1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
/* This file is part of the program GDB, the GNU debugger.
Copyright ( C ) 1998 Free Software Foundation , Inc .
Contributed by Cygnus Solutions .
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 , USA .
# include "sim-main.h"
# include "hw-main.h"
# include "sim-hw.h"
mn103int - mn103002 interrupt controller
Implements the mn103002 interrupt controller described in the
mn103002 user guide .
reg = < icr - adr > < icr - siz > < iagr - adr > < iadr - siz > < extmd - adr > < extmd - siz >
Specify the address of the ICR ( total of 30 registers ) , IAGR and
EXTMD registers ( within the parent bus ) .
The reg property value ` 0x34000100 0x7C 0x34000200 0x8 0x3400280
0x8 ' locates the interrupt controller at the addresses specified in
the mn103002 interrupt controller user guide .
nmi ( output )
Non - maskable interrupt output port . An event on this output ports
indicates a NMI request from the interrupt controller . The value
attached to the event should be ignored .
level ( output )
Maskable interrupt level output port . An event on this output port
indicates a maskable interrupt request at the specified level . The
event value defines the level being requested .
The interrupt controller will generate an event on this port
whenever there is a change to the internal state of the interrupt
controller .
ack ( input )
Signal from processor indicating that a maskable interrupt has been
accepted and the interrupt controller should latch the IAGR with
value of the current highest priority interrupting group .
The event value is the interrupt level being accepted by the
processor . It should be consistent with the most recent LEVEL sent
to the processor from the interrupt controller .
int [ 0. .100 ] ( input )
Level or edge triggered interrupt input port . Each of the 30
groups ( 0. .30 ) can have up to 4 ( 0. .3 ) interrupt inputs . The
interpretation of a port event / value is determined by the
configuration of the corresponding interrupt group .
For convenience , numerous aliases to these interrupt inputs are
provided .
For edge triggered interrupts , the interrupt controller does not
differentiate between POSITIVE ( rising ) and NEGATIVE ( falling )
edges . Instead any input port event is considered to be an
interrupt trigger .
For level sensitive interrupts , the interrupt controller ignores
active HIGH / LOW settings and instead always interprets a nonzero
port value as an interrupt assertion and a zero port value as a
negation .
/* The interrupt groups - numbered according to mn103002 convention */
enum mn103int_trigger {
} ;
enum mn103int_type {
} ;
struct mn103int_group {
int gid ;
int level ;
unsigned enable ;
unsigned request ;
unsigned input ;
enum mn103int_trigger trigger ;
enum mn103int_type type ;
} ;
enum {
} ;
enum {
} ;
/* The interrupt controller register address blocks */
struct mn103int_block {
unsigned_word base ;
unsigned_word bound ;
} ;
struct mn103int {
struct mn103int_block block [ NR_BLOCKS ] ;
struct mn103int_group group [ NR_GROUPS ] ;
unsigned interrupt_accepted_group ;
} ;
/* output port ID's */
enum {
} ;
/* input port ID's */
enum {
G0_PORT = 0 ,
G1_PORT = 4 ,
G2_PORT = 8 ,
G3_PORT = 12 ,
G4_PORT = 16 ,
G5_PORT = 20 ,
G6_PORT = 24 ,
G7_PORT = 28 ,
G8_PORT = 32 ,
G9_PORT = 36 ,
G10_PORT = 40 ,
G11_PORT = 44 ,
G12_PORT = 48 ,
G13_PORT = 52 ,
G14_PORT = 56 ,
G15_PORT = 60 ,
G16_PORT = 64 ,
G17_PORT = 68 ,
G18_PORT = 72 ,
G19_PORT = 76 ,
G20_PORT = 80 ,
G21_PORT = 84 ,
G22_PORT = 88 ,
G23_PORT = 92 ,
G24_PORT = 96 ,
G25_PORT = 100 ,
G26_PORT = 104 ,
G27_PORT = 108 ,
G28_PORT = 112 ,
G29_PORT = 116 ,
G30_PORT = 120 ,
NR_G_PORTS = 124 ,
} ;
static const struct hw_port_descriptor mn103int_ports [ ] = {
/* interrupt outputs */
{ " nmi " , NMI_PORT , 0 , output_port , } ,
{ " level " , LEVEL_PORT , 0 , output_port , } ,
/* interrupt ack (latch) input from cpu */
