/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "tools.h" #include "polldaemon.h" #include "lv_alloc.h" #include "metadata.h" struct lvconvert_params { int snapshot; int merge; int merge_mirror; int zero; const char *origin; const char *lv_name; const char *lv_split_name; const char *lv_name_full; const char *vg_name; int wait_completion; int need_polling; uint32_t chunk_size; uint32_t region_size; uint32_t mirrors; sign_t mirrors_sign; uint32_t keep_mimages; uint32_t stripes; uint32_t stripe_size; const struct segment_type *segtype; alloc_policy_t alloc; int pv_count; char **pvs; struct dm_list *pvh; int replace_pv_count; char **replace_pvs; struct dm_list *replace_pvh; struct logical_volume *lv_to_poll; uint64_t poolmetadata_size; const char *pool_data_lv_name; const char *pool_metadata_lv_name; thin_discards_t discards; }; static int _lvconvert_name_params(struct lvconvert_params *lp, struct cmd_context *cmd, int *pargc, char ***pargv) { char *ptr; const char *vg_name = NULL; if (lp->merge) return 1; if (lp->snapshot) { if (!*pargc) { log_error("Please specify a logical volume to act as " "the snapshot origin."); return 0; } lp->origin = *pargv[0]; (*pargv)++, (*pargc)--; if (!(lp->vg_name = extract_vgname(cmd, lp->origin))) { log_error("The origin name should include the " "volume group."); return 0; } /* Strip the volume group from the origin */ if ((ptr = strrchr(lp->origin, (int) '/'))) lp->origin = ptr + 1; } if (!*pargc && lp->pool_data_lv_name) { if (!lp->vg_name || !validate_name(lp->vg_name)) { log_error("Please provide a valid volume group name."); return 0; } lp->lv_name = lp->pool_data_lv_name; return 1; /* Create metadata LV on it's own */ } if (!*pargc) { log_error("Please provide logical volume path"); return 0; } lp->lv_name = lp->lv_name_full = (*pargv)[0]; (*pargv)++, (*pargc)--; if (strchr(lp->lv_name_full, '/') && (vg_name = extract_vgname(cmd, lp->lv_name_full)) && lp->vg_name && strcmp(vg_name, lp->vg_name)) { log_error("Please use a single volume group name " "(\"%s\" or \"%s\")", vg_name, lp->vg_name); return 0; } if (!lp->vg_name) lp->vg_name = vg_name; if (!validate_name(lp->vg_name)) { log_error("Please provide a valid volume group name"); return 0; } if ((ptr = strrchr(lp->lv_name_full, '/'))) lp->lv_name = ptr + 1; if (!lp->merge_mirror && !strstr(lp->lv_name, "_tdata") && !strstr(lp->lv_name, "_tmeta") && !apply_lvname_restrictions(lp->lv_name)) return_0; if (*pargc && lp->snapshot) { log_error("Too many arguments provided for snapshots"); return 0; } if (lp->pool_data_lv_name && lp->lv_name && lp->poolmetadata_size) { log_error("Please specify either metadata logical volume or its size."); return 0; } return 1; } static int _read_params(struct lvconvert_params *lp, struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv) { int i; const char *tmp_str; struct arg_value_group_list *group; int region_size; int pagesize = lvm_getpagesize(); memset(lp, 0, sizeof(*lp)); if ((arg_count(cmd, snapshot_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, merge_ARG)) && (arg_count(cmd, mirrorlog_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG))) { log_error("--snapshot or --merge argument cannot be mixed " "with --mirrors, --repair or --mirrorlog"); return 0; } if (!arg_count(cmd, background_ARG)) lp->wait_completion = 1; if (arg_count(cmd, snapshot_ARG)) lp->snapshot = 1; if (arg_count(cmd, snapshot_ARG) && arg_count(cmd, merge_ARG)) { log_error("--snapshot and --merge are mutually exclusive"); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG) && arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG)) { log_error("--mirrors and --splitmirrors are " "mutually exclusive"); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, thinpool_ARG)) { if (arg_count(cmd, merge_ARG)) { log_error("--thinpool and --merge are mutually exlusive."); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG)) { log_error("--thinpool and --mirrors are mutually exlusive."); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG)) { log_error("--thinpool and --repair are mutually exlusive."); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, snapshot_ARG)) { log_error("--thinpool and --snapshot are mutually exlusive."); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG)) { log_error("--thinpool and --splitmirrors are mutually exlusive."); return 0; } lp->discards = (thin_discards_t) arg_uint_value(cmd, discards_ARG, THIN_DISCARDS_PASSDOWN); } else if (arg_count(cmd, discards_ARG)) { log_error("--discards is only valid with --thinpool."); return 0; } /* * The '--splitmirrors n' argument is equivalent to '--mirrors -n' * (note the minus sign), except that it signifies the additional * intent to keep the mimage that is detached, rather than * discarding it. */ if (arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG)) { if (!arg_count(cmd, name_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, trackchanges_ARG)) { log_error("Please name the new logical volume using '--name'"); return 0; } lp->lv_split_name = arg_value(cmd, name_ARG); if (lp->lv_split_name) { if (strchr(lp->lv_split_name, '/')) { if (!(lp->vg_name = extract_vgname(cmd, lp->lv_split_name))) return_0; /* Strip VG from lv_split_name */ if ((tmp_str = strrchr(lp->lv_split_name, '/'))) lp->lv_split_name = tmp_str + 1; } if (!apply_lvname_restrictions(lp->lv_split_name)) return_0; } lp->keep_mimages = 1; lp->mirrors = arg_uint_value(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG, 0); lp->mirrors_sign = SIGN_MINUS; } else if (arg_count(cmd, name_ARG)) { log_error("The 'name' argument is only valid" " with --splitmirrors"); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, merge_ARG)) { if ((argc == 1) && strstr(argv[0], "_rimage_")) lp->merge_mirror = 1; else lp->merge = 1; } if (arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG)) { /* * --splitmirrors has been chosen as the mechanism for * specifying the intent of detaching and keeping a mimage * versus an additional qualifying argument being added here. */ lp->mirrors = arg_uint_value(cmd, mirrors_ARG, 0); lp->mirrors_sign = arg_sign_value(cmd, mirrors_ARG, SIGN_NONE); } lp->alloc = (alloc_policy_t) arg_uint_value(cmd, alloc_ARG, ALLOC_INHERIT); /* There are three types of lvconvert. */ if (lp->merge) { /* Snapshot merge */ if (arg_count(cmd, regionsize_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, chunksize_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, zero_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, regionsize_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, stripes_long_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, stripesize_ARG)) { log_error("Only --background and --interval are valid " "arguments for snapshot merge"); return 0; } if (!