1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
HP offers the following for use in the public domain . HP makes no
warranty with regard to the software or it ' s performance and the
user accepts the software " AS IS " with all faults .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* Header : remcom . c , v 1.34 91 / 03 / 09 12 : 29 : 49 glenne Exp $
* Module name : remcom . c $
* Revision : 1.34 $
* Date : 91 / 03 / 09 12 : 29 : 49 $
* Contributor : Lake Stevens Instrument Division $
* Description : low level support for gdb debugger . $
* Considerations : only works on target hardware $
* Written by : Glenn Engel $
* ModuleState : Experimental $
* NOTES : See Below $
* Modified for M32R by Michael Snyder , Cygnus Support .
* To enable debugger support , two things need to happen . One , a
* call to set_debug_traps ( ) is necessary in order to allow any breakpoints
* or error conditions to be properly intercepted and reported to gdb .
* Two , a breakpoint needs to be generated to begin communication . This
* is most easily accomplished by a call to breakpoint ( ) . Breakpoint ( )
* simulates a breakpoint by executing a trap # 1.
* The external function exceptionHandler ( ) is
* used to attach a specific handler to a specific M32R vector number .
* It should use the same privilege level it runs at . It should
* install it as an interrupt gate so that interrupts are masked
* while the handler runs .
* Because gdb will sometimes write to the stack area to execute function
* calls , this program cannot rely on using the supervisor stack so it
* uses it ' s own stack area reserved in the int array remcomStack .
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* The following gdb commands are supported :
* command function Return value
* g return the value of the CPU registers hex data or ENN
* G set the value of the CPU registers OK or ENN
* mAA . . AA , LLLL Read LLLL bytes at address AA . . AA hex data or ENN
* MAA . . AA , LLLL : Write LLLL bytes at address AA . AA OK or ENN
* XAA . . AA , LLLL : Write LLLL binary bytes at address OK or ENN
* AA . . AA
* c Resume at current address SNN ( signal NN )
* cAA . . AA Continue at address AA . . AA SNN
* s Step one instruction SNN
* sAA . . AA Step one instruction from AA . . AA SNN
* k kill
* ? What was the last sigval ? SNN ( signal NN )
* All commands and responses are sent with a packet which includes a
* checksum . A packet consists of
* $ < packet info > # < checksum > .
* where
* < packet info > : : < characters representing the command or response >
* < checksum > : : < two hex digits computed as modulo 256 sum of < packetinfo > >
* When a packet is received , it is first acknowledged with either ' + ' or ' - ' .
* ' + ' indicates a successful transfer . ' - ' indicates a failed transfer .
* Example :
* Host : Reply :
* $ m0 , 10 # 2 a + $ 00010203040506070 809101112131415 # 42
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* external low - level support routines
extern void putDebugChar ( ) ; /* write a single character */
extern int getDebugChar ( ) ; /* read and return a single char */
extern void exceptionHandler ( ) ; /* assign an exception handler */
* BUFMAX defines the maximum number of characters in inbound / outbound buffers
* at least NUMREGBYTES * 2 are needed for register packets
# define BUFMAX 400
static char initialized ; /* boolean flag. != 0 means we've been initialized */
int remote_debug ;
/* debug > 0 prints ill-formed commands in valid packets & checksum errors */
static const unsigned char hexchars [ ] = " 0123456789abcdef " ;
# define NUMREGS 24
/* Number of bytes of registers. */
enum regnames { R0 , R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 , R5 , R6 , R7 ,
R8 , R9 , R10 , R11 , R12 , R13 , R14 , R15 ,
PSW , CBR , SPI , SPU , BPC , PC , ACCL , ACCH } ;
enum SYS_calls {
SYS_null ,
SYS_exit ,
SYS_open ,
SYS_close ,
SYS_read ,
SYS_write ,
SYS_lseek ,
SYS_unlink ,
SYS_getpid ,
SYS_kill ,
SYS_fstat ,
SYS_sbrk ,
SYS_fork ,
SYS_execve ,
SYS_wait4 ,
SYS_link ,
SYS_chdir ,
SYS_stat ,
SYS_utime ,
SYS_chown ,
SYS_chmod ,
SYS_time ,
SYS_pipe } ;
static int registers [ NUMREGS ] ;
# define STACKSIZE 8096
static unsigned char remcomInBuffer [ BUFMAX ] ;
static unsigned char remcomOutBuffer [ BUFMAX ] ;
static int remcomStack [ STACKSIZE / sizeof ( int ) ] ;
static int * stackPtr = & remcomStack [ STACKSIZE / sizeof ( int ) - 1 ] ;
static unsigned int save_vectors [ 18 ] ; /* previous exception vectors */
/* Indicate to caller of mem2hex or hex2mem that there has been an error. */
static volatile int mem_err = 0 ;
/* Store the vector number here (since GDB only gets the signal
number through the usual means , and that ' s not very specific ) . */
int gdb_m32r_vector = - 1 ;
#if 0
# include "syscall.h" /* for SYS_exit, SYS_write etc. */
# endif
/* Global entry points:
extern void handle_exception ( int ) ;
extern void set_debug_traps ( void ) ;
extern void breakpoint ( void ) ;
/* Local functions:
static int computeSignal ( int ) ;
static void putpacket ( unsigned char * ) ;
static void getpacket ( unsigned char * ) ;
static unsigned char * mem2hex ( unsigned char * , unsigned char * , int , int ) ;
static unsigned char * hex2mem ( unsigned char * , unsigned char * , int , int ) ;
static int hexToInt ( unsigned char * * , int * ) ;
static unsigned char * bin2mem ( unsigned char * , unsigned char * , int , int ) ;
static void stash_registers ( void ) ;
static void restore_registers ( void ) ;
static int prepare_to_step ( int ) ;
static int finish_from_step ( void ) ;
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
static unsigned long crc32 ( unsigned char * , int , unsigned long ) ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
static void gdb_error ( char * , char * ) ;
static int gdb_putchar ( int ) , gdb_puts ( char * ) , gdb_write ( char * , int ) ;
static unsigned char * strcpy ( unsigned char * , const unsigned char * ) ;
static int strlen ( const unsigned char * ) ;
* This function does all command procesing for interfacing to gdb .
