2016-02-17 23:53:35 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import threading
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from gi . repository import GObject
from . job import Job
from . import cfg
import traceback
from . utils import log_error
class RequestEntry ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , tmo , method , arguments , cb , cb_error ,
return_tuple = True ) :
self . tmo = tmo
self . method = method
self . arguments = arguments
self . cb = cb
self . cb_error = cb_error
self . timer_id = - 1
self . lock = threading . RLock ( )
self . done = False
self . _result = None
self . _job = False
self . _rc = 0
self . _rc_error = None
self . _return_tuple = return_tuple
2016-02-18 00:27:57 +00:00
if self . tmo < 0 :
2016-02-17 23:53:35 +00:00
# Client is willing to block forever
elif tmo == 0 :
self . _return_job ( )
else :
self . timer_id = GObject . timeout_add_seconds (
tmo , RequestEntry . _request_timeout , self )
def _request_timeout ( r ) :
Method which gets called when the timer runs out !
: param r : RequestEntry which timed out
: return : Nothing
r . timer_expired ( )
def _return_job ( self ) :
self . _job = Job ( self )
cfg . om . register_object ( self . _job , True )
if self . _return_tuple :
self . cb ( ( ' / ' , self . _job . dbus_object_path ( ) ) )
else :
self . cb ( self . _job . dbus_object_path ( ) )
def run_cmd ( self ) :
try :
result = self . method ( * self . arguments )
self . register_result ( result )
except Exception :
# Use the request entry to return the result as the client may
# have gotten a job by the time we hit an error
# Lets get the stacktrace and set that to the error message
st = traceback . format_exc ( )
log_error ( " Exception returned to client: \n %s " % st )
self . register_error ( - 1 , st )
def is_done ( self ) :
with self . lock :
rc = self . done
return rc
def get_errors ( self ) :
with self . lock :
return ( self . _rc , self . _rc_error )
def result ( self ) :
with self . lock :
if self . done :
return self . _result
return ' / '
def _reg_ending ( self , result , error_rc = 0 , error = None ) :
with self . lock :
self . done = True
if self . timer_id != - 1 :
# Try to prevent the timer from firing
GObject . source_remove ( self . timer_id )
self . _result = result
self . _rc = error_rc
self . _rc_error = error
if not self . _job :
# We finished and there is no job, so return result or error
# now!
# Note: If we don't have a valid cb or cbe, this indicates a
# request that doesn't need a response as we already returned
# one before the request was processed.
if error_rc == 0 :
if self . cb :
if self . _return_tuple :
self . cb ( ( result , ' / ' ) )
else :
self . cb ( result )
else :
if self . cb_error :
self . cb_error ( self . _rc_error )
else :
# We have a job and it's complete, indicate that it's done.
# TODO: We need to signal the job is done too.
self . _job . Complete = True
self . _job = None
def register_error ( self , error_rc , error ) :
self . _reg_ending ( None , error_rc , error )
def register_result ( self , result ) :
self . _reg_ending ( result )
def timer_expired ( self ) :
with self . lock :
# Set the timer back to -1 as we will get a warning if we try
# to remove a timer that doesn't exist
self . timer_id = - 1
if not self . done :
# Create dbus job object and return path to caller
self . _return_job ( )
else :
# The job is done, we have nothing to do
return False