(lp->segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, "snapshot"))) return_0; } else if (lp->snapshot) { /* Snapshot creation from pre-existing cow */ if (arg_count(cmd, regionsize_ARG)) { log_error("--regionsize is only available with mirrors"); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, stripesize_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, stripes_long_ARG)) { log_error("--stripes and --stripesize are only available with striped mirrors"); return 0; } if (arg_sign_value(cmd, chunksize_ARG, SIGN_NONE) == SIGN_MINUS) { log_error("Negative chunk size is invalid"); return 0; } lp->chunk_size = arg_uint_value(cmd, chunksize_ARG, 8); if (lp->chunk_size < 8 || lp->chunk_size > 1024 || (lp->chunk_size & (lp->chunk_size - 1))) { log_error("Chunk size must be a power of 2 in the " "range 4K to 512K"); return 0; } log_verbose("Setting chunksize to %d sectors.", lp->chunk_size); if (!(lp->segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, "snapshot"))) return_0; lp->zero = strcmp(arg_str_value(cmd, zero_ARG, (lp->segtype->flags & SEG_CANNOT_BE_ZEROED) ? "n" : "y"), "n"); } else if (arg_count(cmd, replace_ARG)) { /* RAID device replacement */ lp->replace_pv_count = arg_count(cmd, replace_ARG); lp->replace_pvs = dm_pool_alloc(cmd->mem, sizeof(char *) * lp->replace_pv_count); if (!lp->replace_pvs) return_0; i = 0; dm_list_iterate_items(group, &cmd->arg_value_groups) { if (!grouped_arg_is_set(group->arg_values, replace_ARG)) continue; if (!(tmp_str = grouped_arg_str_value(group->arg_values, replace_ARG, NULL))) { log_error("Failed to get '--replace' argument"); return 0; } if (!(lp->replace_pvs[i++] = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, tmp_str))) return_0; } } else if (arg_count(cmd, thinpool_ARG)) { if (!(lp->pool_data_lv_name = arg_str_value(cmd, thinpool_ARG, NULL))) { log_error("Missing pool logical volume name."); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, poolmetadata_ARG)) { lp->pool_metadata_lv_name = arg_str_value(cmd, poolmetadata_ARG, ""); } else if (arg_count(cmd, poolmetadatasize_ARG)) { if (arg_sign_value(cmd, poolmetadatasize_ARG, SIGN_NONE) == SIGN_MINUS) { log_error("Negative pool metadata size is invalid."); return 0; } lp->poolmetadata_size = arg_uint64_value(cmd, poolmetadatasize_ARG, UINT64_C(0)); if (lp->poolmetadata_size > (2 * DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_MAX_METADATA_SIZE)) { if (arg_count(cmd, poolmetadatasize_ARG)) log_warn("WARNING: Maximum supported pool metadata size is 16GB."); lp->poolmetadata_size = 2 * DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_MAX_METADATA_SIZE; } else if (lp->poolmetadata_size < (2 * DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_MIN_METADATA_SIZE)) { if (arg_count(cmd, poolmetadatasize_ARG)) log_warn("WARNING: Minimum supported pool metadata size is 2M."); lp->poolmetadata_size = 2 * DEFAULT_THIN_POOL_MIN_METADATA_SIZE; } log_verbose("Setting pool metadata size to %" PRIu64 " sectors.", lp->poolmetadata_size); } if (arg_count(cmd, chunksize_ARG)) { if (arg_sign_value(cmd, chunksize_ARG, SIGN_NONE) == SIGN_MINUS) { log_error("Negative chunk size is invalid."); return 0; } lp->chunk_size = arg_uint_value(cmd, chunksize_ARG, DM_THIN_MIN_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE); if ((lp->chunk_size < DM_THIN_MIN_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE) || (lp->chunk_size > DM_THIN_MAX_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE)) { log_error("Chunk size must be in the range %uK to %uK.", (DM_THIN_MIN_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE / 2), (DM_THIN_MAX_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE / 2)); return 0; } } else lp->chunk_size = DM_THIN_MIN_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE; log_verbose("Setting pool metadata chunk size to %u sectors.", lp->chunk_size); if (arg_count(cmd, zero_ARG)) lp->zero = strcmp(arg_str_value(cmd, zero_ARG, "y"), "n"); /* If --thinpool contains VG name, extract it. */ if ((tmp_str = strchr(lp->pool_data_lv_name, (int) '/'))) { if (!(lp->vg_name = extract_vgname(cmd, lp->pool_data_lv_name))) return 0; /* Strip VG from pool */ lp->pool_data_lv_name = tmp_str + 1; } lp->segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, arg_str_value(cmd, type_ARG, "thin-pool")); if (!lp->segtype) return_0; } else { /* Mirrors (and some RAID functions) */ if (arg_count(cmd, chunksize_ARG)) { log_error("--chunksize is only available with " "snapshots or thin pools."); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, zero_ARG)) { log_error("--zero is only available with snapshots or thin pools."); return 0; } /* * --regionsize is only valid if converting an LV into a mirror. * Checked when we know the state of the LV being converted. */ if (arg_count(cmd, regionsize_ARG)) { if (arg_sign_value(cmd, regionsize_ARG, SIGN_NONE) == SIGN_MINUS) { log_error("Negative regionsize is invalid"); return 0; } lp->region_size = arg_uint_value(cmd, regionsize_ARG, 0); } else { region_size = 2 * find_config_tree_int(cmd, "activation/mirror_region_size", DEFAULT_MIRROR_REGION_SIZE); if (region_size < 0) { log_error("Negative regionsize in " "configuration file is invalid"); return 0; } lp->region_size = region_size; } if (lp->region_size % (pagesize >> SECTOR_SHIFT)) { log_error("Region size (%" PRIu32 ") must be " "a multiple of machine memory " "page size (%d)", lp->region_size, pagesize >> SECTOR_SHIFT); return 0; } if (lp->region_size & (lp->region_size - 1)) { log_error("Region size (%" PRIu32 ") must be a power of 2", lp->region_size); return 0; } if (!lp->region_size) { log_error("Non-zero region size must be supplied."); return 0; } /* Default is never striped, regardless of existing LV configuration. */ if (!get_stripe_params(cmd, &lp->stripes, &lp->stripe_size)) { stack; return 0; } lp->segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, arg_str_value(cmd, type_ARG, "mirror")); if (!lp->segtype) return_0; } if (activation() && lp->segtype && lp->segtype->ops->target_present && !lp->segtype->ops->target_present(cmd, NULL, NULL)) { log_error("%s: Required device-mapper target(s) not " "detected in your kernel", lp->segtype->name); return 0; } if (!_lvconvert_name_params(lp, cmd, &argc, &argv)) return_0; lp->pv_count = argc; lp->pvs = argv; return 1; } static struct volume_group *_get_lvconvert_vg(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *name, const char *uuid __attribute__((unused))) { dev_close_all(); if (name && !strchr(name, '/')) return vg_read_for_update(cmd, name, NULL, 0); /* 'name' is the full LV name; must extract_vgname() */ return vg_read_for_update(cmd, extract_vgname(cmd, name), NULL, 0); } static struct logical_volume *_get_lvconvert_lv(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute__((unused)), struct volume_group *vg, const char *name, const char *uuid, uint64_t lv_type __attribute__((unused))) { struct logical_volume *lv = find_lv(vg, name); if (!lv || (uuid && strcmp(uuid, (char *)&lv->lvid))) return NULL; return lv; } static int _reload_lv(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg, struct logical_volume *lv) { int r = 0; log_very_verbose("Updating logical volume \"%s\" on disk(s)", lv->name); if (!vg_write(vg)) return_0; if (!suspend_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Failed to lock %s", lv->name); vg_revert(vg); goto out; } if (!vg_commit(vg)) { if (!resume_lv(cmd, lv)) stack; goto_out; } log_very_verbose("Updating \"%s\" in kernel", lv->name); if (!resume_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Problem reactivating %s", lv->name); goto out; } r = 1; out: backup(vg); return r; } static int _finish_lvconvert_mirror(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg, struct logical_volume *lv, struct dm_list *lvs_changed __attribute__((unused))) { if (!