.TH VGCONVERT 8 "LVM TOOLS" "Sistina Software UK" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME vgconvert \- convert volume group metadata format .SH SYNOPSIS .B vgconvert .RB [ \-d | \-\-debug ] .RB [ \-h | \-\-help ] .RB [ \-t | \-\-test ] .RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ] .RB [ \-\-labelsector ] .RB [ \-M | \-\-metadatatype type ] .RB [ \-\-metadatacopies #copies ] .RB [ \-\-metadatasize size ] .RB [ \-\-version ] .IR VolumeGroupName " [" VolumeGroupName ...] .SH DESCRIPTION .B vgconvert converts .I VolumeGroupName metadata from one format to another provided that the metadata fits into the same space. .SH OPTIONS See \fBlvm\fP(8) and \fBpvcreate\fP(8) for options. .SH EXAMPLE Convert volume group vg1 from LVM1 metadata format to the new LVM2 metadata format. .sp .B vgconvert -M2 vg1 .SH RECOVERY Use \fBpvscan\fP(8) to see which PVs lost their metadata. Run \fBpvcreate\fP(8) with the --uuid and --restorefile options on each such PV to reformat it as it was, using the archive file that \fBvgconvert\fP(8) created at the start of the procedure. Finally run \fBvgcfgrestore\fP(8) with that archive file to restore the original metadata. .SH SEE ALSO .BR lvm "(8), " pvcreate "(8)," .BR vgcfgrestore "(8)"