handle_exception ( int exceptionVector )
int sigval ;
int addr , length , i ;
unsigned char * ptr ;
unsigned char buf [ 16 ] ;
int binary ;
if ( ! finish_from_step ( ) )
return ; /* "false step": let the target continue */
gdb_m32r_vector = exceptionVector ;
if ( remote_debug )
mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & exceptionVector , buf , 4 , 0 ) ;
gdb_error ( " Handle exception %s, " , buf ) ;
mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ PC ] , buf , 4 , 0 ) ;
gdb_error ( " PC == 0x%s \n " , buf ) ;
/* reply to host that an exception has occurred */
sigval = computeSignal ( exceptionVector ) ;
ptr = remcomOutBuffer ;
* ptr + + = ' T ' ; /* notify gdb with signo, PC, FP and SP */
* ptr + + = hexchars [ sigval > > 4 ] ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ sigval & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ PC > > 4 ] ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ PC & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = ' : ' ;
ptr = mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ PC ] , ptr , 4 , 0 ) ; /* PC */
* ptr + + = ' ; ' ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R13 > > 4 ] ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R13 & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = ' : ' ;
ptr = mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ R13 ] , ptr , 4 , 0 ) ; /* FP */
* ptr + + = ' ; ' ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R15 > > 4 ] ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R15 & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = ' : ' ;
ptr = mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ R15 ] , ptr , 4 , 0 ) ; /* SP */
* ptr + + = ' ; ' ;
* ptr + + = 0 ;
if ( exceptionVector = = 0 ) /* simulated SYS call stuff */
mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ PC ] , buf , 4 , 0 ) ;
switch ( registers [ R0 ] ) {
case SYS_exit :
gdb_error ( " Target program has exited at %s \n " , buf ) ;
ptr = remcomOutBuffer ;
* ptr + + = ' W ' ;
sigval = registers [ R1 ] & 0xff ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ sigval > > 4 ] ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ sigval & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = 0 ;
break ;
case SYS_open :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_open call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_close :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_close call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_read :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_read call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_write :
if ( registers [ R1 ] = = 1 | | /* write to stdout */
registers [ R1 ] = = 2 ) /* write to stderr */
{ /* (we can do that) */
registers [ R0 ] = gdb_write ( ( void * ) registers [ R2 ] , registers [ R3 ] ) ;
return ;
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_write call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_lseek :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_lseek call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_unlink :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_unlink call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_getpid :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_getpid call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_kill :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_kill call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
case SYS_fstat :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts SYS_fstat call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
default :
gdb_error ( " Target attempts unknown SYS call at %s \n " , buf ) ;
break ;
putpacket ( remcomOutBuffer ) ;
while ( 1 = = 1 ) {
remcomOutBuffer [ 0 ] = 0 ;
getpacket ( remcomInBuffer ) ;
binary = 0 ;
switch ( remcomInBuffer [ 0 ] ) {
default : /* Unknown code. Return an empty reply message. */
break ;
case ' R ' :
ptr = & remcomInBuffer [ 1 ] ;
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , & addr ) )
registers [ PC ] = addr ;
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " OK " ) ;
break ;
case ' ! ' :
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " OK " ) ;
break ;
case ' X ' : /* XAA..AA,LLLL:<binary data>#cs */
binary = 1 ;
case ' M ' : /* MAA..AA,LLLL: Write LLLL bytes at address AA.AA return OK */
/* TRY TO READ '%x,%x:'. IF SUCCEED, SET PTR = 0 */
ptr = & remcomInBuffer [ 1 ] ;
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , & addr ) )
if ( * ( ptr + + ) = = ' , ' )
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , & length ) )
if ( * ( ptr + + ) = = ' : ' )
mem_err = 0 ;
if ( binary )
bin2mem ( ptr , ( unsigned char * ) addr , length , 1 ) ;
hex2mem ( ptr , ( unsigned char * ) addr , length , 1 ) ;
if ( mem_err ) {
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " E03 " ) ;
gdb_error ( " memory fault " , " " ) ;
} else {
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " OK " ) ;
ptr = 0 ;
if ( ptr )
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " E02 " ) ;
gdb_error ( " malformed write memory command: %s " ,
remcomInBuffer ) ;
break ;
case ' m ' : /* mAA..AA,LLLL Read LLLL bytes at address AA..AA */
/* TRY TO READ %x,%x. IF SUCCEED, SET PTR = 0 */
ptr = & remcomInBuffer [ 1 ] ;
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , & addr ) )
if ( * ( ptr + + ) = = ' , ' )
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , & length ) )
ptr = 0 ;
mem_err = 0 ;
mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) addr , remcomOutBuffer , length , 1 ) ;
if ( mem_err ) {
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " E03 " ) ;
gdb_error ( " memory fault " , " " ) ;
if ( ptr )
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " E01 " ) ;
gdb_error ( " malformed read memory command: %s " ,
remcomInBuffer ) ;
break ;
case ' ? ' :
remcomOutBuffer [ 0 ] = ' S ' ;
remcomOutBuffer [ 1 ] = hexchars [ sigval > > 4 ] ;
remcomOutBuffer [ 2 ] = hexchars [ sigval % 16 ] ;
remcomOutBuffer [ 3 ] = 0 ;
break ;
case ' d ' :
remote_debug = ! ( remote_debug ) ; /* toggle debug flag */
break ;
case ' g ' : /* return the value of the CPU registers */
mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) registers , remcomOutBuffer , NUMREGBYTES , 0 ) ;
break ;
case ' P ' : /* set the value of a single CPU register - return OK */
int regno ;
ptr = & remcomInBuffer [ 1 ] ;
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , & regno ) & & * ptr + + = = ' = ' )
if ( regno > = 0 & & regno < NUMREGS )
int stackmode ;
hex2mem ( ptr , ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ regno ] , 4 , 0 ) ;
* Since we just changed a single CPU register , let ' s
* make sure to keep the several stack pointers consistant .
