2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
# of the GNU General Public License v.2.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from subprocess import Popen , PIPE
import time
import threading
from itertools import chain
2016-03-22 01:22:56 +03:00
import collections
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
try :
from . import cfg
from . utils import pv_dest_ranges , log_debug , log_error
from . lvm_shell_proxy import LVMShellProxy
except SystemError :
import cfg
from utils import pv_dest_ranges , log_debug , log_error
from lvm_shell_proxy import LVMShellProxy
2016-06-03 21:18:21 +03:00
try :
import simplejson as json
except ImportError :
import json
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
SEP = ' { |} '
total_time = 0.0
total_count = 0
# We need to prevent different threads from using the same lvm shell
# at the same time.
2016-03-22 01:22:56 +03:00
cmd_lock = threading . RLock ( )
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
# The actual method which gets called to invoke the lvm command, can vary
# from forking a new process to using lvm shell
_t_call = None
2016-03-22 01:22:56 +03:00
class LvmExecutionMeta ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , start , ended , cmd , ec , stdout_txt , stderr_txt ) :
self . start = start
self . ended = ended
self . cmd = cmd
self . ec = ec
self . stdout_txt = stdout_txt
self . stderr_txt = stderr_txt
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " EC= %d for %s \n " \
" STARTED: %f , ENDED: %f \n " \
" STDOUT= %s \n " \
" STDERR= %s \n " % \
( self . ec , str ( self . cmd ) , self . start , self . ended , self . stdout_txt ,
self . stderr_txt )
class LvmFlightRecorder ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . queue = collections . deque ( maxlen = 16 )
def add ( self , lvm_exec_meta ) :
self . queue . append ( lvm_exec_meta )
def dump ( self ) :
with cmd_lock :
log_error ( " LVM dbus flight recorder START " )
for c in self . queue :
log_error ( str ( c ) )
log_error ( " LVM dbus flight recorder END " )
cfg . blackbox = LvmFlightRecorder ( )
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
def _debug_c ( cmd , exit_code , out ) :
log_error ( ' CMD= %s ' % ' ' . join ( cmd ) )
log_error ( ( " EC= %d " % exit_code ) )
log_error ( ( " STDOUT= \n %s \n " % out [ 0 ] ) )
log_error ( ( " STDERR= \n %s \n " % out [ 1 ] ) )
def call_lvm ( command , debug = False ) :
Call an executable and return a tuple of exitcode , stdout , stderr
: param command : Command to execute
: param debug : Dump debug to stdout
# print 'STACK:'
# for line in traceback.format_stack():
# print line.strip()
# Prepend the full lvm executable so that we can run different versions
# in different locations on the same box
command . insert ( 0 , cfg . LVM_CMD )
process = Popen ( command , stdout = PIPE , stderr = PIPE , close_fds = True )
out = process . communicate ( )
stdout_text = bytes ( out [ 0 ] ) . decode ( " utf-8 " )
stderr_text = bytes ( out [ 1 ] ) . decode ( " utf-8 " )
if debug or process . returncode != 0 :
_debug_c ( command , process . returncode , ( stdout_text , stderr_text ) )
if process . returncode == 0 :
if cfg . DEBUG and out [ 1 ] and len ( out [ 1 ] ) :
log_error ( ' WARNING: lvm is out-putting text to STDERR on success! ' )
_debug_c ( command , process . returncode , ( stdout_text , stderr_text ) )
return process . returncode , stdout_text , stderr_text
def _shell_cfg ( ) :
global _t_call
log_debug ( ' Using lvm shell! ' )
lvm_shell = LVMShellProxy ( )
_t_call = lvm_shell . call_lvm
if cfg . USE_SHELL :
_shell_cfg ( )
else :
_t_call = call_lvm
def set_execution ( shell ) :
global _t_call
with cmd_lock :
_t_call = None
if shell :
log_debug ( ' Using lvm shell! ' )
lvm_shell = LVMShellProxy ( )
_t_call = lvm_shell . call_lvm
else :
_t_call = call_lvm
def time_wrapper ( command , debug = False ) :
global total_time
global total_count
with cmd_lock :
start = time . time ( )
results = _t_call ( command , debug )
2016-03-22 01:22:56 +03:00
ended = time . time ( )
total_time + = ( ended - start )
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
total_count + = 1
2016-03-22 01:22:56 +03:00
cfg . blackbox . add ( LvmExecutionMeta ( start , ended , command , * results ) )
