/* * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "lib/misc/lib.h" #include "lib/metadata/metadata.h" #include "lib/locking/locking.h" #include "lib/misc/lvm-string.h" #include "lib/commands/toolcontext.h" #include "lib/display/display.h" #include "lib/metadata/segtype.h" #include "lib/activate/activate.h" #include "lib/config/defaults.h" #include "lib/misc/lvm-exec.h" const char *get_vdo_compression_state_name(enum dm_vdo_compression_state state) { switch (state) { case DM_VDO_COMPRESSION_ONLINE: return "online"; default: log_debug(INTERNAL_ERROR "Unrecognized compression state: %u.", state); /* Fall through */ case DM_VDO_COMPRESSION_OFFLINE: return "offline"; } } const char *get_vdo_index_state_name(enum dm_vdo_index_state state) { switch (state) { case DM_VDO_INDEX_ERROR: return "error"; case DM_VDO_INDEX_CLOSED: return "closed"; case DM_VDO_INDEX_OPENING: return "opening"; case DM_VDO_INDEX_CLOSING: return "closing"; case DM_VDO_INDEX_OFFLINE: return "offline"; case DM_VDO_INDEX_ONLINE: return "online"; default: log_debug(INTERNAL_ERROR "Unrecognized index state: %u.", state); /* Fall through */ case DM_VDO_INDEX_UNKNOWN: return "unknown"; } } const char *get_vdo_operating_mode_name(enum dm_vdo_operating_mode mode) { switch (mode) { case DM_VDO_MODE_RECOVERING: return "recovering"; case DM_VDO_MODE_READ_ONLY: return "read-only"; default: log_debug(INTERNAL_ERROR "Unrecognized operating mode: %u.", mode); /* Fall through */ case DM_VDO_MODE_NORMAL: return "normal"; } } const char *get_vdo_write_policy_name(enum dm_vdo_write_policy policy) { switch (policy) { case DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_SYNC: return "sync"; case DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_ASYNC: return "async"; case DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_ASYNC_UNSAFE: return "async-unsafe"; default: log_debug(INTERNAL_ERROR "Unrecognized VDO write policy: %u.", policy); /* Fall through */ case DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_AUTO: return "auto"; } } /* * Size of VDO virtual LV is adding header_size in front and back of device * to avoid colission with blkid checks. */ static uint64_t _get_virtual_size(uint32_t extents, uint32_t extent_size, uint32_t header_size) { return (uint64_t) extents * extent_size + 2 * header_size; } uint64_t get_vdo_pool_virtual_size(const struct lv_segment *vdo_pool_seg) { return _get_virtual_size(vdo_pool_seg->vdo_pool_virtual_extents, vdo_pool_seg->lv->vg->extent_size, vdo_pool_seg->vdo_pool_header_size); } int update_vdo_pool_virtual_size(struct lv_segment *vdo_pool_seg) { struct seg_list *sl; uint32_t extents = 0; /* FIXME: as long as we have only SINGLE VDO with vdo-pool this works */ /* after adding support for multiple VDO LVs - this needs heavy rework */ dm_list_iterate_items(sl, &vdo_pool_seg->lv->segs_using_this_lv) extents += sl->seg->len; /* Only growing virtual/logical VDO size */ if (extents > vdo_pool_seg->vdo_pool_virtual_extents) vdo_pool_seg->vdo_pool_virtual_extents = extents; return 1; } static int _sysfs_get_kvdo_value(const char *dm_name, const char *vdo_param, uint64_t *value) { char path[PATH_MAX]; char temp[64]; int fd, size, r = 0; if (dm_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%skvdo/%s/%s", dm_sysfs_dir(), dm_name, vdo_param) < 0) { log_error("Failed to build kmod path."); return 0; } if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { if (errno != ENOENT) log_sys_error("open", path); else log_sys_debug("open", path); goto bad; } if ((size = read(fd, temp, sizeof(temp) - 1)) < 0) { log_sys_error("read", path); goto bad; } temp[size] = 0; errno = 0; *value = strtoll(temp, NULL, 0); if (errno) { log_sys_error("strtool", path); goto bad; } r = 1; bad: if (fd >= 0 && close(fd)) log_sys_error("close", path); return r; } int parse_vdo_pool_status(struct dm_pool *mem, const struct logical_volume *vdo_pool_lv, const char *params, struct lv_status_vdo *status) { struct dm_vdo_status_parse_result result; char *dm_name; status->usage = DM_PERCENT_INVALID; status->saving = DM_PERCENT_INVALID; status->data_usage = DM_PERCENT_INVALID; if (!