stackmode = registers [ PSW ] & 0x80 ;
if ( regno = = R15 ) /* stack pointer changed */
{ /* need to change SPI or SPU */
if ( stackmode = = 0 )
registers [ SPI ] = registers [ R15 ] ;
registers [ SPU ] = registers [ R15 ] ;
else if ( regno = = SPU ) /* "user" stack pointer changed */
if ( stackmode ! = 0 ) /* stack in user mode: copy SP */
registers [ R15 ] = registers [ SPU ] ;
else if ( regno = = SPI ) /* "interrupt" stack pointer changed */
if ( stackmode = = 0 ) /* stack in interrupt mode: copy SP */
registers [ R15 ] = registers [ SPI ] ;
else if ( regno = = PSW ) /* stack mode may have changed! */
{ /* force SP to either SPU or SPI */
if ( stackmode = = 0 ) /* stack in user mode */
registers [ R15 ] = registers [ SPI ] ;
else /* stack in interrupt mode */
registers [ R15 ] = registers [ SPU ] ;
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " OK " ) ;
break ;
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " P01 " ) ;
break ;
case ' G ' : /* set the value of the CPU registers - return OK */
hex2mem ( & remcomInBuffer [ 1 ] , ( unsigned char * ) registers , NUMREGBYTES , 0 ) ;
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " OK " ) ;
break ;
case ' s ' : /* sAA..AA Step one instruction from AA..AA(optional) */
case ' c ' : /* cAA..AA Continue from address AA..AA(optional) */
/* try to read optional parameter, pc unchanged if no parm */
ptr = & remcomInBuffer [ 1 ] ;
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , & addr ) )
registers [ PC ] = addr ;
if ( remcomInBuffer [ 0 ] = = ' s ' ) /* single-stepping */
if ( ! prepare_to_step ( 0 ) ) /* set up for single-step */
/* prepare_to_step has already emulated the target insn:
Send SIGTRAP to gdb , don ' t resume the target at all . */
ptr = remcomOutBuffer ;
* ptr + + = ' T ' ; /* Simulate stopping with SIGTRAP */
* ptr + + = ' 0 ' ;
* ptr + + = ' 5 ' ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ PC > > 4 ] ; /* send PC */
* ptr + + = hexchars [ PC & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = ' : ' ;
ptr = mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ PC ] , ptr , 4 , 0 ) ;
* ptr + + = ' ; ' ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R13 > > 4 ] ; /* send FP */
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R13 & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = ' : ' ;
ptr = mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ R13 ] , ptr , 4 , 0 ) ;
* ptr + + = ' ; ' ;
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R15 > > 4 ] ; /* send SP */
* ptr + + = hexchars [ R15 & 0xf ] ;
* ptr + + = ' : ' ;
ptr = mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & registers [ R15 ] , ptr , 4 , 0 ) ;
* ptr + + = ' ; ' ;
* ptr + + = 0 ;
break ;
else /* continuing, not single-stepping */
/* OK, about to do a "continue". First check to see if the
target pc is on an odd boundary ( second instruction in the
word ) . If so , we must do a single - step first , because
ya can ' t jump or return back to an odd boundary ! */
if ( ( registers [ PC ] & 2 ) ! = 0 )
prepare_to_step ( 1 ) ;
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
return ;
case ' D ' : /* Detach */
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
#if 0
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
/* I am interpreting this to mean, release the board from control
by the remote stub . To do this , I am restoring the original
( or at least previous ) exception vectors .
for ( i = 0 ; i < 18 ; i + + )
exceptionHandler ( i , save_vectors [ i ] ) ;
putpacket ( " OK " ) ;
return ; /* continue the inferior */
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
# else
strcpy ( remcomOutBuffer , " OK " ) ;
break ;
# endif
case ' q ' :
ptr = & remcomInBuffer [ 1 ] ;
if ( * ptr + + = = ' C ' & &
* ptr + + = = ' R ' & &
* ptr + + = = ' C ' & &
* ptr + + = = ' : ' )
unsigned long start , len , our_crc ;
if ( hexToInt ( & ptr , ( int * ) & start ) & &
* ptr + + = = ' , ' & &
hexToInt ( & ptr , ( int * ) & len ) )
remcomOutBuffer [ 0 ] = ' C ' ;
our_crc = crc32 ( ( unsigned char * ) start , len , 0xffffffff ) ;
mem2hex ( ( char * ) & our_crc ,
& remcomOutBuffer [ 1 ] ,
sizeof ( long ) ,
0 ) ;
} /* else do nothing */
} /* else do nothing */
break ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
case ' k ' : /* kill the program */
continue ;
} /* switch */
/* reply to the request */
putpacket ( remcomOutBuffer ) ;
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
/* qCRC support */
/* Table used by the crc32 function to calcuate the checksum. */
static unsigned long crc32_table [ 256 ] = { 0 , 0 } ;
static unsigned long
crc32 ( buf , len , crc )
unsigned char * buf ;
int len ;
unsigned long crc ;
if ( ! crc32_table [ 1 ] )
/* Initialize the CRC table and the decoding table. */
int i , j ;
unsigned long c ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i + + )
for ( c = i < < 24 , j = 8 ; j > 0 ; - - j )
c = c & 0x80000000 ? ( c < < 1 ) ^ 0x04c11db7 : ( c < < 1 ) ;
crc32_table [ i ] = c ;
while ( len - - )
crc = ( crc < < 8 ) ^ crc32_table [ ( ( crc > > 24 ) ^ * buf ) & 255 ] ;
buf + + ;
return crc ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
static int
hex ( ch )
unsigned char ch ;
