#!/usr/bin/python -u # # generate a tester program for the API # import sys import os import string try: import libxml2 except: print "libxml2 python bindings not available, skipping testapi.c generation" sys.exit(0) # # Modules we don't want skip in API test # skipped_modules = [ "SAX", "xlink", "threads", "globals", "xmlmemory", "xmlversion", "xmlexports", #deprecated "DOCBparser", ] # # defines for each module # modules_defines = { "HTMLparser": "LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED", "catalog": "LIBXML_CATALOG_ENABLED", "xmlreader": "LIBXML_READER_ENABLED", "relaxng": "LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED", "schemasInternals": "LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED", "xmlschemas": "LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED", "xmlschemastypes": "LIBXML_SCHEMAS_ENABLED", "xpath": "LIBXML_XPATH_ENABLED", "xpathInternals": "LIBXML_XPATH_ENABLED", "xinclude": "LIBXML_XINCLUDE_ENABLED", "xpointer": "LIBXML_XPTR_ENABLED", "xmlregexp" : "LIBXML_REGEXP_ENABLED", "xmlautomata" : "LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED", "xmlsave" : "LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED", "DOCBparser" : "LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED", } # # defines for specific functions # function_defines = { "htmlDefaultSAXHandlerInit": "LIBXML_HTML_ENABLED", "xmlSAX2EndElement" : "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAX2StartElement" : "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXDefaultVersion" : "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "UTF8Toisolat1" : "LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED", "xmlCleanupPredefinedEntities": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED", "xmlInitializePredefinedEntities": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED", "xmlSetFeature": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED", "xmlGetFeature": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED", "xmlGetFeaturesList": "LIBXML_LEGACY_ENABLED", "xmlIOParseDTD": "LIBXML_VALID_ENABLED", "xmlParseDTD": "LIBXML_VALID_ENABLED", "xmlParseDoc": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlParseMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlRecoverDoc": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlParseFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlRecoverFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlRecoverMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXParseFileWithData": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXParseMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXUserParseMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXParseDoc": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXParseDTD": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXUserParseFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlParseEntity": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlParseExternalEntity": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSetupParserForBuffer": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlStopParser": "LIBXML_PUSH_ENABLED", "xmlAttrSerializeTxtContent": "LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED", "xmlSAXParseFile": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlSAXParseEntity": "LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED", "xmlNewTextChild": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlNewDocRawNode": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlNewProp": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlReconciliateNs": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlValidateNCName": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlValidateNMToken": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlValidateName": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlNewChild": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlValidateQName": "LIBXML_TREE_ENABLED", "xmlSprintfElementContent": "LIBXML_OUTPUT_ENABLED", "xmlValidGetPotentialChildren" : "LIBXML_VALID_ENABLED", "xmlValidGetValidElements" : "LIBXML_VALID_ENABLED", "docbDefaultSAXHandlerInit" : "LIBXML_DOCB_ENABLED", "xmlTextReaderPreservePattern" : "LIBXML_PATTERN_ENABLED", } # # Some