/* * testRegexp.c: simple module for testing regular expressions * * See Copyright for the status of this software. * * Daniel Veillard */ #include #include "libxml.h" #ifdef LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED #include #include static int scanNumber(char **ptr) { int ret = 0; char *cur; cur = *ptr; while ((*cur >= '0') && (*cur <= '9')) { ret = ret * 10 + (*cur - '0'); cur++; } *ptr = cur; return(ret); } static void testRegexpFile(const char *filename) { FILE *input; char exp[5000]; int len; int ret; int i; xmlAutomataPtr am; xmlAutomataStatePtr states[1000]; xmlRegexpPtr regexp = NULL; xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec; for (i = 0;i<1000;i++) states[i] = NULL; input = fopen(filename, "r"); if (input == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Cannot open %s for reading\n", filename); return; } am = xmlNewAutomata(); if (am == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Cannot create automata\n"); fclose(input); } states[0] = xmlAutomataGetInitState(am); if (states[0] == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Cannot get start state\n"); xmlFreeAutomata(am); fclose(input); } ret = 0; while (fgets(exp, 4500, input) != NULL) { if (exp[0] == '#') continue; len = strlen(exp); len--; while ((len >= 0) && ((exp[len] == '\n') || (exp[len] == '\t') || (exp[len] == '\r') || (exp[len] == ' '))) len--; exp[len + 1] = 0; if (len >= 0) { if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 't') && (exp[1] == ' ')) { char *ptr = &exp[2]; int from, to; from = scanNumber(&ptr); if (*ptr != ' ') { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad line %s\n", exp); break; } if (states[from] == NULL) states[from] = xmlAutomataNewState(am); ptr++; to = scanNumber(&ptr); if (*ptr != ' ') { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad line %s\n", exp); break; } if (states[to] == NULL) states[to] = xmlAutomataNewState(am); ptr++; xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, states[from], states[to], BAD_CAST ptr, NULL); } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 'e') && (exp[1] == ' ')) { char *ptr = &exp[2]; int from, to; from = scanNumber(&ptr); if (*ptr != ' ') { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad line %s\n", exp); break; } if (states[from] == NULL) states[from] = xmlAutomataNewState(am); ptr++; to = scanNumber(&ptr); if (states[to] == NULL) states[to] = xmlAutomataNewState(am); xmlAutomataNewEpsilon(am, states[from], states[to]); } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 'f') && (exp[1] == ' ')) { char *ptr = &exp[2]; int state; state = scanNumber(&ptr); if (states[state] == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad state %d : %s\n", state, exp); break; } xmlAutomataSetFinalState(am, states[state]); } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == 'c') && (exp[1] == ' ')) { char *ptr = &exp[2]; int from, to; int min, max; from = scanNumber(&ptr); if (*ptr != ' ') { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad line %s\n", exp); break; } if (states[from] == NULL) states[from] = xmlAutomataNewState(am); ptr++; to = scanNumber(&ptr); if (*ptr != ' ') { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad line %s\n", exp); break; } if (states[to] == NULL) states[to] = xmlAutomataNewState(am); ptr++; min = scanNumber(&ptr); if (*ptr != ' ') { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad line %s\n", exp); break; } ptr++; max = scanNumber(&ptr); if (*ptr != ' ') { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Bad line %s\n", exp); break; } ptr++; xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(am, states[from], states[to], BAD_CAST ptr, min, max, NULL); } else if ((am != NULL) && (exp[0] == '-') && (exp[1] == '-')) { /* end of the automata */ regexp = xmlAutomataCompile(am); xmlFreeAutomata(am); am = NULL; if (regexp == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Failed to compile the automata"); break; } } else if ((exp[0] == '=') && (exp[1] == '>')) { if (regexp == NULL) { printf("=> failed not compiled\n"); } else { if (exec == NULL) exec = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(regexp, NULL, NULL); if (ret == 0) { ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, NULL, NULL); } if (ret == 1) printf("=> Passed\n"); else if ((ret == 0) || (ret == -1)) printf("=> Failed\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("=> Error\n"); xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(exec); exec = NULL; } ret = 0; } else if (regexp != NULL) { if (exec == NULL) exec = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(regexp, NULL, NULL); ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST exp, NULL); } else { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "Unexpected line %s\n", exp); } } } fclose(input); if (regexp != NULL) xmlRegFreeRegexp(regexp); if (exec != NULL) xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(exec); if (am != NULL) xmlFreeAutomata(am); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { xmlInitMemory(); if (argc == 1) { int ret; xmlAutomataPtr am; xmlAutomataStatePtr start, cur; xmlRegexpPtr regexp; xmlRegExecCtxtPtr exec; am = xmlNewAutomata(); start = xmlAutomataGetInitState(am); /* generate a[ba]*a */ cur = xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, start, NULL, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, cur, cur, BAD_CAST"b", NULL); xmlAutomataNewTransition(am, cur, cur, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); cur = xmlAutomataNewCountTrans(am, cur, NULL, BAD_CAST"a", 2, 3, NULL); xmlAutomataSetFinalState(am, cur); /* compile it in a regexp and free the automata */ regexp = xmlAutomataCompile(am); xmlFreeAutomata(am); /* test the regexp */ xmlRegexpPrint(stdout, regexp); exec = xmlRegNewExecCtxt(regexp, NULL, NULL); ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"b", NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); ret =xmlRegExecPushString(exec, BAD_CAST"a", NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); if (ret == 0) { ret = xmlRegExecPushString(exec, NULL, NULL); if (ret == 1) printf("final\n"); else if (ret < 0) printf("error\n"); } xmlRegFreeExecCtxt(exec); /* free the regexp */ xmlRegFreeRegexp(regexp); } else { int i; for (i = 1;i < argc;i++) testRegexpFile(argv[i]); } xmlCleanupParser(); xmlMemoryDump(); return(0); } #else #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("%s : Automata support not compiled in\n", argv[0]); return(0); } #endif /* LIBXML_AUTOMATA_ENABLED */