# Maintainer's Guide ## Working with the test suite Most of the tests are contained in the `runtest` executable which generally reads test cases from the `test` directory and compares output to files in the `result` directory. You can simply add new test cases and run `runtest -u` to update the results. If you debug test failures, it's also useful to execute `runtest -u` and then `git diff result` to get a diff between actual and expected results. You can restore the original results by running `git restore result` and `git clean -xd result`. ## Generated files The documentation and other generated files can be rebuilt by running make -C doc rebuild This requires `xsltproc`, the DocBook stylesheets in your XML Catalog and the libxml2 Python bindings to be installed, so it's best done on a Linux system. On Debian/Ubuntu, try apt install xsltproc python3-libxml2 docbook-xsl docbook-xml doc/apibuild.py generates doc/libxml2-api.xml which is used to generate - API documentation with XSLT stylesheets - testapi.c with gentest.py - Python bindings with python/generator.py Man pages and HTML documentation for xmllint and xmlcatalog are generated with xsltproc and DocBook stylesheets. ## Making a release ### Rebuild generated files and documentation See above for details and run `make -C doc rebuild`. Look for new warning messages and inspect changes for correctness before committing. ### Update the NEWS file You can get started by running git log --format='- %s (%an)' [previous-release-tag].. ### Bump the version number Edit the version number in `configure.ac` if you haven't done so already. ### Build the tarball I'd recommend to build the tarball by running make distcheck which performs some useful checks as well. ### Upload the tarball Follow the instructions at : scp libxml2-[version].tar.xz master.gnome.org: ssh master.gnome.org ftpadmin install libxml2-[version].tar.xz ### Tag the release Create an annotated tag and push it: git tag -a [version] -m 'Release [version]' git push origin [version] ### Create a GitLab release Create a new GitLab release on . ### Announce the release Announce the release by sending an email to the mailing list at xml@gnome.org. ## Breaking the ABI Unfortunately, libxml2 exposes many internal structs which makes some beneficial changes impossible without breaking the ABI. The following changes are allowed (after careful consideration): - Appending members to structs which client code should never allocate directly. A notable example is xmlParserCtxt. Other structs like xmlError are allocated directly by client code and must not be changed. - Making a void function return a value. - Making functions accept const pointers unless it's a typedef for a callback. - Changing signedness of struct members or function arguments. ## Updating the CI Docker image Note that the CI image is used for libxslt as well. First create a GitLab access token with `read_registry` and `write_registry` permissions. Then run the following commands with the Dockerfile in the .gitlab-ci directory: docker login -u -p \ registry.gitlab.gnome.org docker build -t registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/libxml2 - \ < .gitlab-ci/Dockerfile docker push registry.gitlab.gnome.org/gnome/libxml2