/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. * * This file is part of LVM2. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "lib.h" #include "toolcontext.h" #include "metadata.h" #include "device.h" #include "lvmetad.h" #include "lvmcache.h" #include "lvmetad-client.h" #include "format-text.h" // TODO for disk_locn, used as a DA representation #include "crc.h" #include "lvm-signal.h" #define SCAN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS 80 #define MAX_RESCANS 10 /* Maximum number of times to scan all PVs and retry if the daemon returns a token mismatch error */ static daemon_handle _lvmetad = { .error = 0 }; static int _lvmetad_use = 0; static int _lvmetad_connected = 0; static char *_lvmetad_token = NULL; static const char *_lvmetad_socket = NULL; static struct cmd_context *_lvmetad_cmd = NULL; static struct volume_group *lvmetad_pvscan_vg(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg); void lvmetad_disconnect(void) { if (_lvmetad_connected) daemon_close(_lvmetad); _lvmetad_connected = 0; } void lvmetad_init(struct cmd_context *cmd) { if (!_lvmetad_use && !access(getenv("LVM_LVMETAD_PIDFILE") ? : LVMETAD_PIDFILE, F_OK)) log_warn("WARNING: lvmetad is running but disabled." " Restart lvmetad before enabling it!"); if (_lvmetad_connected) log_debug(INTERNAL_ERROR "Refreshing lvmetad global handle while connection with the daemon is active"); _lvmetad_cmd = cmd; } static void _lvmetad_connect(void) { if (!_lvmetad_use || !_lvmetad_socket || _lvmetad_connected) return; _lvmetad = lvmetad_open(_lvmetad_socket); if (_lvmetad.socket_fd >= 0 && !_lvmetad.error) { log_debug_lvmetad("Successfully connected to lvmetad on fd %d.", _lvmetad.socket_fd); _lvmetad_connected = 1; } } void lvmetad_connect_or_warn(void) { if (!_lvmetad_use) return; if (!_lvmetad_connected && !_lvmetad.error) { _lvmetad_connect(); if ((_lvmetad.socket_fd < 0 || _lvmetad.error)) log_warn("WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning."); } } int lvmetad_used(void) { return _lvmetad_use; } int lvmetad_socket_present(void) { const char *socket = _lvmetad_socket ?: LVMETAD_SOCKET; int r; if ((r = access(socket, F_OK)) && errno != ENOENT) log_sys_error("lvmetad_socket_present", ""); return !r; } int lvmetad_active(void) { lvmetad_connect_or_warn(); return _lvmetad_connected; } void lvmetad_set_active(struct cmd_context *cmd, int active) { _lvmetad_use = active; if (!active && lvmetad_active()) lvmetad_disconnect(); if (cmd && !refresh_filters(cmd)) stack; } /* * Use a crc of the strings in the filter as the lvmetad token. */ void lvmetad_set_token(const struct dm_config_value *filter) { int ft = 0; dm_free(_lvmetad_token); while (filter && filter->type == DM_CFG_STRING) { ft = calc_crc(ft, (const uint8_t *) filter->v.str, strlen(filter->v.str)); filter = filter->next; } if (dm_asprintf(&_lvmetad_token, "filter:%u", ft) < 0) log_warn("WARNING: Failed to set lvmetad token. Out of memory?"); } void lvmetad_release_token(void) { dm_free(_lvmetad_token); _lvmetad_token = NULL; } void lvmetad_set_socket(const char *sock) { _lvmetad_socket = sock; } static int _lvmetad_pvscan_all_devs(struct cmd_context *cmd, activation_handler handler, int ignore_obsolete); static daemon_reply _lvmetad_send(const char *id, ...) { va_list ap; daemon_reply repl; daemon_request req; unsigned num_rescans = 0; unsigned total_usecs_waited = 0; unsigned max_remaining_sleep_times = 1; unsigned wait_usecs; retry: req = daemon_request_make(id); if (_lvmetad_token) daemon_request_extend(req, "token = %s", _lvmetad_token, NULL); va_start(ap, id); daemon_request_extend_v(req, ap); va_end(ap); repl = daemon_send(_lvmetad, req); daemon_request_destroy(req); /* * If another process is trying to scan, it might have the * same future token id and it's better to wait and avoid doing * the work multiple times. For the case where the future token is * different, the wait is randomized so that multiple waiting * processes do not start scanning all at once. * * If the token is mismatched because of global_filter changes, * we re-scan immediately, but if we lose the potential race for * the update, we back off for a short while (0.05-0.5 seconds) and * try again. */ if (!repl.error && !strcmp(daemon_reply_str(repl, "response", ""), "token_mismatch") && num_rescans < MAX_RESCANS && total_usecs_waited < (SCAN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000000) && !test_mode()) { if (!strcmp(daemon_reply_str(repl, "expected", ""), "update in progress") || max_remaining_sleep_times) { wait_usecs = 50000 + lvm_even_rand(&_lvmetad_cmd->rand_seed, 450000); /* between 0.05s and 0.5s */ (void) usleep(wait_usecs); total_usecs_waited += wait_usecs; if (max_remaining_sleep_times) max_remaining_sleep_times--; /* Sleep once before rescanning the first time, then 5 times each time after that. */ } else { /* If the re-scan fails here, we try again later. */ (void) _lvmetad_pvscan_all_devs(_lvmetad_cmd, NULL, 0); num_rescans++; max_remaining_sleep_times = 5; } daemon_reply_destroy(repl); goto retry; } return repl; } static int _token_update(void) { daemon_reply repl; log_debug_lvmetad("Sending updated token to lvmetad: %s", _lvmetad_token ? : ""); repl = _lvmetad_send("token_update", NULL); if (repl.error || strcmp(daemon_reply_str(repl, "response", ""), "OK")) { daemon_reply_destroy(repl); return 0; } daemon_reply_destroy(repl); return 1; } /* * Helper; evaluate the reply from lvmetad, check for errors, print diagnostics * and return a summary success/failure exit code. * * If found is set, *found indicates whether or not device exists, * and missing device is not treated as an error. */ static int _lvmetad_handle_reply(daemon_reply reply, const char *action, const char *object, int *found) { if (reply.error) { log_error("Request to %s %s%sin lvmetad gave response %s.", action, object, *object ? " " : "", strerror(reply.error)); return 0; } /* All OK? */ if (!strcmp(daemon_reply_str(reply, "response", ""), "OK")) { if (found) *found = 1; return 1; } /* Unknown device permitted? */ if (found && !strcmp(daemon_reply_str(reply, "response", ""), "unknown")) { log_very_verbose("Request to %s %s%sin lvmetad did not find any matching object.", action, object, *object ? " " : ""); *found = 0; return 1; } log_error("Request to %s %s%sin lvmetad gave response %s. Reason: %s", action, object, *object ? " " : "", daemon_reply_str(reply, "response", ""), daemon_reply_str(reply, "reason", "")); return 0; } static int _read_mda(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct format_type *fmt, const struct dm_config_node *cn) { struct metadata_area_ops *ops; dm_list_iterate_items(ops, &fmt->mda_ops) if (ops->mda_import_text && ops->mda_import_text(info, cn)) return 1; return 0; } static int _pv_populate_lvmcache(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_config_node *cn, struct format_type *fmt, dev_t fallback) { struct device *dev, *dev_alternate, *dev_alternate_cache = NULL; struct label *label; struct id pvid, vgid; char mda_id[32]; char da_id[32]; int i = 0; struct dm_config_node *mda, *da; struct dm_config_node *alt_devices = dm_config_find_node(cn->child, "devices_alternate"); struct dm_config_value *alt_device = NULL; uint64_t offset, size; struct lvmcache_info *info, *info_alternate; const char *pvid_txt = dm_config_find_str(cn->child, "id", NULL), *vgid_txt = dm_config_find_str(cn->child, "vgid", NULL), *vgname = dm_config_find_str(cn->child, "vgname", NULL), *fmt_name = dm_config_find_str(cn->child, "format", NULL); dev_t devt = dm_config_find_int(cn->child, "device", 0); uint64_t devsize = dm_config_find_int64(cn->child, "dev_size", 0), label_sector = dm_config_find_int64(cn->child, "label_sector", 0); if (!fmt && fmt_name) fmt = get_format_by_name(cmd, fmt_name); if (!fmt) { log_error("PV %s not recognised. Is the device missing?", pvid_txt); return 0; } dev = dev_cache_get_by_devt(devt, cmd->filter); if (!dev && fallback) dev = dev_cache_get_by_devt(fallback, cmd->filter); if (!dev) { log_warn("WARNING: Device for PV %s not found or rejected by a filter.", pvid_txt); return 0; } if (!pvid_txt || !id_read_format(&pvid, pvid_txt)) { log_error("Missing or ill-formatted PVID for PV: %s.", pvid_txt); return 0; } if (vgid_txt) { if (!id_read_format(&vgid, vgid_txt)) return_0; } else strcpy((char*)&vgid, fmt->orphan_vg_name); if (!vgname) vgname = fmt->orphan_vg_name; if (!