(lv->status & CONVERTING)) return 1; if (!collapse_mirrored_lv(lv)) { log_error("Failed to remove temporary sync layer."); return 0; } lv->status &= ~CONVERTING; log_very_verbose("Updating logical volume \"%s\" on disk(s)", lv->name); if (!(_reload_lv(cmd, vg, lv))) return_0; log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s converted.", lv->name); return 1; } static int _finish_lvconvert_merge(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg, struct logical_volume *lv, struct dm_list *lvs_changed __attribute__((unused))) { struct lv_segment *snap_seg = find_merging_cow(lv); if (!snap_seg) { log_error("Logical volume %s has no merging snapshot.", lv->name); return 0; } log_print_unless_silent("Merge of snapshot into logical volume %s has finished.", lv->name); if (!lv_remove_single(cmd, snap_seg->cow, DONT_PROMPT)) { log_error("Could not remove snapshot %s merged into %s.", snap_seg->cow->name, lv->name); return 0; } return 1; } static progress_t _poll_merge_progress(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, const char *name __attribute__((unused)), struct daemon_parms *parms) { percent_t percent = PERCENT_0; if (!lv_snapshot_percent(lv, &percent)) { log_error("%s: Failed query for merging percentage. Aborting merge.", lv->name); return PROGRESS_CHECK_FAILED; } else if (percent == PERCENT_INVALID) { log_error("%s: Merging snapshot invalidated. Aborting merge.", lv->name); return PROGRESS_CHECK_FAILED; } else if (percent == PERCENT_MERGE_FAILED) { log_error("%s: Merge failed. Retry merge or inspect manually.", lv->name); return PROGRESS_CHECK_FAILED; } if (parms->progress_display) log_print_unless_silent("%s: %s: %.1f%%", lv->name, parms->progress_title, 100.0 - percent_to_float(percent)); else log_verbose("%s: %s: %.1f%%", lv->name, parms->progress_title, 100.0 - percent_to_float(percent)); if (percent == PERCENT_0) return PROGRESS_FINISHED_ALL; return PROGRESS_UNFINISHED; } static struct poll_functions _lvconvert_mirror_fns = { .get_copy_vg = _get_lvconvert_vg, .get_copy_lv = _get_lvconvert_lv, .poll_progress = poll_mirror_progress, .finish_copy = _finish_lvconvert_mirror, }; static struct poll_functions _lvconvert_merge_fns = { .get_copy_vg = _get_lvconvert_vg, .get_copy_lv = _get_lvconvert_lv, .poll_progress = _poll_merge_progress, .finish_copy = _finish_lvconvert_merge, }; int lvconvert_poll(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, unsigned background) { /* * FIXME allocate an "object key" structure with split * out members (vg_name, lv_name, uuid, etc) and pass that * around the lvconvert and polldaemon code * - will avoid needless work, e.g. extract_vgname() * - unfortunately there are enough overloaded "name" dragons in * the polldaemon, lvconvert, pvmove code that a comprehensive * audit/rework is needed */ int len = strlen(lv->vg->name) + strlen(lv->name) + 2; char *uuid = alloca(sizeof(lv->lvid)); char *lv_full_name = alloca(len); if (!uuid || !lv_full_name) return_0; if (dm_snprintf(lv_full_name, len, "%s/%s", lv->vg->name, lv->name) < 0) return_0; memcpy(uuid, &lv->lvid, sizeof(lv->lvid)); if (!lv_is_merging_origin(lv)) return poll_daemon(cmd, lv_full_name, uuid, background, 0, &_lvconvert_mirror_fns, "Converted"); else return poll_daemon(cmd, lv_full_name, uuid, background, 0, &_lvconvert_merge_fns, "Merged"); } static int _insert_lvconvert_layer(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv) { char *format, *layer_name; size_t len; int i; /* * We would like to give the same number for this layer * and the newly added mimage. * However, LV name of newly added mimage is determined *after* * the LV name of this layer is determined. * * So, use generate_lv_name() to generate mimage name first * and take the number from it. */ len = strlen(lv->name) + 32; if (!(format = alloca(len)) || !(layer_name = alloca(len)) || dm_snprintf(format, len, "%s_mimage_%%d", lv->name) < 0) { log_error("lvconvert: layer name allocation failed."); return 0; } if (!generate_lv_name(lv->vg, format, layer_name, len) || sscanf(layer_name, format, &i) != 1) { log_error("lvconvert: layer name generation failed."); return 0; } if (dm_snprintf(layer_name, len, MIRROR_SYNC_LAYER "_%d", i) < 0) { log_error("layer name allocation failed."); return 0; } if (!insert_layer_for_lv(cmd, lv, 0, layer_name)) { log_error("Failed to insert resync layer"); return 0; } return 1; } static int _failed_mirrors_count(struct logical_volume *lv) { struct lv_segment *lvseg; int ret = 0; unsigned s; dm_list_iterate_items(lvseg, &lv->segments) { if (!seg_is_mirrored(lvseg)) return -1; for (s = 0; s < lvseg->area_count; s++) { if (seg_type(lvseg, s) == AREA_LV) { if (is_temporary_mirror_layer(seg_lv(lvseg, s))) ret += _failed_mirrors_count(seg_lv(lvseg, s)); else if (seg_lv(lvseg, s)->status & PARTIAL_LV) ++ ret; else if (seg_type(lvseg, s) == AREA_PV && is_missing_pv(seg_pv(lvseg, s))) ++ret; } } } return ret; } static int _failed_logs_count(struct logical_volume *lv) { int ret = 0; unsigned s; struct logical_volume *log_lv = first_seg(lv)->log_lv; if (log_lv && (log_lv->status & PARTIAL_LV)) { if (log_lv->status & MIRRORED) ret += _failed_mirrors_count(log_lv); else ret += 1; } for (s = 0; s < first_seg(lv)->area_count; s++) { if (seg_type(first_seg(lv), s) == AREA_LV && is_temporary_mirror_layer(seg_lv(first_seg(lv), s))) ret += _failed_logs_count(seg_lv(first_seg(lv), s)); } return ret; } static struct dm_list *_failed_pv_list(struct volume_group *vg) { struct dm_list *failed_pvs; struct pv_list *pvl, *new_pvl; if (!(failed_pvs = dm_pool_alloc(vg->vgmem, sizeof(*failed_pvs)))) { log_error("Allocation of list of failed_pvs failed."); return_NULL; } dm_list_init(failed_pvs); dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs) { if (!is_missing_pv(pvl->pv)) continue; /* * Finally, --repair will remove empty PVs. * But we only want remove these which are output of repair, * Do not count these which are already empty here. * FIXME: code should traverse PV in LV not in whole VG. * FIXME: layer violation? should it depend on vgreduce --removemising? */ if (pvl->pv->pe_alloc_count == 0) continue; if (!