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Module xmlunicode from libxml2

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int	xmlUCSIsBlockElements	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTags	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsBopomofo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSinhala	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsDingbats	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsA	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsYiRadicals	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsBasicLatin	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsOldItalic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLimbu	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCat	(int code, 
const char * cat)
int	xmlUCSIsCatSo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatLu	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatLt	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsYiSyllables	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatSk	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatLo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsKhmerSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatLm	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMongolian	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsUgaritic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsKannada	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMalayalam	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCypriotSyllabary	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTamil	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatC	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatN	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatLl	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatL	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatM	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTelugu	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsOsmanya	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGreek	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsEthiopic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatP	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGeorgian	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsOgham	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatZ	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatCs	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHanunoo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGreekExtended	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsArmenian	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatCf	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatCc	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatCo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCherokee	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatPe	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLinearBSyllabary	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGothic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsKhmer	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatNd	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsPhoneticExtensions	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTaiLe	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsArabic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHebrew	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsVariationSelectors	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatZp	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatZs	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatZl	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTagalog	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSpecials	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGujarati	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLinearBIdeograms	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsBlock	(int code, 
const char * block)
int	xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsThaana	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHangulJamo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsShavian	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTagbanwa	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCyrillic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsArrows	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsControlPictures	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatNl	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatNo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsDeseret	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatSm	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsBengali	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsPrivateUse	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsBuhid	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsAegeanNumbers	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsKatakana	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsGurmukhi	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsDevanagari	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsPrivateUseArea	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsB	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsNumberForms	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsTibetan	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsKanbun	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsThai	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsRunic	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatSc	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatPc	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatMc	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatPf	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCyrillicSupplement	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatPd	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsMyanmar	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatPi	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHiragana	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatPo	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatPs	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSyriac	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatMn	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsLao	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsOriya	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatMe	(int code)
int	xmlUCSIsCatS	(int code)


Function: xmlUCSIsBlockElements

int	xmlUCSIsBlockElements	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of BlockElements UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement

int	xmlUCSIsVariationSelectorsSupplement	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of VariationSelectorsSupplement UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTags

int	xmlUCSIsTags	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Tags UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics

int	xmlUCSIsEnclosedAlphanumerics	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of EnclosedAlphanumerics UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsBopomofo

int	xmlUCSIsBopomofo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Bopomofo UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSinhala

int	xmlUCSIsSinhala	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Sinhala UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsDingbats

int	xmlUCSIsDingbats	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Dingbats UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB

int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedB	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of LatinExtended-B UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks

int	xmlUCSIsCombiningHalfMarks	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CombiningHalfMarks UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsA

int	xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsA	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SupplementalArrows-A UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA

int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedA	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of LatinExtended-A UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsYiRadicals

int	xmlUCSIsYiRadicals	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of YiRadicals UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks

int	xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarks	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CombiningDiacriticalMarks UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsCombiningMarksforSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CombiningMarksforSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms

int	xmlUCSIsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of HalfwidthandFullwidthForms UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsBasicLatin

int	xmlUCSIsBasicLatin	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of BasicLatin UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsOldItalic

int	xmlUCSIsOldItalic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of OldItalic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLimbu

int	xmlUCSIsLimbu	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Limbu UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCat

int	xmlUCSIsCat	(int code, 
const char * cat)

Check whether the character is part of the UCS Category

code:UCS code point
cat:UCS Category name
Returns:1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown category

Function: xmlUCSIsCatSo

int	xmlUCSIsCatSo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of So UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatLu

int	xmlUCSIsCatLu	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Lu UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatLt

int	xmlUCSIsCatLt	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Lt UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsYiSyllables

int	xmlUCSIsYiSyllables	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of YiSyllables UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatSk

int	xmlUCSIsCatSk	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Sk UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatLo

int	xmlUCSIsCatLo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Lo UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsKhmerSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsKhmerSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of KhmerSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatLm

int	xmlUCSIsCatLm	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Lm UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms

int	xmlUCSIsAlphabeticPresentationForms	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of AlphabeticPresentationForms UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical

int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousTechnical	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousTechnical UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMongolian

int	xmlUCSIsMongolian	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Mongolian UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsUgaritic

int	xmlUCSIsUgaritic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Ugaritic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement

int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsKannada

int	xmlUCSIsKannada	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Kannada UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMalayalam

int	xmlUCSIsMalayalam	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Malayalam UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCypriotSyllabary

int	xmlUCSIsCypriotSyllabary	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CypriotSyllabary UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTamil

int	xmlUCSIsTamil	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Tamil UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatC

int	xmlUCSIsCatC	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of C UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics

int	xmlUCSIsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatN

int	xmlUCSIsCatN	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of N UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatLl

int	xmlUCSIsCatLl	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Ll UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatL

int	xmlUCSIsCatL	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of L UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatM

int	xmlUCSIsCatM	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of M UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTelugu

int	xmlUCSIsTelugu	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Telugu UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MathematicalAlphanumericSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates

int	xmlUCSIsLowSurrogates	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of LowSurrogates UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsOsmanya

int	xmlUCSIsOsmanya	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Osmanya UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGreek

int	xmlUCSIsGreek	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Greek UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsEthiopic

int	xmlUCSIsEthiopic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Ethiopic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatP

int	xmlUCSIsCatP	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of P UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing

int	xmlUCSIsBoxDrawing	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of BoxDrawing UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGeorgian

int	xmlUCSIsGeorgian	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Georgian UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsOgham

int	xmlUCSIsOgham	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Ogham UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatZ

int	xmlUCSIsCatZ	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Z UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic

int	xmlUCSIsGreekandCoptic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of GreekandCoptic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions

int	xmlUCSIsIPAExtensions	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of IPAExtensions UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsByzantineMusicalSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of ByzantineMusicalSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals

int	xmlUCSIsKangxiRadicals	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of KangxiRadicals UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths

int	xmlUCSIsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of EnclosedCJKLettersandMonths UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms

int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityForms	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityForms UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatCs

int	xmlUCSIsCatCs	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Cs UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHanunoo

int	xmlUCSIsHanunoo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Hanunoo UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGreekExtended

int	xmlUCSIsGreekExtended	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of GreekExtended UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement

int	xmlUCSIsCJKRadicalsSupplement	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKRadicalsSupplement UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsArmenian

int	xmlUCSIsArmenian	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Armenian UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatCf

int	xmlUCSIsCatCf	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Cf UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants

int	xmlUCSIsSmallFormVariants	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SmallFormVariants UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo

int	xmlUCSIsHangulCompatibilityJamo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of HangulCompatibilityJamo UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB

int	xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaB	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SupplementaryPrivateUseArea-B UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatCc

int	xmlUCSIsCatCc	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Cc UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA

int	xmlUCSIsSupplementaryPrivateUseAreaA	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SupplementaryPrivateUseArea-A UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatCo

int	xmlUCSIsCatCo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Co UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCherokee

int	xmlUCSIsCherokee	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Cherokee UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatPe

int	xmlUCSIsCatPe	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Pe UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions

int	xmlUCSIsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of KatakanaPhoneticExtensions UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLinearBSyllabary

int	xmlUCSIsLinearBSyllabary	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of LinearBSyllabary UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGothic

int	xmlUCSIsGothic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Gothic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsLetterlikeSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of LetterlikeSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsKhmer

int	xmlUCSIsKhmer	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Khmer UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatNd

int	xmlUCSIsCatNd	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Nd UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsPhoneticExtensions

int	xmlUCSIsPhoneticExtensions	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of PhoneticExtensions UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTaiLe

int	xmlUCSIsTaiLe	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of TaiLe UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsArabic

int	xmlUCSIsArabic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Arabic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHebrew

int	xmlUCSIsHebrew	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Hebrew UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB

int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-B UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsVariationSelectors

int	xmlUCSIsVariationSelectors	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of VariationSelectors UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA

int	xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsA	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of ArabicPresentationForms-A UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatZp

int	xmlUCSIsCatZp	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Zp UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatZs

int	xmlUCSIsCatZs	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Zs UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB

int	xmlUCSIsArabicPresentationFormsB	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of ArabicPresentationForms-B UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes

int	xmlUCSIsGeometricShapes	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of GeometricShapes UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatZl

int	xmlUCSIsCatZl	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Zl UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTagalog

int	xmlUCSIsTagalog	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Tagalog UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSpecials

int	xmlUCSIsSpecials	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Specials UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGujarati

int	xmlUCSIsGujarati	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Gujarati UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLinearBIdeograms

int	xmlUCSIsLinearBIdeograms	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of LinearBIdeograms UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA

int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-A UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsBlock

int	xmlUCSIsBlock	(int code, 
const char * block)

Check whether the character is part of the UCS Block

code:UCS code point
block:UCS block name
Returns:1 if true, 0 if false and -1 on unknown block