{ " ack " , ACK_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
/* interrupt inputs (as names) */
{ " nmirq " , G0_PORT + 0 , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " watchdog " , G0_PORT + 1 , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " syserr " , G0_PORT + 2 , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-0-underflow " , G2_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-1-underflow " , G3_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-2-underflow " , G4_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-3-underflow " , G5_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-4-underflow " , G6_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-5-underflow " , G7_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-6-underflow " , G8_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-6-compare-a " , G9_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " timer-6-compare-b " , G10_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " dma-0-end " , G12_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " dma-1-end " , G13_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " dma-2-end " , G14_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " dma-3-end " , G15_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " serial-0-receive " , G16_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " serial-0-transmit " , G17_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " serial-1-receive " , G18_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " serial-1-transmit " , G19_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " serial-2-receive " , G20_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " serial-2-transmit " , G21_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-0 " , G23_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-1 " , G24_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-2 " , G25_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-3 " , G26_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-4 " , G27_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-5 " , G28_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-6 " , G29_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
{ " irq-7 " , G30_PORT , 0 , input_port , } ,
/* interrupt inputs (as generic numbers) */
{ " int " , 0 , NR_G_PORTS , input_port , } ,
{ NULL , } ,
} ;
/* Macros for extracting/restoring the various register bits */
# define EXTRACT_ID(X) (LSEXTRACTED8 ((X), 3, 0))
# define INSERT_ID(X) (LSINSERTED8 ((X), 3, 0))
# define EXTRACT_IR(X) (LSEXTRACTED8 ((X), 7, 4))
# define INSERT_IR(X) (LSINSERTED8 ((X), 7, 4))
# define EXTRACT_IE(X) (LSEXTRACTED8 ((X), 3, 0))
# define INSERT_IE(X) (LSINSERTED8 ((X), 3, 0))
# define EXTRACT_LV(X) (LSEXTRACTED8 ((X), 6, 4))
# define INSERT_LV(X) (LSINSERTED8 ((X), 6, 4))
/* Finish off the partially created hw device. Attach our local
callbacks . Wire up our port names etc */
static hw_io_read_buffer_method mn103int_io_read_buffer ;
static hw_io_write_buffer_method mn103int_io_write_buffer ;
static hw_port_event_method mn103int_port_event ;
static hw_ioctl_method mn103int_ioctl ;
static void
attach_mn103int_regs ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller )
int i ;
if ( hw_find_property ( me , " reg " ) = = NULL )
hw_abort ( me , " Missing \" reg \" property " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NR_BLOCKS ; i + + )
unsigned_word attach_address ;
int attach_space ;
unsigned attach_size ;
reg_property_spec reg ;
if ( ! hw_find_reg_array_property ( me , " reg " , i , & reg ) )
hw_abort ( me , " \" reg \" property must contain three addr/size entries " ) ;
hw_unit_address_to_attach_address ( hw_parent ( me ) ,
& reg . address ,
& attach_space ,
& attach_address ,
me ) ;
controller - > block [ i ] . base = attach_address ;
hw_unit_size_to_attach_size ( hw_parent ( me ) ,
& reg . size ,
& attach_size , me ) ;
