created: Jun 21 2000
;; Keywords: libxml documentation
;; 2001-05-31: Adapted by Geert Kloosterman <geertk@ai.rug.nl>
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
@ -26,19 +24,11 @@
;; (using lynx within emacs by default;
;; ----- Installing
;; 1. add the following to ~/.emacs (adapt path and remove comments !)
;; (load ~/elisp/libxml-doc.el)
;; you can also load this conditionally in a c-mode-hook (preferred)
;;(add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda()
;; (load-file "~/elisp/libxml-doc.el")))
;; or you can use this if you are using libxml2
;;(add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda()
;; (save-excursion
;; (if (search-forward "#include <libxml/" nil t nil)
;; (load-file "~/elisp/libxml-doc.el"))
;; )))
;; (autoload 'libxmldoc-lookup-symbol "~/elisp/libxml-doc"
;; "Look up libxml-symbols and start browser on documentation." t)
;; or put this file in load-path and use this:
;; (autoload 'libxmldoc-lookup-symbol "libxml-doc"
;; "Look up libxml-symbols and start browser on documentation." t)
;; 2. adapt libxmldoc-root:
;; i.e. (setq libxmldoc-root "~/libxml2-2.0.0/doc/html/")
;; 3. change the filter-regex: by default, cpp-defines, callbacks and
@ -46,9 +36,20 @@
;; 4. consider customizing libxmldoc-browse-url (lynx by default);
;; cannot use Emacs/W3 4.0pre46 because it has problems with the html
;; ----- Using
;; call M-x libxmldoc-lookup-symbol: this will prompt with completion
;; and then open the browser showing the documentation. If the word
;; around the point matches a symbol, that is used instead (no completion).
;; call M-x libxmldoc-lookup-symbol: this will prompt with completion and
;; then open the browser showing the documentation. If the word around the
;; point matches a symbol, that is used instead. You can also call
;; libxmldoc-lookup-symbol noninteractively and pass the symbol.
;; Note:
;; an alternative to libxml-doc is emacs tags:
;; $ cd libxml2-2.3.8
;; $ etags *.c *.h
;; $ emacs
;; M-. (M-x find-tag) ... or
;; M-x tags-search ... RET M-, M-, ...
;; (for more information: info emacs RET m Tags RET)
;;; ChangeLog:
;; Wed Jun 21 01:07:12 2000: initial release
@ -64,117 +65,131 @@
;; With 'word, identifiers with an underscore (e.g. BAD_CAST)
;; don't get matched.
;; Sat Jun 02 2001 (Geert):
;; - Cleaned up URI construction: no extraneous '/' in the URI when
;; `libxmldoc-root' ends with a '/'.
;; Fri Jun 8 16:29:18 2001, Sat Jun 23 16:19:47 2001:
;; complete rewrite of libxmldoc-lookup-symbol
;; by Felix Natter <fnatter@gmx.net>, Geert Kloosterman <geertk@ai.rug.nl>:
;; - Now keeps the list of symbols between calls to speed things up.
;; Every filter gets it's own list of symbols. This way it's
;; possible to use different values of `libxmldoc-filter-regexp' in
;; different buffers.
;; - Fixed symbols for function pointers: now skips '*' when
;; fetching identifiers from the html files.
;; - filtering is only used when no symbol is passed and
;; thing-at-point does not match a symbol and "*" + thing-at-point
;; does not match a symbol (this is used to catch callbacks) and
;; libxmldoc-filter-regexp is non-nil.
;; Sat Jun 23 16:20:34 2001: update the docstrings
;; Sat Jun 23 16:22:54 2001 (Geert Kloosterman <geertk@ai.rug.nl>):
;; update README: use autoload instead of load+c-mode-hook
;;; TODO:
;; use command-execute for libxml-browse-url
;; - use command-execute for libxmldoc-browse-url
;; - keep (match-string 1) in a variable (libxmldoc-get-list-of-symbols)
;; - check the (require ..)-statements
;;; Code:
(defvar libxmldoc-root "~/libxml/www.xmlsoft.org"
(provide 'libxmldoc)
(require 'browse-url)
(require 'term)
(defvar libxmldoc-root "~/src/libxml2-2.3.8/doc/html"
"The root-directory of the libxml2-documentation (~ will be expanded).")
