/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Sistina Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "tools.h" #include "lvm2cmdline.h" #include "label.h" #include "version.h" #include "stub.h" #include "lvm2cmd.h" #include "last-path-component.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_GETOPTLONG # include # define GETOPTLONG_FN(a, b, c, d, e) getopt_long((a), (b), (c), (d), (e)) # define OPTIND_INIT 0 #else struct option { }; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; # define GETOPTLONG_FN(a, b, c, d, e) getopt((a), (b), (c)) # define OPTIND_INIT 1 #endif /* * Table of valid switches */ static struct arg _the_args[ARG_COUNT + 1] = { #define arg(a, b, c, d, e) {b, "", "--" c, d, e, 0, NULL, 0, 0, INT64_C(0), UINT64_C(0), SIGN_NONE, PERCENT_NONE, NULL}, #include "args.h" #undef arg }; static struct cmdline_context _cmdline; int yes_no_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { a->sign = SIGN_NONE; a->percent = PERCENT_NONE; if (!strcmp(a->value, "y")) { a->i_value = 1; a->ui_value = 1; } else if (!strcmp(a->value, "n")) { a->i_value = 0; a->ui_value = 0; } else return 0; return 1; } int yes_no_excl_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { a->sign = SIGN_NONE; a->percent = PERCENT_NONE; if (!strcmp(a->value, "e") || !strcmp(a->value, "ey") || !strcmp(a->value, "ye")) { a->i_value = CHANGE_AE; a->ui_value = CHANGE_AE; } else if (!strcmp(a->value, "y")) { a->i_value = CHANGE_AY; a->ui_value = CHANGE_AY; } else if (!strcmp(a->value, "n") || !strcmp(a->value, "en") || !strcmp(a->value, "ne")) { a->i_value = CHANGE_AN; a->ui_value = CHANGE_AN; } else if (!strcmp(a->value, "ln") || !strcmp(a->value, "nl")) { a->i_value = CHANGE_ALN; a->ui_value = CHANGE_ALN; } else if (!strcmp(a->value, "ly") || !strcmp(a->value, "yl")) { a->i_value = CHANGE_ALY; a->ui_value = CHANGE_ALY; } else return 0; return 1; } int metadatatype_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct arg *a) { struct format_type *fmt; char *format; format = a->value; list_iterate_items(fmt, &cmd->formats) { if (!strcasecmp(fmt->name, format) || !strcasecmp(fmt->name + 3, format) || (fmt->alias && !strcasecmp(fmt->alias, format))) { a->ptr = fmt; return 1; } } return 0; } static int _get_int_arg(struct arg *a, char **ptr) { char *val; long v; a->percent = PERCENT_NONE; val = a->value; switch (*val) { case '+': a->sign = SIGN_PLUS; val++; break; case '-': a->sign = SIGN_MINUS; val++; break; default: a->sign = SIGN_NONE; } if (!isdigit(*val)) return 0; v = strtol(val, ptr, 10); if (*ptr == val) return 0; a->i_value = (int32_t) v; a->ui_value = (uint32_t) v; a->i64_value = (int64_t) v; a->ui64_value = (uint64_t) v; return 1; } /* Size stored in sectors */ static int _size_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a, int factor) { char *ptr; int i; static const char *suffixes = "kmgtpe"; char *val; double v; a->percent = PERCENT_NONE; val = a->value; switch (*val) { case '+': a->sign = SIGN_PLUS; val++; break; case '-': a->sign = SIGN_MINUS; val++; break; default: a->sign = SIGN_NONE; } if (!isdigit(*val)) return 0; v = strtod(val, &ptr); if (ptr == val) return 0; if (*ptr) { for (i = strlen(suffixes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (suffixes[i] == tolower((int) *ptr)) break; if (i < 0) return 0; while (i-- > 0) v *= 1024; v *= 2; } else v *= factor; a->i_value = (int32_t) v; a->ui_value = (uint32_t) v; a->i64_value = (int64_t) v; a->ui64_value = (uint64_t) v; return 1; } int size_kb_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct arg *a) { return _size_arg(cmd, a, 2); } int size_mb_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct arg *a) { return _size_arg(cmd, a, 2048); } int int_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { char *ptr; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr) || (*ptr) || (a->sign == SIGN_MINUS)) return 0; return 1; } int int_arg_with_sign(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { char *ptr; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr) || (*ptr)) return 0; return 1; } int int_arg_with_sign_and_percent(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { char *ptr; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr)) return 0; if (!