if ( ( ch > = ' a ' ) & & ( ch < = ' f ' ) ) return ( ch - ' a ' + 10 ) ;
if ( ( ch > = ' 0 ' ) & & ( ch < = ' 9 ' ) ) return ( ch - ' 0 ' ) ;
if ( ( ch > = ' A ' ) & & ( ch < = ' F ' ) ) return ( ch - ' A ' + 10 ) ;
return ( - 1 ) ;
/* scan for the sequence $<data>#<checksum> */
static void
getpacket ( buffer )
unsigned char * buffer ;
unsigned char checksum ;
unsigned char xmitcsum ;
int i ;
int count ;
unsigned char ch ;
do {
/* wait around for the start character, ignore all other characters */
while ( ( ch = getDebugChar ( ) ) ! = ' $ ' ) ;
checksum = 0 ;
xmitcsum = - 1 ;
count = 0 ;
/* now, read until a # or end of buffer is found */
while ( count < BUFMAX ) {
ch = getDebugChar ( ) ;
if ( ch = = ' # ' & & ( count = = 0 | | buffer [ count - 1 ] ! = 0x7d ) )
break ;
checksum = checksum + ch ;
buffer [ count ] = ch ;
count = count + 1 ;
buffer [ count ] = 0 ;
if ( ch = = ' # ' ) {
xmitcsum = hex ( getDebugChar ( ) ) < < 4 ;
xmitcsum + = hex ( getDebugChar ( ) ) ;
if ( checksum ! = xmitcsum ) {
if ( remote_debug ) {
unsigned char buf [ 16 ] ;
mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & checksum , buf , 4 , 0 ) ;
gdb_error ( " Bad checksum: my count = %s, " , buf ) ;
mem2hex ( ( unsigned char * ) & xmitcsum , buf , 4 , 0 ) ;
gdb_error ( " sent count = %s \n " , buf ) ;
gdb_error ( " -- Bad buffer: \" %s \" \n " , buffer ) ;
putDebugChar ( ' - ' ) ; /* failed checksum */
} else {
putDebugChar ( ' + ' ) ; /* successful transfer */
/* if a sequence char is present, reply the sequence ID */
if ( buffer [ 2 ] = = ' : ' ) {
putDebugChar ( buffer [ 0 ] ) ;
putDebugChar ( buffer [ 1 ] ) ;
/* remove sequence chars from buffer */
count = strlen ( buffer ) ;
for ( i = 3 ; i < = count ; i + + ) buffer [ i - 3 ] = buffer [ i ] ;
} while ( checksum ! = xmitcsum ) ;
/* send the packet in buffer. */
static void
putpacket ( buffer )
unsigned char * buffer ;
unsigned char checksum ;
int count ;
char ch ;
/* $<packet info>#<checksum>. */
do {
putDebugChar ( ' $ ' ) ;
checksum = 0 ;
count = 0 ;
while ( ch = buffer [ count ] ) {
putDebugChar ( ch ) ;
checksum + = ch ;
count + = 1 ;
putDebugChar ( ' # ' ) ;
putDebugChar ( hexchars [ checksum > > 4 ] ) ;
putDebugChar ( hexchars [ checksum % 16 ] ) ;
} while ( getDebugChar ( ) ! = ' + ' ) ;
/* Address of a routine to RTE to if we get a memory fault. */
static void ( * volatile mem_fault_routine ) ( ) = 0 ;
static void
set_mem_err ( )
mem_err = 1 ;
/* Check the address for safe access ranges. As currently defined,
this routine will reject the " expansion bus " address range ( s ) .
To make those ranges useable , someone must implement code to detect
whether there ' s anything connected to the expansion bus . */
static int
mem_safe ( addr )
unsigned char * addr ;
# define BAD_RANGE_ONE_START ((unsigned char *) 0x600000)
# define BAD_RANGE_ONE_END ((unsigned char *) 0xa00000)
# define BAD_RANGE_TWO_START ((unsigned char *) 0xff680000)
# define BAD_RANGE_TWO_END ((unsigned char *) 0xff800000)
if ( addr < BAD_RANGE_ONE_START ) return 1 ; /* safe */
if ( addr < BAD_RANGE_ONE_END ) return 0 ; /* unsafe */
if ( addr < BAD_RANGE_TWO_START ) return 1 ; /* safe */
if ( addr < BAD_RANGE_TWO_END ) return 0 ; /* unsafe */
/* These are separate functions so that they are so short and sweet
that the compiler won ' t save any registers ( if there is a fault
to mem_fault , they won ' t get restored , so there better not be any
saved ) . */
static int
get_char ( addr )
unsigned char * addr ;
# if 1
if ( mem_fault_routine & & ! mem_safe ( addr ) )
mem_fault_routine ( ) ;
return 0 ;
# endif
return * addr ;
static void
set_char ( addr , val )
unsigned char * addr ;
unsigned char val ;
# if 1
if ( mem_fault_routine & & ! mem_safe ( addr ) )
mem_fault_routine ( ) ;
return ;
# endif
* addr = val ;
/* Convert the memory pointed to by mem into hex, placing result in buf.
Return a pointer to the last char put in buf ( null ) .
If MAY_FAULT is non - zero , then we should set mem_err in response to
a fault ; if zero treat a fault like any other fault in the stub . */
static unsigned char *
mem2hex ( mem , buf , count , may_fault )
unsigned char * mem ;
unsigned char * buf ;
int count ;
int may_fault ;
int i ;
unsigned char ch ;
if ( may_fault )
mem_fault_routine = set_mem_err ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
ch = get_char ( mem + + ) ;
if ( may_fault & & mem_err )
return ( buf ) ;
* buf + + = hexchars [ ch > > 4 ] ;
* buf + + = hexchars [ ch % 16 ] ;
* buf = 0 ;
if ( may_fault )
mem_fault_routine = 0 ;
return ( buf ) ;
/* Convert the hex array pointed to by buf into binary to be placed in mem.
Return a pointer to the character AFTER the last byte written . */
static unsigned char *
hex2mem ( buf , mem , count , may_fault )
unsigned char * buf ;
unsigned char * mem ;
int count ;
int may_fault ;
int i ;
unsigned char ch ;
if ( may_fault )
mem_fault_routine = set_mem_err ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + ) {
ch = hex ( * buf + + ) < < 4 ;
ch = ch + hex ( * buf + + ) ;
set_char ( mem + + , ch ) ;
if ( may_fault & & mem_err )
return ( mem ) ;
if ( may_fault )
mem_fault_routine = 0 ;
return ( mem ) ;
/* Convert the binary stream in BUF to memory.
Gdb will escape $ , # , and the escape char ( 0x7d ) .
