/* * Copyright (C) 2001 Sistina Software * * LVM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LVM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LVM; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ xx(e2fsadm, "Resize logical volume and ext2 filesystem", "e2fsadm " "[-d|--debug] " "[-h|--help] " "[-n|--nofsck]" "\n" "\t{[-l|--extents] [+|-]LogicalExtentsNumber |" "\n" "\t [-L|--size] [+|-]LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]}" "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[--version] " "\n" "\tLogicalVolumePath" "\n", extents_ARG, size_ARG, nofsck_ARG, test_ARG) xx(help, "Display help for commands", "help " "\n") /********* xx(lvactivate, "Activate logical volume on given partition(s)", "lvactivate " "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "Logical Volume(s)\n") ***********/ xx(lvchange, "Change the attributes of logical volume(s)", "lvchange\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-a/--available y/n]\n" "\t[-C/--contiguous y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-p/--permission r/rw]\n" "\t[-r/--readahead ReadAheadSectors]\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tLogicalVolume[Path] [LogicalVolume[Path]...]\n", autobackup_ARG, available_ARG, contiguous_ARG, permission_ARG, readahead_ARG, test_ARG) xx(lvcreate, "Create a logical volume", "lvcreate " "\n" "\t[-A|--autobackup {y|n}] " "\n" "\t[-C|--contiguous {y|n}] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug]" "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-i|--stripes Stripes [-I|--stripesize StripeSize]]" "\n" "\t{-l|--extents LogicalExtentsNumber |" "\n" "\t -L|--size LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]} " "\n" "\t[-n|--name LogicalVolumeName]" "\n" "\t[-p|--permission {r|rw}] " "\n" "\t[-r|--readahead ReadAheadSectors]" "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[-Z|--zero {y|n}] " "\n" "\t[--version]" "\n" "\tVolumeGroupName [PhysicalVolumePath...]" "\n\n" , /* "lvcreate " "\t-s|--snapshot " "\t[-c|--chunksize ChunkSize]" "\n" "\t{-l|--extents LogicalExtentsNumber |" "\n" "\t -L|--size LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]}" "\n" "\t-n|--name SnapshotLogicalVolumeName" "\n" "\t[-t|--test]" "\n" "\tLogicalVolume[Path] [PhysicalVolumePath...]" "\n", chunksize_ARG, snapshot_ARG, */ autobackup_ARG, contiguous_ARG, stripes_ARG, stripesize_ARG, extents_ARG, size_ARG, name_ARG, permission_ARG, readahead_ARG, test_ARG, zero_ARG) xx(lvdisplay, "Display information about a logical volume", "lvdisplay\n" "\t[-c/--colon]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-D/--disk]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-m/--maps]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tLogicalVolume[Path] [LogicalVolume[Path]...]\n", colon_ARG, disk_ARG, maps_ARG) xx(lvextend, "Add space to a logical volume", "lvextend\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-i|--stripes Stripes [-I|--stripesize StripeSize]]\n" "\t{-l/--extents [+]LogicalExtentsNumber |\n" "\t -L/--size [+]LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]}\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tLogicalVolume[Path] [ PhysicalVolumePath... ]\n", autobackup_ARG, extents_ARG, size_ARG, stripes_ARG, stripesize_ARG, test_ARG) xx(lvmchange, "With the device mapper, this is obsolete and does nothing.", "lvmchange\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-R/--reset]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n", reset_ARG) xx(lvmdiskscan, "List devices that may be used as physical volumes", "lvmdiskscan\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-l/--lvmpartition]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n", lvmpartition_ARG) xx(lvmsadc, "Collect activity data", "lvmsadc\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\t[LogFilePath]\n" ) xx(lvmsar, "Create activity report", "lvmsar\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-f/--full]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-s/--stdin]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tLogFilePath\n", full_ARG, stdin_ARG) xx(lvreduce, "Reduce the size of a logical volume", "lvreduce\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-f/--force]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t{-l/--extents [-]LogicalExtentsNumber |\n" "\t -L/--size [-]LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]}\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tLogicalVolume[Path]\n", autobackup_ARG, force_ARG, extents_ARG, size_ARG, test_ARG, yes_ARG) xx(lvremove, "Remove logical volume(s) from the system", "lvremove\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-f/--force]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tLogicalVolume[Path] [LogicalVolume[Path]...]