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
return results
call = time_wrapper
# Default cmd
# Place default arguments for every command here.
def _dc ( cmd , args ) :
c = [ cmd , ' --noheading ' , ' --separator ' , ' %s ' % SEP , ' --nosuffix ' ,
' --unbuffered ' , ' --units ' , ' b ' ]
c . extend ( args )
return c
def parse ( out ) :
rc = [ ]
for line in out . split ( ' \n ' ) :
# This line includes separators, so process them
if SEP in line :
elem = line . split ( SEP )
cleaned_elem = [ ]
for e in elem :
e = e . strip ( )
cleaned_elem . append ( e )
if len ( cleaned_elem ) > 1 :
rc . append ( cleaned_elem )
else :
t = line . strip ( )
if len ( t ) > 0 :
rc . append ( t )
return rc
def parse_column_names ( out , column_names ) :
lines = parse ( out )
rc = [ ]
for i in range ( 0 , len ( lines ) ) :
d = dict ( list ( zip ( column_names , lines [ i ] ) ) )
rc . append ( d )
return rc
def options_to_cli_args ( options ) :
rc = [ ]
for k , v in list ( dict ( options ) . items ( ) ) :
if k . startswith ( " - " ) :
rc . append ( k )
else :
rc . append ( " -- %s " % k )
if v != " " :
rc . append ( str ( v ) )
return rc
def pv_remove ( device , remove_options ) :
cmd = [ ' pvremove ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( remove_options ) )
cmd . append ( device )
return call ( cmd )
def _tag ( operation , what , add , rm , tag_options ) :
cmd = [ operation ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( tag_options ) )
if isinstance ( what , list ) :
cmd . extend ( what )
else :
cmd . append ( what )
if add :
cmd . extend ( list ( chain . from_iterable ( ( ' --addtag ' , x ) for x in add ) ) )
if rm :
cmd . extend ( list ( chain . from_iterable ( ( ' --deltag ' , x ) for x in rm ) ) )
return call ( cmd , False )
def pv_tag ( pv_devices , add , rm , tag_options ) :
return _tag ( ' pvchange ' , pv_devices , add , rm , tag_options )
def vg_tag ( vg_name , add , rm , tag_options ) :
return _tag ( ' vgchange ' , vg_name , add , rm , tag_options )
def lv_tag ( lv_name , add , rm , tag_options ) :
return _tag ( ' lvchange ' , lv_name , add , rm , tag_options )
def vg_rename ( vg , new_name , rename_options ) :
cmd = [ ' vgrename ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( rename_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ vg , new_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_remove ( vg_name , remove_options ) :
cmd = [ ' vgremove ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( remove_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' -f ' , vg_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_lv_create ( vg_name , create_options , name , size_bytes , pv_dests ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --name ' , name , vg_name ] )
pv_dest_ranges ( cmd , pv_dests )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_lv_snapshot ( vg_name , snapshot_options , name , size_bytes ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( snapshot_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ " -s " ] )
if size_bytes != 0 :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --name ' , name , vg_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_lv_create_linear ( vg_name , create_options , name , size_bytes , thin_pool ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
if not thin_pool :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
else :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --thin ' , ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --name ' , name , vg_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_lv_create_striped ( vg_name , create_options , name , size_bytes ,
num_stripes , stripe_size_kb , thin_pool ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
if not thin_pool :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
else :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --thin ' , ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --stripes ' , str ( num_stripes ) ] )
if stripe_size_kb != 0 :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --stripesize ' , str ( stripe_size_kb ) ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --name ' , name , vg_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def _vg_lv_create_raid ( vg_name , create_options , name , raid_type , size_bytes ,