COUNT is the total number of bytes to write into
memory . */
static unsigned char *
bin2mem ( buf , mem , count , may_fault )
unsigned char * buf ;
unsigned char * mem ;
int count ;
int may_fault ;
int i ;
unsigned char ch ;
if ( may_fault )
mem_fault_routine = set_mem_err ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
/* Check for any escaped characters. Be paranoid and
only unescape chars that should be escaped . */
if ( * buf = = 0x7d )
switch ( * ( buf + 1 ) )
case 0x3 : /* # */
case 0x4 : /* $ */
case 0x5d : /* escape char */
buf + + ;
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
* buf | = 0x20 ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
break ;
default :
/* nothing */
break ;
set_char ( mem + + , * buf + + ) ;
if ( may_fault & & mem_err )
return mem ;
if ( may_fault )
mem_fault_routine = 0 ;
return mem ;
/* this function takes the m32r exception vector and attempts to
translate this number into a unix compatible signal value */
static int
computeSignal ( exceptionVector )
int exceptionVector ;
int sigval ;
switch ( exceptionVector ) {
case 0 : sigval = 23 ; break ; /* I/O trap */
case 1 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 2 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 3 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 4 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 5 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 6 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 7 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 8 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 9 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 10 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 11 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 12 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 13 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 14 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 15 : sigval = 5 ; break ; /* breakpoint */
case 16 : sigval = 10 ; break ; /* BUS ERROR (alignment) */
case 17 : sigval = 2 ; break ; /* INTerrupt */
default : sigval = 7 ; break ; /* "software generated" */
return ( sigval ) ;
static int
hexToInt ( ptr , intValue )
unsigned char * * ptr ;
int * intValue ;
int numChars = 0 ;
int hexValue ;
* intValue = 0 ;
while ( * * ptr )
hexValue = hex ( * * ptr ) ;
if ( hexValue > = 0 )
* intValue = ( * intValue < < 4 ) | hexValue ;
numChars + + ;
break ;
( * ptr ) + + ;
return ( numChars ) ;
Table of branch instructions :
10 B6 RTE return from trap or exception
1F Cr JMP jump
1 ECr JL jump and link
7F xx BRA branch
FFxxxxxx BRA branch ( long )
B09rxxxx BNEZ branch not - equal - zero
Br1rxxxx BNE branch not - equal
7 Dxx BNC branch not - condition
FDxxxxxx BNC branch not - condition ( long )
B0Arxxxx BLTZ branch less - than - zero
B0Crxxxx BLEZ branch less - equal - zero
7 Exx BL branch and link
FExxxxxx BL branch and link ( long )
B0Drxxxx BGTZ branch greater - than - zero
B0Brxxxx BGEZ branch greater - equal - zero
B08rxxxx BEQZ branch equal - zero
Br0rxxxx BEQ branch equal
7 Cxx BC branch condition
FCxxxxxx BC branch condition ( long )
static int
isShortBranch ( instr )
unsigned char * instr ;
unsigned char instr0 = instr [ 0 ] & 0x7F ; /* mask off high bit */
if ( instr0 = = 0x10 & & instr [ 1 ] = = 0xB6 ) /* RTE */
return 1 ; /* return from trap or exception */
if ( instr0 = = 0x1E | | instr0 = = 0x1F ) /* JL or JMP */
if ( ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0xC0 )
return 2 ; /* jump thru a register */
if ( instr0 = = 0x7C | | instr0 = = 0x7D | | /* BC, BNC, BL, BRA */
instr0 = = 0x7E | | instr0 = = 0x7F )
return 3 ; /* eight bit PC offset */
return 0 ;
static int
isLongBranch ( instr )
unsigned char * instr ;
if ( instr [ 0 ] = = 0xFC | | instr [ 0 ] = = 0xFD | | /* BRA, BNC, BL, BC */
instr [ 0 ] = = 0xFE | | instr [ 0 ] = = 0xFF ) /* 24 bit relative */
return 4 ;
if ( ( instr [ 0 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0xB0 ) /* 16 bit relative */
if ( ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0x00 | | /* BNE, BEQ */
( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0x10 )
return 5 ;
if ( instr [ 0 ] = = 0xB0 ) /* BNEZ, BLTZ, BLEZ, BGTZ, BGEZ, BEQZ */
if ( ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0x80 | | ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0x90 | |
( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0xA0 | | ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0xB0 | |
( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0xC0 | | ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 ) = = 0xD0 )
return 6 ;
return 0 ;
/* if address is NOT on a 4-byte boundary, or high-bit of instr is zero,
then it ' s a 2 - byte instruction , else it ' s a 4 - byte instruction . */
# define INSTRUCTION_SIZE(addr) \
( ( ( ( int ) addr & 2 ) | | ( ( ( unsigned char * ) addr ) [ 0 ] & 0x80 ) = = 0 ) ? 2 : 4 )
static int
isBranch ( instr )
unsigned char * instr ;
if ( INSTRUCTION_SIZE ( instr ) = = 2 )
return isShortBranch ( instr ) ;
return isLongBranch ( instr ) ;
static int
willBranch ( instr , branchCode )
unsigned char * instr ;
switch ( branchCode )
case 0 : return 0 ; /* not a branch */
case 1 : return 1 ; /* RTE */
case 2 : return 1 ; /* JL or JMP */
case 3 : /* BC, BNC, BL, BRA (short) */
case 4 : /* BC, BNC, BL, BRA (long) */
switch ( instr [ 0 ] & 0x0F )
case 0xC : /* Branch if Condition Register */
return ( registers [ CBR ] ! = 0 ) ;
case 0xD : /* Branch if NOT Condition Register */
return ( registers [ CBR ] = = 0 ) ;
case 0xE : /* Branch and Link */
case 0xF : /* Branch (unconditional) */
return 1 ;
default : /* oops? */
return 0 ;
case 5 : /* BNE, BEQ */
switch ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 )
case 0x00 : /* Branch if r1 equal to r2 */
return ( registers [ instr [ 0 ] & 0x0F ] = = registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] ) ;
case 0x10 : /* Branch if r1 NOT equal to r2 */
return ( registers [ instr [ 0 ] & 0x0F ] ! = registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] ) ;
default : /* oops? */
return 0 ;
case 6 : /* BNEZ, BLTZ, BLEZ, BGTZ, BGEZ ,BEQZ */
switch ( instr [ 1 ] & 0xF0 )
case 0x80 : /* Branch if reg equal to zero */
return ( registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] = = 0 ) ;
case 0x90 : /* Branch if reg NOT equal to zero */
return ( registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] ! = 0 ) ;
case 0xA0 : /* Branch if reg less than zero */
return ( registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] < 0 ) ;
case 0xB0 : /* Branch if reg greater or equal to zero */
return ( registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] > = 0 ) ;
case 0xC0 : /* Branch if reg less than or equal to zero */
return ( registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] < = 0 ) ;
case 0xD0 : /* Branch if reg greater than zero */
return ( registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] > 0 ) ;
default : /* oops? */
return 0 ;
default : /* oops? */
return 0 ;
static int
branchDestination ( instr , branchCode )
unsigned char * instr ;
switch ( branchCode ) {
default :
case 0 : /* not a branch */
return 0 ;
case 1 : /* RTE */
return registers [ BPC ] & ~ 3 ; /* pop BPC into PC */
case 2 : /* JL or JMP */
return registers [ instr [ 1 ] & 0x0F ] & ~ 3 ; /* jump thru a register */
case 3 : /* BC, BNC, BL, BRA (short, 8-bit relative offset) */
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
return ( ( ( int ) instr ) & ~ 3 ) + ( ( char ) instr [ 1 ] < < 2 ) ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
case 4 : /* BC, BNC, BL, BRA (long, 24-bit relative offset) */
return ( ( int ) instr +
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
( ( ( ( char ) instr [ 1 ] < < 16 ) | ( instr [ 2 ] < < 8 ) | ( instr [ 3 ] ) ) < < 2 ) ) ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
case 5 : /* BNE, BEQ (16-bit relative offset) */
case 6 : /* BNEZ, BLTZ, BLEZ, BGTZ, BGEZ ,BEQZ (ditto) */
1999-04-26 18:23:13 +00:00
return ( ( int ) instr + ( ( ( ( char ) instr [ 2 ] < < 8 ) | ( instr [ 3 ] ) ) < < 2 ) ) ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
/* An explanatory note: in the last three return expressions, I have
cast the most - significant byte of the return offset to char .
