# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
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# 'Exercise some lvcreate diagnostics'

. lib/test

test -e LOCAL_CLVMD && skip
aux target_at_least dm-raid 1 1 0 || skip

aux prepare_vg 5

lvcreate -s -l 20%FREE -n $lv1 $vg --virtualsize 256T
lvcreate -s -l 20%FREE -n $lv2 $vg --virtualsize 256T
lvcreate -s -l 20%FREE -n $lv3 $vg --virtualsize 256T
lvcreate -s -l 20%FREE -n $lv4 $vg --virtualsize 256T
lvcreate -s -l 20%FREE -n $lv5 $vg --virtualsize 256T

#FIXME this should be 1024T
#check lv_field $vg/$lv size "128.00m"

aux extend_filter_LVMTEST

pvcreate $DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv[12345]
vgcreate $vg1 $DM_DEV_DIR/$vg/$lv[12345]

# bz837927 START

# Create large RAID LVs
# We need '--nosync' or our virtual devices won't work
lvcreate --type raid1 -m 1 -L 200T -n $lv1 $vg1 --nosync
check lv_field $vg1/$lv1 size "200.00t"
lvremove -ff $vg1

for segtype in raid4 raid5 raid6; do
        lvcreate --type $segtype -i 3 -L 750T -n $lv1 $vg1 --nosync
        check lv_field $vg1/$lv1 size "750.00t"
        lvremove -ff $vg1

# Convert large linear to RAID1 (belong in different test script?)
lvcreate -L 200T -n $lv1 $vg1
# Need to deactivate or the up-convert will start sync'ing
lvchange -an $vg1/$lv1
lvconvert --type raid1 -m 1 $vg1/$lv1
check lv_field $vg1/$lv1 size "200.00t"
lvremove -ff $vg1

# Extending large RAID LV (belong in different script?)
lvcreate --type raid1 -m 1 -L 200T -n $lv1 $vg1 --nosync
check lv_field $vg1/$lv1 size "200.00t"
lvextend -L +200T $vg1/$lv1
check lv_field $vg1/$lv1 size "400.00t"
lvremove -ff $vg1

# bz837927 END

lvremove -ff $vg