num_stripes , stripe_size_kb ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --type ' , raid_type ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
if num_stripes != 0 :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --stripes ' , str ( num_stripes ) ] )
if stripe_size_kb != 0 :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --stripesize ' , str ( stripe_size_kb ) ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --name ' , name , vg_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_lv_create_raid ( vg_name , create_options , name , raid_type , size_bytes ,
num_stripes , stripe_size_kb ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
return _vg_lv_create_raid ( vg_name , create_options , name , raid_type ,
size_bytes , num_stripes , stripe_size_kb )
def vg_lv_create_mirror ( vg_name , create_options , name , size_bytes , num_copies ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --type ' , ' mirror ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --mirrors ' , str ( num_copies ) ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --size ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --name ' , name , vg_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_create_cache_pool ( md_full_name , data_full_name , create_options ) :
cmd = [ ' lvconvert ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --type ' , ' cache-pool ' , ' --force ' , ' -y ' ,
' --poolmetadata ' , md_full_name , data_full_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_create_thin_pool ( md_full_name , data_full_name , create_options ) :
cmd = [ ' lvconvert ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --type ' , ' thin-pool ' , ' --force ' , ' -y ' ,
' --poolmetadata ' , md_full_name , data_full_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def lv_remove ( lv_path , remove_options ) :
cmd = [ ' lvremove ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( remove_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' -f ' , lv_path ] )
return call ( cmd )
def lv_rename ( lv_path , new_name , rename_options ) :
cmd = [ ' lvrename ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( rename_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ lv_path , new_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def lv_resize ( lv_full_name , size_change , pv_dests ,
resize_options ) :
cmd = [ ' lvresize ' , ' --force ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( resize_options ) )
if size_change < 0 :
cmd . append ( " -L- %d B " % ( - size_change ) )
else :
cmd . append ( " -L+ %d B " % ( size_change ) )
cmd . append ( lv_full_name )
pv_dest_ranges ( cmd , pv_dests )
return call ( cmd )
def lv_lv_create ( lv_full_name , create_options , name , size_bytes ) :
cmd = [ ' lvcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --virtualsize ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' , ' -T ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --name ' , name , lv_full_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def lv_cache_lv ( cache_pool_full_name , lv_full_name , cache_options ) :
# lvconvert --type cache --cachepool VG/CachePoolLV VG/OriginLV
cmd = [ ' lvconvert ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( cache_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' --type ' , ' cache ' , ' --cachepool ' ,
cache_pool_full_name , lv_full_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
def lv_detach_cache ( lv_full_name , detach_options , destroy_cache ) :
cmd = [ ' lvconvert ' ]
if destroy_cache :
option = ' --uncache '
else :
# Currently fairly dangerous
# see: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1248972
option = ' --splitcache '
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( detach_options ) )
# needed to prevent interactive questions
cmd . extend ( [ " --yes " , " --force " ] )
cmd . extend ( [ option , lv_full_name ] )
return call ( cmd )
2016-06-03 21:18:21 +03:00
def supports_json ( ) :
cmd = [ ' help ' ]
rc , out , err = call ( cmd )
if rc == 0 :
if ' fullreport ' in err :
return True
return False
def lvm_full_report_json ( ) :
pv_columns = [ ' pv_name ' , ' pv_uuid ' , ' pv_fmt ' , ' pv_size ' , ' pv_free ' ,
' pv_used ' , ' dev_size ' , ' pv_mda_size ' , ' pv_mda_free ' ,