function really need to be skipped for the tests. # skipped_functions = [ # block on I/O "xmlFdRead", "xmlReadFd", "xmlCtxtReadFd", "htmlFdRead", "htmlReadFd", "htmlCtxtReadFd", "xmlReaderNewFd", "xmlReaderForFd", "xmlIORead", "xmlReadIO", "xmlCtxtReadIO", "htmlIORead", "htmlReadIO", "htmlCtxtReadIO", "xmlReaderNewIO", "xmlBufferDump", "xmlNanoFTPConnect", "xmlNanoFTPConnectTo", # Complex I/O APIs "xmlCreateIOParserCtxt", "xmlParserInputBufferCreateIO", "xmlRegisterInputCallbacks", "xmlReaderForIO", "xmlOutputBufferCreateIO", "xmlRegisterOutputCallbacks", "xmlSaveToIO", # library state cleanup, generate false leak informations and other # troubles, heavillyb tested otherwise. "xmlCleanupParser", "xmlRelaxNGCleanupTypes", "xmlSetListDoc", "xmlSetTreeDoc", "xmlUnlinkNode", # hard to avoid leaks in the tests "xmlStrcat", "xmlStrncat", "xmlCatalogAddLocal", "xmlNewTextWriterDoc", "xmlXPathNewValueTree", "xmlXPathWrapString", # unimplemented "xmlTextReaderReadInnerXml", "xmlTextReaderReadOuterXml", "xmlTextReaderReadString", # destructor "xmlListDelete", "xmlOutputBufferClose", "xmlNanoFTPClose", # deprecated "xmlCatalogGetPublic", "xmlCatalogGetSystem", "xmlEncodeEntities", "xmlNewGlobalNs", "xmlHandleEntity", "xmlNamespaceParseNCName", "xmlNamespaceParseNSDef", "xmlNamespaceParseQName", "xmlParseNamespace", "xmlParseQuotedString", "xmlParserHandleReference", "xmlScanName", "xmlDecodeEntities", # allocators "xmlMemFree", # verbosity "xmlCatalogSetDebug", "xmlShellPrintXPathError", "xmlShellPrintNode", # Internal functions, no user space should really call them "xmlParseAttribute", "xmlParseAttributeListDecl", "xmlParseName", "xmlParseNmtoken", "xmlParseEntityValue", "xmlParseAttValue", "xmlParseSystemLiteral", "xmlParsePubidLiteral", "xmlParseCharData", "xmlParseExternalID", "xmlParseComment", "xmlParsePITarget", "xmlParsePI", "xmlParseNotationDecl", "xmlParseEntityDecl", "xmlParseDefaultDecl", "xmlParseNotationType", "xmlParseEnumerationType", "xmlParseEnumeratedType", "xmlParseAttributeType", "xmlParseAttributeListDecl", "xmlParseElementMixedContentDecl", "xmlParseElementChildrenContentDecl", "xmlParseElementContentDecl", "xmlParseElementDecl", "xmlParseMarkupDecl", "xmlParseCharRef", "xmlParseEntityRef", "xmlParseReference", "xmlParsePEReference", "xmlParseDocTypeDecl", "xmlParseAttribute", "xmlParseStartTag", "xmlParseEndTag", "xmlParseCDSect", "xmlParseContent", "xmlParseElement", "xmlParseVersionNum", "xmlParseVersionInfo", "xmlParseEncName", "xmlParseEncodingDecl", "xmlParseSDDecl", "xmlParseXMLDecl", "xmlParseTextDecl", "xmlParseMisc", "xmlParseExternalSubset", "xmlParserHandlePEReference", "xmlSkipBlankChars", ] # # Those functions have side effect on the global state # and hence generate errors on memory allocation tests # skipped_memcheck = [ "xmlLoadCatalog", "xmlAddEncodingAlias", "xmlSchemaInitTypes", "xmlNanoFTPProxy", "xmlNanoFTPScanProxy", "xmlNanoHTTPScanProxy", "xmlResetLastError", "xmlCatalogConvert", "xmlCatalogRemove", "xmlLoadCatalogs", "xmlCleanupCharEncodingHandlers", "xmlInitCharEncodingHandlers", "xmlCatalogCleanup", "xmlSchemaGetBuiltInType", "htmlParseFile", # loads the catalogs ] # # Extra code needed for some test cases # extra_pre_call = { "xmlSAXUserParseFile": """ #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL; #endif """, "xmlSAXUserParseMemory": """ #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL; #endif """, "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory": """ #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL; #endif """, "xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover": """ #ifdef LIBXML_SAX1_ENABLED if (sax == (xmlSAXHandlerPtr)&xmlDefaultSAXHandler) user_data = NULL; #endif """, "xmlParserInputBufferCreateFd": "if (fd >= 0) fd = -1;", } extra_post_call = { "xmlAddChild": "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(cur) ; cur = NULL ; }", "xmlAddChildList": "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNodeList(cur) ; cur = NULL ; }", "xmlAddSibling": "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(elem) ; elem = NULL ; }", "xmlAddNextSibling": "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(elem) ; elem = NULL ; }", "xmlAddPrevSibling": "if (ret_val == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(elem) ; elem = NULL ; }", "xmlDocSetRootElement": "if (doc == NULL) { xmlFreeNode(root) ; root = NULL ; }", "xmlReplaceNode": """if (cur != NULL) { xmlUnlinkNode(cur); xmlFreeNode(cur) ; cur = NULL ; } if (old != NULL) { xmlUnlinkNode(old); xmlFreeNode(old) ; old = NULL ; } ret_val = NULL;""", "xmlTextMerge": """if ((first != NULL) && (first->type != XML_TEXT_NODE)) { xmlUnlinkNode(second); xmlFreeNode(second) ; second = NULL ; }""", "xmlBuildQName": """if ((ret_val != NULL) && (ret_val != ncname) && (ret_val != prefix) && (ret_val != memory)) xmlFree(ret_val); ret_val = NULL;""", "xmlDictReference": "xmlDictFree(dict);", # Functions which deallocates one of their parameters "xmlXPathConvertBoolean": """val = NULL;""", "xmlXPathConvertNumber": """val = NULL;""", "xmlXPathConvertString": """val = NULL;""", "xmlSaveFileTo": """buf = NULL;""", "xmlSaveFormatFileTo": """buf = NULL;""", "xmlIOParseDTD": "input = NULL;", "xmlRemoveProp": "cur = NULL;", "xmlNewNs": "if ((node == NULL) && (ret_val != NULL)) xmlFreeNs(ret_val);", "xmlCopyNamespace": "if (ret_val != NULL) xmlFreeNs(ret_val);", "xmlCopyNamespaceList": "if (ret_val != NULL) xmlFreeNsList(ret_val);", "xmlNewTextWriter": "if (ret_val != NULL) out = NULL;", "xmlNewTextWriterPushParser": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;} if (ret_val != NULL) ctxt = NULL;", "xmlNewIOInputStream": "if (ret_val != NULL) input = NULL;", "htmlParseChunk": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}", "htmlParseDocument": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}", "xmlParseDocument": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}", "xmlParseChunk": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}", "xmlParseExtParsedEnt": "if (ctxt != NULL) {xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->myDoc); ctxt->myDoc = NULL;}", } modules = [] def is_skipped_module(name): for mod in skipped_modules: if mod == name: return 1 return 0 def is_skipped_function(name): for fun in skipped_functions: if fun == name: return 1 # Do not test destructors if string.find(name, 'Free') != -1: return 1 return 0 def is_skipped_memcheck(name): for fun in skipped_memcheck: if fun == name: return 1 return 0 missing_types = {} def add_missing_type(name, func): try: list = missing_types[name] list.append(func) except: missing_types[name] = [func] generated_param_types = [] def add_generated_param_type(name): generated_param_types.append(name) generated_return_types = [] def add_generated_return_type(name): generated_return_types.append(name) missing_functions = {} missing_functions_nr = 0 def add_missing_functions(name, module): global missing_functions_nr missing_functions_nr = missing_functions_nr + 1 try: list = missing_functions[module] list.append(name) except: missing_functions[module] = [name] # # Provide the type generators and destructors for the parameters # def type_convert(str, name, info, module, function, pos): # res = string.replace(str, " ", " ") # res = string.replace(str, " ", " ") # res = string.replace(str, " ", " ") res = string.replace(str, " *", "_ptr") # res = string.replace(str, "*", "_ptr") res = string.replace(res, " ", "_") if res == 'const_char_ptr': if string.find(name, "file") != -1 or \ string.find(name, "uri") != -1 or \ string.find(name, "URI") != -1 or \ string.find(info, "filename") != -1 or \ string.find(info, "URI") != -1 or \ string.find(info, "URL") != -1: if string.find(function, "Save") != -1 or \ string.find(function, "Create") != -1 or \ string.find(function, "Write") != -1: return('fileoutput') return('filepath') if res == 'void_ptr': if module == 'nanoftp' and name == 'ctx': return('xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr') if function == 'xmlNanoFTPNewCtxt': return('xmlNanoFTPCtxtPtr') if module == 'nanohttp' and name == 'ctx': return('xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr') if function == 'xmlIOHTTPOpenW': return('xmlNanoHTTPCtxtPtr') if string.find(name, "data") != -1: return('userdata'); if string.find(name, "user") != -1: return('userdata'); if res == 'xmlDoc_ptr': res = 'xmlDocPtr'; if res == 'xmlNode_ptr': res = 'xmlNodePtr'; if res == 'xmlDict_ptr': res = 'xmlDictPtr'; if res == 'xmlNodePtr' and pos != 0: if (function == 'xmlAddChild' and pos == 2) or \ (function == 'xmlAddChildList' and pos == 2) or \ (function == 'xmlAddNextSibling' and pos == 2) or \ (function == 'xmlAddSibling' and pos == 2) or \ (function == 'xmlDocSetRootElement' and pos == 2) or \ (function == 'xmlReplaceNode' and pos == 2) or \ (function == 'xmlTextMerge') or \ (function == 'xmlAddPrevSibling' and pos == 2): return('xmlNodePtr_in'); if res == 'const xmlBufferPtr': res = 'xmlBufferPtr'; if res == 'xmlChar_ptr' and name == 'name' and \ string.find(function, "EatName") != -1: return('eaten_name') if res == 'void_ptr*': res = 'void_ptr_ptr' if res == 'char_ptr*': res = 'char_ptr_ptr' if res == 'xmlChar_ptr*': res = 'xmlChar_ptr_ptr' if res == 'const_xmlChar_ptr*': res = 'const_xmlChar_ptr_ptr' if res == 'const_char_ptr*': res = 'const_char_ptr_ptr' if res == 'FILE_ptr' and module == 'debugXML': res = 'debug_FILE_ptr'; if res == 'int' and name == 'options': if module == 'parser' or module == 'xmlreader': res = 'parseroptions' return res known_param_types = [] def is_known_param_type(name, rtype): global test for type in known_param_types: if type == name: return 1 for type in generated_param_types: if type == name: return 1 if name[-3:] == 'Ptr' or name[-4:] == '_ptr': if rtype[0:6] == 'const ': crtype = rtype[6:] else: crtype = rtype define = 0 if modules_defines.has_key(module): test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (modules_defines[module])) define = 1 test.write(""" #define gen_nb_%s 1 static %s gen_%s(int no ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { return(NULL); } static void des_%s(int no ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, %s val ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { } """ % (name, crtype, name, name, rtype)) if define == 1: test.write("#endif\n\n") add_generated_param_type(name) return 1 return 0 # # Provide the type destructors for the return values # known_return_types = [] def is_known_return_type(name): for type in known_return_types: if type == name: return 1 return 0 # # Copy the beginning of the C test program result # input = open("testapi.c", "r") test = open('testapi.c.new', 'w') def compare_and_save(): global test test.close() input = open("testapi.c", "r").read() test = open('testapi.c.new', "r").read() if input != test: os.system("rm testapi.c ; mv testapi.c.new testapi.c") print("Updated testapi.c") else: print("Generated testapi.c is identical") line = input.readline() while line != "": if line == "/* CUT HERE: everything below that line is generated */\n": break; if line[0:15] == "#define gen_nb_": type = string.split(line[15:])[0] known_param_types.append(type) if line[0:19] == "static void desret_": type = string.split(line[19:], '(')[0] known_return_types.append(type) test.write(line) line = input.readline() input.close() if line == "": print "Could not find the CUT marker in testapi.c skipping generation" test.close() sys.exit(0) print("Scanned testapi.c: found %d parameters types and %d return types\n" % ( len(known_param_types), len(known_return_types))) test.write("/* CUT HERE: everything below that line is generated */\n") # # Open the input API description # doc = libxml2.readFile('doc/libxml2-api.xml', None, 0) if doc == None: print "Failed to load doc/libxml2-api.xml" sys.exit(1) ctxt = doc.xpathNewContext() # # Generate constructors and return type handling for all enums # enums = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/typedef[@type='enum']") for enum in enums: name = enum.xpathEval('string(@name)') if name == None: continue; module = enum.xpathEval('string(@file)') define = 0 if is_known_param_type(name, name) == 0: values = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/enum[@type='%s']" % name) i = 0 vals = [] for value in values: vname = value.xpathEval('string(@name)') if vname == None: continue; i = i + 1 if i >= 5: break; vals.append(vname) if vals == []: print "Didn't found any value for enum %s" % (name) continue if