/* * Copyright (C) 2001 Sistina Software * * LVM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LVM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LVM; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "tools.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "stub.h" #ifdef READLINE_SUPPORT #include #include #endif /* define exported table of valid switches */ struct arg the_args[ARG_COUNT + 1] = { #define xx(a, b, c, d) {b, "--" c, d, 0, NULL}, #include "args.h" #undef xx }; static int _array_size; static int _num_commands; static struct command *_commands; /* Exported LVM1 disk format */ struct format_instance *fid; /* Export command being processed */ struct command *the_command; struct cmd_context *cmd; /* Whether or not to dump persistent filter state */ static int _dump_filter; static int _interactive; static FILE *_log; static int _debug_level; /* static functions */ static void register_commands(void); static struct command *find_command(const char *name); static void register_command(const char *name, command_fn fn, const char *desc, const char *usage, ...); static void create_new_command(const char *name, command_fn command, const char *desc, const char *usage, int nargs, int *args); static void alloc_command(void); static void add_getopt_arg(int arg, char **ptr, struct option **o); static int process_command_line(struct command *com, int *argc, char ***argv); static struct arg *find_arg(struct command *com, int a); static int process_common_commands(struct command *com); static int run_command(int argc, char **argv); static int init(void); static void fin(void); static int run_script(int argc, char **argv); #ifdef READLINE_SUPPORT static int shell(void); static char **lvm_completion(char *text, int start_pos, int end_pos); static char *list_cmds(char *text, int state); static char *list_args(char *text, int state); #endif static void display_help(void); int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *namebase, *base; int ret, alias = 0; if (!init()) return -1; namebase = strdup(argv[0]); base = basename(namebase); if (strcmp(base, "lvm")) alias = 1; free(namebase); register_commands(); #ifdef READLINE_SUPPORT if (!alias && argc == 1) { ret = shell(); goto out; } #endif if (!alias) { if (argc < 2) { log_fatal("Please supply an LVM command."); display_help(); ret = EINVALID_CMD_LINE; goto out; } argc--; argv++; } ret = run_command(argc, argv); if ((ret == ENO_SUCH_CMD) && (!alias)) ret = run_script(argc, argv); if (ret == ENO_SUCH_CMD) log_error("No such command. Try 'help'."); out: fin(); return ret; } void usage(const char *name) { struct command *com = find_command(name); if (!com) return; log_error("%s: %s\n\n%s", com->name, com->desc, com->usage); } int yes_no_arg(struct arg *a) { a->sign = SIGN_NONE; if (!strcmp(a->value, "y")) a->i_value = 1; else if (!strcmp(a->value, "n")) a->i_value = 0; else return 0; return 1; } int _get_int_arg(struct arg *a, char **ptr) { char *val; long v; val = a->value; switch (*val) { case '+': a->sign = SIGN_PLUS; val++; break; case '-': a->sign = SIGN_MINUS; val++; break; default: a->sign = SIGN_NONE; } if (!isdigit(*val)) return 0; v = strtol(val, ptr, 10); if (*ptr == val) return 0; a->i_value = (uint32_t) v; return 1; } int size_arg(struct arg *a) { char *ptr; int i; static char *suffixes = "kmgt"; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr)) return 0; if (*ptr) { for (i = strlen(suffixes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (suffixes[i] == tolower((int) *ptr)) break; if (i < 0) return 0; while (i-- > 0) a->i_value *= 1024; } return 1; } int int_arg(struct arg *a) { char *ptr; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr) || (*ptr) || (a->sign == SIGN_MINUS)) return 0; return 1; } int int_arg_with_sign(struct arg *a) { char *ptr; if (!