mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2.git synced 2024-10-26 20:25:14 +03:00
William M. Brack 196b38860c enhanced to include enough comments to make the api doc generation happy.
* genChRanges.py, chvalid.c, include/libxml/chvalid.h,
  doc/apibuild.py: enhanced to include enough comments to
  make the api doc generation happy.
2003-10-18 12:42:41 +00:00

561 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Portions of this script have been (shamelessly) stolen from the
# prior work of Daniel Veillard (genUnicode.py)
# I, however, take full credit for any bugs, errors or difficulties :-)
# William Brack
# October 2003
# 18 October 2003
# Modified to maintain binary compatibility with previous library versions
# by adding a suffix 'Q' ('quick') to the macro generated for the original,
# function, and adding generation of a function (with the original name) which
# instantiates the macro.
import sys
import string
import time
# A routine to take a list of yes/no (1, 0) values and turn it
# into a list of ranges. This will later be used to determine whether
# to generate single-byte lookup tables, or inline comparisons
def makeRange(lst):
ret = []
pos = 0
while pos < len(lst):
try: # index generates exception if not present
s = lst[pos:].index(1) # look for start of next range
break # if no more, finished
pos += s # pointer to start of possible range
e = lst[pos:].index(0) # look for end of range
e += pos
except: # if no end, set to end of list
e = len(lst)
ret.append((pos, e-1)) # append range tuple to list
pos = e + 1 # ready to check for next range
return ret
sources = "chvalid.def" # input filename
# minTableSize gives the minimum number of ranges which must be present
# before a 256-byte lookup table is produced. If there are less than this
# number, a macro with inline comparisons is generated
minTableSize = 6
# dictionary of functions, key=name, element contains char-map and range-list
Functs = {}
state = 0
defines = open("chvalid.def", "r")
print "Missing chvalid.def, aborting ..."
# The lines in the .def file have three types:-
# name: Defines a new function block
# ur: Defines individual or ranges of unicode values
# end: Indicates the end of the function block
# These lines are processed below.
for line in defines.readlines():
# ignore blank lines, or lines beginning with '#'
if line[0] == '#':
line = string.strip(line)
if line == '':
# split line into space-separated fields, then split on type
fields = string.split(line, ' ')
# name line:
# validate any previous function block already ended
# validate this function not already defined
# initialize an entry in the function dicitonary
# including a mask table with no values yet defined
if fields[0] == 'name':
name = fields[1]
if state != 0:
print "'name' %s found before previous name" \
"completed" % (fields[1])
state = 1
if Functs.has_key(name):
print "name '%s' already present - may give" \
" wrong results" % (name)
# dict entry with two list elements (chdata, rangedata)
Functs[name] = [ [], [] ]
for v in range(256):
# end line:
# validate there was a preceding function name line
# set state to show no current function active
elif fields[0] == 'end':
if state == 0:
print "'end' found outside of function block"
state = 0
# ur line:
# validate function has been defined
# process remaining fields on the line, which may be either
# individual unicode values or ranges of values
elif fields[0] == 'ur':
if state != 1:
raise ValidationError, "'ur' found outside of 'name' block"
for el in fields[1:]:
pos = string.find(el, '..')
# pos <=0 means not a range, so must be individual value
if pos <= 0:
# cheap handling of hex or decimal values
if el[0:2] == '0x':
value = int(el[2:],16)
elif el[0] == "'":
value = ord(el[1])
value = int(el)
if ((value < 0) | (value > 0x1fffff)):
raise ValidationError, 'Illegal value (%s) in ch for'\
' name %s' % (el,name)
# for ur we have only ranges (makes things simpler),
# so convert val to range
currange = (value, value)
# pos > 0 means this is a range, so isolate/validate
# the interval
# split the range into it's first-val, last-val
(first, last) = string.split(el, "..")
