/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "lvmpolld-common.h" /* extract this info from autoconf/automake files */ #define LVPOLL_CMD "lvpoll" #define MIN_ARGV_SIZE 8 static const char *const polling_ops[] = { [PVMOVE] = LVMPD_REQ_PVMOVE, [CONVERT] = LVMPD_REQ_CONVERT, [MERGE] = LVMPD_REQ_MERGE, [MERGE_THIN] = LVMPD_REQ_MERGE_THIN }; const char *polling_op(enum poll_type type) { return type < POLL_TYPE_MAX ? polling_ops[type] : "<undefined>"; } static int add_to_cmd_arr(const char ***cmdargv, const char *str, unsigned *ind) { const char **newargv; if (*ind && !(*ind % MIN_ARGV_SIZE)) { newargv = realloc(*cmdargv, (*ind / MIN_ARGV_SIZE + 1) * MIN_ARGV_SIZE * sizeof(char *)); if (!newargv) return 0; *cmdargv = newargv; } *(*cmdargv + (*ind)++) = str; return 1; } const char **cmdargv_ctr(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv, const char *lvm_binary, unsigned abort_polling, unsigned handle_missing_pvs) { unsigned i = 0; const char **cmd_argv = malloc(MIN_ARGV_SIZE * sizeof(char *)); if (!cmd_argv) return NULL; /* path to lvm2 binary */ if (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, lvm_binary, &i)) goto err; /* cmd to execute */ if (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, LVPOLL_CMD, &i)) goto err; /* transfer internal polling interval */ if (pdlv->sinterval && (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, "--interval", &i) || !add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, pdlv->sinterval, &i))) goto err; /* pass abort param */ if (abort_polling && !add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, "--abort", &i)) goto err; /* pass handle-missing-pvs. used by mirror polling operation */ if (handle_missing_pvs && !add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, "--handlemissingpvs", &i)) goto err; /* one of: "convert", "pvmove", "merge", "merge_thin" */ if (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, "--polloperation", &i) || !add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, polling_ops[pdlv->type], &i)) goto err; /* vg/lv name */ if (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, pdlv->lvname, &i)) goto err; /* disable metadata backup */ if (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, "-An", &i)) goto err; /* terminating NULL */ if (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_argv, NULL, &i)) goto err; return cmd_argv; err: free(cmd_argv); return NULL; } /* FIXME: in fact exclude should be va list */ static int copy_env(const char ***cmd_envp, unsigned *i, const char *exclude) { const char * const* tmp = (const char * const*) environ; if (!tmp) return 0; while (*tmp) { if (strncmp(*tmp, exclude, strlen(exclude)) && !add_to_cmd_arr(cmd_envp, *tmp, i)) return 0; tmp++; } return 1; } const char **cmdenvp_ctr(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv) { unsigned i = 0; const char **cmd_envp = malloc(MIN_ARGV_SIZE * sizeof(char *)); if (!cmd_envp) return NULL; /* copy whole environment from lvmpolld, exclude LVM_SYSTEM_DIR if set */ if (!copy_env(&cmd_envp, &i, "LVM_SYSTEM_DIR=")) goto err; /* Add per client LVM_SYSTEM_DIR variable if set */ if (*pdlv->lvm_system_dir_env && !add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_envp, pdlv->lvm_system_dir_env, &i)) goto err; /* terminating NULL */ if (!add_to_cmd_arr(&cmd_envp, NULL, &i)) goto err; return cmd_envp; err: free(cmd_envp); return NULL; }