_get_int_arg(a, &ptr) || (*ptr)) return 0; return 1; } int string_arg(struct arg *a) { return 1; } int permission_arg(struct arg *a) { a->sign = SIGN_NONE; if ((!strcmp(a->value, "rw")) || (!strcmp(a->value, "wr"))) a->i_value = LVM_READ | LVM_WRITE; else if (!strcmp(a->value, "r")) a->i_value = LVM_READ; else return 0; return 1; } char yes_no_prompt(const char *prompt, ...) { int c = 0; va_list ap; while (c != 'y' && c != 'n') { if (c == '\n' || c == 0) { va_start(ap, prompt); vprintf(prompt, ap); va_end(ap); } c = tolower(getchar()); } while (getchar() != '\n') ; return c; } static void register_commands() { #define xx(a, b, c...) register_command(# a, a, b, ## c, \ debug_ARG, help_ARG, suspend_ARG, \ version_ARG, verbose_ARG, -1); #include "commands.h" #undef xx } static void register_command(const char *name, command_fn fn, const char *desc, const char *usage, ...) { int nargs = 0, i; int *args; va_list ap; /* count how many arguments we have */ va_start(ap, usage); while (va_arg(ap, int) >= 0) nargs++; va_end(ap); /* allocate space for them */ if (!(args = dbg_malloc(sizeof(*args) * nargs))) { log_fatal("Out of memory."); exit(ECMD_FAILED); } /* fill them in */ va_start(ap, usage); for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) args[i] = va_arg(ap, int); va_end(ap); /* enter the command in the register */ create_new_command(name, fn, desc, usage, nargs, args); } static struct command *find_command(const char *name) { int i; char *namebase, *base; namebase = strdup(name); base = basename(namebase); for (i = 0; i < _num_commands; i++) { if (!strcmp(base, _commands[i].name)) break; } free(namebase); if (i >= _num_commands) return 0; return _commands + i; } static void create_new_command(const char *name, command_fn command, const char *desc, const char *usage, int nargs, int *args) { struct command *nc; alloc_command(); nc = _commands + _num_commands++; nc->name = name; nc->desc = desc; nc->usage = usage; nc->fn = command; nc->num_args = nargs; nc->valid_args = args; } static void __alloc(int size) { if (!(_commands = dbg_realloc(_commands, sizeof(*_commands) * size))) { log_fatal("Couldn't allocate memory."); exit(ECMD_FAILED); } _array_size = size; } static void alloc_command(void) { if (!_array_size) __alloc(32); if (_array_size <= _num_commands) __alloc(2 * _array_size); } static void add_getopt_arg(int arg, char **ptr, struct option **o) { struct arg *a = the_args + arg; if (a->short_arg) { *(*ptr)++ = a->short_arg; if (a->fn) *(*ptr)++ = ':'; } if (*(a->long_arg + 2)) { (*o)->name = a->long_arg + 2; (*o)->has_arg = a->fn ? 1 : 0; (*o)->flag = NULL; (*o)->val = a->short_arg; (*o)++; } } static int process_command_line(struct command *com, int *argc, char ***argv) { int i, opt; char str[((ARG_COUNT + 1) * 2) + 1], *ptr = str; struct option opts[ARG_COUNT + 1], *o = opts; struct arg *a; for (i = 0; i < ARG_COUNT; i++) { struct arg *a = the_args + i; /* zero the count and arg */ a->count = 0; a->value = 0; a->i_value = 0; } /* fill in the short and long opts */ for (i = 0; i < com->num_args; i++) add_getopt_arg(com->valid_args[i], &ptr, &o); *ptr = '\0'; memset(o, 0, sizeof(*o)); /* initialise getopt_long & scan for command line switches */ optarg = 0; optind = 0; while ((opt = getopt_long(*argc, *argv, str, opts, NULL)) >= 0) { a = find_arg(com, opt); if (!a) { log_fatal("Unrecognised option."); return 0; } if (a->fn) { if (!optarg) { log_error("Option requires argument."); return 0; } a->value = optarg; if (!a->fn(a)) { log_error("Invalid argument %s", optarg); return 0; } } a->count++; } *argc -= optind; *argv += optind; return 1; } static struct arg *find_arg(struct command *com, int opt) { struct arg *a; int i; for (i = 0; i < com->num_args; i++) { a = the_args + com->valid_args[i]; if (opt == a->short_arg) return a; } return 0; } static int process_common_commands(struct command *com) { int l; if (arg_count(suspend_ARG)) kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP); l = arg_count(debug_ARG); init_debug(l ? l : _debug_level); init_verbose(arg_count(verbose_ARG)); init_test(arg_count(test_ARG)); if (arg_count(help_ARG)) { usage(com->name); return ECMD_PROCESSED; } if (arg_count(version_ARG)) { /* FIXME: Add driver and software version */ log_error("%s: ", com->name); return ECMD_PROCESSED; } /* Set autobackup if command takes this option */ for (l = 0; l < com->num_args; l++) if (com->valid_args[l] == autobackup_ARG) { if (init_autobackup()) return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; else break; } return 0; } int help(int argc, char **argv) { if (!argc) display_help(); else { int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) usage(argv[i]); } return 0; } static void display_help() { int i; log_error("Available lvm commands:"); log_error("Use 'lvm help ' for more information"); log_error(" "); for (i = 0; i < _num_commands; i++) { struct command *com = _commands + i; log_error("%-16.16s%s", com->name, com->desc); } } static int run_command(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; if (!