# convert values from text into binary
if first[0:2] == '0x':
start = int(first[2:],16)
elif first[0] == "'":
start = ord(first[1])
start = int(first)
if last[0:2] == '0x':
end = int(last[2:],16)
elif last[0] == "'":
end = ord(last[1])
end = int(last)
if (start < 0) | (end > 0x1fffff) | (start > end):
raise ValidationError, "Invalid range '%s'" % el
currange = (start, end)
# common path - 'currange' has the range, now take care of it
# We split on single-byte values vs. multibyte
if currange[1] < 0x100: # single-byte
for ch in range(currange[0],currange[1]+1):
# validate that value not previously defined
if Functs[name][0][ch]:
msg = "Duplicate ch value '%s' for name '%s'" % (el, name)
raise ValidationError, msg
Functs[name][0][ch] = 1
else: # multi-byte
if currange in Functs[name][1]:
raise ValidationError, "range already defined in" \
" function"
print "Failed to process line: %s" % (line)
# At this point, the entire definition file has been processed. Now we
# enter the output phase, where we generate the two files chvalid.c and'
# chvalid.h
# To do this, we first output the 'static' data (heading, fixed
# definitions, etc.), then output the 'dynamic' data (the results
# of the above processing), and finally output closing 'static' data
# (e.g. the subroutine to process the ranges)
# Generate the headings:
header = open("include/libxml/chvalid.h", "w")
print "Failed to open include/libxml/chvalid.h"
output = open("chvalid.c", "w")
print "Failed to open chvalid.c"
date = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
* chvalid.h: this header exports interfaces for the character
* range validation APIs
* This file is automatically generated from the cvs source
* definition files using the genChRanges.py Python script
* Generation date: %s
* Sources: %s
* William Brack <wbrack@mmm.com.hk>
#ifndef __XML_CHVALID_H__
#define __XML_CHVALID_H__
#include <libxml/xmlversion.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Define our typedefs and structures
typedef struct _xmlChSRange xmlChSRange;
typedef xmlChSRange *xmlChSRangePtr;
struct _xmlChSRange {
unsigned short low;
unsigned short high;
typedef struct _xmlChLRange xmlChLRange;
typedef xmlChLRange *xmlChLRangePtr;
struct _xmlChLRange {
unsigned int low;
unsigned int high;
typedef struct _xmlChRangeGroup xmlChRangeGroup;
typedef xmlChRangeGroup *xmlChRangeGroupPtr;
struct _xmlChRangeGroup {
int nbShortRange;
int nbLongRange;
xmlChSRangePtr shortRange; /* points to an array of ranges */
xmlChLRangePtr longRange;
* Range checking routine
xmlCharInRange(unsigned int val, const xmlChRangeGroupPtr group);
""" % (date, sources));
* chvalid.c: this module implements the character range
* validation APIs
* This file is automatically generated from the cvs source
* definition files using the genChRanges.py Python script
* Generation date: %s
* Sources: %s
* William Brack <wbrack@mmm.com.hk>
#include <libxml/chvalid.h>
* The initial tables ({func_name}_tab) are used to validate whether a
* single-byte character is within the specified group. Each table
* contains 256 bytes, with each byte representing one of the 256
* possible characters. If the table byte is set, the character is
* allowed.
""" % (date, sources));
# Now output the generated data.
# We try to produce the best execution times. Tests have shown that validation
# with direct table lookup is, when there are a "small" number of valid items,
# still not as fast as a sequence of inline compares. So, if the single-byte
# portion of a range has a "small" number of ranges, we output a macro for inline
# compares, otherwise we output a 256-byte table and a macro to use it.
fkeys = Functs.keys() # Dictionary of all defined functions
fkeys.sort() # Put some order to our output
for f in fkeys:
# First we convert the specified single-byte values into a group of ranges.
# If the total number of such ranges is less than minTableSize, we generate
# an inline macro for direct comparisons; if greater, we generate a lookup
# table.
if max(Functs[f][0]) > 0: # only check if at least one entry
rangeTable = makeRange(Functs[f][0])
numRanges = len(rangeTable)
if numRanges >= minTableSize: # table is worthwhile
header.write("XMLPUBVAR unsigned char %s_tab[256];\n" % f)
* %s_ch:
* @c: char to validate
* Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
""" % f)
header.write("#define %s_ch(c)\t(%s_tab[(c)])\n" % (f, f))
# write the constant data to the code file
output.write("unsigned char %s_tab[256] = {\n" % f)
pline = " "
for n in range(255):
pline += " 0x%02x," % Functs[f][0][n]
if len(pline) > 72:
output.write(pline + "\n")
pline = " "
output.write(pline + " 0x%02x };\n\n" % Functs[f][0][255])
else: # inline check is used
# first another little optimisation - if space is present,
# put it at the front of the list so it is checked first
ix = rangeTable.remove((0x20, 0x20))
rangeTable.insert(0, (0x20, 0x20))
firstFlag = 1
* %s_ch:
* @c: char to validate
* Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
""" % f)
