project( 'libxml2', 'c', version: '2.13.0', license: 'MIT', default_options: ['buildtype=debug', 'warning_level=3'], meson_version: '>= 0.61', ) v_array = meson.project_version().split('.') v_maj = v_array[0] v_min = v_array[1] v_mic = v_array[2] v_nbr = v_maj.to_int() * 10000 + v_min.to_int() * 100 + v_mic.to_int() v_extra = '' r = run_command('git', 'describe', check: false) if (r.returncode() == 0) v_extra = '-GIT' + r.stdout().strip() endif # install paths dir_prefix = get_option('prefix') dir_bin = dir_prefix / get_option('bindir') dir_include = dir_prefix / get_option('includedir') dir_pkginclude = dir_include / meson.project_name() dir_lib = dir_prefix / get_option('libdir') dir_data = dir_prefix / get_option('datadir') dir_doc = dir_data / 'doc' / 'libxml2' dir_locale = dir_prefix / get_option('localedir') # host host_os = host_machine.system() bsd = ['freebsd', 'dragonfly'] cygwin = 'cygwin' windows = 'windows' sys_bsd = bsd.contains(host_os) sys_cygwin = cygwin.contains(host_os) sys_windows = windows.contains(host_os) libxml2_cflags = [] xml_cflags = '' dep_args = [] if sys_cygwin or sys_windows if get_option('default_library') == 'static' xml_cflags = '-DLIBXML_STATIC' libxml2_cflags += '-DLIBXML_STATIC' dep_args += '-DLIBXML_STATIC' endif endif # binaries cc = meson.get_compiler('c') # options want_c14n = get_option('c14n') want_catalog = get_option('catalog') want_debug = get_option('debuging') want_html = get_option('html') want_http = get_option('http') want_ipv6 = get_option('ipv6') want_iso8859x = get_option('iso8859x') want_legacy = get_option('legacy') want_output = get_option('output') want_pattern = get_option('pattern') want_push = get_option('push') want_python = get_option('python') want_reader = get_option('reader') want_regexps = get_option('regexps') want_sax1 = get_option('sax1') want_schemas = get_option('schemas') want_schematron = get_option('schematron') want_thread_alloc = get_option('thread-alloc') want_tls = get_option('tls') want_valid = get_option('valid') want_writer = get_option('writer') want_xinclude = get_option('xinclude') want_xpath = get_option('xpath') want_xptr = get_option('xptr') # TODO: Options should be three-valued: "yes", "no", default # TODO: Legacy defaults # hard dependencies on options if want_c14n == true if want_output == false message('-Dc14n=true overrides -Doutput') endif want_output = true if want_xpath == false message('-Dc14n=true overrides -Dxpath') endif want_xpath = true endif if want_schemas == true if want_pattern == false message('-Dschemas=true overrides -Dpattern') endif want_pattern = true if want_regexps == false message('-Dschemas=true overrides -Dregexps') endif want_regexps = true endif if want_schematron == true if want_pattern == false message('-Dschematron=true overrides -Dpattern') endif want_pattern = true if want_xpath == false message('-Dschematron=true overrides -Dxpath') endif want_xpath = true endif if want_reader == true if want_push == false message('-Dreader=true overrides -Dpush') endif want_push = true endif if want_writer == true if want_output == false message('-Dwriter=true overrides -Doutput') endif want_output = true if want_push == false message('-Dwriter=true overrides -Dpush') endif want_push = true endif if want_xinclude == true if want_xpath == false message('-Dxinclude=true overrides -Dxpath') endif want_xpath = true endif if want_xptr == true if want_xpath == false message('-Dxptr=true overrides -Dxpath') endif want_xpath = true endif # minimum dependencies if get_option('minimum') # TODO: This is should allow other options want_c14n = false want_catalog = false want_debug = false want_html = false want_http = false want_ipv6 = false want_iso8859x = false want_output = false want_pattern = false want_push = false want_python = false want_reader = false want_regexps = false want_sax1 = false want_schemas = false want_schematron = false want_thread_alloc = false want_valid = false want_writer = false want_xinclude = false want_xpath = false want_xptr = false else # Disable dependent modules if want_output == false want_c14n = false want_writer = false endif if want_pattern == false want_schemas = false want_schematron = false endif if want_push == false want_reader = false want_writer = false endif if want_regexps == false want_schemas = false endif if want_xpath == false want_c14n = false want_schematron = false want_xinclude = false want_xptr = false endif endif cflags_try = [] ### workaround for native compilers, see if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'gcc' cflags_try += [ '-Wshadow', '-Wpointer-arith', '-Wcast-align', '-Wwrite-strings', '-Wstrict-prototypes', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wno-long-long', '-Wno-format-extra-args', ] if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'alpha' cflags_try += '-mieee' endif else if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'alpha' cflags_try += '-ieee' elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'parisc' cflags_try += '-Wp,-H30000' endif endif foreach cf : cflags_try if cc.has_argument(cf) libxml2_cflags += cf endif endforeach # configuration # # X : done # N : not done # # [X] # [X] include/libxml/ # [N] # [X] # [X] # [X] python/ # [N] ## config.h config_h = configuration_data() config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_BIN_DIR', dir_bin) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_LIB_DIR', dir_lib) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_DATA_DIR', dir_data) config_h.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR', dir_locale) # header files xml_check_headers = [ 'stdint.h', 'fcntl.h', 'unistd.h', 'sys/stat.h', 'sys/mman.h', 'sys/socket.h', 'netinet/in.h', 'arpa/inet.h', 'netdb.h', 'sys/select.h', 'poll.h', 'sys/time.h', 'sys/timeb.h', 'dl.h', 'dlfcn.h', 'glob.h', ] foreach header : xml_check_headers if cc.has_header(header) config_h.set10('HAVE_' + header.underscorify().to_upper(), true) endif endforeach # library functions xml_check_functions = [ # fct | header ['gettimeofday', 'sys/time.h'], ['ftime', 'sys/timeb.h'], ['stat', 'sys/stat.h'], ['mmap', 'sys/mman.h'], ['munmap', 'sys/mman.h'], ] foreach function : xml_check_functions if cc.has_header_symbol(function[1], function[0]) config_h.set10('HAVE_' + function[0].to_upper(), true) endif endforeach # library config_dir = [include_directories('.'), include_directories('include')] ## dependencies xml_deps = [] ### math library if sys_windows == false m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required: false) if m_dep.found() xml_deps += m_dep endif endif ### thread local storage if want_tls == true tls_src = ''' #include int main() { _Thread_local int v; return 0; } ''' res = cc.compiles(tls_src, name: '_Thread_local') if res == true config_h.set('XML_THREAD_LOCAL', '_Thread_local') else tls_src = ''' int main() { __thread int v; return 0; } ''' res = cc.compiles(tls_src, name: '__thread') if res == true config_h.set('XML_THREAD_LOCAL', '__thread') else tls_src = ''' int main() { __declspec(thread) int v; return 0; } ''' res = cc.compiles(tls_src, name: '__declspec(thread)') if res == true config_h.set('XML_THREAD_LOCAL', '__declspec(thread)') else want_tls = false endif endif endif endif ### __attribute__((destructor)) if cc.has_function_attribute('destructor') config_h.set10('HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_DESTRUCTOR', true) config_h.set('ATTRIBUTE_DESTRUCTOR', '__attribute__((destructor))') endif ### DSO support if sys_cygwin == true module_extension = '.dll' elif sys_windows == true module_extension = '.dll' else module_extension = '.so' endif dl_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('minimum') if host_machine.system() != 'windows' if meson.version().version_compare('>=0.62') dl_dep = dependency('dl', required: get_option('modules')) else dl_dep = cc.find_library('dl', required: get_option('modules')) endif if dl_dep.found() config_h.set10('HAVE_DLOPEN', true) xml_deps += dl_dep endif elif get_option('modules').allowed() dl_dep = declare_dependency() endif endif ### threads threads_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('minimum') if host_machine.system() != 'windows' threads_dep = dependency('threads', required: get_option('threads')) if threads_dep.found() config_h.set10('HAVE_PTHREAD_H', true) xml_deps += threads_dep endif elif get_option('threads').allowed() threads_dep = declare_dependency() endif