\n", autobackup_ARG, force_ARG, test_ARG) xx(lvrename, "Rename a logical volume", "lvrename " "\t[-A|--autobackup {y|n}] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose]" "\n" "\t[--version] " "\n" "\t{ OldLogicalVolumePath NewLogicalVolumePath |" "\n" "\t VolumeGroupName OldLogicalVolumeName NewLogicalVolumeName }\n", autobackup_ARG, test_ARG) xx(lvresize, "Resize a logical volume", "lvresize\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-i|--stripes Stripes [-I|--stripesize StripeSize]]\n" "\t{-l/--extents [+/-]LogicalExtentsNumber |\n" "\t -L/--size [+/-]LogicalVolumeSize[kKmMgGtT]}\n" "\t[-t|--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tLogicalVolume[Path] [ PhysicalVolumePath... ]\n", autobackup_ARG, extents_ARG, size_ARG, stripes_ARG, stripesize_ARG, test_ARG) xx(lvscan, "List all logical volumes in all volume groups", "lvscan " "\n" "\t[-b|--blockdevice] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-D|--disk]" "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[--version]\n", blockdevice_ARG, disk_ARG) xx(pvchange, "Change attributes of physical volume(s)", "pvchange\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\t[-a/--all]\n" "\t[-t|--test]\n" "\t[-x/--allocation y/n]\n" "\t[PhysicalVolumePath...]\n", all_ARG, autobackup_ARG, allocation_ARG, test_ARG) xx(pvcreate, "Initialize physical volume(s) for use by LVM", "pvcreate " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug]" "\n" "\t[-f[f]|--force [--force]] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-y|--yes]" "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[--version] " "\n" "\tPhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume...]\n", force_ARG, test_ARG, yes_ARG) xx(pvdata, "Display the on-disk metadata for physical volume(s)", "pvdata " "\n" "\t[-a|--all] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-E|--physicalextent] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help]" "\n" "\t[-L|--logicalvolume] " "\n" "\t[-P[P]|--physicalvolume [--physicalvolume]]" "\n" "\t[-U|--uuidlist] " "\n" "\t[-v[v]|--verbose [--verbose]] " "\n" "\t[-V|--volumegroup]" "\n" "\t[--version] " "\n" "\tPhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume...]\n", all_ARG, logicalextent_ARG, physicalextent_ARG, physicalvolume_ARG, uuidlist_ARG, volumegroup_ARG) xx(pvdisplay, "Display various attributes of logical volume(s)", "pvdisplay\n" "\t[-c/--colon]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-m/--maps]\n" "\t[-s/--short]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tPhysicalVolumePath [PhysicalVolumePath...]\n", colon_ARG, maps_ARG, short_ARG) #if 0 xx(pvmove, "Move extents from one physical volume to another", "pvmove " "[-A|--autobackup {y|n}] " "[-d|--debug] " "[-f|--force]" "[-h|--help]\n\t" "[-t|--test] " "[-v|--verbose] " "[--version]\n\t" "[{-n|--name} LogicalVolume[:LogicalExtent[-LogicalExtent]...]]\n\t" "SourcePhysicalVolume[:PhysicalExtent[-PhysicalExtent]...]}\n\t" "[DestinationPhysicalVolume[:PhysicalExtent[-PhysicalExtent]...]...]\n", autobackup_ARG, force_ARG, name_ARG, test_ARG) #endif xx(pvscan, "List all physical volumes", "pvscan " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t{-e|--exported | -n/--novolumegroup} " "\n" "\t[-h|--help]" "\n" "\t[-s|--short] " "\n" "\t[-u|--uuid] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[--version]\n", exported_ARG, novolumegroup_ARG, short_ARG, uuid_ARG) xx(vgcfgbackup, "Backup volume group configuration(s)", "vgcfgbackup " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose]" "\n" "\t[-V|--version] " "\n" "\t[VolumeGroupName...]