(new_pvl = dm_pool_alloc(vg->vgmem, sizeof(*new_pvl)))) { log_error("Allocation of failed_pvs list entry failed."); return_NULL; } new_pvl->pv = pvl->pv; dm_list_add(failed_pvs, &new_pvl->list); } return failed_pvs; } static int _is_partial_lv(struct logical_volume *lv, void *baton __attribute__((unused))) { return lv->status & PARTIAL_LV; } /* * Walk down the stacked mirror LV to the original mirror LV. */ static struct logical_volume *_original_lv(struct logical_volume *lv) { struct logical_volume *next_lv = lv, *tmp_lv; while ((tmp_lv = find_temporary_mirror(next_lv))) next_lv = tmp_lv; return next_lv; } static void _lvconvert_mirrors_repair_ask(struct cmd_context *cmd, int failed_log, int failed_mirrors, int *replace_log, int *replace_mirrors) { const char *leg_policy = NULL, *log_policy = NULL; int force = arg_count(cmd, force_ARG); int yes = arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG); *replace_log = *replace_mirrors = 1; if (arg_count(cmd, use_policies_ARG)) { leg_policy = find_config_tree_str(cmd, "activation/mirror_image_fault_policy", NULL); if (!leg_policy) leg_policy = find_config_tree_str(cmd, "activation/mirror_device_fault_policy", DEFAULT_MIRROR_DEVICE_FAULT_POLICY); log_policy = find_config_tree_str(cmd, "activation/mirror_log_fault_policy", DEFAULT_MIRROR_LOG_FAULT_POLICY); *replace_mirrors = strcmp(leg_policy, "remove"); *replace_log = strcmp(log_policy, "remove"); return; } if (yes) return; if (force != PROMPT) { *replace_log = *replace_mirrors = 0; return; } if (failed_log && yes_no_prompt("Attempt to replace failed mirror log? [y/n]: ") == 'n') { *replace_log = 0; } if (failed_mirrors && yes_no_prompt("Attempt to replace failed mirror images " "(requires full device resync)? [y/n]: ") == 'n') { *replace_mirrors = 0; } } /* * _get_log_count * @lv: the mirror LV * * Get the number of on-disk copies of the log. * 0 = 'core' * 1 = 'disk' * 2+ = 'mirrored' */ static int _get_log_count(struct logical_volume *lv) { struct logical_volume *log_lv; log_lv = first_seg(_original_lv(lv))->log_lv; if (log_lv) return lv_mirror_count(log_lv); return 0; } static int _lv_update_mirrored_log(struct logical_volume *lv, struct dm_list *operable_pvs, int log_count) { int old_log_count; struct logical_volume *log_lv; /* * When log_count is 0, mirrored log doesn't need to be * updated here but it will be removed later. */ if (!log_count) return 1; log_lv = first_seg(_original_lv(lv))->log_lv; if (!log_lv || !(log_lv->status & MIRRORED)) return 1; old_log_count = _get_log_count(lv); if (old_log_count == log_count) return 1; /* Reducing redundancy of the log */ return remove_mirror_images(log_lv, log_count, is_mirror_image_removable, operable_pvs, 0U); } static int _lv_update_log_type(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct lvconvert_params *lp, struct logical_volume *lv, struct dm_list *operable_pvs, int log_count) { int old_log_count; uint32_t region_size = (lp) ? lp->region_size : first_seg(lv)->region_size; alloc_policy_t alloc = (lp) ? lp->alloc : lv->alloc; struct logical_volume *original_lv; struct logical_volume *log_lv; old_log_count = _get_log_count(lv); if (old_log_count == log_count) return 1; original_lv = _original_lv(lv); /* Remove an existing log completely */ if (!log_count) { if (!remove_mirror_log(cmd, original_lv, operable_pvs, arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, force_ARG))) return_0; return 1; } log_lv = first_seg(original_lv)->log_lv; /* Adding redundancy to the log */ if (old_log_count < log_count) { region_size = adjusted_mirror_region_size(lv->vg->extent_size, lv->le_count, region_size); if (!add_mirror_log(cmd, original_lv, log_count, region_size, operable_pvs, alloc)) return_0; /* * FIXME: This simple approach won't work in cluster mirrors, * but it doesn't matter because we don't support * mirrored logs in cluster mirrors. */ if (old_log_count && !_reload_lv(cmd, log_lv->vg, log_lv)) return_0; return 1; } /* Reducing redundancy of the log */ return remove_mirror_images(log_lv, log_count, is_mirror_image_removable, operable_pvs, 1U); } /* * Reomove missing and empty PVs from VG, if are also in provided list */ static void _remove_missing_empty_pv(struct volume_group *vg, struct dm_list *remove_pvs) { struct pv_list *pvl, *pvl_vg, *pvlt; int removed = 0; if (!remove_pvs) return; dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, remove_pvs) { dm_list_iterate_items_safe(pvl_vg, pvlt, &vg->pvs) { if (!id_equal(&pvl->pv->id, &pvl_vg->pv->id) || !is_missing_pv(pvl_vg->pv) || pvl_vg->pv->pe_alloc_count != 0) continue; /* FIXME: duplication of vgreduce code, move this to library */ vg->free_count -= pvl_vg->pv->pe_count; vg->extent_count -= pvl_vg->pv->pe_count; del_pvl_from_vgs(vg, pvl_vg); free_pv_fid(pvl_vg->pv); removed++; } } if (removed) { if (!vg_write(vg) || !vg_commit(vg)) { stack; return; } log_warn("%d missing and now unallocated Physical Volumes removed from VG.", removed); } } /* * _lvconvert_mirrors_parse_params * * This function performs the following: * 1) Gets the old values of mimage and log counts * 2) Parses the CLI args to find the new desired values * 3) Adjusts 'lp->mirrors' to the appropriate absolute value. * (Remember, 'lp->mirrors' is specified in terms of the number of "copies" * vs. the number of mimages. It can also be a relative value.) * 4) Sets 'lp->need_polling' if collapsing * 5) Validates other mirror params * * Returns: 1 on success, 0 on error */ static int _lvconvert_mirrors_parse_params(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp, uint32_t *old_mimage_count, uint32_t *old_log_count, uint32_t *new_mimage_count, uint32_t *new_log_count) { int repair = arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG); const char *mirrorlog; *old_mimage_count = lv_mirror_count(lv); *old_log_count = _get_log_count(lv); /* * Collapsing a stack of mirrors: * * If called with no argument, try collapsing the resync layers */ if (!arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, mirrorlog_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, corelog_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, regionsize_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG) && !repair) { *new_mimage_count = *old_mimage_count; *new_log_count = *old_log_count; if (find_temporary_mirror(lv) || (lv->status & CONVERTING)) lp->need_polling = 1; return 1; } if ((arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG) && repair) || (arg_count(cmd, mirrorlog_ARG) && repair) || (arg_count(cmd, corelog_ARG) && repair)) { log_error("--repair cannot be used with --mirrors, --mirrorlog," " or --corelog"); return 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, mirrorlog_ARG) && arg_count(cmd, corelog_ARG)) { log_error("--mirrorlog and --corelog are incompatible"); return 0; } /* * Adjusting mimage count? */ if (!arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG)) lp->mirrors = *old_mimage_count; else if (lp->mirrors_sign == SIGN_PLUS) lp->mirrors = *old_mimage_count + lp->mirrors; else if (lp->mirrors_sign == SIGN_MINUS) lp->mirrors = (*old_mimage_count > lp->mirrors) ? *old_mimage_count - lp->mirrors: 0; else lp->mirrors += 1; *new_mimage_count = lp->mirrors; /* Too many mimages? */ if (lp->mirrors > DEFAULT_MIRROR_MAX_IMAGES) { log_error("Only up to %d images in mirror supported currently.", DEFAULT_MIRROR_MAX_IMAGES); return 0; } /* Did the user try to subtract more legs than available? */ if (lp->mirrors < 1) { log_error("Unable to reduce images by specified amount - only %d in %s", *old_mimage_count, lv->name); return 0; } /* * FIXME: It would be nice to say what we are adjusting to, but * I really don't know whether to specify the # of copies or mimages. */ if (*old_mimage_count != *new_mimage_count) log_verbose("Adjusting mirror image count of %s", lv->name); /* * Adjust log type * * If we are converting from a mirror to another mirror or simply * changing the log type, we start by assuming they want the log * type the same and then parse the given args. OTOH, If we are * converting from linear to mirror, then we start from the default * position that the user would like a 'disk' log. */ *new_log_count = (*old_mimage_count > 1) ? *old_log_count : 1; if (!arg_count(cmd, corelog_ARG) && !arg_count(cmd, mirrorlog_ARG)) return 1; if (arg_count(cmd, corelog_ARG)) *new_log_count = 0; mirrorlog = arg_str_value(cmd, mirrorlog_ARG, !