/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Red Hat, Inc. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #define _REENTRANT #include "tool.h" #include "daemon-io.h" #include "dm-logging.h" #include <math.h> /* fabs() */ #include <float.h> /* DBL_EPSILON */ int buffer_append_vf(struct buffer *buf, va_list ap) { char *append; char *next; int keylen; int64_t value; char *string; char *block; while ((next = va_arg(ap, char *))) { append = NULL; if (!strchr(next, '=')) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Bad format string at '%s'", next); goto fail; } keylen = strchr(next, '=') - next; if (strstr(next, "%d")) { /* Use of plain %d is prohibited, use FMTd64 */ log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Do not use %%d and use correct 64bit form"); goto fail; } if (strstr(next, FMTd64)) { value = va_arg(ap, int64_t); if (dm_asprintf(&append, "%.*s= %" PRId64 "\n", keylen, next, value) < 0) goto fail; } else if (strstr(next, "%s")) { string = va_arg(ap, char *); if (dm_asprintf(&append, "%.*s= \"%s\"\n", keylen, next, string) < 0) goto fail; } else if (strstr(next, "%b")) { if (!(block = va_arg(ap, char *))) continue; if (dm_asprintf(&append, "%.*s%s", keylen, next, block) < 0) goto fail; } else if (dm_asprintf(&append, "%s", next) < 0) goto fail; if (!append || !buffer_append(buf, append)) goto fail; dm_free(append); } return 1; fail: dm_free(append); return 0; } int buffer_append_f(struct buffer *buf, ...) { int res; va_list ap; va_start(ap, buf); res = buffer_append_vf(buf, ap); va_end(ap); return res; } int set_flag(struct dm_config_tree *cft, struct dm_config_node *parent, const char *field, const char *flag, int want) { struct dm_config_value *value = NULL, *pred = NULL; struct dm_config_node *node = dm_config_find_node(parent->child, field); struct dm_config_value *new; if (node) value = node->v; while (value && value->type != DM_CFG_EMPTY_ARRAY && strcmp(value->v.str, flag)) { pred = value; value = value->next; } if (value && want) return 1; if (!value && !want) return 1; if (value && !want) { if (pred) { pred->next = value->next; } else if (value == node->v && value->next) { node->v = value->next; } else { node->v->type = DM_CFG_EMPTY_ARRAY; } } if (!value && want) { if (!node) { if (!(node = dm_config_create_node(cft, field))) return 0; node->sib = parent->child; if (!(node->v = dm_config_create_value(cft))) return 0; node->v->type = DM_CFG_EMPTY_ARRAY; node->parent = parent; parent->child = node; } if (!(new = dm_config_create_value(cft))) { /* FIXME error reporting */ return 0; } new->type = DM_CFG_STRING; new->v.str = flag; new->next = node->v; node->v = new; } return 1; } void chain_node(struct dm_config_node *cn, struct dm_config_node *parent, struct dm_config_node *pre_sib) { cn->parent = parent; cn->sib = NULL; if (parent && parent->child && !pre_sib) { /* find the last one */ pre_sib = parent->child; while (pre_sib && pre_sib->sib) pre_sib = pre_sib->sib; } if (parent && !parent->child) parent->child = cn; if (pre_sib) { cn->sib = pre_sib->sib; pre_sib->sib = cn; } } struct dm_config_tree *config_tree_from_string_without_dup_node_check(const char *config_settings) { struct dm_config_tree *cft; if (!(cft = dm_config_create())) return_NULL; if (!dm_config_parse_without_dup_node_check(cft, config_settings, config_settings + strlen(config_settings))) { dm_config_destroy(cft); return_NULL; } return cft; } struct dm_config_node *make_config_node(struct dm_config_tree *cft, const char *key, struct dm_config_node *parent, struct dm_config_node *pre_sib) { struct dm_config_node *cn; if (!(cn = dm_config_create_node(cft, key))) return NULL; cn->v = NULL; cn->child = NULL; chain_node(cn, parent, pre_sib); return cn; } struct dm_config_node *make_text_node(struct dm_config_tree *cft, const char *key, const char *value, struct dm_config_node *parent, struct dm_config_node *pre_sib) { struct dm_config_node *cn; if (!(cn = make_config_node(cft, key, parent, pre_sib)) || !