/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU General Public License v.2. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "tools.h" static int lvchange_permission(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { uint32_t lv_access; lv_access = arg_uint_value(cmd, permission_ARG, 0); if ((lv_access & LVM_WRITE) && (lv->status & LVM_WRITE)) { log_error("Logical volume \"%s\" is already writable", lv->name); return 0; } if (!(lv_access & LVM_WRITE) && !(lv->status & LVM_WRITE)) { log_error("Logical volume \"%s\" is already read only", lv->name); return 0; } if (lv_access & LVM_WRITE) { lv->status |= LVM_WRITE; log_verbose("Setting logical volume \"%s\" read/write", lv->name); } else { lv->status &= ~LVM_WRITE; log_verbose("Setting logical volume \"%s\" read-only", lv->name); } log_very_verbose("Updating logical volume \"%s\" on disk(s)", lv->name); if (!vg_write(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } backup(lv->vg); if (!suspend_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Failed to lock %s", lv->name); vg_revert(lv->vg); return 0; } if (!vg_commit(lv->vg)) { resume_lv(cmd, lv); return 0; } log_very_verbose("Updating permissions for \"%s\" in kernel", lv->name); if (!resume_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Problem reactivating %s", lv->name); return 0; } return 1; } static int lvchange_registration(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { int r; struct lvinfo info; if (!lv_info(cmd, lv, &info, 0) || !info.exists) { log_error("Logical volume, %s, is not active", lv->name); return 0; } /* do not register pvmove lv's */ if (lv->status & PVMOVE) return 1; log_verbose("%smonitoring logical volume \"%s\"", (dmeventd_register_mode()) ? "" : "Not ", lv->name); r = register_dev_for_events(cmd, lv, dmeventd_register_mode()); if (r < 0) { log_error("Unable to %smonitor logical volume, %s", (dmeventd_register_mode()) ? "" : "un", lv->name); r = 0; } else if (!r) { log_verbose("Logical volume %s needs no monitoring.", lv->name); r = 1; } return r; } static int lvchange_availability(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { int activate; const char *pvname; activate = arg_uint_value(cmd, available_ARG, 0); if (activate == CHANGE_ALN) { log_verbose("Deactivating logical volume \"%s\" locally", lv->name); if (!deactivate_lv_local(cmd, lv)) { stack; return 0; } } else if (activate == CHANGE_AN) { log_verbose("Deactivating logical volume \"%s\"", lv->name); if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv)) { stack; return 0; } } else { if (lockingfailed() && (lv->vg->status & CLUSTERED)) { log_verbose("Locking failed: ignoring clustered " "logical volume %s", lv->name); return 0; } if (lv_is_origin(lv) || (activate == CHANGE_AE)) { log_verbose("Activating logical volume \"%s\" " "exclusively", lv->name); if (!activate_lv_excl(cmd, lv)) { stack; return 0; } } else if (activate == CHANGE_ALY) { log_verbose("Activating logical volume \"%s\" locally", lv->name); if (!activate_lv_local(cmd, lv)) { stack; return 0; } } else { log_verbose("Activating logical volume \"%s\"", lv->name); if (!activate_lv(cmd, lv)) { stack; return 0; } } if ((lv->status & LOCKED) && (pvname = get_pvmove_pvname_from_lv(lv))) { log_verbose("Spawning background pvmove process for %s", pvname); pvmove_poll(cmd, pvname, 1); } } return 1; } static int lvchange_refresh(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { log_verbose("Refreshing logical volume \"%s\" (if active)", lv->name); if (!suspend_lv(cmd, lv) || !resume_lv(cmd, lv)) return 0; return 1; } static int lvchange_alloc(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { int want_contiguous = 0; alloc_policy_t alloc; want_contiguous = strcmp(arg_str_value(cmd, contiguous_ARG, "n"), "n"); alloc = want_contiguous ? ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS : ALLOC_INHERIT; alloc = arg_uint_value(cmd, alloc_ARG, alloc); if (alloc == lv->alloc) { log_error("Allocation policy of logical volume \"%s\" is " "already %s", lv->name, get_alloc_string(alloc)); return 0; } lv->alloc = alloc; /* FIXME If contiguous, check existing extents already are */ log_verbose("Setting contiguous allocation policy for \"%s\" to %s", lv->name, get_alloc_string(alloc)); log_very_verbose("Updating logical volume \"%s\" on disk(s)", lv->name); if (!vg_write(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } backup(lv->vg); /* No need to suspend LV for this change */ if (!vg_commit(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } return 1; } static int lvchange_readahead(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { unsigned read_ahead = 0; read_ahead = arg_uint_value(cmd, readahead_ARG, 0); /******* FIXME Ranges? if (read_ahead < LVM_MIN_READ_AHEAD || read_ahead > LVM_MAX_READ_AHEAD) { log_error("read ahead sector argument is invalid"); return 0; } ********/ if (lv->read_ahead == read_ahead) { log_error("Read ahead is already %u for \"%s\"", read_ahead, lv->name); return 0; } lv->read_ahead = read_ahead; log_verbose("Setting read ahead to %u for \"%s\"", read_ahead, lv->name); log_very_verbose("Updating logical volume \"%s\" on disk(s)", lv->name); if (!vg_write(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } backup(lv->vg); if (!suspend_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Failed to lock %s", lv->name); vg_revert(lv->vg); return 0; } if (!vg_commit(lv->vg)) { resume_lv(cmd, lv); return 0; } log_very_verbose("Updating permissions for \"%s\" in kernel", lv->name); if (!resume_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Problem reactivating %s", lv->name); return 0; } return 1; } static int lvchange_persistent(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { struct lvinfo info; int active = 0; if (!strcmp(arg_str_value(cmd, persistent_ARG, "n"), "n")) { if (!(lv->status & FIXED_MINOR)) { log_error("Minor number is already not persistent " "for \"%s\"", lv->name); return 0; } lv->status &= ~FIXED_MINOR; lv->minor = -1; lv->major = -1; log_verbose("Disabling persistent device number for \"%s\"", lv->name); } else { if (!arg_count(cmd, minor_ARG) && lv->minor < 0) { log_error("Minor number must be specified with -My"); return 0; } if (!arg_count(cmd, major_ARG) && lv->major < 0) { log_error("Major number must be specified with -My"); return 0; } if (lv_info(cmd, lv, &info, 0) && info.exists) active = 1; if (active && !arg_count(cmd, force_ARG) && yes_no_prompt("Logical volume %s will be " "deactivated temporarily. " "Continue? [y/n]: ", lv->name) == 'n') { log_print("%s device number not changed.", lv->name); return 0; } log_verbose("Ensuring %s is inactive.", lv->name); if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("%s: deactivation failed", lv->name); return 0; } lv->status |= FIXED_MINOR; lv->minor = arg_int_value(cmd, minor_ARG, lv->minor); lv->major = arg_int_value(cmd, major_ARG, lv->major); log_verbose("Setting persistent device number to (%d, %d) " "for \"%s\"", lv->major, lv->minor, lv->name); } log_very_verbose("Updating logical volume \"%s\" on disk(s)", lv->name); if (!vg_write(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } backup(lv->vg); if (!vg_commit(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } if (active) { log_verbose("Re-activating logical volume \"%s\"", lv->name); if (!activate_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("%s: reactivation failed", lv->name); return 0; } } return 1; } static int lvchange_tag(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, int arg) { const char *tag; if (!(tag = arg_str_value(cmd, arg, NULL))) { log_error("Failed to get tag"); return 0; } if (!(lv->vg->fid->fmt->features & FMT_TAGS)) { log_error("Logical volume %s/%s does not support tags", lv->vg->name, lv->name); return 0; } if ((arg == addtag_ARG)) { if (!str_list_add(cmd->mem, &lv->tags, tag)) { log_error("Failed to add tag %s to %s/%s", tag, lv->vg->name, lv->name); return 0; } } else { if (!str_list_del(&lv->tags, tag)) { log_error("Failed to remove tag %s from %s/%s", tag, lv->vg->name, lv->name); return 0; } } log_very_verbose("Updating logical volume \"%s\" on disk(s)", lv->name); if (!vg_write(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } backup(lv->vg); /* No need to suspend LV for this change */ if (!vg_commit(lv->vg)) { stack; return 0; } return 1; } static int lvchange_single(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, void *handle __attribute((unused))) { int doit = 0; int archived = 0; if (!(lv->vg->status & LVM_WRITE) && (arg_count(cmd, contiguous_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, permission_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, readahead_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, persistent_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, alloc_ARG))) { log_error("Only -a permitted with read-only volume " "group \"%s\"", lv->vg->name); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if (lv_is_origin(lv) && (arg_count(cmd, contiguous_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, permission_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, readahead_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, persistent_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, alloc_ARG))) { log_error("Can't change logical volume \"%s\" under snapshot", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (lv_is_cow(lv)) { log_error("Can't change snapshot logical volume \"%s\"", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (lv->status & PVMOVE) { log_error("Unable to change pvmove LV %s", lv->name); if (arg_count(cmd, available_ARG)) log_error("Use 'pvmove --abort' to abandon a pvmove"); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (lv->status & MIRROR_LOG) { log_error("Unable to change mirror log LV %s directly", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (lv->status & MIRROR_IMAGE) { log_error("Unable to change mirror image LV %s directly", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!