\n" ) xx(vgcfgrestore, "Restore volume group configuration", "vgcfgrestore " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-f|--file VGConfPath] " "\n" "\t[-l[l]|--list [--list]]" "\n" "\t[-n|--name VolumeGroupName] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help]" "\n" "\t[-o|--oldpath OldPhysicalVolumePath] " "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose]" "\n" "\t[--version] " "\n" "[PhysicalVolumePath]\n", file_ARG, list_ARG, name_ARG, oldpath_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgchange, "Change volume group attributes", "vgchange" "\n" "\t[-A|--autobackup {y|n}] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-t|--test]" "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[--version]" "\n" "\t{-a|--available {y|n} |" "\n" "\t -x|--allocation {y|n} |" "\n" "\t -l|--logicalvolume MaxLogicalVolumes}" "\n" "\t[VolumeGroupName...]\n", autobackup_ARG, available_ARG, logicalvolume_ARG, allocation_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgck, "Check the consistency of volume group(s)", "vgck " "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\t[VolumeGroupName...]\n" ) xx(vgcreate, "Create a volume group", "vgcreate" "\n" "\t[-A|--autobackup {y|n}] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug]" "\n" "\t[-l|--maxlogicalvolumes MaxLogicalVolumes]" "\n" "\t[-p|--maxphysicalvolumes MaxPhysicalVolumes] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help]" "\n" "\t[-s|--physicalextentsize PhysicalExtentSize[kKmMgGtT]] " "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose]" "\n" "\t[--version] " "\n" "\tVolumeGroupName PhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume...]\n", autobackup_ARG, maxlogicalvolumes_ARG, maxphysicalvolumes_ARG, physicalextentsize_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgdisplay, "Display volume group information", "vgdisplay " "\n" "\t[-c|--colon | -s|--short | -v|--verbose]" "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[--version]" "\n" "\t[-A|--activevolumegroups | [-D|--disk]" "\n" "\t[VolumeGroupName...] ]\n", activevolumegroups_ARG, colon_ARG, disk_ARG, short_ARG) xx(vgexport, "Unregister volume group(s) from the system", "vgexport " "\n" "\t[-a|--all] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help]" "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[--version] " "\n" "\tVolumeGroupName [VolumeGroupName...]\n", all_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgextend, "Add physical volumes to a volume group", "vgextend\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tVolumeGroupName PhysicalDevicePath [PhysicalDevicePath...]\n", autobackup_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgimport, "Register exported volume group with system", "vgimport " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-f|--force] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose]" "\n" "\tVolumeGroupName PhysicalVolumePath " "[PhysicalVolumePath...]\n", force_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgmerge, "Merge volume groups", "vgmerge\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-l/--list]\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tDestinationVolumeGroupName SourceVolumeGroupName\n", autobackup_ARG, list_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgmknodes, "Create the special files for volume group devices in /dev", "vgmknodes\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\t[VolumeGroupName...]\n" ) xx(vgreduce, "Remove physical volume(s) from a volume group", "vgreduce\n" "\t[-a/--all]\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tVolumeGroupName\n" "\t[PhysicalVolumePath...]\n", all_ARG, autobackup_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgremove, "Remove volume group(s)", "vgremove\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tVolumeGroupName [VolumeGroupName...]\n", test_ARG) xx(vgrename, "Rename a volume group", "vgrename\n" "\t[-A/--autobackup y/n]\n" "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-f/--force]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-t/--test]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" "\tOldVolumeGroupPath NewVolumeGroupPath |\n" "\tOldVolumeGroupName NewVolumeGroupName\n", autobackup_ARG, force_ARG, test_ARG) xx(vgscan, "Search for all volume groups", "vgscan " "\t[-d/--debug]\n" "\t[-h/-?/--help]\n" "\t[-v/--verbose]\n" ) xx(vgsplit, "Move physical volumes into a new volume group", "vgsplit " "\n" "\t[-A|--autobackup {y|n}] " "\n" "\t[-d|--debug] " "\n" "\t[-h|--help] " "\n" "\t[-l|--list]" "\n" "\t[-t|--test] " "\n" "\t[-v|--verbose] " "\n" "\t[--version]" "\n" "\tExistingVolumeGroupName NewVolumeGroupName" "\n" "\tPhysicalVolumePath [PhysicalVolumePath...]\n", autobackup_ARG, list_ARG, test_ARG)