controller - > block [ i ] . bound = attach_address + ( attach_size - 1 ) ;
hw_attach_address ( hw_parent ( me ) ,
0 ,
attach_space , attach_address , attach_size ,
me ) ;
static void
mn103int_finish ( struct hw * me )
int gid ;
struct mn103int * controller ;
controller = HW_ZALLOC ( me , struct mn103int ) ;
set_hw_data ( me , controller ) ;
set_hw_io_read_buffer ( me , mn103int_io_read_buffer ) ;
set_hw_io_write_buffer ( me , mn103int_io_write_buffer ) ;
set_hw_ports ( me , mn103int_ports ) ;
set_hw_port_event ( me , mn103int_port_event ) ;
me - > to_ioctl = mn103int_ioctl ;
/* Attach ourself to our parent bus */
attach_mn103int_regs ( me , controller ) ;
/* Initialize all the groups according to their default configuration */
for ( gid = 0 ; gid < NR_GROUPS ; gid + + )
struct mn103int_group * group = & controller - > group [ gid ] ;
group - > trigger = NEGATIVE_EDGE ;
group - > gid = gid ;
if ( FIRST_NMI_GROUP < = gid & & gid < = LAST_NMI_GROUP )
group - > enable = 0xf ;
group - > type = NMI_GROUP ;
else if ( FIRST_LEVEL_GROUP < = gid & & gid < = LAST_LEVEL_GROUP )
group - > enable = 0x0 ;
group - > type = LEVEL_GROUP ;
hw_abort ( me , " internal error - unknown group id " ) ;
/* Perform the nasty work of figuring out which of the interrupt
groups should have its interrupt delivered . */
static int
find_highest_interrupt_group ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller )
int gid ;
int selected ;
/* FIRST_NMI_GROUP (group zero) is used as a special default value
when searching for an interrupt group . */
selected = FIRST_NMI_GROUP ;
controller - > group [ FIRST_NMI_GROUP ] . level = 7 ;
for ( gid = FIRST_LEVEL_GROUP ; gid < = LAST_LEVEL_GROUP ; gid + + )
struct mn103int_group * group = & controller - > group [ gid ] ;
if ( ( group - > request & group - > enable ) ! = 0 )
/* Remember, lower level, higher priority. */
if ( group - > level < controller - > group [ selected ] . level )
selected = gid ;
return selected ;
/* Notify the processor of an interrupt level update */
static void
push_interrupt_level ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller )
int selected = find_highest_interrupt_group ( me , controller ) ;
int level = controller - > group [ selected ] . level ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " port-out - selected=%d level=%d " , selected , level ) ) ;
hw_port_event ( me , LEVEL_PORT , level ) ;
/* An event arrives on an interrupt port */
static void
mn103int_port_event ( struct hw * me ,
int my_port ,
struct hw * source ,
int source_port ,
int level )
struct mn103int * controller = hw_data ( me ) ;
switch ( my_port )
case ACK_PORT :
int selected = find_highest_interrupt_group ( me , controller ) ;
if ( controller - > group [ selected ] . level ! = level )
hw_abort ( me , " botched level synchronisation " ) ;
controller - > interrupt_accepted_group = selected ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " port-event port=ack level=%d - selected=%d " ,
level , selected ) ) ;
break ;
default :
int gid ;
int iid ;
struct mn103int_group * group ;
unsigned interrupt ;
if ( my_port > NR_G_PORTS )
hw_abort ( me , " Event on unknown port %d " , my_port ) ;
/* map the port onto an interrupt group */
gid = ( my_port % NR_G_PORTS ) / 4 ;
group = & controller - > group [ gid ] ;
iid = ( my_port % 4 ) ;
interrupt = 1 < < iid ;
/* update our cached input */
if ( level )
group - > input | = interrupt ;
group - > input & = ~ interrupt ;
/* update the request bits */
switch ( group - > trigger )
if ( level )
group - > request | = interrupt ;
break ;
group - > request | = interrupt ;
/* force a corresponding output */
switch ( group - > type )
case NMI_GROUP :
/* for NMI's the event is the trigger */
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " port-in port=%d group=%d interrupt=%d - NMI " ,
my_port , gid , iid ) ) ;
if ( ( group - > request & group - > enable ) ! = 0 )