*ptr) return 1; if (*ptr++ != '%') return 0; if (!strcasecmp(ptr, "V") || !strcasecmp(ptr, "VG")) a->percent = PERCENT_VG; else if (!strcasecmp(ptr, "L") || !strcasecmp(ptr, "LV")) a->percent = PERCENT_LV; else if (!strcasecmp(ptr, "P") || !strcasecmp(ptr, "PV") || !strcasecmp(ptr, "PVS")) a->percent = PERCENT_PVS; else if (!strcasecmp(ptr, "F") || !strcasecmp(ptr, "FR") || !strcasecmp(ptr, "FREE")) a->percent = PERCENT_FREE; else return 0; return 1; } int minor_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { char *ptr; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr) || (*ptr) || (a->sign == SIGN_MINUS)) return 0; if (a->i_value > 255) { log_error("Minor number outside range 0-255"); return 0; } return 1; } int major_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { char *ptr; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr) || (*ptr) || (a->sign == SIGN_MINUS)) return 0; if (a->i_value > 255) { log_error("Major number outside range 0-255"); return 0; } /* FIXME Also Check against /proc/devices */ return 1; } int string_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a __attribute((unused))) { return 1; } int tag_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { char *pos = a->value; if (*pos == '@') pos++; if (!validate_name(pos)) return 0; a->value = pos; return 1; } int permission_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { a->sign = SIGN_NONE; if ((!strcmp(a->value, "rw")) || (!strcmp(a->value, "wr"))) a->ui_value = LVM_READ | LVM_WRITE; else if (!strcmp(a->value, "r")) a->ui_value = LVM_READ; else return 0; return 1; } int alloc_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { alloc_policy_t alloc; a->sign = SIGN_NONE; alloc = get_alloc_from_string(a->value); if (alloc == ALLOC_INVALID) return 0; a->ui_value = (uint32_t) alloc; return 1; } int segtype_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct arg *a) { if (!(a->ptr = (void *) get_segtype_from_string(cmd, a->value))) return 0; return 1; } /* * Positive integer, zero or "auto". */ int readahead_arg(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), struct arg *a) { if (!strcasecmp(a->value, "auto")) { a->ui_value = DM_READ_AHEAD_AUTO; return 1; } if (!strcasecmp(a->value, "none")) { a->ui_value = DM_READ_AHEAD_NONE; return 1; } if (!_size_arg(cmd, a, 1)) return 0; if (a->sign == SIGN_MINUS) return 0; return 1; } static void __alloc(int size) { if (!(_cmdline.commands = dm_realloc(_cmdline.commands, sizeof(*_cmdline.commands) * size))) { log_fatal("Couldn't allocate memory."); exit(ECMD_FAILED); } _cmdline.commands_size = size; } static void _alloc_command(void) { if (!_cmdline.commands_size) __alloc(32); if (_cmdline.commands_size <= _cmdline.num_commands) __alloc(2 * _cmdline.commands_size); } static void _create_new_command(const char *name, command_fn command, unsigned flags, const char *desc, const char *usagestr, int nargs, int *args) { struct command *nc; _alloc_command(); nc = _cmdline.commands + _cmdline.num_commands++; nc->name = name; nc->desc = desc; nc->usage = usagestr; nc->fn = command; nc->flags = flags; nc->num_args = nargs; nc->valid_args = args; } static void _register_command(const char *name, command_fn fn, const char *desc, unsigned flags, const char *usagestr, ...) { int nargs = 0, i; int *args; va_list ap; /* count how many arguments we have */ va_start(ap, usagestr); while (va_arg(ap, int) >= 0) nargs++; va_end(ap); /* allocate space for them */ if (!