(info = lvmcache_add(fmt->labeller, (const char *)&pvid, dev, vgname, (const char *)&vgid, 0))) return_0; lvmcache_get_label(info)->sector = label_sector; lvmcache_get_label(info)->dev = dev; lvmcache_set_device_size(info, devsize); lvmcache_del_das(info); lvmcache_del_mdas(info); lvmcache_del_bas(info); do { sprintf(mda_id, "mda%d", i); mda = dm_config_find_node(cn->child, mda_id); if (mda) _read_mda(info, fmt, mda); ++i; } while (mda); i = 0; do { sprintf(da_id, "da%d", i); da = dm_config_find_node(cn->child, da_id); if (da) { if (!dm_config_get_uint64(da->child, "offset", &offset)) return_0; if (!dm_config_get_uint64(da->child, "size", &size)) return_0; lvmcache_add_da(info, offset, size); } ++i; } while (da); i = 0; do { sprintf(da_id, "ba%d", i); da = dm_config_find_node(cn->child, da_id); if (da) { if (!dm_config_get_uint64(da->child, "offset", &offset)) return_0; if (!dm_config_get_uint64(da->child, "size", &size)) return_0; lvmcache_add_ba(info, offset, size); } ++i; } while (da); if (alt_devices) alt_device = alt_devices->v; while (alt_device) { dev_alternate = dev_cache_get_by_devt(alt_device->v.i, cmd->filter); if (dev_alternate) { if ((info_alternate = lvmcache_add(fmt->labeller, (const char *)&pvid, dev_alternate, vgname, (const char *)&vgid, 0))) { dev_alternate_cache = dev_alternate; info = info_alternate; lvmcache_get_label(info)->dev = dev_alternate; } } else { log_warn("Duplicate of PV %s dev %s exists on unknown device %"PRId64 ":%" PRId64, pvid_txt, dev_name(dev), MAJOR(alt_device->v.i), MINOR(alt_device->v.i)); } alt_device = alt_device->next; } /* * Update lvmcache with the info about the alternate device by * reading its label, which should update lvmcache. */ if (dev_alternate_cache) { if (!label_read(dev_alternate_cache, &label, 0)) { log_warn("No PV label found on duplicate device %s.", dev_name(dev_alternate_cache)); } } lvmcache_set_preferred_duplicates((const char *)&vgid); return 1; } static int _pv_update_struct_pv(struct physical_volume *pv, struct format_instance *fid) { struct lvmcache_info *info; if ((info = lvmcache_info_from_pvid((const char *)&pv->id, 0))) { pv->label_sector = lvmcache_get_label(info)->sector; pv->dev = lvmcache_device(info); if (!pv->dev) pv->status |= MISSING_PV; if (!lvmcache_fid_add_mdas_pv(info, fid)) return_0; pv->fid = fid; } else pv->status |= MISSING_PV; /* probably missing */ return 1; } struct volume_group *lvmetad_vg_lookup(struct cmd_context *cmd, const char *vgname, const char *vgid) { struct volume_group *vg = NULL; struct volume_group *vg2 = NULL; daemon_reply reply; int found; char uuid[64]; struct format_instance *fid = NULL; struct format_instance_ctx fic; struct dm_config_node *top; const char *name, *diag_name; const char *fmt_name; struct format_type *fmt; struct dm_config_node *pvcn; struct pv_list *pvl; if (!lvmetad_active()) return NULL; if (vgid) { if (!id_write_format((const struct id*)vgid, uuid, sizeof(uuid))) return_NULL; log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for VG %s (%s)", uuid, vgname ? : "name unknown"); reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_lookup", "uuid = %s", uuid, NULL); diag_name = uuid; } else { if (!vgname) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "VG name required (VGID not available)"); reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_lookup", "name = %s", "MISSING", NULL); goto out; } log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for VG %s", vgname); reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_lookup", "name = %s", vgname, NULL); diag_name = vgname; } if (_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "lookup VG", diag_name, &found) && found) { if (!(top = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "metadata"))) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "metadata config node not found."); goto out; } name = daemon_reply_str(reply, "name", NULL); /* fall back to lvm2 if we don't know better */ fmt_name = dm_config_find_str(top, "metadata/format", "lvm2"); if (!(fmt = get_format_by_name(cmd, fmt_name))) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "We do not know the format (%s) reported by lvmetad.", fmt_name); goto out; } fic.type = FMT_INSTANCE_MDAS | FMT_INSTANCE_AUX_MDAS; fic.context.vg_ref.vg_name = name; fic.context.vg_ref.vg_id = vgid; if (!(fid = fmt->ops->create_instance(fmt, &fic))) goto_out; if ((pvcn = dm_config_find_node(top, "metadata/physical_volumes"))) for (pvcn = pvcn->child; pvcn; pvcn = pvcn->sib) _pv_populate_lvmcache(cmd, pvcn, fmt, 0); if ((pvcn = dm_config_find_node(top, "metadata/outdated_pvs"))) for (pvcn = pvcn->child; pvcn; pvcn = pvcn->sib) _pv_populate_lvmcache(cmd, pvcn, fmt, 0); top->key = name; if (!