' pv_ba_start ' , ' pv_ba_size ' , ' pe_start ' , ' pv_pe_count ' ,
' pv_pe_alloc_count ' , ' pv_attr ' , ' pv_tags ' , ' vg_name ' ,
' vg_uuid ' ]
2016-06-28 01:07:20 +03:00
pv_seg_columns = [ ' pvseg_start ' , ' pvseg_size ' , ' segtype ' ,
2016-06-03 21:18:21 +03:00
' pv_uuid ' , ' lv_uuid ' , ' pv_name ' ]
vg_columns = [ ' vg_name ' , ' vg_uuid ' , ' vg_fmt ' , ' vg_size ' , ' vg_free ' ,
' vg_sysid ' , ' vg_extent_size ' , ' vg_extent_count ' ,
' vg_free_count ' , ' vg_profile ' , ' max_lv ' , ' max_pv ' ,
' pv_count ' , ' lv_count ' , ' snap_count ' , ' vg_seqno ' ,
' vg_mda_count ' , ' vg_mda_free ' , ' vg_mda_size ' ,
' vg_mda_used_count ' , ' vg_attr ' , ' vg_tags ' ]
lv_columns = [ ' lv_uuid ' , ' lv_name ' , ' lv_path ' , ' lv_size ' ,
' vg_name ' , ' pool_lv_uuid ' , ' pool_lv ' , ' origin_uuid ' ,
' origin ' , ' data_percent ' ,
' lv_attr ' , ' lv_tags ' , ' vg_uuid ' , ' lv_active ' , ' data_lv ' ,
' metadata_lv ' , ' lv_parent ' , ' lv_role ' , ' lv_layout ' ]
lv_seg_columns = [ ' seg_pe_ranges ' , ' segtype ' , ' lv_uuid ' ]
cmd = _dc ( ' fullreport ' , [
2016-06-04 00:52:17 +03:00
' -a ' , # Need hidden too
2016-06-28 01:04:44 +03:00
' --configreport ' , ' pv ' , ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( pv_columns ) ,
' --configreport ' , ' vg ' , ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( vg_columns ) ,
' --configreport ' , ' lv ' , ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( lv_columns ) ,
' --configreport ' , ' seg ' , ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( lv_seg_columns ) ,
' --configreport ' , ' pvseg ' , ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( pv_seg_columns ) ,
2016-06-03 21:18:21 +03:00
' --reportformat ' , ' json '
] )
rc , out , err = call ( cmd )
if rc == 0 :
return json . loads ( out )
return None
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
def pv_retrieve_with_segs ( device = None ) :
d = [ ]
2016-02-23 00:53:31 +03:00
err = " "
out = " "
rc = 0
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
columns = [ ' pv_name ' , ' pv_uuid ' , ' pv_fmt ' , ' pv_size ' , ' pv_free ' ,
' pv_used ' , ' dev_size ' , ' pv_mda_size ' , ' pv_mda_free ' ,
' pv_ba_start ' , ' pv_ba_size ' , ' pe_start ' , ' pv_pe_count ' ,
' pv_pe_alloc_count ' , ' pv_attr ' , ' pv_tags ' , ' vg_name ' ,
2016-06-28 01:07:20 +03:00
' vg_uuid ' , ' pvseg_start ' , ' pvseg_size ' , ' segtype ' ]
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
# Lvm has some issues where it returns failure when querying pvs when other
# operations are in process, see:
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1274085
2016-02-23 00:53:31 +03:00
for i in range ( 0 , 10 ) :
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
cmd = _dc ( ' pvs ' , [ ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( columns ) ] )
if device :
cmd . extend ( device )
rc , out , err = call ( cmd )
if rc == 0 :
d = parse_column_names ( out , columns )
else :
time . sleep ( 0.2 )
log_debug ( " LVM Bug workaround, retrying pvs command... " )
2016-02-23 00:53:31 +03:00
if rc != 0 :
msg = " We were unable to get pvs to return without error after " \
" trying 10 times, RC= %d , STDERR=( %s ), STDOUT=( %s ) " % \
( rc , err , out )
log_error ( msg )
raise RuntimeError ( msg )
2016-02-18 02:53:35 +03:00
return d
def pv_resize ( device , size_bytes , create_options ) :
cmd = [ ' pvresize ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
if size_bytes != 0 :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --setphysicalvolumesize ' , str ( size_bytes ) + ' B ' ] )
cmd . extend ( [ device ] )
return call ( cmd )
def pv_create ( create_options , devices ) :
cmd = [ ' pvcreate ' , ' -ff ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . extend ( devices )
return call ( cmd )
def pv_allocatable ( device , yes , allocation_options ) :
yn = ' n '
if yes :
yn = ' y '
cmd = [ ' pvchange ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( allocation_options ) )
cmd . extend ( [ ' -x ' , yn , device ] )
return call ( cmd )
def pv_scan ( activate , cache , device_paths , major_minors , scan_options ) :
cmd = [ ' pvscan ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( scan_options ) )
if activate :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --activate ' , " ay " ] )