(args = dm_malloc(sizeof(*args) * nargs))) { log_fatal("Out of memory."); exit(ECMD_FAILED); } /* fill them in */ va_start(ap, usagestr); for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) args[i] = va_arg(ap, int); va_end(ap); /* enter the command in the register */ _create_new_command(name, fn, flags, desc, usagestr, nargs, args); } void lvm_register_commands(void) { #define xx(a, b, c, d...) _register_command(# a, a, b, c, ## d, \ driverloaded_ARG, \ debug_ARG, help_ARG, help2_ARG, \ version_ARG, verbose_ARG, \ quiet_ARG, config_ARG, -1); #include "commands.h" #undef xx } static struct command *_find_command(const char *name) { int i; char *base; base = last_path_component(name); for (i = 0; i < _cmdline.num_commands; i++) { if (!strcmp(base, _cmdline.commands[i].name)) break; } if (i >= _cmdline.num_commands) return 0; return _cmdline.commands + i; } static void _short_usage(const char *name) { log_error("Run `%s --help' for more information.", name); } static void _usage(const char *name) { struct command *com = _find_command(name); if (!com) return; log_print("%s: %s\n\n%s", com->name, com->desc, com->usage); } /* * Sets up the short and long argument. If there * is no short argument then the index of the * argument in the the_args array is set as the * long opt value. Yuck. Of course this means we * can't have more than 'a' long arguments. */ static void _add_getopt_arg(int arg, char **ptr, struct option **o) { struct arg *a = _cmdline.the_args + arg; if (a->short_arg) { *(*ptr)++ = a->short_arg; if (a->fn) *(*ptr)++ = ':'; } #ifdef HAVE_GETOPTLONG if (*(a->long_arg + 2)) { (*o)->name = a->long_arg + 2; (*o)->has_arg = a->fn ? 1 : 0; (*o)->flag = NULL; if (a->short_arg) (*o)->val = a->short_arg; else (*o)->val = arg; (*o)++; } #endif } static struct arg *_find_arg(struct command *com, int opt) { struct arg *a; int i, arg; for (i = 0; i < com->num_args; i++) { arg = com->valid_args[i]; a = _cmdline.the_args + arg; /* * opt should equal either the * short arg, or the index into * the_args. */ if ((a->short_arg && (opt == a->short_arg)) || (!a->short_arg && (opt == arg))) return a; } return 0; } static int _process_command_line(struct cmd_context *cmd, int *argc, char ***argv) { int i, opt; char str[((ARG_COUNT + 1) * 2) + 1], *ptr = str; struct option opts[ARG_COUNT + 1], *o = opts; struct arg *a; for (i = 0; i < ARG_COUNT; i++) { a = _cmdline.the_args + i; /* zero the count and arg */ a->count = 0; a->value = 0; a->i_value = 0; a->ui_value = 0; a->i64_value = 0; a->ui64_value = 0; } /* fill in the short and long opts */ for (i = 0; i < cmd->command->num_args; i++) _add_getopt_arg(cmd->command->valid_args[i], &ptr, &o); *ptr = '\0'; memset(o, 0, sizeof(*o)); /* initialise getopt_long & scan for command line switches */ optarg = 0; optind = OPTIND_INIT; while ((opt = GETOPTLONG_FN(*argc, *argv, str, opts, NULL)) >= 0) { if (opt == '?') return 0; a = _find_arg(cmd->command, opt); if (!a) { log_fatal("Unrecognised option."); return 0; } if (a->count && !(a->flags & ARG_REPEATABLE)) { log_error("Option%s%c%s%s may not be repeated", a->short_arg ? " -" : "", a->short_arg ? : ' ', (a->short_arg && a->long_arg) ? "/" : "", a->long_arg ? : ""); return 0; } if (a->fn) { if (!optarg) { log_error("Option requires argument."); return 0; } a->value = optarg; if (!a->fn(cmd, a)) { log_error("Invalid argument %s", optarg); return 0; } } a->count++; } *argc -= optind; *argv += optind; return 1; } static int _merge_synonym(struct cmd_context *cmd, int oldarg, int newarg) { const struct arg *old; struct arg *new; if (arg_count(cmd, oldarg) && arg_count(cmd, newarg)) { log_error("%s and %s are synonyms. Please only supply one.", _cmdline.the_args[oldarg].long_arg, _cmdline.the_args[newarg].long_arg); return 0; } if (!arg_count(cmd, oldarg)) return 1; old = _cmdline.the_args + oldarg; new = _cmdline.the_args + newarg; new->count = old->count; new->value = old->value; new->i_value = old->i_value; new->ui_value = old->ui_value; new->i64_value = old->i64_value; new->ui64_value = old->ui64_value; new->sign = old->sign; return 1; } int version(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), int argc __attribute((unused)), char **argv __attribute((unused))) { char vsn[80]; log_print("LVM version: %s", LVM_VERSION); if (library_version(vsn, sizeof(vsn))) log_print("Library version: %s", vsn); if (driver_version(vsn, sizeof(vsn))) log_print("Driver version: %s", vsn); return ECMD_PROCESSED; } static int _get_settings(struct cmd_context *cmd) { cmd->current_settings = cmd->default_settings; if (arg_count(cmd, debug_ARG)) cmd->current_settings.debug = _LOG_FATAL + (arg_count(cmd, debug_ARG) - 1); if (arg_count(cmd, verbose_ARG)) cmd->current_settings.verbose = arg_count(cmd, verbose_ARG); if (arg_count(cmd, quiet_ARG)) { cmd->current_settings.debug = 0; cmd->current_settings.verbose = 0; } if (arg_count(cmd, test_ARG)) cmd->current_settings.test = arg_count(cmd, test_ARG); if (arg_count(cmd, driverloaded_ARG)) { cmd->current_settings.activation = arg_int_value(cmd, driverloaded_ARG, cmd->default_settings.activation); } cmd->current_settings.archive = arg_int_value(cmd, autobackup_ARG, cmd->current_settings.archive); cmd->current_settings.backup = arg_int_value(cmd, autobackup_ARG, cmd->current_settings.backup); cmd->current_settings.cache_vgmetadata = cmd->command->flags & CACHE_VGMETADATA ? 1 : 0; if (arg_count(cmd, partial_ARG)) { init_partial(1); log_print("Partial mode. Incomplete volume groups will " "be activated read-only."); } else init_partial(0); if (arg_count(cmd, ignorelockingfailure_ARG)) init_ignorelockingfailure(1); else init_ignorelockingfailure(0); if (arg_count(cmd, nosuffix_ARG)) cmd->current_settings.suffix = 0; if (arg_count(cmd, units_ARG)) if (!(cmd->current_settings.unit_factor = units_to_bytes(arg_str_value(cmd, units_ARG, ""), &cmd->current_settings.unit_type))) { log_error("Invalid units specification"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if (arg_count(cmd, trustcache_ARG)) { if (arg_count(cmd, all_ARG)) { log_error("--trustcache is incompatible with --all"); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } init_trust_cache(1); log_warn("WARNING: Cache file of PVs will be trusted. " "New devices holding PVs may get ignored."); } else init_trust_cache(0); /* Handle synonyms */ if (!_merge_synonym(cmd, resizable_ARG, resizeable_ARG) || !_merge_synonym(cmd, allocation_ARG, allocatable_ARG) || !_merge_synonym(cmd, allocation_ARG, resizeable_ARG)) return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; /* Zero indicates success */ return 0; } static int _process_common_commands(struct cmd_context *cmd) { if (arg_count(cmd, help_ARG) || arg_count(cmd, help2_ARG)) { _usage(cmd->command->name); return ECMD_PROCESSED; } if (arg_count(cmd, version_ARG)) { return version(cmd, 0, (char **) NULL); } /* Zero indicates it's OK to continue processing this command */ return 0; } static void _display_help(void) { int i; log_error("Available lvm commands:"); log_error("Use 'lvm help ' for more information"); log_error(" "); for (i = 0; i < _cmdline.num_commands; i++) { struct command *com = _cmdline.commands + i; log_error("%-16.16s%s", com->name, com->desc); } } int help(struct cmd_context *cmd __attribute((unused)), int argc, char **argv) { if (!argc) _display_help(); else { int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) _usage(argv[i]); } return 0; } static int _override_settings(struct cmd_context *cmd) { if (!