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " port-out NMI " ) ) ;
hw_port_event ( me , NMI_PORT , 1 ) ;
break ;
/* if an interrupt is now pending */
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " port-in port=%d group=%d interrupt=%d - INT " ,
my_port , gid , iid ) ) ;
push_interrupt_level ( me , controller ) ;
break ;
break ;
/* Read/write to to an ICR (group control register) */
static struct mn103int_group *
decode_group ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word base ,
unsigned_word * offset )
int gid = ( base / 4 ) % NR_GROUPS ;
* offset = ( base % 4 ) ;
return & controller - > group [ gid ] ;
static unsigned8
read_icr ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word base )
unsigned_word offset ;
struct mn103int_group * group = decode_group ( me , controller , base , & offset ) ;
unsigned8 val = 0 ;
switch ( group - > type )
case NMI_GROUP :
switch ( offset )
case 0 :
val = INSERT_ID ( group - > request ) ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-icr group=%d:0 nmi 0x%02x " ,
group - > gid , val ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
break ;
switch ( offset )
case 0 :
val = ( INSERT_IR ( group - > request )
| INSERT_ID ( group - > request & group - > enable ) ) ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-icr group=%d:0 level 0x%02x " ,
group - > gid , val ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
val = ( INSERT_LV ( group - > level )
| INSERT_IE ( group - > enable ) ) ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-icr level-%d:1 level 0x%02x " ,
group - > gid , val ) ) ;
break ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return val ;
static void
write_icr ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word base ,
unsigned8 val )
unsigned_word offset ;
struct mn103int_group * group = decode_group ( me , controller , base , & offset ) ;
switch ( group - > type )
case NMI_GROUP :
switch ( offset )
case 0 :
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " write-icr group=%d:0 nmi 0x%02x " ,
group - > gid , val ) ) ;
group - > request & = ~ EXTRACT_ID ( val ) ;
break ;
1999-04-26 18:30:24 +00:00
/* Special backdoor access to SYSEF flag from CPU. See
interp . c : program_interrupt ( ) . */
case 3 :
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " write-icr-special group=%d:0 nmi 0x%02x " ,
group - > gid , val ) ) ;
group - > request | = EXTRACT_ID ( val ) ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
default :
break ;
break ;
switch ( offset )
case 0 : /* request/detect */
/* Clear any ID bits and then set them according to IR */
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " write-icr group=%d:0 level 0x%02x %x:%x:%x " ,
group - > gid , val ,
group - > request , EXTRACT_IR ( val ) , EXTRACT_ID ( val ) ) ) ;
group - > request =
( ( EXTRACT_IR ( val ) & EXTRACT_ID ( val ) )
| ( EXTRACT_IR ( val ) & group - > request )
| ( ~ EXTRACT_IR ( val ) & ~ EXTRACT_ID ( val ) & group - > request ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 : /* level/enable */
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " write-icr group=%d:1 level 0x%02x " ,
group - > gid , val ) ) ;
group - > level = EXTRACT_LV ( val ) ;
group - > enable = EXTRACT_IE ( val ) ;
break ;
default :
/* ignore */
break ;
push_interrupt_level ( me , controller ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
/* Read the IAGR (Interrupt accepted group register) */
static unsigned8
read_iagr ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word offset )
unsigned8 val ;
switch ( offset )
case 0 :
if ( ! ( controller - > group [ controller - > interrupt_accepted_group ] . request
& controller - > group [ controller - > interrupt_accepted_group ] . enable ) )
/* oops, lost the request */
val = 0 ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-iagr:0 lost-0 " ) ) ;
