/* * Copyright (C) 2001 Sistina Software (UK) Limited. * * This file is released under the LGPL. */ #include "matcher.h" #include "parse_rx.h" #include "log.h" #include "ttree.h" #include "bitset.h" #include #include #include struct dfa_state { int final; struct dfa_state *lookup[256]; }; struct state_queue { struct dfa_state *s; bitset_t bits; struct state_queue *next; }; struct matcher { /* Instance variables for the lexer */ struct dfa_state *start; int num_nodes, nodes_entered; struct rx_node **nodes; struct pool *scratch, *mem; }; #define TARGET_TRANS '\0' static int _count_nodes(struct rx_node *rx) { int r = 1; if(rx->left) r += _count_nodes(rx->left); if(rx->right) r += _count_nodes(rx->right); return r; } static void _fill_table(struct matcher *m, struct rx_node *rx) { assert((rx->type != OR) || (rx->left && rx->right)); if(rx->left) _fill_table(m, rx->left); if(rx->right) _fill_table(m, rx->right); m->nodes[m->nodes_entered++] = rx; } static void _create_bitsets(struct matcher *m) { int i; for(i = 0; i < m->num_nodes; i++) { struct rx_node *n = m->nodes[i]; n->firstpos = bitset_create(m->scratch, m->num_nodes); n->lastpos = bitset_create(m->scratch, m->num_nodes); n->followpos = bitset_create(m->scratch, m->num_nodes); } } static void _calc_functions(struct matcher *m) { int i, j, final = 1; struct rx_node *rx, *c1, *c2; for(i = 0; i < m->num_nodes; i++) { rx = m->nodes[i]; c1 = rx->left; c2 = rx->right; if(bit(rx->charset, TARGET_TRANS)) rx->final = final++; switch(rx->type) { case CAT: if(c1->nullable) bit_union(rx->firstpos, c1->firstpos, c2->firstpos); else bit_copy(rx->firstpos, c1->firstpos); if(c2->nullable) bit_union(rx->lastpos, c1->lastpos, c2->lastpos); else bit_copy(rx->lastpos, c2->lastpos); rx->nullable = c1->nullable && c2->nullable; break; case PLUS: bit_copy(rx->firstpos, c1->firstpos); bit_copy(rx->lastpos, c1->lastpos); rx->nullable = c1->nullable; break; case OR: bit_union(rx->firstpos, c1->firstpos, c2->firstpos); bit_union(rx->lastpos, c1->lastpos, c2->lastpos); rx->nullable = c1->nullable || c2->nullable; break; case QUEST: case STAR: bit_copy(rx->firstpos, c1->firstpos); bit_copy(rx->lastpos, c1->lastpos); rx->nullable = 1; break; case CHARSET: bit_set(rx->firstpos, i); bit_set(rx->lastpos, i); rx->nullable = 0; break; default: log_debug("unknown node type"); } /* * followpos has it's own switch * because PLUS and STAR do the * same thing. */ switch(rx->type) { case CAT: for(j = 0; j < m->num_nodes; j++) { if(bit(c1->lastpos, j)) { struct rx_node *n = m->nodes[j]; bit_union(n->followpos, n->followpos, c2->firstpos); } } break; case PLUS: case STAR: for(j = 0; j < m->num_nodes; j++) { if(bit(rx->lastpos, j)) { struct rx_node *n = m->nodes[j]; bit_union(n->followpos, n->followpos, rx->firstpos); } } break; } } } static inline struct dfa_state *_create_dfa_state(struct pool *mem) { return pool_zalloc(mem, sizeof(struct dfa_state)); } static struct state_queue *_create_state_queue(struct pool *mem, struct dfa_state *dfa, bitset_t bits) { struct state_queue *r = pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*r)); if (!r) { stack; return NULL; } r->s = dfa; r->bits = bitset_create(mem, bits[0]); /* first element is the size */ bit_copy(r->bits, bits); r->next = 0; return r; } static int _calc_states(struct matcher *m, struct rx_node *rx) { int iwidth = (m->num_nodes / BITS_PER_INT) + 1; struct ttree *tt = ttree_create(m->scratch, iwidth); struct state_queue *h, *t, *tmp; struct dfa_state *dfa, *ldfa; int i, a, set_bits = 0, count = 0; bitset_t bs = bitset_create(m->scratch, m->num_nodes), dfa_bits; if (!tt) { stack; return 0; } if (!bs) { stack; return 0; } /* create first state */ dfa = _create_dfa_state(m->mem); m->start = dfa; ttree_insert(tt, rx->firstpos + 1, dfa); /* prime the queue */ h = t = _create_state_queue(m->scratch, dfa, rx->firstpos); while (h) { /* pop state off front of the queue */ dfa = h->s; dfa_bits = h->bits; h = h->next; /* iterate through all the inputs for this state */ bit_clear_all(bs); for(a = 0; a < 256; a++) { /* iterate through all the states in firstpos */ for(i = bit_get_first(dfa_bits); i >=0; i = bit_get_next(dfa_bits, i)) { if(bit(m->nodes[i]->charset, a)) { if(a == TARGET_TRANS) dfa->final = m->nodes[i]->final; bit_union(bs, bs, m->nodes[i]->followpos); set_bits = 1; } } if(set_bits) { ldfa = ttree_lookup(tt, bs + 1); if(!ldfa) { /* push */ ldfa = _create_dfa_state(m->mem); ttree_insert(tt, bs + 1, ldfa); tmp = _create_state_queue(m->scratch, ldfa, bs); if(!h) h = t = tmp; else { t->next = tmp; t = tmp; } count++; } dfa->lookup[a] = ldfa; set_bits = 0; bit_clear_all(bs); } } } log_debug("Matcher built with %d dfa states", count); return 1; } struct matcher *matcher_create(struct pool *mem, const char **patterns, int num) { char *all, *ptr; int i, len = 0; struct rx_node *rx; struct pool *scratch = pool_create(10 * 1024); struct matcher *m; if (!scratch) { stack; return NULL; } if (!(m = pool_alloc(mem, sizeof(*m)))) { stack; return NULL; } memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m)); /* join the regexps together, delimiting with zero */ for(i = 0; i < num; i++) len += strlen(patterns[i]) + 8; ptr = all = pool_alloc(scratch, len + 1); if (!all) { stack; goto bad; } for(i = 0; i < num; i++) { ptr += sprintf(ptr, "(.*(%s)%c)", patterns[i], TARGET_TRANS); if(i < (num - 1)) *ptr++ = '|'; } /* parse this expression */ if(!(rx = rx_parse_tok(scratch, all, ptr))) { log_debug("Couldn't parse the regex"); goto bad; } m->mem = mem; m->scratch = scratch; m->num_nodes = _count_nodes(rx); m->nodes = pool_alloc(scratch, sizeof(*m->nodes) * m->num_nodes); if (!m->nodes) { stack; goto bad; } _fill_table(m, rx); _create_bitsets(m); _calc_functions(m); _calc_states(m, rx); pool_destroy(scratch); m->scratch = NULL; return m; bad: pool_destroy(scratch); pool_destroy(mem); return NULL; } int matcher_run(struct matcher *m, const char *b) { struct dfa_state *cs = m->start; int r = 0; for (; *b; b++) { if (!(cs = cs->lookup[(int) (unsigned char) *b])) break; if (cs->final && (cs->final > r)) r = cs->final; } /* subtract 1 to get back to zero index */ return r - 1; }