endif want_thread_alloc = threads_dep.found() ### xmllint shell history xmllint_deps = [] if not get_option('minimum') readline_dep = dependency('readline', required: get_option('readline')) else readline_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif config_h.set('HAVE_LIBREADLINE', readline_dep.found()) xmllint_deps += readline_dep if not get_option('minimum') and readline_dep.found() history_dep = dependency('history', required: get_option('history')) else history_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif config_h.set('HAVE_LIBHISTORY', history_dep.found()) xmllint_deps += history_dep ### crypto if sys_windows == true bcrypt_dep = cc.find_library('bcrypt', required: true) xml_deps += bcrypt_dep endif ### inet if want_http == true if sys_windows == true ws2_dep = cc.find_library('ws2_32', required: true) xml_deps += ws2_dep else has_in_libc = cc.has_function('gethostbyname') if has_in_libc == false nsl_dep = cc.find_library('nsl', required: true) if nsl_dep.found() has_in_nsl = cc.has_function( 'gethostbyname', dependencies: nsl_dep, required: false, ) if has_in_nsl == true xml_deps += nsl_dep endif endif endif endif ### socket length socklen_src = ''' #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif int main() { (void)getsockopt (1, 1, 1, NULL, (socklen_t *)NULL); return 0; } ''' res = cc.compiles(socklen_src, name: 'socket length as socklen_t') if res == true config_h.set('XML_SOCKLEN_T', 'socklen_t') else socklen_src = ''' #include #include int main() { (void)getsockopt (1, 1, 1, NULL, (size_t *)NULL); return 0; } ''' res = cc.compiles(socklen_src, name: 'socket length as size_t') if res == true config_h.set('XML_SOCKLEN_T', 'size_t') else socklen_src = ''' #include #include int main() { (void)getsockopt (1, 1, 1, NULL, (int *)NULL); return 0; } ''' res = cc.compiles(socklen_src, name: 'socket length as int') if res == false message('could not determine socket length type, use int') endif config_h.set('XML_SOCKLEN_T', 'int') endif endif if want_ipv6 == true ### IPV6 on Windows has been supported since Windows XP SP1 (around 2003) ### see: ### ### nevertheless, we check it like autotools ipv6_src = ''' #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H #include #endif #endif int main() { struct sockaddr_storage ss; socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0); getaddrinfo(0, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } ''' res = cc.compiles(ipv6_src, name: 'support for IPV6') if res == true config_h.set10('SUPPORT_IP6', true) endif endif endif ### zlib if not get_option('minimum') zlib_dep = dependency('zlib', required: get_option('zlib')) else zlib_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif xml_deps += zlib_dep ### lzma if not get_option('minimum') lzma_dep = dependency('liblzma', required: get_option('lzma')) else lzma_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif xml_deps += lzma_dep # icu icu_dep = dependency('icu-i18n', method: 'pkg-config', required: get_option('icu')) if icu_dep.found() defs = icu_dep.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'DEFS') if cc.has_argument(defs) libxml2_cflags += defs endif endif xml_deps += icu_dep ### iconv if not get_option('minimum') # this is a hack for the BSDs. The iconv dependency works as long as libiconv is not in the include path. if sys_bsd and icu_dep.found() iconv_dep = cc.find_library('iconv', dirs: icu_dep.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'libdir'), required: get_option('iconv')) else iconv_dep = dependency('iconv', required: get_option('iconv')) endif else iconv_dep = dependency('', required: false) endif xml_deps += iconv_dep if not iconv_dep.found() and want_iso8859x == false want_iso8859x = false else want_iso8859x = true endif subdir('include/libxml') # Set config_h after all subdirs and dependencies have set values configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: config_h) ## libxml2 library xml_src = [ 'buf.c', 'chvalid.c', 'dict.c', 'entities.c', 'encoding.c', 'error.c', 'globals.c', 'hash.c', 'list.c', 'parser.c', 'parserInternals.c', 'SAX2.c', 'threads.c', 'tree.c', 'uri.c', 'valid.c', 'xmlIO.c', 'xmlmemory.c', 'xmlstring.c', ] xml_opt_src = [ [want_c14n, ['c14n.c']], [want_catalog, ['catalog.c']], [want_debug, ['debugXML.c']], [want_html, ['HTMLparser.c', 'HTMLtree.c']], [want_http, ['nanohttp.c']], [want_legacy, ['legacy.c']], [lzma_dep.found(), ['xzlib.c']], [dl_dep.found(), ['xmlmodule.c']], [want_output, ['xmlsave.c']], [want_pattern, ['pattern.c']], [want_reader, ['xmlreader.c']], [want_regexps, ['xmlregexp.c', 'xmlunicode.c']], [want_schemas, ['relaxng.c', 'xmlschemas.c', 'xmlschemastypes.c']], [want_schemas and not want_xpath, ['xpath.c']], [want_schematron, ['schematron.c']], [want_writer, ['xmlwriter.c']], [want_xinclude, ['xinclude.c']], [want_xpath, ['xpath.c']], [want_xptr, ['xlink.c', 'xpointer.c']], ] foreach file : xml_opt_src want = file[0] src = file[1] if want == true if src.length() > 1 foreach s : src xml_src += s endforeach else xml_src += src endif endif endforeach xml_lib = library( 'xml2', files(xml_src), c_args: libxml2_cflags, dependencies: xml_deps, include_directories: config_dir, install: true, version: meson.project_version(), ) dep_inc = include_directories('include') xml_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: dep_inc, link_with: xml_lib, compile_args: dep_args) meson.override_dependency('libxml-2.0', xml_dep) ## xmllint tool executable( 'xmllint', files('xmllint.c', 'shell.c'), dependencies: [xml_dep, xmllint_deps], include_directories: config_dir, install: true, ) ## xmlcatalog tool executable( 'xmlcatalog', files('xmlcatalog.c'), dependencies: [xml_dep, xmllint_deps], include_directories: config_dir, install: true, ) ## testdso module testdso_mod = shared_module( 'testdso', files('testdso.c'), build_rpath: get_option('libdir'), include_directories: config_dir, name_prefix: '', ) ## tests checks = { 'runsuite': [], 'runtest': threads_dep, 'runxmlconf': [], # Disabled for now, see #694 # 'testModule': [], 'testapi': [], 'testchar': [], 'testdict': [], 'testlimits': [], 'testparser': [], 'testrecurse': [], } foreach check, deps : checks exe = executable( check, files(check + '.c'), dependencies: [deps, xml_dep], include_directories: config_dir, ) if check != 'testlimits' test(check, exe, timeout: 0, workdir: meson.current_source_dir()) endif endforeach subdir('example') subdir('doc') if want_python == true subdir('python') endif ## pc files pkgmod = import('pkgconfig') pkgmod.generate( xml_lib, description: 'libXML library version2.', filebase: 'libxml-2.0', name: 'libXML', subdirs: [meson.project_name()], variables: 'modules=' + dl_dep.found().to_string('1', '0'), ) ## libxml2-config.cmake file config_cmake = configuration_data() config_cmake.set('LIBXML_MAJOR_VERSION', v_maj) config_cmake.set('LIBXML_MINOR_VERSION', v_min) config_cmake.set('LIBXML_MICRO_VERSION', v_mic) config_cmake.set('VERSION', meson.project_version()) config_cmake.set('WITH_ICONV', iconv_dep.found().to_int().to_string()) config_cmake.set('WITH_ICU', icu_dep.found().to_int().to_string()) config_cmake.set('WITH_LZMA', lzma_dep.found().to_int().to_string()) config_cmake.set('WITH_MODULES', dl_dep.found().to_int().to_string()) config_cmake.set('WITH_THREADS', threads_dep.found().to_int().to_string()) config_cmake.set('WITH_ZLIB', zlib_dep.found().to_int().to_string()) config_cmake.set('XML_CFLAGS', xml_cflags) configure_file( input: '', output: 'libxml2-config.cmake', configuration: config_cmake, install_dir: dir_lib / 'cmake' / 'libxml2', ) # summary summary( { 'OS': host_os, 'c14n': want_c14n, 'catalog': want_catalog, 'debug': want_debug, 'history': history_dep.found(), 'html': want_html, 'http': want_http, 'iconv': iconv_dep.found(), 'icu': icu_dep.found(), 'ipv6': want_ipv6, 'iso8859x': want_iso8859x, 'legacy': want_legacy, 'lzma': lzma_dep.found(), 'modules': dl_dep.found(), 'output': want_output, 'pattern': want_pattern, 'push': want_push, 'python': want_python, 'reader': want_reader, 'readline': readline_dep.found(), 'regexps': want_regexps, 'sax1': want_sax1, 'schemas': want_schemas, 'schematron': want_schematron, 'threads': threads_dep.found(), 'thread-alloc': want_thread_alloc, 'tls': want_tls, 'valid': want_valid, 'writer': want_writer, 'xinclude': want_xinclude, 'xpath': want_xpath, 'xptr': want_xptr, 'zlib': zlib_dep.found(), }, section: 'Configuration Options Summary:', )