/* * Copyright (C) 2001 Sistina Software (UK) Limited. * * This file is released under the LGPL. */ #include #include #include "pool.h" #include "dbg_malloc.h" #include "log.h" struct chunk { char *begin, *end; struct chunk *prev; }; struct pool { struct chunk *chunk, *spare_chunk; /* spare_chunk is a one entry free list to stop 'bobbling' */ size_t chunk_size; size_t object_len; unsigned object_alignment; }; void _align_chunk(struct chunk *c, unsigned alignment); struct chunk *_new_chunk(struct pool *p, size_t s); /* by default things come out aligned for doubles */ #define DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT __alignof__ (double) struct pool *pool_create(size_t chunk_hint) { size_t new_size = 1024; struct pool *p = dbg_malloc(sizeof(*p)); if (!p) { log_error("Couldn't create memory pool"); return 0; } memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); /* round chunk_hint up to the next power of 2 */ p->chunk_size = chunk_hint + sizeof(struct chunk); while (new_size < p->chunk_size) new_size <<= 1; p->chunk_size = new_size; return p; } void pool_destroy(struct pool *p) { struct chunk *c, *pr; dbg_free(p->spare_chunk); c = p->chunk; while (c) { pr = c->prev; dbg_free(c); c = pr; } dbg_free(p); } void *pool_alloc(struct pool *p, size_t s) { return pool_alloc_aligned(p, s, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT); } void *pool_alloc_aligned(struct pool *p, size_t s, unsigned alignment) { struct chunk *c = p->chunk; void *r; /* realign begin */ if (c) _align_chunk(c, alignment); /* have we got room ? */ if(!c || (c->begin > c->end) || (c->end - c->begin < s)) { /* allocate new chunk */ int needed = s + alignment + sizeof(struct chunk); c = _new_chunk(p, (needed > p->chunk_size) ? needed : p->chunk_size); _align_chunk(c, alignment); } r = c->begin; c->begin += s; return r; } void pool_empty(struct pool *p) { if (p->chunk) pool_free(p, p->chunk->begin); } void pool_free(struct pool *p, void *ptr) { struct chunk *c = p->chunk; while (c) { if (((char *) c < (char *) ptr) && ((char *) c->end > (char *) ptr)) { c->begin = ptr; break; } if (p->spare_chunk) dbg_free(p->spare_chunk); p->spare_chunk = c; c = c->prev; } if (!c) log_debug("pool_free asked to free a pointer " "that wasn't in the pool, doing nothing"); else p->chunk = c; } void *pool_begin_object(struct pool *p, size_t hint, unsigned align) { struct chunk *c = p->chunk; p->object_len = 0; p->object_alignment = align; _align_chunk(c, align); if (c->end - c->begin < hint) { /* allocate a new chunk */ c = _new_chunk(p, hint > (p->chunk_size - sizeof(struct chunk)) ? hint + sizeof(struct chunk) + align : p->chunk_size); _align_chunk(c, align); } return c->begin; } void *pool_grow_object(struct pool *p, unsigned char *buffer, size_t n) { struct chunk *c = p->chunk; if (c->end - (c->begin + p->object_len) < n) { /* move into a new chunk */ if (p->object_len + n > (p->chunk_size / 2)) _new_chunk(p, (p->object_len + n) * 2); else _new_chunk(p, p->chunk_size); _align_chunk(p->chunk, p->object_alignment); memcpy(p->chunk->begin, c->begin, p->object_len); c = p->chunk; } memcpy(c->begin + p->object_len, buffer, n); p->object_len += n; return c->begin; } void *pool_end_object(struct pool *p) { struct chunk *c = p->chunk; void *r = c->begin; c->begin += p->object_len; p->object_len = 0u; p->object_alignment = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT; return r; } void pool_abandon_object(struct pool *p) { p->object_len = 0; p->object_alignment = DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT; } char *pool_strdup(struct pool *p, const char *str) { char *ret = pool_alloc(p, strlen(str) + 1); if (ret) strcpy(ret, str); return ret; } void _align_chunk(struct chunk *c, unsigned alignment) { c->begin += alignment - ((unsigned long) c->begin & (alignment - 1)); } struct chunk *_new_chunk(struct pool *p, size_t s) { struct chunk *c; if (p->spare_chunk && ((p->spare_chunk->end - (char *) p->spare_chunk) >= s)) { /* reuse old chunk */ c = p->spare_chunk; p->spare_chunk = 0; } else { c = dbg_malloc(s); c->end = (char *) c + s; } c->prev = p->chunk; c->begin = (char *) (c + 1); p->chunk = c; return c; } /* * Local variables: * c-file-style: "linux" * End: * vim:ai cin ts=8 */