(dm_name = dm_build_dm_name(mem, vdo_pool_lv->vg->name, vdo_pool_lv->name, lv_layer(vdo_pool_lv)))) { log_error("Failed to build VDO DM name %s.", display_lvname(vdo_pool_lv)); return 0; } if (!dm_vdo_status_parse(mem, params, &result)) { log_error("Cannot parse %s VDO pool status %s.", display_lvname(vdo_pool_lv), result.error); return 0; } status->vdo = result.status; if (result.status->operating_mode == DM_VDO_MODE_NORMAL) { if (!_sysfs_get_kvdo_value(dm_name, "statistics/data_blocks_used", &status->data_blocks_used)) return_0; if (!_sysfs_get_kvdo_value(dm_name, "statistics/logical_blocks_used", &status->logical_blocks_used)) return_0; status->usage = dm_make_percent(result.status->used_blocks, result.status->total_blocks); status->saving = dm_make_percent(status->logical_blocks_used - status->data_blocks_used, status->logical_blocks_used); status->data_usage = dm_make_percent(status->data_blocks_used * DM_VDO_BLOCK_SIZE, first_seg(vdo_pool_lv)->vdo_pool_virtual_extents * (uint64_t) vdo_pool_lv->vg->extent_size); } return 1; } /* * Formats data LV for a use as a VDO pool LV. * * Calls tool 'vdoformat' on the already active volume. */ static int _format_vdo_pool_data_lv(struct logical_volume *data_lv, const struct dm_vdo_target_params *vtp, uint64_t *logical_size) { char *dpath; const struct dm_config_node *cn; const struct dm_config_value *cv; struct pipe_data pdata; FILE *f; uint64_t lb; unsigned slabbits; int args = 1; char buf_args[5][128]; char buf[256]; /* buffer for short disk header (64B) */ const char *argv[19] = { /* Max supported args */ find_config_tree_str_allow_empty(data_lv->vg->cmd, global_vdo_format_executable_CFG, NULL) }; if (!(dpath = lv_path_dup(data_lv->vg->cmd->mem, data_lv))) { log_error("Failed to build device path for VDO formating of data volume %s.", display_lvname(data_lv)); return 0; } if (*logical_size) { if (dm_snprintf(buf_args[args], sizeof(buf_args[0]), "--logical-size=" FMTu64 "K", (*logical_size / 2)) < 0) return_0; argv[args] = buf_args[args]; args++; } slabbits = 31 - clz(vtp->slab_size_mb / DM_VDO_BLOCK_SIZE * 2 * 1024); /* to KiB / block_size */ log_debug("Slab size %s converted to %u bits.", display_size(data_lv->vg->cmd, vtp->slab_size_mb * UINT64_C(2 * 1024)), slabbits); if (dm_snprintf(buf_args[args], sizeof(buf_args[0]), "--slab-bits=%u", slabbits) < 0) return_0; argv[args] = buf_args[args]; args++; if (vtp->check_point_frequency) { if (dm_snprintf(buf_args[args], sizeof(buf_args[0]), "--uds-checkpoint-frequency=%u", vtp->check_point_frequency) < 0) return_0; argv[args] = buf_args[args]; args++; } /* Convert size to GiB units or one of these strings: 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 */ if (vtp->index_memory_size_mb >= 1024) { if (dm_snprintf(buf_args[args], sizeof(buf_args[0]), "--uds-memory-size=%u", vtp->index_memory_size_mb / 1024) < 0) return_0; } else if (dm_snprintf(buf_args[args], sizeof(buf_args[0]), "--uds-memory-size=0.%u", (vtp->index_memory_size_mb < 512) ? 25 : (vtp->index_memory_size_mb < 768) ? 50 : 75) < 0) return_0; argv[args] = buf_args[args]; args++; if (vtp->use_sparse_index) { if (dm_snprintf(buf_args[args], sizeof(buf_args[0]), "--uds-sparse") < 0) return_0; argv[args] = buf_args[args]; args++; } /* Any other user opts add here */ if (!