if cache :
cmd . append ( ' --cache ' )
if len ( device_paths ) > 0 :
for d in device_paths :
cmd . append ( d )
if len ( major_minors ) > 0 :
for mm in major_minors :
cmd . append ( " %s : %s " % ( mm ) )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_create ( create_options , pv_devices , name ) :
cmd = [ ' vgcreate ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( create_options ) )
cmd . append ( name )
cmd . extend ( pv_devices )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_change ( change_options , name ) :
cmd = [ ' vgchange ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( change_options ) )
cmd . append ( name )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_reduce ( vg_name , missing , pv_devices , reduce_options ) :
cmd = [ ' vgreduce ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( reduce_options ) )
if len ( pv_devices ) == 0 :
cmd . append ( ' --all ' )
if missing :
cmd . append ( ' --removemissing ' )
cmd . append ( vg_name )
cmd . extend ( pv_devices )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_extend ( vg_name , extend_devices , extend_options ) :
cmd = [ ' vgextend ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( extend_options ) )
cmd . append ( vg_name )
cmd . extend ( extend_devices )
return call ( cmd )
def _vg_value_set ( name , arguments , options ) :
cmd = [ ' vgchange ' ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( options ) )
cmd . append ( name )
cmd . extend ( arguments )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_allocation_policy ( vg_name , policy , policy_options ) :
return _vg_value_set ( vg_name , [ ' --alloc ' , policy ] , policy_options )
def vg_max_pv ( vg_name , number , max_options ) :
return _vg_value_set ( vg_name , [ ' --maxphysicalvolumes ' , str ( number ) ] ,
max_options )
def vg_max_lv ( vg_name , number , max_options ) :
return _vg_value_set ( vg_name , [ ' -l ' , str ( number ) ] , max_options )
def vg_uuid_gen ( vg_name , ignore , options ) :
assert ignore is None
return _vg_value_set ( vg_name , [ ' --uuid ' ] , options )
def activate_deactivate ( op , name , activate , control_flags , options ) :
cmd = [ op ]
cmd . extend ( options_to_cli_args ( options ) )
op = ' -a '
if control_flags :
# Autoactivation
if ( 1 << 0 ) & control_flags :
op + = ' a '
# Exclusive locking (Cluster)
if ( 1 << 1 ) & control_flags :
op + = ' e '
# Local node activation
if ( 1 << 2 ) & control_flags :
op + = ' l '
# Activation modes
if ( 1 << 3 ) & control_flags :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --activationmode ' , ' complete ' ] )
elif ( 1 << 4 ) & control_flags :
cmd . extend ( [ ' --activationmode ' , ' partial ' ] )
# Ignore activation skip
if ( 1 << 5 ) & control_flags :
cmd . append ( ' --ignoreactivationskip ' )
if activate :
op + = ' y '
else :
op + = ' n '
cmd . append ( op )
cmd . append ( name )
return call ( cmd )
def vg_retrieve ( vg_specific ) :
if vg_specific :
assert isinstance ( vg_specific , list )
columns = [ ' vg_name ' , ' vg_uuid ' , ' vg_fmt ' , ' vg_size ' , ' vg_free ' ,
' vg_sysid ' , ' vg_extent_size ' , ' vg_extent_count ' ,
' vg_free_count ' , ' vg_profile ' , ' max_lv ' , ' max_pv ' ,
' pv_count ' , ' lv_count ' , ' snap_count ' , ' vg_seqno ' ,
' vg_mda_count ' , ' vg_mda_free ' , ' vg_mda_size ' ,
' vg_mda_used_count ' , ' vg_attr ' , ' vg_tags ' ]
cmd = _dc ( ' vgs ' , [ ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( columns ) ] )
if vg_specific :
cmd . extend ( vg_specific )
d = [ ]
rc , out , err = call ( cmd )
if rc == 0 :
d = parse_column_names ( out , columns )
return d
def lv_retrieve_with_segments ( ) :
columns = [ ' lv_uuid ' , ' lv_name ' , ' lv_path ' , ' lv_size ' ,
' vg_name ' , ' pool_lv_uuid ' , ' pool_lv ' , ' origin_uuid ' ,
' origin ' , ' data_percent ' ,
' lv_attr ' , ' lv_tags ' , ' vg_uuid ' , ' lv_active ' , ' data_lv ' ,
' metadata_lv ' , ' seg_pe_ranges ' , ' segtype ' , ' lv_parent ' ,
' lv_role ' , ' lv_layout ' ]
cmd = _dc ( ' lvs ' , [ ' -a ' , ' -o ' , ' , ' . join ( columns ) ] )
rc , out , err = call ( cmd )
d = [ ]
if rc == 0 :
d = parse_column_names ( out , columns )
return d
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
pv_data = pv_retrieve_with_segs ( )
for p in pv_data :
log_debug ( str ( p ) )