.TH PVDISPLAY 8 "LVM TOOLS" "Heinz Mauelshagen" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME pvdisplay \- display attributes of a physical volume .SH SYNOPSIS .B pvdisplay [\-c/\-\-colon] [\-d/\-\-debug] [\-h/\-?/\-\-help] [\-s/\-\-short] [\-v[v]/\-\-verbose [\-\-verbose]] PhysicalVolumePath [PhysicalVolumePath...] .SH DESCRIPTION pvdisplay allows you to see the attributes of one or more physical volumes like size, physical extent size, space used for the volume group descriptor area and so on. .SS OPTIONS .TP .I \-c, \-\-colon Generate colon seperated output for easier parsing in scripts or programs. .nf The values are: * physical volume device name * volume group name * physical volume size in kilobytes * internal physical volume number * physical volume status * physical volume (not) allocatable * current number of logical volumes on this physical volume * physical extent size in kilobytes * total number of physical extents * free number of physical extents * allocated number of physical extents .fi .TP .I \-d, \-\-debug Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG). .TP .I \-h, \-?, \-\-help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully. .TP .I \-s, \-\-short Only display the size of the given physical volumes. .TP .I \-v, \-\-verbose Display the mapping of physical extents to logical volumes and logical extents. .TP .I \-vv, \-\-verbose \-\-verbose Like \-v with verbose runtime information about pvdisplay's activities. .SH DIAGNOSTICS pvdisplay returns an code state of 0 for success and > 0 for error: .nf 1 no physical volume name on command line 2 error checking consistency of physical volume 3 error reading physical extent information from physical volume 95 driver/module not in kernel 96 invalid I/O protocol version 97 error locking logical volume manager 98 invalid lvmtab (run vgscan(8)) 99 invalid command line .fi .SH See also lvm(8), pvcreate(8), lvcreate(8), vgcreate(8) .SH AUTHOR Heinz Mauelshagen