*new_log_count ? "core" : DEFAULT_MIRRORLOG); if (!strcmp("mirrored", mirrorlog)) *new_log_count = 2; else if (!strcmp("disk", mirrorlog)) *new_log_count = 1; else if (!strcmp("core", mirrorlog)) *new_log_count = 0; else { log_error("Unknown mirrorlog type: %s", mirrorlog); return 0; } /* * No mirrored logs for cluster mirrors until * log daemon is multi-threaded. */ if ((*new_log_count == 2) && vg_is_clustered(lv->vg)) { log_error("Log type, \"mirrored\", is unavailable to cluster mirrors"); return 0; } log_verbose("Setting logging type to %s", mirrorlog); /* * Region size must not change on existing mirrors */ if (arg_count(cmd, regionsize_ARG) && (lv->status & MIRRORED) && (lp->region_size != first_seg(lv)->region_size)) { log_error("Mirror log region size cannot be changed on " "an existing mirror."); return 0; } /* * For the most part, we cannot handle multi-segment mirrors. Bail out * early if we have encountered one. */ if ((lv->status & MIRRORED) && dm_list_size(&lv->segments) != 1) { log_error("Logical volume %s has multiple " "mirror segments.", lv->name); return 0; } return 1; } /* * _lvconvert_mirrors_aux * * Add/remove mirror images and adjust log type. 'operable_pvs' * are the set of PVs open to removal or allocation - depending * on the operation being performed. */ static int _lvconvert_mirrors_aux(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp, struct dm_list *operable_pvs, uint32_t new_mimage_count, uint32_t new_log_count) { uint32_t region_size; struct lv_segment *seg; struct logical_volume *layer_lv; uint32_t old_mimage_count = lv_mirror_count(lv); uint32_t old_log_count = _get_log_count(lv); if ((lp->mirrors == 1) && !(lv->status & MIRRORED)) { log_warn("Logical volume %s is already not mirrored.", lv->name); return 1; } region_size = adjusted_mirror_region_size(lv->vg->extent_size, lv->le_count, lp->region_size); if (!operable_pvs) operable_pvs = lp->pvh; seg = first_seg(lv); /* * Up-convert from linear to mirror */ if (!(lv->status & MIRRORED)) { /* FIXME Share code with lvcreate */ /* * FIXME should we give not only lp->pvh, but also all PVs * currently taken by the mirror? Would make more sense from * user perspective. */ if (!lv_add_mirrors(cmd, lv, new_mimage_count - 1, lp->stripes, lp->stripe_size, region_size, new_log_count, operable_pvs, lp->alloc, MIRROR_BY_LV)) return_0; if (lp->wait_completion) lp->need_polling = 1; goto out; } /* * Up-convert m-way mirror to n-way mirror */ if (new_mimage_count > old_mimage_count) { if (lv->status & LV_NOTSYNCED) { log_error("Can't add mirror to out-of-sync mirrored " "LV: use lvchange --resync first."); return 0; } /* * We allow snapshots of mirrors, but for now, we * do not allow up converting mirrors that are under * snapshots. The layering logic is somewhat complex, * and preliminary test show that the conversion can't * seem to get the correct %'age of completion. */ if (lv_is_origin(lv)) { log_error("Can't add additional mirror images to " "mirrors that are under snapshots"); return 0; } /* * Is there already a convert in progress? We do not * currently allow more than one. */ if (find_temporary_mirror(lv) || (lv->status & CONVERTING)) { log_error("%s is already being converted. Unable to start another conversion.", lv->name); return 0; } /* * Log addition/removal should be done before the layer * insertion to make the end result consistent with * linear-to-mirror conversion. */ if (!_lv_update_log_type(cmd, lp, lv, operable_pvs, new_log_count)) { stack; return 0; } /* Insert a temporary layer for syncing, * only if the original lv is using disk log. */ if (seg->log_lv && !_insert_lvconvert_layer(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Failed to insert resync layer"); return 0; } /* FIXME: can't have multiple mlogs. force corelog. */ if (!lv_add_mirrors(cmd, lv, new_mimage_count - old_mimage_count, lp->stripes, lp->stripe_size, region_size, 0U, operable_pvs, lp->alloc, MIRROR_BY_LV)) { layer_lv = seg_lv(first_seg(lv), 0); if (!remove_layer_from_lv(lv, layer_lv) || !deactivate_lv(cmd, layer_lv) || !lv_remove(layer_lv) || !vg_write(lv->vg) || !vg_commit(lv->vg)) { log_error("ABORTING: Failed to remove " "temporary mirror layer %s.", layer_lv->name); log_error("Manual cleanup with vgcfgrestore " "and dmsetup may be required."); return 0; } stack; return 0; } if (seg->log_lv) lv->status |= CONVERTING; lp->need_polling = 1; goto out_skip_log_convert; } /* * Down-convert (reduce # of mimages). */ if (new_mimage_count < old_mimage_count) { uint32_t nmc = old_mimage_count - new_mimage_count; uint32_t nlc = (!new_log_count || lp->mirrors == 1) ? 1U : 0U; /* FIXME: Why did nlc used to be calculated that way? */ /* Reduce number of mirrors */ if (lp->keep_mimages) { if (arg_count(cmd, trackchanges_ARG)) { log_error("--trackchanges is not available " "to 'mirror' segment type"); return 0; } if (!lv_split_mirror_images(lv, lp->lv_split_name, nmc, operable_pvs)) return 0; } else if (!lv_remove_mirrors(cmd, lv, nmc, nlc, is_mirror_image_removable, operable_pvs, 0)) return_0; goto out; /* Just in case someone puts code between */ } out: /* * Converting the log type */ if ((lv->status & MIRRORED) && (old_log_count != new_log_count)) { if (!_lv_update_log_type(cmd, lp, lv, operable_pvs, new_log_count)) { stack; return 0; } } out_skip_log_convert: if (!_reload_lv(cmd, lv->vg, lv)) return_0; return 1; } int mirror_remove_missing(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, int force) { struct dm_list *failed_pvs; int log_count = _get_log_count(lv) - _failed_logs_count(lv); if (!(failed_pvs = _failed_pv_list(lv->vg))) return_0; if (force && _failed_mirrors_count(lv) == lv_mirror_count(lv)) { log_error("No usable images left in %s.", lv->name); return lv_remove_with_dependencies(cmd, lv, DONT_PROMPT, 0); } /* * We must adjust the log first, or the entire mirror * will get stuck during a suspend. */ if (!_lv_update_mirrored_log(lv, failed_pvs, log_count)) return 0; if (_failed_mirrors_count(lv) > 0 && !lv_remove_mirrors(cmd, lv, _failed_mirrors_count(lv), log_count ? 0U : 1U, _is_partial_lv, NULL, 0)) return 0; if (lv_is_mirrored(lv) && !_lv_update_log_type(cmd, NULL, lv, failed_pvs, log_count)) return 0; if (!