# okay, I'm tired of the messy lineup - let's automate it!
pline = "#define %s_ch(c)" % f
# 'ntab' is number of tabs needed to position to col. 33 from name end
ntab = 4 - (len(pline)) / 8
if ntab < 0:
ntab = 0
just = ""
for i in range(ntab):
just += "\t"
pline = pline + just + "("
for rg in rangeTable:
if not firstFlag:
pline += " || \\\n\t\t\t\t "
firstFlag = 0
if rg[0] == rg[1]: # single value - check equal
pline += "((c) == 0x%x)" % rg[0]
else: # value range
pline += "((0x%x <= (c)) &&" % rg[0]
pline += " ((c) <= 0x%x))" % rg[1]
pline += ")\n"
* %sQ:
* @c: char to validate
* Automatically generated by genChRanges.py
""" % f)
pline = "#define %sQ(c)" % f
ntab = 4 - (len(pline)) / 8
if ntab < 0:
ntab = 0
just = ""
for i in range(ntab):
just += "\t"
header.write(pline + just + "(((c) < 0x100) ? \\\n\t\t\t\t ")
if max(Functs[f][0]) > 0:
header.write("%s_ch((c)) :" % f)
header.write("0 :")
# if no ranges defined, value invalid if >= 0x100
numRanges = len(Functs[f][1])
if numRanges == 0:
header.write(" 0)\n\n")
if numRanges >= minTableSize:
header.write(" \\\n\t\t\t\t xmlCharInRange((c), &%sGroup))\n\n" % f)
else: # if < minTableSize, generate inline code
firstFlag = 1
for rg in Functs[f][1]:
if not firstFlag:
pline += " || \\\n\t\t\t\t "
firstFlag = 0
pline = "\\\n\t\t\t\t("
if rg[0] == rg[1]: # single value - check equal
pline += "((c) == 0x%x)" % rg[0]
else: # value range
pline += "((0x%x <= (c)) &&" % rg[0]
pline += " ((c) <= 0x%x))" % rg[1]
pline += "))\n\n"
if len(Functs[f][1]) > 0:
header.write("XMLPUBVAR xmlChRangeGroup %sGroup;\n" % f)
# Next we do the unicode ranges
for f in fkeys:
if len(Functs[f][1]) > 0: # only generate if unicode ranges present
rangeTable = Functs[f][1]
rangeTable.sort() # ascending tuple sequence
numShort = 0
numLong = 0
for rg in rangeTable:
if rg[1] < 0x10000: # if short value
if numShort == 0: # first occurence
pline = "static xmlChSRange %s_srng[] = { " % f
pline += ", "
numShort += 1
if len(pline) > 60:
output.write(pline + "\n")
pline = " "
pline += "{0x%x, 0x%x}" % (rg[0], rg[1])
else: # if long value
if numLong == 0: # first occurence
if numShort > 0: # if there were shorts, finish them off
output.write(pline + "};\n")
pline = "static xmlChLRange %s_lrng[] = { " % f
pline += ", "
numLong += 1
if len(pline) > 60:
output.write(pline + "\n")
pline = " "
pline += "{0x%x, 0x%x}" % (rg[0], rg[1])
output.write(pline + "};\n") # finish off last group
pline = "xmlChRangeGroup %sGroup =\n\t{%d, %d, " % (f, numShort, numLong)
if numShort > 0:
pline += "%s_srng" % f
pline += "(xmlChSRangePtr)0"
if numLong > 0:
pline += ", %s_lrng" % f
pline += ", (xmlChLRangePtr)0"
output.write(pline + "};\n\n")
* xmlCharInRange:
* @val: character to be validated
* @rptr: pointer to range to be used to validate
* Does a binary search of the range table to determine if char
* is valid
* Returns: true if character valid, false otherwise
xmlCharInRange (unsigned int val, xmlChRangeGroupPtr rptr) {
int low, high, mid;
xmlChSRangePtr sptr;
xmlChLRangePtr lptr;
if (val < 0x10000) { /* is val in 'short' or 'long' array? */
if (rptr->nbShortRange == 0)
return 0;
low = 0;
high = rptr->nbShortRange - 1;
sptr = rptr->shortRange;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if ((unsigned short) val < sptr[mid].low) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
if ((unsigned short) val > sptr[mid].high) {
low = mid + 1;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
if (rptr->nbLongRange == 0) {
return 0;
low = 0;
high = rptr->nbLongRange - 1;
lptr = rptr->longRange;
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (val < lptr[mid].low) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
if (val > lptr[mid].high) {
low = mid + 1;
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
# finally, generate the ABI compatibility functions
for f in fkeys:
* %s:
* @ch: character to validate
* This function is DEPRECATED. Use %s_ch
* or %sQ instead
* Returns true if argument valid, false otherwise
""" % (f, f, f))
output.write("int\n%s(unsigned int ch) {\n return(%sQ(ch));\n}\n\n" % (f,f))
header.write("XMLPUBFUN int XMLCALL\n\t\t%s(unsigned int ch);\n" % f);
# Run complete - write trailers and close the output files
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __XML_CHVALID_H__ */