val = ( controller - > interrupt_accepted_group < < 2 ) ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-iagr:0 %d " , ( int ) val ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
val = 0 ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-iagr:1 %d " , ( int ) val ) ) ;
break ;
default :
val = 0 ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-iagr 0x%08lx bad offset " , ( long ) offset ) ) ;
break ;
return val ;
/* Reads/writes to the EXTMD (external interrupt trigger configuration
register ) */
static struct mn103int_group *
external_group ( struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word offset )
switch ( offset )
case 0 :
return & controller - > group [ IRQ0_PORT / 4 ] ;
case 1 :
return & controller - > group [ IRQ4_PORT / 4 ] ;
default :
return NULL ;
static unsigned8
read_extmd ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word offset )
int gid ;
unsigned8 val = 0 ;
struct mn103int_group * group = external_group ( controller , offset ) ;
if ( group ! = NULL )
for ( gid = 0 ; gid < 4 ; gid + + )
val | = ( group [ gid ] . trigger < < ( gid * 2 ) ) ;
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " read-extmd 0x%02lx " , ( long ) val ) ) ;
return val ;
static void
write_extmd ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word offset ,
unsigned8 val )
int gid ;
struct mn103int_group * group = external_group ( controller , offset ) ;
if ( group ! = NULL )
for ( gid = 0 ; gid < 4 ; gid + + )
group [ gid ] . trigger = ( val > > ( gid * 2 ) ) & 0x3 ;
/* MAYBE: interrupts already pending? */
HW_TRACE ( ( me , " write-extmd 0x%02lx " , ( long ) val ) ) ;
/* generic read/write */
static int
decode_addr ( struct hw * me ,
struct mn103int * controller ,
unsigned_word address ,
unsigned_word * offset )
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < NR_BLOCKS ; i + + )
if ( address > = controller - > block [ i ] . base
& & address < = controller - > block [ i ] . bound )
* offset = address - controller - > block [ i ] . base ;
return i ;
hw_abort ( me , " bad address " ) ;
return - 1 ;
static unsigned
mn103int_io_read_buffer ( struct hw * me ,
void * dest ,
int space ,
unsigned_word base ,
unsigned nr_bytes )
struct mn103int * controller = hw_data ( me ) ;
unsigned8 * buf = dest ;
unsigned byte ;
/* HW_TRACE ((me, "read 0x%08lx %d", (long) base, (int) nr_bytes)); */
for ( byte = 0 ; byte < nr_bytes ; byte + + )
unsigned_word address = base + byte ;
unsigned_word offset ;
switch ( decode_addr ( me , controller , address , & offset ) )
case ICR_BLOCK :
buf [ byte ] = read_icr ( me , controller , offset ) ;
break ;
buf [ byte ] = read_iagr ( me , controller , offset ) ;
break ;
buf [ byte ] = read_extmd ( me , controller , offset ) ;
break ;
default :
hw_abort ( me , " bad switch " ) ;
return nr_bytes ;
static unsigned
mn103int_io_write_buffer ( struct hw * me ,
const void * source ,
int space ,
unsigned_word base ,
unsigned nr_bytes )
struct mn103int * controller = hw_data ( me ) ;
const unsigned8 * buf = source ;
unsigned byte ;
/* HW_TRACE ((me, "write 0x%08lx %d", (long) base, (int) nr_bytes)); */
for ( byte = 0 ; byte < nr_bytes ; byte + + )
unsigned_word address = base + byte ;
unsigned_word offset ;
switch ( decode_addr ( me , controller , address , & offset ) )
case ICR_BLOCK :
write_icr ( me , controller , offset , buf [ byte ] ) ;
break ;
/* not allowed */
break ;
write_extmd ( me , controller , offset , buf [ byte ] ) ;
break ;
default :
hw_abort ( me , " bad switch " ) ;
return nr_bytes ;
static int
mn103int_ioctl ( struct hw * me ,
hw_ioctl_request request ,
va_list ap )
struct mn103int * controller = ( struct mn103int * ) hw_data ( me ) ;
controller - > group [ 0 ] . request = EXTRACT_ID ( 4 ) ;
mn103int_port_event ( me , 2 /* nmi_port(syserr) */ , NULL , 0 , 0 ) ;
1999-04-26 18:30:24 +00:00
return 0 ;
1999-04-16 01:33:56 +00:00
const struct hw_descriptor dv_mn103int_descriptor [ ] = {
{ " mn103int " , mn103int_finish , } ,
{ NULL } ,
} ;