(defvar libxmldoc-filter-regexp "^html\\|^\\*\\|^[A-Z_]+\\|^$"
(defvar libxmldoc-filter-regexp "^html\\|^\\*\\|^[A-Z_]+"
"Symbols that match this regular expression will be excluded when doing
completion and no symbol is specified.
For example:
callbacks: \"^\\\\*\"
cpp-defines: \"[A-Z_]+\"
xml-functions \"^xml\"
html-functions \"^html\"
sax-functions \".*SAX\"
By default, callbacks, cpp-defines and html* are excluded. If you redefine
this, you should include \"^$\" as alternative, which removes empty
tokens. i.e. removing \"^html\\\\|\" from the above regexp causes html* to
be shown.")
By default, callbacks, cpp-defines and html* are excluded.
Set this to nil if you don't want filtering.")
(defvar libxmldoc-browse-url 'browse-url-lynx-emacs
"Browser used for browsing documentation. Emacs/W3 4.0pre46 cannot handle
the html, so lynx-emacs is used by default.")
the html (and would be too slow), so lynx-emacs is used by default.")
(defvar libxmldoc-symbol-history nil
"History for looking up libxml-symbols.")
;; GJK: Keep the results from libxmldoc-get-list-of-symbols between
;; calls to speed things up.
(defvar libxmldoc-symbols-alist nil
"Alist which stores a symbol list for each `libxmldoc-filter-regexp'. The
never matching regex \"$^\" is used as key when no filtering is needed.")
(defvar libxmldoc-symbols nil
"The list of libxml-symbols.")
;;;; public functions
(defun libxmldoc-lookup-symbol(&optional symbol)
"Look up xml-symbol." (interactive)
(let ((symbols)
(real-symbol symbol)
;; We don't want filtering when there's a symbol specified.
;; Use the never matching regex "$^" as a key when using no filter.
(filter (if symbol "$^" libxmldoc-filter-regexp))
(no-filter (if symbol t nil)))
;; Build up a symbol list if neccesary.
(if (not (assoc filter libxmldoc-symbols-alist))
(add-to-list 'libxmldoc-symbols-alist
(cons filter
(libxmldoc-get-list-of-symbols no-filter))))
;; this is necessary so that filtering is done case-sensitively
((case-fold-search nil))
;; Use the appropriate symbol list.
(setq symbols (cdr (assoc filter libxmldoc-symbols-alist)))
;; Build up a symbol list if neccesary
(if (null libxmldoc-symbols)
(setq libxmldoc-symbols (libxmldoc-get-list-of-symbols)))
((not (null symbol)) ;; symbol is specified as argument
(if (not (assoc symbol libxmldoc-symbols))
(setq symbol nil)))
((assoc (thing-at-point 'symbol) libxmldoc-symbols)
(setq symbol (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
;; this is needed to catch callbacks
;; note: this could be rewritten to use (thing-at-point 'word)
((assoc (concat "*" (thing-at-point 'symbol)) libxmldoc-symbols)
(setq symbol (concat "*" (thing-at-point 'symbol))))
(if (null real-symbol)
(if (assoc (thing-at-point 'symbol) symbols)
(setq real-symbol (thing-at-point 'symbol))
(setq real-symbol (completing-read "Libxml: " symbols nil t ""
'libxmldoc-symbol-history "" t))))
(if (null (assoc real-symbol symbols))
(error (concat "libxmldoc: '" real-symbol "' not found !")))
