mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2.git synced 2024-10-26 20:25:14 +03:00
Daniel Veillard 5151c06f30 fixed an erroneous validation bug when PE refs occurs in external parsed
* parser.c: fixed an erroneous validation bug when PE refs
  occurs in external parsed entities referenced from the
  internals subset
* test/valid/index.xml test/valid/dtds/nitf-2-5.dtd
  test/valid/dtds/NewsMLv1.0.dtd result/valid/index.xml*:
  added the associated testcase, it's a nice one.
* HTMLparser.c: generate the DTD node as HTML still ...
* HTMLtree.c: fixed errors in Set/GetMetaEncoding
2001-10-23 13:10:19 +00:00

178 lines
7.7 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE rss [
Rich Site Summary (RSS) 0.91 official DTD, proposed.
RSS is an XML vocabulary for describing
metadata about websites, and enabling the display of
"channels" on the "My Netscape" website.
RSS Info can be found at http://my.netscape.com/publish/
XML Info can be found at http://www.w3.org/XML/
copyright Netscape Communications, 1999
Dan Libby - danda@netscape.com
Based on RSS DTD originally created by
Lars Marius Garshol - larsga@ifi.uio.no.
<!ELEMENT rss (channel)>
<!-- must be "0.91"> --><!ELEMENT channel (title | description | link
| language | item+ | rating? | image? | textinput? | copyright? |
pubDate? | lastBuildDate? | docs? | managingEditor? | webMaster? |
skipHours? | skipDays?)*>
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT image (title | url | link | width? | height? | description?)*>
<!ELEMENT item (title | link | description)*>
<!ELEMENT textinput (title | description | name | link)*>
<!ELEMENT rating (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT language (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT width (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT height (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT copyright (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT pubDate (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT lastBuildDate (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT managingEditor (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT webMaster (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT skipHours (hour)+>
<!ELEMENT skipDays (day)+>
Copied from HTML 3.2 DTD, with modifications (removed CDATA)
=============== BEGIN ===================
Character Entities for ISO Latin-1
(C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
This has been extended for use with HTML to cover the full
set of codes in the range 160-255 decimal.
<!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation:
"ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML">
<!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;"> <!-- no-break space -->
<!ENTITY iexcl "&#161;">
<!-- inverted exclamation mark --><!ENTITY cent "&#162;">
<!-- cent sign --><!ENTITY pound "&#163;">
<!-- pound sterling sign --><!ENTITY curren "&#164;">
<!-- general currency sign --><!ENTITY yen "&#165;">
<!-- yen sign --><!ENTITY brvbar "&#166;">
<!-- broken (vertical) bar --><!ENTITY sect "&#167;">
<!-- section sign --><!ENTITY uml "&#168;">
<!-- umlaut (dieresis) --><!ENTITY copy "&#169;">
<!-- copyright sign --><!ENTITY ordf "&#170;">
<!-- ordinal indicator, feminine --><!ENTITY laquo "&#171;">
<!-- angle quotation mark, left --><!ENTITY not "&#172;">
<!-- not sign --><!ENTITY shy "&#173;">
<!-- soft hyphen --><!ENTITY reg "&#174;">
<!-- registered sign --><!ENTITY macr "&#175;">
<!-- macron --><!ENTITY deg "&#176;">
<!-- degree sign --><!ENTITY plusmn "&#177;">
<!-- plus-or-minus sign --><!ENTITY sup2 "&#178;">
<!-- superscript two --><!ENTITY sup3 "&#179;">
<!-- superscript three --><!ENTITY acute "&#180;">
<!-- acute accent --><!ENTITY micro "&#181;">
<!-- micro sign --><!ENTITY para "&#182;">
<!-- pilcrow (paragraph sign) --><!ENTITY middot "&#183;">
<!-- middle dot --><!ENTITY cedil "&#184;">
<!-- cedilla --><!ENTITY sup1 "&#185;">
<!-- superscript one --><!ENTITY ordm "&#186;">
<!-- ordinal indicator, masculine --><!ENTITY raquo "&#187;">
<!-- angle quotation mark, right --><!ENTITY frac14 "&#188;">
<!-- fraction one-quarter --><!ENTITY frac12 "&#189;">
<!-- fraction one-half --><!ENTITY frac34 "&#190;">