(cn = find_config_tree_array(data_lv->vg->cmd, global_vdo_format_options_CFG, NULL))) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Unable to find configuration for vdoformat command options."); return 0; } for (cv = cn->v; cv && args < 16; cv = cv->next) { if (cv->type != DM_CFG_STRING) { log_error("Invalid string in config file: " "global/vdoformat_options."); return 0; } if (cv->v.str[0]) argv[++args] = cv->v.str; } /* Only unused VDO data LV could be activated and wiped */ if (!dm_list_empty(&data_lv->segs_using_this_lv)) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "Failed to wipe logical VDO data for volume %s.", display_lvname(data_lv)); return 0; } argv[args] = dpath; if (!(f = pipe_open(data_lv->vg->cmd, argv, 0, &pdata))) { log_error("WARNING: Cannot read output from %s.", argv[0]); return 0; } while (!feof(f) && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { /* TODO: Watch out for locales */ if (!*logical_size) if (sscanf(buf, "Logical blocks defaulted to " FMTu64 " blocks", &lb) == 1) { *logical_size = lb * DM_VDO_BLOCK_SIZE; log_verbose("Available VDO logical blocks " FMTu64 " (%s).", lb, display_size(data_lv->vg->cmd, *logical_size)); } if ((dpath = strchr(buf, '\n'))) *dpath = 0; /* cut last '\n' away */ if (buf[0]) log_print(" %s", buf); /* Print vdo_format messages */ } if (!pipe_close(&pdata)) { log_error("Command %s failed.", argv[0]); return 0; } if (!*logical_size) { log_error("Number of VDO logical blocks was not provided by vdo_format output."); return 0; } return 1; } /* * convert_vdo_pool_lv * @data_lv * @vtp * @virtual_extents * * Convert given data LV and its target parameters into a VDO LV with VDO pool. * * Returns: old data LV on success (passed data LV becomes VDO LV), NULL on failure */ struct logical_volume *convert_vdo_pool_lv(struct logical_volume *data_lv, const struct dm_vdo_target_params *vtp, uint32_t *virtual_extents, int format, uint64_t vdo_pool_header_size) { const uint32_t extent_size = data_lv->vg->extent_size; struct cmd_context *cmd = data_lv->vg->cmd; struct logical_volume *vdo_pool_lv = data_lv; const struct segment_type *vdo_pool_segtype; struct lv_segment *vdo_pool_seg; uint64_t vdo_logical_size = 0; uint64_t adjust; if (!(vdo_pool_segtype = get_segtype_from_string(cmd, SEG_TYPE_NAME_VDO_POOL))) return_NULL; adjust = (*virtual_extents * (uint64_t) extent_size) % DM_VDO_BLOCK_SIZE; if (adjust) { *virtual_extents += (DM_VDO_BLOCK_SIZE - adjust) / extent_size; log_print_unless_silent("Rounding size up to 4,00 KiB VDO logical extent boundary: %s.", display_size(data_lv->vg->cmd, *virtual_extents * (uint64_t) extent_size)); } if (*virtual_extents) vdo_logical_size = _get_virtual_size(*virtual_extents, extent_size, vdo_pool_header_size); if (!dm_vdo_validate_target_params(vtp, vdo_logical_size)) return_0; /* Format data LV as VDO volume */ if (format) { if (!_format_vdo_pool_data_lv(data_lv, vtp, &vdo_logical_size)) { log_error("Cannot format VDO pool volume %s.", display_lvname(data_lv)); return NULL; } } else { log_verbose("Skiping VDO formating %s.", display_lvname(data_lv)); /* TODO: parse existing VDO data and retrieve vdo_logical_size */ if (!*virtual_extents) vdo_logical_size = data_lv->size; } if (!deactivate_lv(data_lv->vg->cmd, data_lv)) { log_error("Cannot deactivate formated VDO pool volume %s.", display_lvname(data_lv)); return NULL; } vdo_logical_size -= 2 * vdo_pool_header_size; if (vdo_logical_size < extent_size) { if (!*virtual_extents) /* User has not specified size and at least 1 extent is necessary */ log_error("Cannot create fully fitting VDO volume, " "--virtualsize has to be specified."); log_error("Size %s for VDO volume cannot be smaller then extent size %s.", display_size(data_lv->vg->cmd, vdo_logical_size), display_size(data_lv->vg->cmd, extent_size)); return NULL; } *virtual_extents = vdo_logical_size / extent_size; /* Move segments from existing data_lv into LV_vdata */ if (!