What this accomplishes is sign extension . If the other
less - significant bytes were signed as well , they would get sign
extended too and , if negative , their leading bits would clobber
the bits of the more - significant bytes ahead of them . There are
other ways I could have done this , but sign extension from
odd - sized integers is always a pain . */
static void
branchSideEffects ( instr , branchCode )
unsigned char * instr ;
int branchCode ;
switch ( branchCode )
case 1 : /* RTE */
return ; /* I <THINK> this is already handled... */
case 2 : /* JL (or JMP) */
case 3 : /* BL (or BC, BNC, BRA) */
case 4 :
if ( ( instr [ 0 ] & 0x0F ) = = 0x0E ) /* branch/jump and link */
registers [ R14 ] = ( registers [ PC ] & ~ 3 ) + 4 ;
return ;
default : /* any other branch has no side effects */
return ;
static struct STEPPING_CONTEXT {
int stepping ; /* true when we've started a single-step */
unsigned long target_addr ; /* the instr we're trying to execute */
unsigned long target_size ; /* the size of the target instr */
unsigned long noop_addr ; /* where we've inserted a no-op, if any */
unsigned long trap1_addr ; /* the trap following the target instr */
unsigned long trap2_addr ; /* the trap at a branch destination, if any */
unsigned short noop_save ; /* instruction overwritten by our no-op */
unsigned short trap1_save ; /* instruction overwritten by trap1 */
unsigned short trap2_save ; /* instruction overwritten by trap2 */
unsigned short continue_p ; /* true if NOT returning to gdb after step */
} stepping ;
/* Function: prepare_to_step
Called from handle_exception to prepare the user program to single - step .
Places a trap instruction after the target instruction , with special
extra handling for branch instructions and for instructions in the
second half - word of a word .
Returns : True if we should actually execute the instruction ;
False if we are going to emulate executing the instruction ,
in which case we simply report to GDB that the instruction
has already been executed . */
# define TRAP1 0x10f1; /* trap #1 instruction */
# define NOOP 0x7000; /* noop instruction */
static unsigned short trap1 = TRAP1 ;
static unsigned short noop = NOOP ;
static int
prepare_to_step ( continue_p )
int continue_p ; /* if this isn't REALLY a single-step (see below) */
unsigned long pc = registers [ PC ] ;
int branchCode = isBranch ( ( unsigned char * ) pc ) ;
unsigned char * p ;
/* zero out the stepping context
( paranoia - - it should already be zeroed ) */
for ( p = ( unsigned char * ) & stepping ;
p < ( ( unsigned char * ) & stepping ) + sizeof ( stepping ) ;
p + + )
* p = 0 ;
if ( branchCode ! = 0 ) /* next instruction is a branch */
branchSideEffects ( ( unsigned char * ) pc , branchCode ) ;
if ( willBranch ( ( unsigned char * ) pc , branchCode ) )
registers [ PC ] = branchDestination ( ( unsigned char * ) pc , branchCode ) ;
registers [ PC ] = pc + INSTRUCTION_SIZE ( pc ) ;
return 0 ; /* branch "executed" -- just notify GDB */
else if ( ( ( int ) pc & 2 ) ! = 0 ) /* "second-slot" instruction */
/* insert no-op before pc */
stepping . noop_addr = pc - 2 ;
stepping . noop_save = * ( unsigned short * ) stepping . noop_addr ;
* ( unsigned short * ) stepping . noop_addr = noop ;
/* insert trap after pc */
stepping . trap1_addr = pc + 2 ;
stepping . trap1_save = * ( unsigned short * ) stepping . trap1_addr ;
* ( unsigned short * ) stepping . trap1_addr = trap1 ;
else /* "first-slot" instruction */
/* insert trap after pc */
stepping . trap1_addr = pc + INSTRUCTION_SIZE ( pc ) ;
stepping . trap1_save = * ( unsigned short * ) stepping . trap1_addr ;
* ( unsigned short * ) stepping . trap1_addr = trap1 ;
/* "continue_p" means that we are actually doing a continue, and not
being requested to single - step by GDB . Sometimes we have to do
one single - step before continuing , because the PC is on a half - word
boundary . There ' s no way to simply resume at such an address . */
stepping . continue_p = continue_p ;
stepping . stepping = 1 ; /* starting a single-step */
return 1 ;
/* Function: finish_from_step
Called from handle_exception to finish up when the user program
returns from a single - step . Replaces the instructions that had
been overwritten by traps or no - ops ,
Returns : True if we should notify GDB that the target stopped .
