Libxml memory management


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Table of Content:

  1. General overview
  2. Setting libxml set of memory routines
  3. Cleaning up after parsing
  4. Debugging routines
  5. General memory requirements

General overview

The module xmlmemory.h provides the interfaces to the libxml memory system:

Setting libxml set of memory routines

It is sometimes useful to not use the default memory allocator, either for debugging, analysis or to implement a specific behaviour on memory management (like on embedded systems). Two function calls are available to do so:

Of course a call to xmlMemSetup() should probably be done before calling any other libxml routines (unless you are sure your allocations routines are compatibles).

Cleaning up after parsing

Libxml is not stateless, there is a few set of memory structures needing allocation before the parser is fully functionnal (some encoding structures for example). This also mean that once parsing is finished there is a tiny amount of memory (a few hundred bytes) which can be recollected if you don't reuse the parser immediately:

Generally xmlCleanupParser() is safe, if needed the state will be rebuild at the next invocation of parser routines, but be careful of the consequences in multithreaded applications.

Debugging routines

When configured using --with-mem-debug flag (off by default), libxml uses a set of memory allocation debugging routineskeeping track of all allocated blocks and the location in the code where the routine was called. A couple of other debugging routines allow to dump the memory allocated infos to a file or call a specific routine when a given block number is allocated:

When developping libxml memory debug is enabled, the tests programs call xmlMemoryDump () and the "make test" regression tests will check for any memory leak during the full regression test sequence, this helps a lot ensuring that libxml does not leak memory and bullet proof memory allocations use (some libc implementations are known to be far too permissive resulting in major portability problems!).

If the .memdump reports a leak, it displays the allocation function and also tries to give some informations about the content and structure of the allocated blocks left. This is sufficient in most cases to find the culprit, but not always. Assuming the allocation problem is reproductible, it is possible to find more easilly:

  1. write down the block number xxxx not allocated
  2. export the environement variable XML_MEM_BREAKPOINT=xxxx
  3. run the program under a debugger and set a breakpoint on xmlMallocBreakpoint() a specific function called when this precise block is allocated
  4. when the breakpoint is reached you can then do a fine analysis of the allocation an step to see the condition resulting in the missing deallocation.

I used to use a commercial tool to debug libxml memory problems but after noticing that it was not detecting memory leaks that simple mechanism was used and proved extremely efficient until now.

General memory requirements

How much libxml memory require ? It's hard to tell in average it depends of a number of things:

Daniel Veillard