_reload_lv(cmd, lv->vg, lv)) return_0; return 1; } /* * _lvconvert_mirrors_repair * * This function operates in two phases. First, all of the bad * devices are removed from the mirror. Then, if desired by the * user, the devices are replaced. * * 'old_mimage_count' and 'old_log_count' are there so we know * what to convert to after the removal of devices. */ static int _lvconvert_mirrors_repair(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp) { int failed_logs = 0; int failed_mimages = 0; int replace_logs = 0; int replace_mimages = 0; uint32_t log_count; uint32_t original_mimages = lv_mirror_count(lv); uint32_t original_logs = _get_log_count(lv); cmd->handles_missing_pvs = 1; cmd->partial_activation = 1; lp->need_polling = 0; lv_check_transient(lv); /* TODO check this in lib for all commands? */ if (!(lv->status & PARTIAL_LV)) { log_warn("%s is consistent. Nothing to repair.", lv->name); return 1; } failed_mimages = _failed_mirrors_count(lv); failed_logs = _failed_logs_count(lv); mirror_remove_missing(cmd, lv, 0); if (failed_mimages) log_error("Mirror status: %d of %d images failed.", failed_mimages, original_mimages); /* * Count the failed log devices */ if (failed_logs) log_error("Mirror log status: %d of %d images failed.", failed_logs, original_logs); /* * Find out our policies */ _lvconvert_mirrors_repair_ask(cmd, failed_logs, failed_mimages, &replace_logs, &replace_mimages); /* * Second phase - replace faulty devices */ lp->mirrors = replace_mimages ? original_mimages : (original_mimages - failed_mimages); /* * It does not make sense to replace the log if the volume is no longer * a mirror. */ if (lp->mirrors == 1) replace_logs = 0; log_count = replace_logs ? original_logs : (original_logs - failed_logs); while (replace_mimages || replace_logs) { log_warn("Trying to up-convert to %d images, %d logs.", lp->mirrors, log_count); if (_lvconvert_mirrors_aux(cmd, lv, lp, NULL, lp->mirrors, log_count)) break; else { if (lp->mirrors > 2) -- lp->mirrors; else if (log_count > 0) -- log_count; else break; /* nowhere to go, anymore... */ } } if (replace_mimages && lv_mirror_count(lv) != original_mimages) log_warn("WARNING: Failed to replace %d of %d images in volume %s", original_mimages - lv_mirror_count(lv), original_mimages, lv->name); if (replace_logs && _get_log_count(lv) != original_logs) log_warn("WARNING: Failed to replace %d of %d logs in volume %s", original_logs - _get_log_count(lv), original_logs, lv->name); /* if (!arg_count(cmd, use_policies_ARG) && (lp->mirrors != old_mimage_count || log_count != old_log_count)) return 0; */ return 1; } /* * _lvconvert_mirrors * * Determine what is being done. Are we doing a conversion, repair, or * collapsing a stack? Once determined, call helper functions. */ static int _lvconvert_mirrors(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp) { int repair = arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG); uint32_t old_mimage_count; uint32_t old_log_count; uint32_t new_mimage_count; uint32_t new_log_count; if (lp->merge_mirror) { log_error("Unable to merge mirror images" "of segment type 'mirror'"); return 0; } /* TODO: decide what should be done here */ if (lv_is_thin_type(lv)) { log_error("Converting segment type for %s/%s to mirror is not yet supported.", lv->vg->name, lv->name); return 0; } /* Adjust mimage and/or log count */ if (!_lvconvert_mirrors_parse_params(cmd, lv, lp, &old_mimage_count, &old_log_count, &new_mimage_count, &new_log_count)) return 0; if (((old_mimage_count < new_mimage_count && old_log_count > new_log_count) || (old_mimage_count > new_mimage_count && old_log_count < new_log_count)) && lp->pv_count) { log_error("Cannot both allocate and free extents when " "specifying physical volumes to use."); log_error("Please specify the operation in two steps."); return 0; } /* Nothing to do? (Probably finishing collapse.) */ if ((old_mimage_count == new_mimage_count) && (old_log_count == new_log_count) && !repair) return 1; if (repair) return _lvconvert_mirrors_repair(cmd, lv, lp); if (!_lvconvert_mirrors_aux(cmd, lv, lp, NULL, new_mimage_count, new_log_count)) return 0; if (!lp->need_polling) log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s converted.", lv->name); backup(lv->vg); return 1; } static int is_valid_raid_conversion(const struct segment_type *from_segtype, const struct segment_type *to_segtype) { if (from_segtype == to_segtype) return 1; if (!segtype_is_raid(from_segtype) && !segtype_is_raid(to_segtype)) return_0; /* Not converting to or from RAID? */ return 1; } static void _lvconvert_raid_repair_ask(struct cmd_context *cmd, int *replace_dev) { const char *dev_policy = NULL; int force = arg_count(cmd, force_ARG); int yes = arg_count(cmd, yes_ARG); *replace_dev = 0; if (arg_count(cmd, use_policies_ARG)) { dev_policy = find_config_tree_str(cmd, "activation/raid_fault_policy", DEFAULT_RAID_FAULT_POLICY); if (!strcmp(dev_policy, "allocate") || !strcmp(dev_policy, "replace")) *replace_dev = 1; /* else if (!strcmp(dev_policy, "anything_else")) -- ignore */ return; } if (yes) { *replace_dev = 1; return; } if (force != PROMPT) return; if (yes_no_prompt("Attempt to replace failed RAID images " "(requires full device resync)? [y/n]: ") == 'y') { *replace_dev = 1; } } static int lvconvert_raid(struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp) { int replace = 0; int uninitialized_var(image_count); struct dm_list *failed_pvs; struct cmd_context *cmd = lv->vg->cmd; struct lv_segment *seg = first_seg(lv); if (!arg_count(cmd, type_ARG)) lp->segtype = seg->segtype; /* Can only change image count for raid1 and linear */ if (arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG) && !seg_is_mirrored(seg) && !seg_is_linear(seg)) { log_error("'--mirrors/-m' is not compatible with %s", seg->segtype->ops->name(seg)); return 0; } if (!is_valid_raid_conversion(seg->segtype, lp->segtype)) { log_error("Unable to convert %s/%s from %s to %s", lv->vg->name, lv->name, seg->segtype->ops->name(seg), lp->segtype->name); return 0; } /* Change number of RAID1 images */ if (arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG)) { image_count = lv_raid_image_count(lv); if (lp->mirrors_sign == SIGN_PLUS) image_count += lp->mirrors; else if (lp->mirrors_sign == SIGN_MINUS) image_count -= lp->mirrors; else image_count = lp->mirrors + 1; if (image_count < 1) { log_error("Unable to %s images by specified amount", arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG) ? "split" : "reduce"); return 0; } } if (lp->merge_mirror) return lv_raid_merge(lv); if (arg_count(cmd, trackchanges_ARG)) return lv_raid_split_and_track(lv, lp->pvh); if (arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG)) return lv_raid_split(lv, lp->lv_split_name, image_count, lp->pvh); if (arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG)) return lv_raid_change_image_count(lv, image_count, lp->pvh); if (arg_count(cmd, type_ARG)) return lv_raid_reshape(lv, lp->segtype); if (arg_count(cmd, replace_ARG)) return lv_raid_replace(lv, lp->replace_pvh, lp->pvh); if (arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG)) { _lvconvert_raid_repair_ask(cmd, &replace); if (replace) { if (!