.TH VGIMPORT 8 "LVM TOOLS #VERSION#" "Sistina Software UK" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME vgimport \(em make exported volume groups known to the system .SH SYNOPSIS .B vgimport .RB [ \-a | \-\-all ] .RB [ \-d | \-\-debug ] .RB [ \-h | \-? | \-\-help ] .RB [ \-\-reportformat .RB { basic | json }] .RB [ \-S | \-\-select .IR Selection ] .RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ] .RI [ VolumeGroupName ...] .SH DESCRIPTION vgimport allows you to make a Volume Group that was previously exported using .BR vgexport (8) known to the system again, perhaps after moving its Physical Volumes from a different machine. vgexport clears the VG system ID, and vgimport sets the VG system ID to match the host running vgimport (if the host has a system ID). .SH OPTIONS See \fBlvm\fP(8) for common options. .TP .BR \-a ", " \-\-all Import all exported Volume Groups. .TP .BR \-\-force Import exported Volume Groups even if there are missing Physical Volumes. This option should only be used if the missing devices are known to have failed and they cannot be restored. .SH SEE ALSO .BR lvm (8), .BR pvscan (8), .BR vgexport (8), .BR vgscan (8), .BR lvmsystemid (7)