False if we only single - stepped because we had to before we
could continue ( ie . we were trying to continue at a
half - word boundary ) . In that case don ' t notify GDB :
just " continue continuing " . */
static int
finish_from_step ( )
if ( stepping . stepping ) /* anything to do? */
int continue_p = stepping . continue_p ;
unsigned char * p ;
if ( stepping . noop_addr ) /* replace instr "under" our no-op */
* ( unsigned short * ) stepping . noop_addr = stepping . noop_save ;
if ( stepping . trap1_addr ) /* replace instr "under" our trap */
* ( unsigned short * ) stepping . trap1_addr = stepping . trap1_save ;
if ( stepping . trap2_addr ) /* ditto our other trap, if any */
* ( unsigned short * ) stepping . trap2_addr = stepping . trap2_save ;
for ( p = ( unsigned char * ) & stepping ; /* zero out the stepping context */
p < ( ( unsigned char * ) & stepping ) + sizeof ( stepping ) ;
p + + )
* p = 0 ;
return ! ( continue_p ) ;
else /* we didn't single-step, therefore this must be a legitimate stop */
return 1 ;
struct PSWreg { /* separate out the bit flags in the PSW register */
int pad1 : 16 ;
int bsm : 1 ;
int bie : 1 ;
int pad2 : 5 ;
int bc : 1 ;
int sm : 1 ;
int ie : 1 ;
int pad3 : 5 ;
int c : 1 ;
} * psw ;
/* Upon entry the value for LR to save has been pushed.
We unpush that so that the value for the stack pointer saved is correct .
Upon entry , all other registers are assumed to have not been modified
since the interrupt / trap occured . */
asm ( "
stash_registers :
push r0
push r1
seth r1 , # shigh ( registers )
add3 r1 , r1 , # low ( registers )
pop r0 ; r1
st r0 , @ ( 4 , r1 )
pop r0 ; r0
st r0 , @ r1
addi r1 , # 4 ; only add 4 as subsequent saves are ` pre inc '
st r2 , @ + r1
st r3 , @ + r1
st r4 , @ + r1
st r5 , @ + r1
st r6 , @ + r1
st r7 , @ + r1
st r8 , @ + r1
st r9 , @ + r1
st r10 , @ + r1
st r11 , @ + r1
st r12 , @ + r1
st r13 , @ + r1 ; fp
pop r0 ; lr ( r14 )
st r0 , @ + r1
st sp , @ + r1 ; sp contains right value at this point
mvfc r0 , cr0
st r0 , @ + r1 ; cr0 = = PSW
mvfc r0 , cr1
st r0 , @ + r1 ; cr1 = = CBR
mvfc r0 , cr2
st r0 , @ + r1 ; cr2 = = SPI
mvfc r0 , cr3
st r0 , @ + r1 ; cr3 = = SPU
mvfc r0 , cr6
st r0 , @ + r1 ; cr6 = = BPC
st r0 , @ + r1 ; PC = = BPC
mvfaclo r0
st r0 , @ + r1 ; ACCL
mvfachi r0
st r0 , @ + r1 ; ACCH
jmp lr " );
/* C routine to clean up what stash_registers did.
It is called after calling stash_registers .
This is separate from stash_registers as we want to do this in C
but doing stash_registers in C isn ' t straightforward . */
static void
cleanup_stash ( )
psw = ( struct PSWreg * ) & registers [ PSW ] ; /* fields of PSW register */
psw - > sm = psw - > bsm ; /* fix up pre-trap values of psw fields */
psw - > ie = psw - > bie ;
psw - > c = psw - > bc ;
registers [ CBR ] = psw - > bc ; /* fix up pre-trap "C" register */
#if 0 /* FIXME: Was in previous version. Necessary?
( Remember that we use the " rte " insn to return from the
trap / interrupt so the values of bsm , bie , bc are important . */
psw - > bsm = psw - > bie = psw - > bc = 0 ; /* zero post-trap values */
# endif
/* FIXME: Copied from previous version. This can probably be deleted
since methinks stash_registers has already done this . */
registers [ PC ] = registers [ BPC ] ; /* pre-trap PC */
/* FIXME: Copied from previous version. Necessary? */
if ( psw - > sm ) /* copy R15 into (psw->sm ? SPU : SPI) */
registers [ SPU ] = registers [ R15 ] ;
registers [ SPI ] = registers [ R15 ] ;
asm ( "
restore_and_return :
seth r0 , # shigh ( registers + 8 )
add3 r0 , r0 , # low ( registers + 8 )
ld r2 , @ r0 + ; restore r2
ld r3 , @ r0 + ; restore r3
ld r4 , @ r0 + ; restore r4
ld r5 , @ r0 + ; restore r5
ld r6 , @ r0 + ; restore r6
ld r7 , @ r0 + ; restore r7
ld r8 , @ r0 + ; restore r8
ld r9 , @ r0 + ; restore r9
ld r10 , @ r0 + ; restore r10
ld r11 , @ r0 + ; restore r11
ld r12 , @ r0 + ; restore r12
ld r13 , @ r0 + ; restore r13
ld r14 , @ r0 + ; restore r14
ld r15 , @ r0 + ; restore r15
ld r1 , @ r0 + ; restore cr0 = = PSW
mvtc r1 , cr0
ld r1 , @ r0 + ; restore cr1 = = CBR ( no - op , because it ' s read only )
mvtc r1 , cr1
ld r1 , @ r0 + ; restore cr2 = = SPI
mvtc r1 , cr2
ld r1 , @ r0 + ; restore cr3 = = SPU
mvtc r1 , cr3
addi r0 , # 4 ; skip BPC
ld r1 , @ r0 + ; restore cr6 ( BPC ) = = PC
mvtc r1 , cr6
ld r1 , @ r0 + ; restore ACCL
mvtaclo r1
ld r1 , @ r0 + ; restore ACCH
mvtachi r1
seth r0 , # shigh ( registers )
add3 r0 , r0 , # low ( registers )
ld r1 , @ ( 4 , r0 ) ; restore r1
ld r0 , @ r0 ; restore r0
rte " );
/* General trap handler, called after the registers have been stashed.