Function: xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended

int	xmlUCSIsBopomofoExtended	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of BopomofoExtended UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsThaana

int	xmlUCSIsThaana	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Thaana UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters

int	xmlUCSIsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of IdeographicDescriptionCharacters UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHangulJamo

int	xmlUCSIsHangulJamo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of HangulJamo UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsShavian

int	xmlUCSIsShavian	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Shavian UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTagbanwa

int	xmlUCSIsTagbanwa	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Tagbanwa UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation

int	xmlUCSIsGeneralPunctuation	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of GeneralPunctuation UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCyrillic

int	xmlUCSIsCyrillic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Cyrillic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsArrows

int	xmlUCSIsArrows	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Arrows UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsControlPictures

int	xmlUCSIsControlPictures	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of ControlPictures UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsYijingHexagramSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of YijingHexagramSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs

int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographs	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographs UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatNl

int	xmlUCSIsCatNl	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Nl UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatNo

int	xmlUCSIsCatNo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of No UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsDeseret

int	xmlUCSIsDeseret	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Deseret UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatSm

int	xmlUCSIsCatSm	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Sm UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsBengali

int	xmlUCSIsBengali	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Bengali UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsPrivateUse

int	xmlUCSIsPrivateUse	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of PrivateUse UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsMusicalSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MusicalSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsBuhid

int	xmlUCSIsBuhid	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Buhid UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables

int	xmlUCSIsHangulSyllables	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of HangulSyllables UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility

int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibility	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibility UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs

int	xmlUCSIsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKCompatibilityIdeographs UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition

int	xmlUCSIsOpticalCharacterRecognition	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of OpticalCharacterRecognition UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement

int	xmlUCSIsLatin1Supplement	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Latin-1Supplement UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsAegeanNumbers

int	xmlUCSIsAegeanNumbers	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of AegeanNumbers UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsKatakana

int	xmlUCSIsKatakana	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Katakana UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation

int	xmlUCSIsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKSymbolsandPunctuation UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsTaiXuanJingSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of TaiXuanJingSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsGurmukhi

int	xmlUCSIsGurmukhi	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Gurmukhi UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols

int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousSymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsDevanagari

int	xmlUCSIsDevanagari	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Devanagari UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsPrivateUseArea

int	xmlUCSIsPrivateUseArea	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of PrivateUseArea UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators

int	xmlUCSIsMathematicalOperators	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MathematicalOperators UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows

int	xmlUCSIsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of MiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsB

int	xmlUCSIsSupplementalArrowsB	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SupplementalArrows-B UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols

int	xmlUCSIsCurrencySymbols	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CurrencySymbols UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsNumberForms

int	xmlUCSIsNumberForms	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of NumberForms UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsTibetan

int	xmlUCSIsTibetan	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Tibetan UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators

int	xmlUCSIsSupplementalMathematicalOperators	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SupplementalMathematicalOperators UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA

int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsKanbun

int	xmlUCSIsKanbun	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Kanbun UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB

int	xmlUCSIsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsThai

int	xmlUCSIsThai	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Thai UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters

int	xmlUCSIsSpacingModifierLetters	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SpacingModifierLetters UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsRunic

int	xmlUCSIsRunic	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Runic UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatSc

int	xmlUCSIsCatSc	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Sc UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatPc

int	xmlUCSIsCatPc	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Pc UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatMc

int	xmlUCSIsCatMc	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Mc UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatPf

int	xmlUCSIsCatPf	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Pf UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCyrillicSupplement

int	xmlUCSIsCyrillicSupplement	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of CyrillicSupplement UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatPd

int	xmlUCSIsCatPd	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Pd UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsMyanmar

int	xmlUCSIsMyanmar	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Myanmar UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatPi

int	xmlUCSIsCatPi	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Pi UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHiragana

int	xmlUCSIsHiragana	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Hiragana UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatPo

int	xmlUCSIsCatPo	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Po UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates

int	xmlUCSIsHighPrivateUseSurrogates	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of HighPrivateUseSurrogates UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional

int	xmlUCSIsLatinExtendedAdditional	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of LatinExtendedAdditional UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatPs

int	xmlUCSIsCatPs	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Ps UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSyriac

int	xmlUCSIsSyriac	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Syriac UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts

int	xmlUCSIsSuperscriptsandSubscripts	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of SuperscriptsandSubscripts UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates

int	xmlUCSIsHighSurrogates	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of HighSurrogates UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatMn

int	xmlUCSIsCatMn	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Mn UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsLao

int	xmlUCSIsLao	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Lao UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsOriya

int	xmlUCSIsOriya	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Oriya UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns

int	xmlUCSIsBraillePatterns	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of BraillePatterns UCS Block

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatMe

int	xmlUCSIsCatMe	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of Me UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Function: xmlUCSIsCatS

int	xmlUCSIsCatS	(int code)

Check whether the character is part of S UCS Category

code:UCS code point
Returns:1 if true 0 otherwise

Daniel Veillard