(setq url (cdr (assoc real-symbol symbols)))
;; (minibuffer-message uri)
(apply libxmldoc-browse-url (list url))))
;;(defun libxmldoc-lookup-symbol-at-point()
;; "Look up libxml-symbol at point." (interactive)
;; (libxmldoc-lookup-symbol (thing-at-point 'word)))
;; omit "" t) from call to completing-read for the sake of xemacs
(setq symbol
(completing-read "Libxml: " (if (or symbol
(null libxmldoc-filter-regexp))
(if (null (string-match
(car key,value)))
nil t symbol
;; start browser
(apply libxmldoc-browse-url
(list (cdr (assoc symbol libxmldoc-symbols))))))
;;;; internal
(defun libxmldoc-get-list-of-symbols(&optional nofilter)
(defun libxmldoc-get-list-of-symbols()
"Get the list of html-links in the libxml-documentation."
(let ((files (directory-files libxmldoc-root t
"^libxml-.*\\.html$" t))
(let ((files
libxmldoc-root t
(concat "^" (if (file-exists-p (concat libxmldoc-root
".*\\.html$") t))
(symbols ())
(case-fold-search t)
;; (minibuffer-message "collecting libxml-symbols...")
(message "collecting libxml-symbols...")
(while (car files)
(find-file (car files))
(while (re-search-forward
"<a[^>]*href[ \t\n]*=[ \t\n]*\"\\([^=>]*\\)\"[^>]*>" nil t nil)
(setq uri (concat "file://"
(expand-file-name (match-string 1)
(if (not (re-search-forward "\\([^<]*\\)<" nil t nil)) ; GJK: no '*'
(error "regexp error while finding libxml-symbols.."))
(setq symbol (match-string 1))
(setq case-fold-search nil)
(if (or nofilter
(null (string-match libxmldoc-filter-regexp symbol)))
(add-to-list 'symbols (cons symbol uri)))
(setq case-fold-search t)
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(setq files (cdr files)))
(insert-file-contents (car files))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (re-search-forward
"<a[^>]*href[ \t\n]*=[ \t\n]*\"\\([^=>]*\\)\"[^>]*>" nil t nil)
(setq uri (concat "file://" (expand-file-name libxmldoc-root) "/"
(match-string 1)))
(if (not (re-search-forward "\\([^<]*\\)<" nil t nil))
(error "regexp error while getting libxml-symbols.."))
;; this needs add-to-list because i.e. xmlChar appears often
(if (not (string-equal "" (match-string 1)))
(add-to-list 'symbols (cons (match-string 1) uri))))
;; (setq symbols (cons (cons (match-string 1) uri) symbols)))
(setq files (cdr files)))
;;; libxml-doc.el ends here
;;; Local Variables:
;;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
;;; End:
@ -1557,8 +1557,9 @@ Gnome CVS base under gnome-xml/example</p>
href="http://axkit.org/download/">XML::LibXSLT</a>, a perl wrapper for
libxml2/libxslt as part of the <a href="http://axkit.com/">AxKit XML
application server</a></li>
<li><a href="mailto:fnatter@gmx.net">Felix Natter</a> provided <a
href="libxml-doc.el">an emacs module</a> to lookup libxml functions
<li><a href="mailto:fnatter@gmx.net">Felix Natter</a> and
<a href="mailto:geertk@ai.rug.nl">Geert Kloosterman</a> provide <a
href="libxml-doc.el">an emacs module</a> to lookup libxml(2) functions
<li><a href="mailto:sherwin@nlm.nih.gov">Ziying Sherwin</a> provided <a
href="http://xmlsoft.org/messages/0488.html">man pages</a> (not yet
@ -1569,6 +1570,6 @@ Gnome CVS base under gnome-xml/example</p>
<p><a href="mailto:Daniel.Veillard@imag.fr">Daniel Veillard</a></p>
<p>$Id: xml.html,v 1.88 2001/06/17 14:50:34 veillard Exp $</p>
<p>$Id: xml.html,v 1.89 2001/06/22 16:03:51 veillard Exp $</p>
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