#!/bin/sh # # Edit an lvm.conf file to enable cluster locking. # # $1 is the directory where the locking library is installed. # $2 (optional) is the config file # $3 (optional) is the locking library name # # PREFIX=$1 LVMCONF=$2 LIB=$3 if [ -z "$PREFIX" ] then echo "usage: $0 [] []" echo "" echo " location of the cluster locking shared library. (no default)" echo " name of the LVM config file (default: /etc/lvm/lvm.conf)" echo " name of the shared library (default: liblvm2clusterlock.so)" echo "" exit 0 fi [ -z "$LVMCONF" ] && LVMCONF="/etc/lvm/lvm.conf" [ -z "$LIB" ] && LIB="liblvm2clusterlock.so" if [ "${PREFIX:0:1}" != "/" ] then echo "Prefix must be an absolute path name (starting with a /)" exit 12 fi if [ ! -f "$LVMCONF" ] then echo "$LVMCONF does not exist" exit 10 fi if [ ! -f "$PREFIX/$LIB" ] then echo "$PREFIX/$LIB does not exist, did you do a \"make install\" ?" exit 11 fi SCRIPTFILE=`mktemp -t lvmscript.XXXXXXXXXX` TMPFILE=`mktemp -t lvmtmp.XXXXXXXXXX` # Flags so we know which parts of the file we can replace and which need # adding. These are return codes from grep, so zero means it IS present! have_type=1 have_dir=1 have_library=1 have_global=1 grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*locking_type[[:blank:]]*=' $LVMCONF have_type=$? grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*library_dir[[:blank:]]*=' $LVMCONF have_dir=$? grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*locking_library[[:blank:]]*=' $LVMCONF have_library=$? # Those options are in section "global {" so we must have one if any are present. if [ "$have_type" = "0" -o "$have_dir" = "0" -o "$have_library" = "0" ] then # See if we can find it... grep -q '^[[:blank:]]*global[[:blank:]]*{' $LVMCONF have_global=$? if [ "$have_global" = "1" ] then echo "global keys but no 'global {' found, can't edit file" exit 12 fi fi # So if we don't have "global {" we need to create one and # populate it if [ "$have_global" = "1" ] then cat $LVMCONF - < $TMPFILE global { # Enable locking for cluster LVM locking_type = 2 library_dir = "$PREFIX" locking_library = "$LIB" } EOF if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "failed to create temporary config file, $LVMCONF not updated" exit 1 fi else # # We have a "global {" section, so add or replace the # locking entries as appropriate # if [ "$have_type" = "0" ] then SEDCMD=" s/^[[:blank:]]*locking_type[[:blank:]]*=.*/\ \ \ \ locking_type = 2/g" else SEDCMD=" /global[[:blank:]]*{/a\ \ \ \ locking_type = 2" fi if [ "$have_dir" = "0" ] then SEDCMD="${SEDCMD}\ns'^[[:blank:]]*library_dir[[:blank:]]*=.*'\ \ \ \ library_dir = \"$PREFIX\"'g" else SEDCMD="${SEDCMD}\n/global[[:blank:]]*{/a\ \ \ \ library_dir = \"$PREFIX\"" fi if [ "$have_library" = "0" ] then SEDCMD="${SEDCMD}\ns/^[[:blank:]]*locking_library[[:blank:]]*=.*/\ \ \ \ locking_library = \"$LIB\"/g" else SEDCMD="${SEDCMD}\n/global[[:blank:]]*{/a\ \ \ \ locking_library = \"$LIB\"" fi echo -e $SEDCMD > $SCRIPTFILE sed <$LVMCONF >$TMPFILE -f $SCRIPTFILE if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "sed failed, $LVMCONF not updated" exit 1 fi fi # Now we have a suitably editted config file in a temp place, # backup the original and copy our new one into place. cp $LVMCONF $LVMCONF.nocluster if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "failed to backup old config file, $LVMCONF not updated" exit 2 fi cp $TMPFILE $LVMCONF if [ $? != 0 ] then echo "failed to copy new config file into place, check $LVMCONF is still OK" exit 3 fi rm -f $SCRIPTFILE $TMPFILE