(lv->status & VISIBLE_LV)) { log_error("Unable to change internal LV %s directly", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } init_dmeventd_register(arg_int_value(cmd, monitor_ARG, DEFAULT_DMEVENTD_MONITOR)); /* access permission change */ if (arg_count(cmd, permission_ARG)) { if (!archive(lv->vg)) return ECMD_FAILED; archived = 1; doit += lvchange_permission(cmd, lv); } /* allocation policy change */ if (arg_count(cmd, contiguous_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, alloc_ARG)) { if (!archived && !archive(lv->vg)) return ECMD_FAILED; archived = 1; doit += lvchange_alloc(cmd, lv); } /* read ahead sector change */ if (arg_count(cmd, readahead_ARG)) { if (!archived && !archive(lv->vg)) return ECMD_FAILED; archived = 1; doit += lvchange_readahead(cmd, lv); } /* read ahead sector change */ if (arg_count(cmd, persistent_ARG)) { if (!archived && !archive(lv->vg)) return ECMD_FAILED; archived = 1; doit += lvchange_persistent(cmd, lv); } /* add tag */ if (arg_count(cmd, addtag_ARG)) { if (!archived && !archive(lv->vg)) return ECMD_FAILED; archived = 1; doit += lvchange_tag(cmd, lv, addtag_ARG); } /* del tag */ if (arg_count(cmd, deltag_ARG)) { if (!archived && !archive(lv->vg)) return ECMD_FAILED; archived = 1; doit += lvchange_tag(cmd, lv, deltag_ARG); } if (doit) log_print("Logical volume \"%s\" changed", lv->name); /* availability change */ if (arg_count(cmd, available_ARG)) { if (!lvchange_availability(cmd, lv)) return ECMD_FAILED; } if (arg_count(cmd, refresh_ARG)) if (!lvchange_refresh(cmd, lv)) return ECMD_FAILED; if (!arg_count(cmd, available_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, refresh_ARG) && arg_count(cmd, monitor_ARG)) { if (!lvchange_registration(cmd, lv)) return ECMD_FAILED; } return ECMD_PROCESSED; } int lvchange(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv) { if (!arg_count(cmd, available_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, contiguous_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, permission_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, readahead_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, minor_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, major_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, persistent_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, addtag_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, deltag_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, refresh_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, alloc_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, monitor_ARG)) { log_error("Need 1 or more of -a, -C, -j, -m, -M, -p, -r, " "--refresh, --alloc, --addtag, --deltag " "or --monitor"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if (arg_count(cmd, ignorelockingfailure_ARG) && (arg_count(cmd, contiguous_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, permission_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, readahead_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, persistent_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, addtag_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, deltag_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, refresh_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, alloc_ARG))) { log_error("Only -a permitted with --ignorelockingfailure"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if (!argc) { log_error("Please give logical volume path(s)"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if ((arg_count(cmd, minor_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, major_ARG)) && !arg_count(cmd, persistent_ARG)) { log_error("--major and --minor require -My"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if (arg_count(cmd, minor_ARG) && argc != 1) { log_error("Only give one logical volume when specifying minor"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if (arg_count(cmd, contiguous_ARG) && arg_count(cmd, alloc_ARG)) { log_error("Only one of --alloc and --contiguous permitted"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } return process_each_lv(cmd, argc, argv, LCK_VG_WRITE, NULL, &lvchange_single); }