(vg = import_vg_from_lvmetad_config_tree(reply.cft, fid))) goto_out; /* * locking may have detected a newer vg version and * invalidated the cached vg. */ if (dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "vg_invalid")) { log_debug_lvmetad("Update invalid lvmetad cache for VG %s", vgname); vg2 = lvmetad_pvscan_vg(cmd, vg); release_vg(vg); vg = vg2; fid = vg->fid; } dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs) { if (!_pv_update_struct_pv(pvl->pv, fid)) { vg = NULL; goto_out; /* FIXME error path */ } } dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs_outdated) { if (!_pv_update_struct_pv(pvl->pv, fid)) { vg = NULL; goto_out; /* FIXME error path */ } } lvmcache_update_vg(vg, 0); vg_mark_partial_lvs(vg, 1); } out: if (!vg && fid) fid->fmt->ops->destroy_instance(fid); daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return vg; } struct _fixup_baton { int i; int find; int ignore; }; static int _fixup_ignored(struct metadata_area *mda, void *baton) { struct _fixup_baton *b = baton; if (b->i == b->find) mda_set_ignored(mda, b->ignore); b->i ++; return 1; } int lvmetad_vg_update(struct volume_group *vg) { daemon_reply reply; struct dm_hash_node *n; struct metadata_area *mda; char mda_id[128], *num; struct pv_list *pvl; struct lvmcache_info *info; struct _fixup_baton baton; if (!vg) return 0; if (!lvmetad_active() || test_mode()) return 1; /* fake it */ if (!vg->cft_precommitted) { log_error(INTERNAL_ERROR "VG update without precommited"); return 0; } log_debug_lvmetad("Sending lvmetad updated metadata for VG %s (seqno %" PRIu32 ")", vg->name, vg->seqno); reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_update", "vgname = %s", vg->name, "metadata = %t", vg->cft_precommitted, NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "update VG", vg->name, NULL)) { daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return 0; } daemon_reply_destroy(reply); n = (vg->fid && vg->fid->metadata_areas_index) ? dm_hash_get_first(vg->fid->metadata_areas_index) : NULL; while (n) { mda = dm_hash_get_data(vg->fid->metadata_areas_index, n); strcpy(mda_id, dm_hash_get_key(vg->fid->metadata_areas_index, n)); if ((num = strchr(mda_id, '_'))) { *num = 0; ++num; if ((info = lvmcache_info_from_pvid(mda_id, 0))) { memset(&baton, 0, sizeof(baton)); baton.find = atoi(num); baton.ignore = mda_is_ignored(mda); lvmcache_foreach_mda(info, _fixup_ignored, &baton); } } n = dm_hash_get_next(vg->fid->metadata_areas_index, n); } dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs) { /* NB. the PV fmt pointer is sometimes wrong during vgconvert */ if (pvl->pv->dev && !lvmetad_pv_found(&pvl->pv->id, pvl->pv->dev, vg->fid ? vg->fid->fmt : pvl->pv->fmt, pvl->pv->label_sector, NULL, NULL)) return 0; } return 1; } int lvmetad_vg_remove(struct volume_group *vg) { char uuid[64]; daemon_reply reply; int result; if (!lvmetad_active() || test_mode()) return 1; /* just fake it */ if (!id_write_format(&vg->id, uuid, sizeof(uuid))) return_0; log_debug_lvmetad("Telling lvmetad to remove VGID %s (%s)", uuid, vg->name); reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_remove", "uuid = %s", uuid, NULL); result = _lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "remove VG", vg->name, NULL); daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return result; } int lvmetad_pv_lookup(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct id pvid, int *found) { char uuid[64]; daemon_reply reply; int result = 0; struct dm_config_node *cn; if (!lvmetad_active()) return_0; if (!id_write_format(&pvid, uuid, sizeof(uuid))) return_0; log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for PV %s", uuid); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_lookup", "uuid = %s", uuid, NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "lookup PV", "", found)) goto_out; if (found && !*found) goto out_success; if (!(cn = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "physical_volume"))) goto_out; else if (!_pv_populate_lvmcache(cmd, cn, NULL, 0)) goto_out; out_success: result = 1; out: daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return result; } int lvmetad_pv_lookup_by_dev(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev, int *found) { int result = 0; daemon_reply reply; struct dm_config_node *cn; if (!lvmetad_active()) return_0; log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for PV on %s", dev_name(dev)); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_lookup", "device = %" PRId64, (int64_t) dev->dev, NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "lookup PV", dev_name(dev), found)) goto_out; if (found && !