(data_lv = insert_layer_for_lv(cmd, vdo_pool_lv, 0, "_vdata"))) return_NULL; vdo_pool_seg = first_seg(vdo_pool_lv); vdo_pool_seg->segtype = vdo_pool_segtype; vdo_pool_seg->vdo_params = *vtp; vdo_pool_seg->vdo_pool_header_size = vdo_pool_header_size; vdo_pool_seg->vdo_pool_virtual_extents = *virtual_extents; vdo_pool_lv->status |= LV_VDO_POOL; data_lv->status |= LV_VDO_POOL_DATA; return data_lv; } int set_vdo_write_policy(enum dm_vdo_write_policy *vwp, const char *policy) { if (strcasecmp(policy, "sync") == 0) *vwp = DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_SYNC; else if (strcasecmp(policy, "async") == 0) *vwp = DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_ASYNC; else if (strcasecmp(policy, "async-unsafe") == 0) *vwp = DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_ASYNC_UNSAFE; else if (strcasecmp(policy, "auto") == 0) *vwp = DM_VDO_WRITE_POLICY_AUTO; else { log_error("Unknown VDO write policy %s.", policy); return 0; } return 1; } int fill_vdo_target_params(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_vdo_target_params *vtp, uint64_t *vdo_pool_header_size, struct profile *profile) { const char *policy; // TODO: Postpone filling data to the moment when VG is known with profile. // TODO: Maybe add more lvm cmdline switches to set profile settings. vtp->use_compression = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_use_compression_CFG, profile); vtp->use_deduplication = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_use_deduplication_CFG, profile); vtp->use_metadata_hints = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_use_metadata_hints_CFG, profile); vtp->minimum_io_size = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_minimum_io_size_CFG, profile) >> SECTOR_SHIFT; vtp->block_map_cache_size_mb = find_config_tree_int64(cmd, allocation_vdo_block_map_cache_size_mb_CFG, profile); vtp->block_map_era_length = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_block_map_era_length_CFG, profile); vtp->check_point_frequency = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_check_point_frequency_CFG, profile); vtp->use_sparse_index = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_use_sparse_index_CFG, profile); vtp->index_memory_size_mb = find_config_tree_int64(cmd, allocation_vdo_index_memory_size_mb_CFG, profile); vtp->slab_size_mb = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_slab_size_mb_CFG, profile); vtp->ack_threads = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_ack_threads_CFG, profile); vtp->bio_threads = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_bio_threads_CFG, profile); vtp->bio_rotation = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_bio_rotation_CFG, profile); vtp->cpu_threads = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_cpu_threads_CFG, profile); vtp->hash_zone_threads = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_hash_zone_threads_CFG, profile); vtp->logical_threads = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_logical_threads_CFG, profile); vtp->physical_threads = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_physical_threads_CFG, profile); vtp->max_discard = find_config_tree_int(cmd, allocation_vdo_max_discard_CFG, profile); policy = find_config_tree_str(cmd, allocation_vdo_write_policy_CFG, profile); if (!set_vdo_write_policy(&vtp->write_policy, policy)) return_0; *vdo_pool_header_size = 2 * find_config_tree_int64(cmd, allocation_vdo_pool_header_size_CFG, profile); return 1; }