.TH VGSCAN 8 "LVM TOOLS #VERSION#" "Sistina Software UK" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME vgscan \- scan all disks for volume groups and rebuild caches .SH SYNOPSIS .B vgscan [\-d/\-\-debug] [\-h/\-?/\-\-help] [\-\-ignorelockingfailure] [\-\-mknodes] [\-P/\-\-partial] [\-v/\-\-verbose] .SH DESCRIPTION vgscan scans all SCSI, (E)IDE disks, multiple devices and a bunch of other disk devices in the system looking for LVM physical volumes and volume groups. Define a filter in \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) to restrict the scan to avoid a CD ROM, for example. .LP In LVM2, vgscans take place automatically; but you might still need to run one explicitly after changing hardware. .SH OPTIONS See \fBlvm\fP for common options. .TP .I \-\-mknodes Also checks the LVM special files in /dev that are needed for active logical volumes and creates any missing ones and removes unused ones. .SH SEE ALSO .BR lvm (8), .BR vgcreate (8), .BR vgchange (8)