#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions # of the GNU General Public License v.2. SKIP_WITH_LVMLOCKD=1 SKIP_WITH_LVMPOLLD=1 . lib/inittest aux prepare_devs 4 # a. 0 local, 1 foreign # setup vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1 not vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out grep $UUID1 out not vgrename $UUID1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out grep $UUID1 out lvs --foreign aux wipefs_a "$dev1" # b. 0 local, 2 foreign # setup vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1 aux disable_dev "$dev1" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1 aux enable_dev "$dev1" not vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out not grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out not vgrename $UUID1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out not grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out lvs --foreign aux wipefs_a "$dev1" aux wipefs_a "$dev2" # c. 1 local, 1 foreign # setup vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux disable_dev "$dev1" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1 aux enable_dev "$dev1" vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out not vgrename $vg2 $vg1 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out lvs --foreign aux wipefs_a "$dev1" aux wipefs_a "$dev2" # d. 1 local, 2 foreign # setup vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux disable_dev "$dev1" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1 aux disable_dev "$dev2" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) vgchange -y --systemid "other2" $vg1 aux enable_dev "$dev1" aux enable_dev "$dev2" vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out not vgrename $vg2 $vg1 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out lvs --foreign aux wipefs_a "$dev1" aux wipefs_a "$dev2" aux wipefs_a "$dev3" # e. 2 local, 0 foreign # setup vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux disable_dev "$dev1" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2" lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux enable_dev "$dev1" not vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out not grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out vgrename $UUID1 $vg2 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out not vgrename $UUID2 $vg2 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out lvs --foreign aux wipefs_a "$dev1" aux wipefs_a "$dev2" # f. 2 local, 1 foreign # setup vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux disable_dev "$dev1" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2" lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux disable_dev "$dev2" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) vgchange -y --systemid "other" $vg1 aux enable_dev "$dev1" aux enable_dev "$dev2" lvs --foreign not vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out not grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out vgrename $UUID1 $vg2 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out vgrename $vg1 $vg3 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $vg3 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out not vgrename $vg2 $vg1 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $vg3 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out not vgrename $vg2 $vg3 vgs --foreign -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $vg3 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out lvs --foreign aux wipefs_a "$dev1" aux wipefs_a "$dev2" aux wipefs_a "$dev3" # g. 3 local, 0 foreign # setup vgcreate $vg1 "$dev1" lvcreate -n $lv1 -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID1=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux disable_dev "$dev1" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev2" lvcreate -n ${lv1}_b -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID2=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux disable_dev "$dev2" vgcreate $vg1 "$dev3" lvcreate -n ${lv1}_c -l1 -ky -an $vg1 UUID3=$(vgs --noheading -o vg_uuid $vg1 | xargs) aux enable_dev "$dev1" aux enable_dev "$dev2" not vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out not grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out vgrename $UUID1 $vg2 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out not vgrename $vg1 $vg2 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out not vgrename $vg1 $vg3 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out not grep $vg3 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out not vgrename $UUID2 $vg2 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out not grep $vg3 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out vgrename $UUID2 $vg3 vgs -o+uuid |tee out lvs --foreign grep $vg1 out grep $vg2 out grep $vg3 out grep $UUID1 out grep $UUID2 out grep $UUID3 out lvs --foreign aux wipefs_a "$dev1" aux wipefs_a "$dev2" aux wipefs_a "$dev3"