NUM is the trap / exception number . */
static void
process_exception ( num )
int num ;
cleanup_stash ( ) ;
asm volatile ( "
seth r1 , # shigh ( stackPtr )
add3 r1 , r1 , # low ( stackPtr )
ld r15 , @ r1 ; setup local stack ( protect user stack )
mv r0 , % 0
bl handle_exception
bl restore_and_return "
: : " r " ( num ) : " r0 " , " r1 " ) ;
void _catchException0 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException0 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 0
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException1 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException1 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
bl cleanup_stash
seth r1 , # shigh ( stackPtr )
add3 r1 , r1 , # low ( stackPtr )
ld r15 , @ r1 ; setup local stack ( protect user stack )
seth r1 , # shigh ( registers + 21 * 4 ) ; PC
add3 r1 , r1 , # low ( registers + 21 * 4 )
ld r0 , @ r1
addi r0 , # - 4 ; back up PC for breakpoint trap .
st r0 , @ r1 ; FIXME : what about bp in right slot ?
ldi r0 , # 1
bl handle_exception
bl restore_and_return " );
void _catchException2 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException2 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 2
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException3 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException3 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 3
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException4 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException4 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 4
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException5 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException5 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 5
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException6 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException6 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 6
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException7 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException7 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 7
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException8 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException8 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 8
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException9 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException9 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 9
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException10 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException10 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 10
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException11 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException11 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 11
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException12 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException12 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 12
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException13 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException13 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 13
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException14 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException14 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 14
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException15 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException15 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 15
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException16 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException16 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 16
bl process_exception " );
void _catchException17 ( ) ;
asm ( "
_catchException17 :
push lr
bl stash_registers
; Note that at this point the pushed value of ` lr ' has been popped
ldi r0 , # 17
bl process_exception " );
/* this function is used to set up exception handlers for tracing and
breakpoints */
set_debug_traps ( )
/* extern void remcomHandler(); */
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 18 ; i + + ) /* keep a copy of old vectors */
if ( save_vectors [ i ] = = 0 ) /* only copy them the first time */
save_vectors [ i ] = getExceptionHandler ( i ) ;
stackPtr = & remcomStack [ STACKSIZE / sizeof ( int ) - 1 ] ;
exceptionHandler ( 0 , _catchException0 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 1 , _catchException1 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 2 , _catchException2 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 3 , _catchException3 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 4 , _catchException4 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 5 , _catchException5 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 6 , _catchException6 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 7 , _catchException7 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 8 , _catchException8 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 9 , _catchException9 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 10 , _catchException10 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 11 , _catchException11 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 12 , _catchException12 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 13 , _catchException13 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 14 , _catchException14 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 15 , _catchException15 ) ;
exceptionHandler ( 16 , _catchException16 ) ;
/* exceptionHandler (17, _catchException17); */
/* In case GDB is started before us, ack any packets (presumably
" $?#xx " ) sitting there . */
putDebugChar ( ' + ' ) ;
initialized = 1 ;
/* This function will generate a breakpoint exception. It is used at the
beginning of a program to sync up with a debugger and can be used
otherwise as a quick means to stop program execution and " break " into
the debugger . */
# define BREAKPOINT() asm volatile (" trap #2");
breakpoint ( )
if ( initialized )
/* STDOUT section:
Stuff pertaining to simulating stdout by sending chars to gdb to be echoed .
Functions : gdb_putchar ( char ch )
gdb_puts ( char * str )
gdb_write ( char * str , int len )
gdb_error ( char * format , char * parm )
/* Function: gdb_putchar(int)
Make gdb write a char to stdout .
Returns : the char */
static int
gdb_putchar ( ch )
int ch ;
char buf [ 4 ] ;
buf [ 0 ] = ' O ' ;
buf [ 1 ] = hexchars [ ch > > 4 ] ;
buf [ 2 ] = hexchars [ ch & 0x0F ] ;
buf [ 3 ] = 0 ;
putpacket ( buf ) ;
return ch ;
/* Function: gdb_write(char *, int)
Make gdb write n bytes to stdout ( not assumed to be null - terminated ) .
Returns : number of bytes written */
static int
gdb_write ( data , len )
char * data ;
int len ;
char * buf , * cpy ;
int i ;
buf = remcomOutBuffer ;
buf [ 0 ] = ' O ' ;
i = 0 ;
while ( i < len )
for ( cpy = buf + 1 ;
i < len & & cpy < buf + sizeof ( remcomOutBuffer ) - 3 ;
i + + )
* cpy + + = hexchars [ data [ i ] > > 4 ] ;
* cpy + + = hexchars [ data [ i ] & 0x0F ] ;
* cpy = 0 ;
putpacket ( buf ) ;
return len ;
/* Function: gdb_puts(char *)
Make gdb write a null - terminated string to stdout .
Returns : the length of the string */
static int
gdb_puts ( str )
char * str ;
return gdb_write ( str , strlen ( str ) ) ;
/* Function: gdb_error(char *, char *)
Send an error message to gdb ' s stdout .
First string may have 1 ( one ) optional " %s " in it , which
will cause the optional second string to be inserted . */
static void
gdb_error ( format , parm )
char * format ;
char * parm ;
char buf [ 400 ] , * cpy ;
int len ;
if ( remote_debug )
if ( format & & * format )
len = strlen ( format ) ;
return ; /* empty input */
if ( parm & & * parm )
len + = strlen ( parm ) ;
for ( cpy = buf ; * format ; )
if ( format [ 0 ] = = ' % ' & & format [ 1 ] = = ' s ' ) /* include second string */
format + = 2 ; /* advance two chars instead of just one */
while ( parm & & * parm )
* cpy + + = * parm + + ;
* cpy + + = * format + + ;
* cpy = ' \0 ' ;
gdb_puts ( buf ) ;
static unsigned char *
strcpy ( unsigned char * dest , const unsigned char * src )
unsigned char * ret = dest ;
if ( dest & & src )
while ( * src )
* dest + + = * src + + ;
* dest = 0 ;
return ret ;
static int
strlen ( const unsigned char * src )
int ret ;
for ( ret = 0 ; * src ; src + + )
ret + + ;
return ret ;
#if 0
void exit ( code )
int code ;
_exit ( code ) ;
int atexit ( void * p )
return 0 ;
void abort ( void )
_exit ( 1 ) ;
# endif