(failed_pvs = _failed_pv_list(lv->vg))) return_0; if (!lv_raid_replace(lv, failed_pvs, lp->pvh)) { log_error("Failed to replace faulty devices in" " %s/%s.", lv->vg->name, lv->name); return 0; } log_print_unless_silent("Faulty devices in %s/%s successfully" " replaced.", lv->vg->name, lv->name); return 1; } /* "warn" if policy not set to replace */ if (arg_count(cmd, use_policies_ARG)) log_warn("Use 'lvconvert --repair %s/%s' to replace " "failed device.", lv->vg->name, lv->name); return 1; } log_error("Conversion operation not yet supported."); return 0; } static int lvconvert_snapshot(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp) { struct logical_volume *org; if (!(org = find_lv(lv->vg, lp->origin))) { log_error("Couldn't find origin volume '%s'.", lp->origin); return 0; } if (org == lv) { log_error("Unable to use \"%s\" as both snapshot and origin.", lv->name); return 0; } if (org->status & (LOCKED|PVMOVE|MIRRORED) || lv_is_cow(org)) { log_error("Unable to convert an LV into a snapshot of a %s LV.", org->status & LOCKED ? "locked" : org->status & PVMOVE ? "pvmove" : org->status & MIRRORED ? "mirrored" : "snapshot"); return 0; } if (!lp->zero || !(lv->status & LVM_WRITE)) log_warn("WARNING: \"%s\" not zeroed", lv->name); else if (!set_lv(cmd, lv, UINT64_C(0), 0)) { log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe snapshot " "exception store."); return 0; } if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, lv)) { log_error("Couldn't deactivate LV %s.", lv->name); return 0; } if (!vg_add_snapshot(org, lv, NULL, org->le_count, lp->chunk_size)) { log_error("Couldn't create snapshot."); return 0; } /* store vg on disk(s) */ if (!_reload_lv(cmd, lv->vg, lv)) return_0; log_print_unless_silent("Logical volume %s converted to snapshot.", lv->name); return 1; } static int lvconvert_merge(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp) { int r = 0; int merge_on_activate = 0; struct logical_volume *origin = origin_from_cow(lv); struct lv_segment *cow_seg = find_cow(lv); struct lvinfo info; /* Check if merge is possible */ if (lv_is_merging_cow(lv)) { log_error("Snapshot %s is already merging", lv->name); return 0; } if (lv_is_merging_origin(origin)) { log_error("Snapshot %s is already merging into the origin", find_merging_cow(origin)->cow->name); return 0; } /* * Prevent merge with open device(s) as it would likely lead * to application/filesystem failure. Merge on origin's next * activation if either the origin or snapshot LV are currently * open. * * FIXME testing open_count is racey; snapshot-merge target's * constructor and DM should prevent appropriate devices from * being open. */ if (lv_info(cmd, origin, 0, &info, 1, 0)) { if (info.open_count) { log_error("Can't merge over open origin volume"); merge_on_activate = 1; } } if (lv_info(cmd, lv, 0, &info, 1, 0)) { if (info.open_count) { log_print_unless_silent("Can't merge when snapshot is open"); merge_on_activate = 1; } } init_snapshot_merge(cow_seg, origin); /* store vg on disk(s) */ if (!vg_write(lv->vg)) return_0; if (merge_on_activate) { /* commit vg but skip starting the merge */ if (!vg_commit(lv->vg)) return_0; r = 1; log_print_unless_silent("Merging of snapshot %s will start " "next activation.", lv->name); goto out; } /* Perform merge */ if (!suspend_lv(cmd, origin)) { log_error("Failed to suspend origin %s", origin->name); vg_revert(lv->vg); goto out; } if (!vg_commit(lv->vg)) { if (!resume_lv(cmd, origin)) stack; goto_out; } if (!resume_lv(cmd, origin)) { log_error("Failed to reactivate origin %s", origin->name); goto out; } lp->need_polling = 1; lp->lv_to_poll = origin; r = 1; log_print_unless_silent("Merging of volume %s started.", lv->name); out: backup(lv->vg); return r; } /* * Thin lvconvert version which * rename metadata * convert/layers thinpool over data * attach metadata */ static int _lvconvert_thinpool(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *pool_lv, struct lvconvert_params *lp) { int r = 0; char *name; int len; struct lv_segment *seg; struct logical_volume *data_lv; struct logical_volume *metadata_lv; if (lv_is_thin_type(pool_lv)) { log_error("Can't use thin logical volume %s/%s for thin pool data.", pool_lv->vg->name, pool_lv->name); return 0; } /* We are changing target type, so deactivate first */ if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, pool_lv)) { log_error("Can't deactivate logical volume %s/%s.", pool_lv->vg->name, pool_lv->name); return 0; } if (lp->pool_metadata_lv_name) { metadata_lv = find_lv(pool_lv->vg, lp->pool_metadata_lv_name); if (!metadata_lv) { log_error("Unknown metadata LV %s", lp->pool_metadata_lv_name); return 0; } if (metadata_lv == pool_lv) { log_error("Can't use same LV for thin data and metadata LV %s", lp->pool_metadata_lv_name); return 0; } if (lv_is_thin_type(metadata_lv)) { log_error("Can't use thin pool logical volume %s/%s " "for thin pool metadata.", metadata_lv->vg->name, metadata_lv->name); return 0; } } else if (arg_count(cmd, poolmetadatasize_ARG)) { /* FIXME: allocate metadata LV! */ metadata_lv = NULL; log_error("Uncreated metadata."); return 0; } else { log_error("Uknown metadata."); return 0; } len = strlen(pool_lv->name) + 16; if (!(name = dm_pool_alloc(pool_lv->vg->vgmem, len))) { log_error("Cannot allocate new name."); return 0; } if (!lv_is_active(metadata_lv)) { if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, metadata_lv)) { log_error("Can't deactivate logical volume %s/%s.", metadata_lv->vg->name, metadata_lv->name); return 0; } if (!activate_lv_local(cmd, metadata_lv)) { log_error("Aborting. Failed to activate thin metadata lv."); return 0; } } if (!set_lv(cmd, metadata_lv, UINT64_C(0), 0)) { log_error("Aborting. Failed to wipe thin metadata lv."); return 0; } if (!deactivate_lv(cmd, metadata_lv)) { log_error("Aborting. Failed to deactivate thin metadata lv. " "Manual intervention required."); return 0; } if (dm_snprintf(name, len, "%s_tmeta", pool_lv->name) < 0) return_0; /* Rename deactivated metadata LV to have _tmeta suffix */ /* Implicit checks if metadata_lv is visible */ if (!lv_rename_update(cmd, metadata_lv, name, 0)) return_0; /* * Since we wish to have underlaying dev, to match _tdata * rename data LV first, also checks for visible LV */ /* FIXME: any more types prohibited here? */ /* FIXME: revert renamed LVs in fail path? */ /* FIXME: common code with metadata/thin_manip.c extend_pool() */ /* Create layer _tdata */ if (!(data_lv = insert_layer_for_lv(pool_lv->vg->cmd, pool_lv, pool_lv->status, "_tdata"))) return_0; seg = first_seg(pool_lv); seg->segtype = lp->segtype; seg->lv->status |= THIN_POOL; seg->chunk_size = lp->chunk_size; seg->zero_new_blocks = lp->zero ? 1 : 0; seg->discards = lp->discards; seg->low_water_mark = 0; seg->transaction_id = 0; if (!attach_pool_metadata_lv(seg, metadata_lv)) return_0; /* Drop reference as attach_pool_data_lv() takes it again */ remove_seg_from_segs_using_this_lv(data_lv, seg); if (!attach_pool_data_lv(seg, data_lv)) return_0; if (!vg_write(pool_lv->vg) || !vg_commit(pool_lv->vg)) return_0; if (!activate_lv_excl(cmd, pool_lv)) { log_error("Failed to activate pool logical volume %s/%s.", pool_lv->vg->name, pool_lv->name); goto out; } log_print_unless_silent("Converted %s/%s to thin pool.", pool_lv->vg->name, pool_lv->name); r = 1; out: backup(pool_lv->vg); return r; } static int _lvconvert_single(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, void *handle) { struct lvconvert_params *lp = handle; struct dm_list *failed_pvs; struct lvinfo info; percent_t snap_percent; if (lv->status & LOCKED) { log_error("Cannot convert locked LV %s", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (lv_is_cow(lv) && !lp->merge) { log_error("Can't convert snapshot logical volume \"%s\"", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (lv->status & PVMOVE) { log_error("Unable to convert pvmove LV %s", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG) && !