modules_defines.has_key(module): test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (modules_defines[module])) define = 1 test.write("#define gen_nb_%s %d\n" % (name, len(vals))) test.write("""static %s gen_%s(int no, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {\n""" % (name, name)) i = 1 for value in vals: test.write(" if (no == %d) return(%s);\n" % (i, value)) i = i + 1 test.write(""" return(0); } """); known_param_types.append(name) if is_known_return_type(name) == 0: if define == 0 and modules_defines.has_key(module): test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (modules_defines[module])) define = 1 test.write("""static void des_%s(int no ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, %s val ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, int nr ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { } static void desret_%s(%s val ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) { } """ % (name, name, name, name)) known_return_types.append(name) if define == 1: test.write("#endif\n\n") # # Load the interfaces # headers = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/files/file") for file in headers: name = file.xpathEval('string(@name)') if (name == None) or (name == ''): continue # # Some module may be skipped because they don't really consists # of user callable APIs # if is_skipped_module(name): continue # # do not test deprecated APIs # desc = file.xpathEval('string(description)') if string.find(desc, 'DEPRECATED') != -1: print "Skipping deprecated interface %s" % name continue; test.write("#include <libxml/%s.h>\n" % name) modules.append(name) # # Generate the callers signatures # for module in modules: test.write("static int test_%s(void);\n" % module); # # Generate the top caller # test.write(""" /** * testlibxml2: * * Main entry point of the tester for the full libxml2 module, * it calls all the tester entry point for each module. * * Returns the number of error found */ static int testlibxml2(void) { int test_ret = 0; """) for module in modules: test.write(" test_ret += test_%s();\n" % module) test.write(""" printf("Total: %d functions, %d tests, %d errors\\n", function_tests, call_tests, test_ret); return(test_ret); } """) # # How to handle a function # nb_tests = 0 def generate_test(module, node): global test global nb_tests nb_cond = 0 no_gen = 0 name = node.xpathEval('string(@name)') if is_skipped_function(name): return # # check we know how to handle the args and return values # and store the informations for the generation # try: args = node.xpathEval("arg") except: args = [] t_args = [] n = 0 for arg in args: n = n + 1 rtype = arg.xpathEval("string(@type)") if rtype == 'void': break; info = arg.xpathEval("string(@info)") nam = arg.xpathEval("string(@name)") type = type_convert(rtype, nam, info, module, name, n) if is_known_param_type(type, rtype) == 0: add_missing_type(type, name); no_gen = 1 t_args.append((nam, type, rtype, info)) try: rets = node.xpathEval("return") except: rets = [] t_ret = None for ret in rets: rtype = ret.xpathEval("string(@type)") info = ret.xpathEval("string(@info)") type = type_convert(rtype, 'return', info, module, name, 0) if rtype == 'void': break if is_known_return_type(type) == 0: add_missing_type(type, name); no_gen = 1 t_ret = (type, rtype, info) break test.write(""" static int test_%s(void) { int test_ret = 0; """ % (name)) if no_gen == 1: add_missing_functions(name, module) test.write(""" /* missing type support */ return(test_ret); } """) return try: conds = node.xpathEval("cond") for cond in conds: test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (cond.get_content())) nb_cond = nb_cond + 1 except: pass define = 0 if function_defines.has_key(name): test.write("#ifdef %s\n" % (function_defines[name])) define = 1 # Declare the memory usage counter no_mem = is_skipped_memcheck(name) if no_mem == 0: test.write(" int mem_base;\n"); # Declare the return value if t_ret != None: test.write(" %s ret_val;\n" % (t_ret[1])) # Declare the arguments for arg in t_args: (nam, type, rtype, info) = arg; if (type[-3:] == 'Ptr' or type[-4:] == '_ptr') and \ rtype[0:6] == 'const ': crtype = rtype[6:] else: crtype = rtype # add declaration test.write(" %s %s; /* %s */\n" % (crtype, nam, info)) test.write(" int n_%s;\n" % (nam)) test.write("\n") # Cascade loop on of each argument list of values for arg in t_args: (nam, type, rtype, info) = arg; # test.write(" for (n_%s = 0;n_%s < gen_nb_%s;n_%s++) {\n" % ( nam, nam, type, nam)) # log the memory usage if no_mem == 0: test.write(" mem_base = xmlMemBlocks();\n"); # prepare the call i = 0; for arg in t_args: (nam, type, rtype, info) = arg; # test.write(" %s = gen_%s(n_%s, %d);\n" % (nam, type, nam, i)) i = i + 1; # do the call, and clanup the result if extra_pre_call.has_key(name): test.write(" %s\n"% (extra_pre_call[name])) if t_ret != None: test.write("\n ret_val = %s(" % (name)) need = 0 for arg in t_args: (nam, type, rtype, info) = arg if need: test.write(", ") else: need = 1 test.write("%s" % nam); test.write(");\n") if extra_post_call.has_key(name): test.write(" %s\n"% (extra_post_call[name])) test.write(" desret_%s(ret_val);\n" % t_ret[0]) else: test.write("\n %s(" % (name)); need = 0; for arg in t_args: (nam, type, rtype, info) = arg; if need: test.write(", ") else: need = 1 test.write("%s" % nam) test.write(");\n") if extra_post_call.has_key(name): test.write(" %s\n"% (extra_post_call[name])) test.write(" call_tests++;\n"); # Free the arguments i = 0; for arg in t_args: (nam, type, rtype, info) = arg; # test.write(" des_%s(n_%s, %s, %d);\n" % (type, nam, nam, i)) i = i + 1; test.write(" xmlResetLastError();\n"); # Check the memory usage if no_mem == 0: test.write(""" if (mem_base != xmlMemBlocks()) { printf("Leak of %%d blocks found in %s", xmlMemBlocks() - mem_base); test_ret++; """ % (name)); for arg in t_args: (nam, type, rtype, info) = arg; test.write(""" printf(" %%d", n_%s);\n""" % (nam)) test.write(""" printf("\\n");\n""") test.write(" }\n") for arg in t_args: test.write(" }\n") test.write(" function_tests++;\n") # # end of conditional # while nb_cond > 0: test.write("#endif\n") nb_cond = nb_cond -1 if define == 1: test.write("#endif\n") nb_tests = nb_tests + 1; test.write(""" return(test_ret); } """) # # Generate all module callers # for module in modules: # gather all the functions exported by that module try: functions = ctxt.xpathEval("/api/symbols/function[@file='%s']" % (module)) except: print "Failed to gather functions from module %s" % (module) continue; # iterate over all functions in the module generating the test i = 0 nb_tests_old = nb_tests for function in functions: i = i + 1 generate_test(module, function); # header test.write("""static int test_%s(void) { int test_ret = 0; if (quiet == 0) printf("Testing %s : %d of %d functions ...\\n"); """ % (module, module, nb_tests - nb_tests_old, i)) # iterate over all functions in the module generating the call for function in functions: name = function.xpathEval('string(@name)') if is_skipped_function(name): continue test.write(" test_ret += test_%s();\n" % (name)) # footer test.write(""" if (test_ret != 0) printf("Module %s: %%d errors\\n", test_ret); return(test_ret); } """ % (module)) # # Generate direct module caller # test.write("""static int test_module(const char *module) { """); for module in modules: test.write(""" if (!strcmp(module, "%s")) return(test_%s());\n""" % ( module, module)) test.write(""" return(0); } """); print "Generated test for %d modules and %d functions" %(len(modules), nb_tests) compare_and_save() missing_list = [] for missing in missing_types.keys(): if missing == 'va_list' or missing == '...': continue; n = len(missing_types[missing]) missing_list.append((n, missing)) def compare_missing(a, b): return b[0] - a[0] missing_list.sort(compare_missing) print "Missing support for %d functions and %d types see missing.lst" % (missing_functions_nr, len(missing_list)) lst = open("missing.lst", "w") lst.write("Missing support for %d types" % (len(missing_list))) lst.write("\n") for miss in missing_list: lst.write("%s: %d :" % (miss[1], miss[0])) i = 0 for n in missing_types[miss[1]]: i = i + 1 if i > 5: lst.write(" ...") break lst.write(" %s" % (n)) lst.write("\n") lst.write("\n") lst.write("\n") lst.write("Missing support per module"); for module in missing_functions.keys(): lst.write("module %s:\n %s\n" % (module, missing_functions[module])) lst.close()