(the_command = find_command(argv[0]))) return ENO_SUCH_CMD; if (!process_command_line(the_command, &argc, &argv)) { log_error("Error during parsing of command line."); return EINVALID_CMD_LINE; } if ((ret = process_common_commands(the_command))) return ret; ret = the_command->fn(argc, argv); /* * free off any memory the command used. */ pool_empty(cmd->mem); if (ret == EINVALID_CMD_LINE && !_interactive) usage(the_command->name); return ret; } static int split(char *str, int *argc, char **argv, int max) { char *b = str, *e; *argc = 0; while (*b) { while (*b && isspace(*b)) b++; if ((!*b) || (*b == '#')) break; e = b; while (*e && !isspace(*e)) e++; argv[(*argc)++] = b; if (!*e) break; *e++ = '\0'; b = e; if (*argc == max) break; } return *argc; } static void __init_log(struct config_file *cf) { char *open_mode = "a"; const char *log_file = find_config_str(cf->root, "log/file", '/', 0); int verbose_level; if (find_config_int(cf->root, "log/overwrite", '/', 0)) open_mode = "w"; if (log_file) { /* set up the logging */ if (!(_log = fopen(log_file, open_mode))) log_error("Couldn't open log file %s", log_file); else init_log(_log); } _debug_level = find_config_int(cf->root, "log/level", '/', 0); init_debug(_debug_level); verbose_level = find_config_int(cf->root, "log/verbose", '/', 0); init_verbose(verbose_level); } static int dev_cache_setup(struct config_file *cf) { struct config_node *cn; struct config_value *cv; if (!dev_cache_init()) { stack; return 0; } if (!(cn = find_config_node(cf->root, "devices/scan", '/'))) { if (!dev_cache_add_dir("/dev")) { log_error("Failed to add /dev to internal " "device cache"); return 0; } log_verbose ("device/scan not in config file: Defaulting to /dev"); return 1; } for (cv = cn->v; cv; cv = cv->next) { if (cv->type != CFG_STRING) { log_error("Invalid string in config file: " "devices/scan"); return 0; } if (!dev_cache_add_dir(cv->v.str)) { log_error("Failed to add %s to internal device cache", cv->v.str); return 0; } } return 1; } static struct dev_filter *filter_components_setup(struct config_file *cf) { struct config_node *cn; struct dev_filter *f1, *f2, *f3; if (!(f2 = lvm_type_filter_create())) return 0; if (!(cn = find_config_node(cf->root, "devices/filter", '/'))) { log_debug("devices/filter not found in config file: no regex " "filter installed"); return f2; } if (!(f1 = regex_filter_create(cn->v))) { log_error("Failed to create regex device filter"); return f2; } if (!(f3 = composite_filter_create(2, f1, f2))) { log_error("Failed to create composite device filter"); return f2; } return f3; } static struct dev_filter *filter_setup(struct config_file *cf) { const char *lvm_cache; struct dev_filter *f3, *f4; struct stat st; _dump_filter = 0; if (!(f3 = filter_components_setup(cmd->cf))) return 0; lvm_cache = find_config_str(cf->root, "devices/cache", '/', "/etc/lvm/.cache"); if (!(f4 = persistent_filter_create(f3, lvm_cache))) { log_error("Failed to create persistent device filter"); return 0; } /* Should we ever dump persistent filter state? */ if (find_config_int(cf->root, "devices/write_cache_state", '/', 1)) _dump_filter = 1; if (!stat(lvm_cache, &st) && !persistent_filter_load(f4)) log_verbose("Failed to load existing device cache from %s", lvm_cache); return f4; } static int init(void) { int ret = 0; const char *e = getenv("LVM_CONFIG_FILE"); struct stat info; if (!(cmd = dbg_malloc(sizeof(*cmd)))) { log_error("Failed to allocate command context"); goto out; } /* FIXME: Override from config file. (Append trailing slash if reqd) */ cmd->dev_dir = "/dev/"; dm_set_dev_dir(cmd->dev_dir); if (!(cmd->cf = create_config_file())) { stack; goto out; } /* Use LOG_USER for syslog messages by default */ init_syslog(LOG_USER); /* send log messages to stderr for now */ init_log(stderr); e = e ? e : "/etc/lvm/lvm.conf"; if (stat(e, &info) != -1) { /* we've found a config file */ if (!read_config(cmd->cf, e)) { log_error("Failed to load config file %s", e); goto out; } __init_log(cmd->cf); } dm_log_init(print_log); if (!dev_cache_setup(cmd->cf)) { goto out; } if (!