<!-- fraction three-quarters --><!ENTITY iquest "&#191;">
<!-- inverted question mark --><!ENTITY Agrave "&#192;">
<!-- capital A, grave accent --><!ENTITY Aacute "&#193;">
<!-- capital A, acute accent --><!ENTITY Acirc "&#194;">
<!-- capital A, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY Atilde "&#195;">
<!-- capital A, tilde --><!ENTITY Auml "&#196;">
<!-- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY Aring "&#197;">
<!-- capital A, ring --><!ENTITY AElig "&#198;">
<!-- capital AE diphthong (ligature) --><!ENTITY Ccedil "&#199;">
<!-- capital C, cedilla --><!ENTITY Egrave "&#200;">
<!-- capital E, grave accent --><!ENTITY Eacute "&#201;">
<!-- capital E, acute accent --><!ENTITY Ecirc "&#202;">
<!-- capital E, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY Euml "&#203;">
<!-- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY Igrave "&#204;">
<!-- capital I, grave accent --><!ENTITY Iacute "&#205;">
<!-- capital I, acute accent --><!ENTITY Icirc "&#206;">
<!-- capital I, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY Iuml "&#207;">
<!-- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY ETH "&#208;">
<!-- capital Eth, Icelandic --><!ENTITY Ntilde "&#209;">
<!-- capital N, tilde --><!ENTITY Ograve "&#210;">
<!-- capital O, grave accent --><!ENTITY Oacute "&#211;">
<!-- capital O, acute accent --><!ENTITY Ocirc "&#212;">
<!-- capital O, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY Otilde "&#213;">
<!-- capital O, tilde --><!ENTITY Ouml "&#214;">
<!-- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY times "&#215;">
<!-- multiply sign --><!ENTITY Oslash "&#216;">
<!-- capital O, slash --><!ENTITY Ugrave "&#217;">
<!-- capital U, grave accent --><!ENTITY Uacute "&#218;">
<!-- capital U, acute accent --><!ENTITY Ucirc "&#219;">
<!-- capital U, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY Uuml "&#220;">
<!-- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY Yacute "&#221;">
<!-- capital Y, acute accent --><!ENTITY THORN "&#222;">
<!-- capital THORN, Icelandic --><!ENTITY szlig "&#223;">
<!-- small sharp s, German (sz ligature) --><!ENTITY agrave "&#224;">
<!-- small a, grave accent --><!ENTITY aacute "&#225;">
<!-- small a, acute accent --><!ENTITY acirc "&#226;">
<!-- small a, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY atilde "&#227;">
<!-- small a, tilde --><!ENTITY auml "&#228;">
<!-- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY aring "&#229;">
<!-- small a, ring --><!ENTITY aelig "&#230;">
<!-- small ae diphthong (ligature) --><!ENTITY ccedil "&#231;">
<!-- small c, cedilla --><!ENTITY egrave "&#232;">
<!-- small e, grave accent --><!ENTITY eacute "&#233;">
<!-- small e, acute accent --><!ENTITY ecirc "&#234;">
<!-- small e, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY euml "&#235;">
<!-- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY igrave "&#236;">
<!-- small i, grave accent --><!ENTITY iacute "&#237;">
<!-- small i, acute accent --><!ENTITY icirc "&#238;">
<!-- small i, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY iuml "&#239;">
<!-- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY eth "&#240;">
<!-- small eth, Icelandic --><!ENTITY ntilde "&#241;">
<!-- small n, tilde --><!ENTITY ograve "&#242;">
<!-- small o, grave accent --><!ENTITY oacute "&#243;">
<!-- small o, acute accent --><!ENTITY ocirc "&#244;">
<!-- small o, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY otilde "&#245;">
<!-- small o, tilde --><!ENTITY ouml "&#246;">
<!-- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY divide "&#247;">
<!-- divide sign --><!ENTITY oslash "&#248;">
<!-- small o, slash --><!ENTITY ugrave "&#249;">
<!-- small u, grave accent --><!ENTITY uacute "&#250;">
<!-- small u, acute accent --><!ENTITY ucirc "&#251;">
<!-- small u, circumflex accent --><!ENTITY uuml "&#252;">
<!-- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!ENTITY yacute "&#253;">
<!-- small y, acute accent --><!ENTITY thorn "&#254;">
<!-- small thorn, Icelandic --><!ENTITY yuml "&#255;">
<!-- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark --><!--
Copied from HTML 3.2 DTD, with modifications (removed CDATA)
================= END ===================