(cmd->cft_override = create_config_tree_from_string(cmd, arg_str_value(cmd, config_ARG, "")))) { log_error("Failed to set overridden configuration entries."); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } return 0; } static void _apply_settings(struct cmd_context *cmd) { init_debug(cmd->current_settings.debug); init_verbose(cmd->current_settings.verbose + VERBOSE_BASE_LEVEL); init_test(cmd->current_settings.test); init_full_scan_done(0); init_mirror_in_sync(0); init_msg_prefix(cmd->default_settings.msg_prefix); init_cmd_name(cmd->default_settings.cmd_name); archive_enable(cmd, cmd->current_settings.archive); backup_enable(cmd, cmd->current_settings.backup); set_activation(cmd->current_settings.activation); cmd->fmt = arg_ptr_value(cmd, metadatatype_ARG, cmd->current_settings.fmt); } static char *_copy_command_line(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv) { int i, space; /* * Build up the complete command line, used as a * description for backups. */ if (!dm_pool_begin_object(cmd->mem, 128)) goto_bad; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { space = strchr(argv[i], ' ') ? 1 : 0; if (space && !dm_pool_grow_object(cmd->mem, "'", 1)) goto_bad; if (!dm_pool_grow_object(cmd->mem, argv[i], strlen(argv[i]))) goto_bad; if (space && !dm_pool_grow_object(cmd->mem, "'", 1)) goto_bad; if (i < (argc - 1)) if (!dm_pool_grow_object(cmd->mem, " ", 1)) goto_bad; } /* * Terminate. */ if (!dm_pool_grow_object(cmd->mem, "\0", 1)) goto_bad; return dm_pool_end_object(cmd->mem); bad: log_err("Couldn't copy command line."); dm_pool_abandon_object(cmd->mem); return NULL; } int lvm_run_command(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; int locking_type; /* each command should start out with sigint flag cleared */ sigint_clear(); if (!(cmd->cmd_line = _copy_command_line(cmd, argc, argv))) return ECMD_FAILED; log_debug("Parsing: %s", cmd->cmd_line); if (!(cmd->command = _find_command(argv[0]))) return ENO_SUCH_CMD; if (!_process_command_line(cmd, &argc, &argv)) { log_error("Error during parsing of command line."); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } set_cmd_name(cmd->command->name); if (arg_count(cmd, config_ARG)) if ((ret = _override_settings(cmd))) goto_out; if (arg_count(cmd, config_ARG) || !cmd->config_valid || config_files_changed(cmd)) { /* Reinitialise various settings inc. logging, filters */ if (!refresh_toolcontext(cmd)) { log_error("Updated config file invalid. Aborting."); return ECMD_FAILED; } } if ((ret = _get_settings(cmd))) goto_out; _apply_settings(cmd); log_debug("Processing: %s", cmd->cmd_line); #ifdef O_DIRECT_SUPPORT log_debug("O_DIRECT will be used"); #endif if ((ret = _process_common_commands(cmd))) goto_out; if (arg_count(cmd, nolocking_ARG)) locking_type = 0; else locking_type = find_config_tree_int(cmd, "global/locking_type", 1); if (!init_locking(locking_type, cmd)) { log_error("Locking type %d initialisation failed.", locking_type); ret = ECMD_FAILED; goto out; } ret = cmd->command->fn(cmd, argc, argv); fin_locking(); out: if (test_mode()) { log_verbose("Test mode: Wiping internal cache"); lvmcache_destroy(cmd, 1); } if (cmd->cft_override) { destroy_config_tree(cmd->cft_override); cmd->cft_override = NULL; /* Move this? */ if (!refresh_toolcontext(cmd)) stack; } /* FIXME Move this? */ cmd->current_settings = cmd->default_settings; _apply_settings(cmd); /* * free off any memory the command used. */ dm_pool_empty(cmd->mem); if (ret == EINVALID_CMD_LINE && !_cmdline.interactive) _short_usage(cmd->command->name); log_debug("Completed: %s", cmd->cmd_line); return ret; } int lvm_split(char *str, int *argc, char **argv, int max) { char *b = str, *e; *argc = 0; while (*b) { while (*b && isspace(*b)) b++; if ((!*b) || (*b == '#')) break; e = b; while (*e && !isspace(*e)) e++; argv[(*argc)++] = b; if (!*e) break; *e++ = '\0'; b = e; if (*argc == max) break; } return *argc; } static void _init_rand(void) { srand((unsigned) time(NULL) + (unsigned) getpid()); } static void _close_stray_fds(void) { struct rlimit rlim; int fd; int suppress_warnings = 0; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE) failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } if (getenv("LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS")) suppress_warnings = 1; for (fd = 3; fd < rlim.rlim_cur; fd++) { if (suppress_warnings) close(fd); else if (!close(fd)) fprintf(stderr, "File descriptor %d left open\n", fd); else if (errno != EBADF) fprintf(stderr, "Close failed on stray file " "descriptor %d: %s\n", fd, strerror(errno)); } } struct cmd_context *init_lvm(unsigned is_static) { struct cmd_context *cmd; _cmdline.the_args = &_the_args[0]; if (!