(lv->status & MIRRORED) && !(lv->status & RAID)) { if (arg_count(cmd, use_policies_ARG)) return ECMD_PROCESSED; /* nothing to be done here */ log_error("Can't repair non-mirrored LV \"%s\".", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!lp->segtype) lp->segtype = first_seg(lv)->segtype; if (lp->merge) { if (!lv_is_cow(lv)) { log_error("\"%s\" is not a mergeable logical volume", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (lv_info(lv->vg->cmd, lv, 0, &info, 1, 0) && info.exists && info.live_table && (!lv_snapshot_percent(lv, &snap_percent) || snap_percent == PERCENT_INVALID)) { log_error("Unable to merge invalidated snapshot LV \"%s\"", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!archive(lv->vg)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!lvconvert_merge(cmd, lv, lp)) { log_error("Unable to merge LV \"%s\" into its origin.", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } } else if (lp->snapshot) { if (lv->status & MIRRORED) { log_error("Unable to convert mirrored LV \"%s\" into a snapshot.", lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!archive(lv->vg)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!lvconvert_snapshot(cmd, lv, lp)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } } else if (arg_count(cmd, thinpool_ARG)) { if (!archive(lv->vg)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!_lvconvert_thinpool(cmd, lv, lp)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } } else if (segtype_is_raid(lp->segtype) || (lv->status & RAID) || lp->merge_mirror) { if (!archive(lv->vg)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!lvconvert_raid(lv, lp)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!(failed_pvs = _failed_pv_list(lv->vg))) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } /* If repairing and using policies, remove missing PVs from VG */ if (arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG) && arg_count(cmd, use_policies_ARG)) _remove_missing_empty_pv(lv->vg, failed_pvs); } else if (arg_count(cmd, mirrors_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, splitmirrors_ARG) || (lv->status & MIRRORED)) { if (!archive(lv->vg)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!_lvconvert_mirrors(cmd, lv, lp)) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } if (!(failed_pvs = _failed_pv_list(lv->vg))) { stack; return ECMD_FAILED; } /* If repairing and using policies, remove missing PVs from VG */ if (arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG) && arg_count(cmd, use_policies_ARG)) _remove_missing_empty_pv(lv->vg, failed_pvs); } return ECMD_PROCESSED; } /* * FIXME move to toollib along with the rest of the drop/reacquire * VG locking that is used by lvconvert_merge_single() */ static struct logical_volume *get_vg_lock_and_logical_volume(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vg_name, const char *lv_name) { /* * Returns NULL if the requested LV doesn't exist; * otherwise the caller must release_vg(lv->vg) * - it is also up to the caller to unlock_vg() as needed */ struct volume_group *vg; struct logical_volume* lv = NULL; vg = _get_lvconvert_vg(cmd, vg_name, NULL); if (vg_read_error(vg)) { release_vg(vg); return_NULL; } if (!(lv = _get_lvconvert_lv(cmd, vg, lv_name, NULL, 0))) { log_error("Can't find LV %s in VG %s", lv_name, vg_name); unlock_and_release_vg(cmd, vg, vg_name); return NULL; } return lv; } static int poll_logical_volume(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, int wait_completion) { struct lvinfo info; if (!lv_info(cmd, lv, 0, &info, 0, 0) || !info.exists) { log_print_unless_silent("Conversion starts after activation."); return ECMD_PROCESSED; } return lvconvert_poll(cmd, lv, wait_completion ? 0 : 1U); } static int lvconvert_single(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct lvconvert_params *lp) { struct logical_volume *lv = NULL; int ret = ECMD_FAILED; int saved_ignore_suspended_devices = ignore_suspended_devices(); if (arg_count(cmd, repair_ARG)) { init_ignore_suspended_devices(1); cmd->handles_missing_pvs = 1; } lv = get_vg_lock_and_logical_volume(cmd, lp->vg_name, lp->lv_name); if (!lv) goto_out; /* * lp->pvh holds the list of PVs available for allocation or removal */ if (lp->pv_count) { if (!(lp->pvh = create_pv_list(cmd->mem, lv->vg, lp->pv_count, lp->pvs, 0))) goto_bad; } else lp->pvh = &lv->vg->pvs; if (lp->replace_pv_count && !(lp->replace_pvh = create_pv_list(cmd->mem, lv->vg, lp->replace_pv_count, lp->replace_pvs, 0))) goto_bad; lp->lv_to_poll = lv; ret = _lvconvert_single(cmd, lv, lp); bad: unlock_vg(cmd, lp->vg_name); if (ret == ECMD_PROCESSED && lp->need_polling) ret = poll_logical_volume(cmd, lp->lv_to_poll, lp->wait_completion); release_vg(lv->vg); out: init_ignore_suspended_devices(saved_ignore_suspended_devices); return ret; } static int lvconvert_merge_single(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct logical_volume *lv, void *handle) { struct lvconvert_params *lp = handle; const char *vg_name = NULL; struct logical_volume *refreshed_lv = NULL; int ret; /* * FIXME can't trust lv's VG to be current given that caller * is process_each_lv() -- poll_logical_volume() may have * already updated the VG's metadata in an earlier iteration. * - preemptively drop the VG lock, as is needed for * poll_logical_volume(), refresh LV (and VG in the process). */ vg_name = lv->vg->name; unlock_vg(cmd, vg_name); refreshed_lv = get_vg_lock_and_logical_volume(cmd, vg_name, lv->name); if (!refreshed_lv) { log_error("ABORTING: Can't reread LV %s/%s", vg_name, lv->name); return ECMD_FAILED; } lp->lv_to_poll = refreshed_lv; ret = _lvconvert_single(cmd, refreshed_lv, lp); if (ret == ECMD_PROCESSED && lp->need_polling) { /* * Must drop VG lock, because lvconvert_poll() needs it, * then reacquire it after polling completes */ unlock_vg(cmd, vg_name); ret = poll_logical_volume(cmd, lp->lv_to_poll, lp->wait_completion); /* use LCK_VG_WRITE to match lvconvert()'s READ_FOR_UPDATE */ if (!lock_vol(cmd, vg_name, LCK_VG_WRITE)) { log_error("ABORTING: Can't relock VG for %s " "after polling finished", vg_name); ret = ECMD_FAILED; } } release_vg(refreshed_lv->vg); return ret; } int lvconvert(struct cmd_context * cmd, int argc, char **argv) { struct lvconvert_params lp; if (!_read_params(&lp, cmd, argc, argv)) { stack; return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if (lp.merge) { if (!argc) { log_error("Please provide logical volume path"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } return process_each_lv(cmd, argc, argv, READ_FOR_UPDATE, &lp, &lvconvert_merge_single); } return lvconvert_single(cmd, &lp); }