(cn->v = dm_config_create_value(cft))) return NULL; cn->v->type = DM_CFG_STRING; cn->v->v.str = value; return cn; } struct dm_config_node *make_int_node(struct dm_config_tree *cft, const char *key, int64_t value, struct dm_config_node *parent, struct dm_config_node *pre_sib) { struct dm_config_node *cn; if (!(cn = make_config_node(cft, key, parent, pre_sib)) || !(cn->v = dm_config_create_value(cft))) return NULL; cn->v->type = DM_CFG_INT; cn->v->v.i = value; return cn; } /* * FIXME: return 1 even if VA list is empty and return the * dm_config_node* result as output parameter */ struct dm_config_node *config_make_nodes_v(struct dm_config_tree *cft, struct dm_config_node *parent, struct dm_config_node *pre_sib, va_list ap) { const char *next; struct dm_config_node *first = NULL; struct dm_config_node *cn; const char *fmt; char *key; while ((next = va_arg(ap, char *))) { cn = NULL; fmt = strchr(next, '='); if (!fmt) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Bad format string '%s'", fmt); return NULL; } if (!(key = dm_pool_strdup(cft->mem, next))) { log_error("Failed to duplicate node key."); return NULL; } key[fmt - next] = '\0'; fmt += 2; if (!strcmp(fmt, FMTd64)) { int64_t value = va_arg(ap, int64_t); if (!(cn = make_int_node(cft, key, value, parent, pre_sib))) return 0; } else if (!strcmp(fmt, "%s")) { char *value = va_arg(ap, char *); if (!(cn = make_text_node(cft, key, value, parent, pre_sib))) return 0; } else if (!strcmp(fmt, "%t")) { struct dm_config_tree *tree = va_arg(ap, struct dm_config_tree *); cn = dm_config_clone_node(cft, tree->root, 1); if (!cn) return 0; cn->key = key; chain_node(cn, parent, pre_sib); } else { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Bad format string '%s'", fmt); return NULL; } if (!first) first = cn; if (cn) pre_sib = cn; } return first; } struct dm_config_node *config_make_nodes(struct dm_config_tree *cft, struct dm_config_node *parent, struct dm_config_node *pre_sib, ...) { struct dm_config_node *res; va_list ap; va_start(ap, pre_sib); res = config_make_nodes_v(cft, parent, pre_sib, ap); va_end(ap); return res; } /* Test if the doubles are close enough to be considered equal */ static int close_enough(double d1, double d2) { return fabs(d1 - d2) < DBL_EPSILON; } int compare_value(struct dm_config_value *a, struct dm_config_value *b) { int r = 0; if (a->type > b->type) return 1; if (a->type < b->type) return -1; switch (a->type) { case DM_CFG_STRING: r = strcmp(a->v.str, b->v.str); break; case DM_CFG_FLOAT: r = close_enough(a->v.f, b->v.f) ? 0 : (a->v.f > b->v.f) ? 1 : -1; break; case DM_CFG_INT: r = (a->v.i == b->v.i) ? 0 : (a->v.i > b->v.i) ? 1 : -1; break; case DM_CFG_EMPTY_ARRAY: return 0; } if (r == 0 && a->next && b->next) r = compare_value(a->next, b->next); return r; } int compare_config(struct dm_config_node *a, struct dm_config_node *b) { int result = 0; if (a->v && b->v) result = compare_value(a->v, b->v); if (a->v && !b->v) result = 1; if (!a->v && b->v) result = -1; if (a->child && b->child) result = compare_config(a->child, b->child); if (result) { // DEBUGLOG("config inequality at %s / %s", a->key, b->key); return result; } if (a->sib && b->sib) result = compare_config(a->sib, b->sib); if (a->sib && !b->sib) result = 1; if (!a->sib && b->sib) result = -1; return result; } int buffer_realloc(struct buffer *buf, int needed) { char *new; int alloc = buf->allocated; if (alloc < needed) alloc = needed; buf->allocated += alloc; new = dm_realloc(buf->mem, buf->allocated); if (new) buf->mem = new; else { /* utter failure */ dm_free(buf->mem); buf->mem = 0; buf->allocated = buf->used = 0; return 0; } return 1; } int buffer_append(struct buffer *buf, const char *string) { int len = strlen(string); if ((!buf->mem || (buf->allocated - buf->used <= len)) && !buffer_realloc(buf, len + 1)) return 0; strcpy(buf->mem + buf->used, string); buf->used += len; return 1; } int buffer_line(const char *line, void *baton) { struct buffer *buf = baton; if (!buffer_append(buf, line)) return 0; if (!buffer_append(buf, "\n")) return 0; return 1; } void buffer_destroy(struct buffer *buf) { dm_free(buf->mem); buffer_init(buf); } void buffer_init(struct buffer *buf) { buf->allocated = buf->used = 0; buf->mem = 0; }