(cmd = create_toolcontext(_cmdline.the_args, is_static, 0))) return_NULL; _init_rand(); _apply_settings(cmd); return cmd; } static void _fin_commands(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < _cmdline.num_commands; i++) dm_free(_cmdline.commands[i].valid_args); dm_free(_cmdline.commands); } void lvm_fin(struct cmd_context *cmd) { _fin_commands(); destroy_toolcontext(cmd); } static int _run_script(struct cmd_context *cmd, int argc, char **argv) { FILE *script; char buffer[CMD_LEN]; int ret = 0; int magic_number = 0; char *script_file = argv[0]; if ((script = fopen(script_file, "r")) == NULL) return ENO_SUCH_CMD; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), script) != NULL) { if (!magic_number) { if (buffer[0] == '#' && buffer[1] == '!') magic_number = 1; else { ret = ENO_SUCH_CMD; break; } } if ((strlen(buffer) == sizeof(buffer) - 1) && (buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] - 2 != '\n')) { buffer[50] = '\0'; log_error("Line too long (max 255) beginning: %s", buffer); ret = EINVALID_CMD_LINE; break; } if (lvm_split(buffer, &argc, argv, MAX_ARGS) == MAX_ARGS) { buffer[50] = '\0'; log_error("Too many arguments: %s", buffer); ret = EINVALID_CMD_LINE; break; } if (!argc) continue; if (!strcmp(argv[0], "quit") || !strcmp(argv[0], "exit")) break; lvm_run_command(cmd, argc, argv); } if (fclose(script)) log_sys_error("fclose", script_file); return ret; } /* * Determine whether we should fall back and exec the equivalent LVM1 tool */ static int _lvm1_fallback(struct cmd_context *cmd) { char vsn[80]; int dm_present; if (!find_config_tree_int(cmd, "global/fallback_to_lvm1", DEFAULT_FALLBACK_TO_LVM1) || strncmp(cmd->kernel_vsn, "2.4.", 4)) return 0; log_suppress(1); dm_present = driver_version(vsn, sizeof(vsn)); log_suppress(0); if (dm_present || !lvm1_present(cmd)) return 0; return 1; } static void _exec_lvm1_command(char **argv) { char path[PATH_MAX]; if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s.lvm1", argv[0]) < 0) { log_error("Failed to create LVM1 tool pathname"); return; } execvp(path, argv); log_sys_error("execvp", path); } static void _nonroot_warning() { if (getuid() || geteuid()) log_warn("WARNING: Running as a non-root user. Functionality may be unavailable."); } int lvm2_main(int argc, char **argv, unsigned is_static) { char *base; int ret, alias = 0; struct cmd_context *cmd; _close_stray_fds(); base = last_path_component(argv[0]); while (*base == '/') base++; if (strcmp(base, "lvm") && strcmp(base, "lvm.static") && strcmp(base, "initrd-lvm")) alias = 1; if (is_static && strcmp(base, "lvm.static") && path_exists(LVM_SHARED_PATH) && !getenv("LVM_DID_EXEC")) { setenv("LVM_DID_EXEC", base, 1); execvp(LVM_SHARED_PATH, argv); unsetenv("LVM_DID_EXEC"); } if (!(cmd = init_lvm(is_static))) return -1; cmd->argv = argv; lvm_register_commands(); if (_lvm1_fallback(cmd)) { /* Attempt to run equivalent LVM1 tool instead */ if (!alias) { argv++; argc--; alias = 0; } if (!argc) { log_error("Falling back to LVM1 tools, but no " "command specified."); return ECMD_FAILED; } _exec_lvm1_command(argv); return ECMD_FAILED; } #ifdef READLINE_SUPPORT if (!alias && argc == 1) { _nonroot_warning(); ret = lvm_shell(cmd, &_cmdline); goto out; } #endif if (!alias) { if (argc < 2) { log_fatal("Please supply an LVM command."); _display_help(); ret = EINVALID_CMD_LINE; goto out; } argc--; argv++; } _nonroot_warning(); ret = lvm_run_command(cmd, argc, argv); if ((ret == ENO_SUCH_CMD) && (!alias)) ret = _run_script(cmd, argc, argv); if (ret == ENO_SUCH_CMD) log_error("No such command. Try 'help'."); out: lvm_fin(cmd); if (ret == ECMD_PROCESSED) ret = 0; return ret; }