(cmd->filter = filter_setup(cmd->cf))) { log_error("Failed to set up internal device filters"); goto out; } if (!(cmd->mem = pool_create(4 * 1024))) { log_error("Command pool creation failed"); goto out; } if (!(fid = create_lvm1_format(cmd))) { goto out; } ret = 1; out: return ret; } static void __fin_commands(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < _num_commands; i++) dbg_free(_commands[i].valid_args); dbg_free(_commands); } static void fin(void) { if (_dump_filter) persistent_filter_dump(cmd->filter); fid->ops->destroy(fid); cmd->filter->destroy(cmd->filter); pool_destroy(cmd->mem); dev_cache_exit(); destroy_config_file(cmd->cf); dbg_free(cmd); __fin_commands(); dump_memory(); fin_log(); if (_log) fclose(_log); } static int run_script(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *script; char buffer[CMD_LEN]; int ret = 0; int magic_number = 0; if ((script = fopen(argv[0], "r")) == NULL) return ENO_SUCH_CMD; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), script) != NULL) { if (!magic_number) { if (buffer[0] == '#' && buffer[1] == '!') magic_number = 1; else return ENO_SUCH_CMD; } if ((strlen(buffer) == sizeof(buffer) - 1) && (buffer[sizeof(buffer) - 1] - 2 != '\n')) { buffer[50] = '\0'; log_error("Line too long (max 255) beginning: %s", buffer); ret = EINVALID_CMD_LINE; break; } if (split(buffer, &argc, argv, MAX_ARGS) == MAX_ARGS) { buffer[50] = '\0'; log_error("Too many arguments: %s", buffer); ret = EINVALID_CMD_LINE; break; } if (!argc) continue; if (!strcmp(argv[0], "quit")) break; run_command(argc, argv); } fclose(script); return ret; } #ifdef READLINE_SUPPORT /* Custom completion function */ static char **lvm_completion(char *text, int start_pos, int end_pos) { char **match_list = NULL; int p = 0; while (isspace((int) *(rl_line_buffer + p))) p++; /* First word should be one of our commands */ if (start_pos == p) match_list = completion_matches(text, list_cmds); else if (*text == '-') match_list = completion_matches(text, list_args); /* else other args */ /* No further completion */ rl_attempted_completion_over = 1; return match_list; } /* List matching commands */ static char *list_cmds(char *text, int state) { static int i = 0; static int len = 0; /* Initialise if this is a new completion attempt */ if (!state) { i = 0; len = strlen(text); } while (i < _num_commands) if (!strncmp(text, _commands[i++].name, len)) return strdup(_commands[i - 1].name); return NULL; } /* List matching arguments */ static char *list_args(char *text, int state) { static int match_no = 0; static int len = 0; static struct command *com; /* Initialise if this is a new completion attempt */ if (!state) { char *s = rl_line_buffer; int j = 0; match_no = 0; com = NULL; len = strlen(text); /* Find start of first word in line buffer */ while (isspace(*s)) s++; /* Look for word in list of commands */ for (j = 0; j < _num_commands; j++) { char *p; char *q = s; p = (char *) _commands[j].name; while (*p == *q) { p++; q++; } if ((!*p) && *q == ' ') { com = _commands + j; break; } } if (!com) return NULL; } /* Short form arguments */ if (len < 3) { while (match_no < com->num_args) { char s[3]; char c; if (!(c = (the_args + com->valid_args[match_no++])->short_arg)) continue; sprintf(s, "-%c", c); if (!strncmp(text, s, len)) return strdup(s); } } /* Long form arguments */ if (match_no < com->num_args) match_no = com->num_args; while (match_no - com->num_args < com->num_args) { char *l; l = (the_args + com->valid_args[match_no++ - com->num_args])->long_arg; if (!strncmp(text, l, len)) return strdup(l); } return NULL; } static int shell(void) { int argc, ret; char *input = NULL, *args[MAX_ARGS], **argv; rl_readline_name = "lvm"; rl_attempted_completion_function = (CPPFunction *) lvm_completion; _interactive = 1; while (1) { free(input); input = readline("lvm> "); /* EOF */ if (!input) { printf("\n"); break; } /* empty line */ if (!*input) continue; add_history(input); argv = args; if (split(input, &argc, argv, MAX_ARGS) == MAX_ARGS) { log_error("Too many arguments, sorry."); continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0], "lvm")) { argv++; argc--; } if (!argc) continue; if (!strcmp(argv[0], "quit")) { log_error("Exiting."); break; } ret = run_command(argc, argv); if (ret == ENO_SUCH_CMD) log_error("No such command '%s'. Try 'help'.", argv[0]); } free(input); return 0; } #endif