*found) goto out_success; cn = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "physical_volume"); if (!cn || !_pv_populate_lvmcache(cmd, cn, NULL, dev->dev)) goto_out; out_success: result = 1; out: daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return result; } int lvmetad_pv_list_to_lvmcache(struct cmd_context *cmd) { daemon_reply reply; struct dm_config_node *cn; if (!lvmetad_active()) return 1; log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for complete list of known PVs"); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_list", NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "list PVs", "", NULL)) { daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return_0; } if ((cn = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "physical_volumes"))) for (cn = cn->child; cn; cn = cn->sib) _pv_populate_lvmcache(cmd, cn, NULL, 0); daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return 1; } int lvmetad_get_vgnameids(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_list *vgnameids) { struct vgnameid_list *vgnl; struct id vgid; const char *vgid_txt; const char *vg_name; daemon_reply reply; struct dm_config_node *cn; log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for complete list of known VG ids/names"); reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_list", NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "list VGs", "", NULL)) { daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return_0; } if ((cn = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "volume_groups"))) { for (cn = cn->child; cn; cn = cn->sib) { vgid_txt = cn->key; if (!id_read_format(&vgid, vgid_txt)) { stack; continue; } if (!(vgnl = dm_pool_alloc(cmd->mem, sizeof(*vgnl)))) { log_error("vgnameid_list allocation failed."); return 0; } if (!(vg_name = dm_config_find_str(cn->child, "name", NULL))) { log_error("vg_list no name found."); return 0; } vgnl->vgid = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, (char *)&vgid); vgnl->vg_name = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, vg_name); if (!vgnl->vgid || !vgnl->vg_name) { log_error("vgnameid_list member allocation failed."); return 0; } dm_list_add(vgnameids, &vgnl->list); } } daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return 1; } int lvmetad_vg_list_to_lvmcache(struct cmd_context *cmd) { struct volume_group *tmp; struct id vgid; const char *vgid_txt; daemon_reply reply; struct dm_config_node *cn; if (!lvmetad_active()) return 1; log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for complete list of known VGs"); reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_list", NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "list VGs", "", NULL)) { daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return_0; } if ((cn = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "volume_groups"))) for (cn = cn->child; cn; cn = cn->sib) { vgid_txt = cn->key; if (!id_read_format(&vgid, vgid_txt)) { stack; continue; } /* the call to lvmetad_vg_lookup will poke the VG into lvmcache */ tmp = lvmetad_vg_lookup(cmd, NULL, (const char*)&vgid); release_vg(tmp); } daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return 1; } struct _extract_dl_baton { int i; struct dm_config_tree *cft; struct dm_config_node *pre_sib; }; static int _extract_mda(struct metadata_area *mda, void *baton) { struct _extract_dl_baton *b = baton; struct dm_config_node *cn; char id[32]; if (!mda->ops->mda_export_text) /* do nothing */ return 1; (void) dm_snprintf(id, 32, "mda%d", b->i); if (!(cn = make_config_node(b->cft, id, b->cft->root, b->pre_sib))) return 0; if (!mda->ops->mda_export_text(mda, b->cft, cn)) return 0; b->i ++; b->pre_sib = cn; /* for efficiency */ return 1; } static int _extract_disk_location(const char *name, struct disk_locn *dl, void *baton) { struct _extract_dl_baton *b = baton; struct dm_config_node *cn; char id[32]; if (!dl) return 1; (void) dm_snprintf(id, 32, "%s%d", name, b->i); if (!(cn = make_config_node(b->cft, id, b->cft->root, b->pre_sib))) return 0; if (!config_make_nodes(b->cft, cn, NULL, "offset = %"PRId64, (int64_t) dl->offset, "size = %"PRId64, (int64_t) dl->size, NULL)) return 0; b->i ++; b->pre_sib = cn; /* for efficiency */ return 1; } static int _extract_da(struct disk_locn *da, void *baton) { return _extract_disk_location("da", da, baton); } static int _extract_ba(struct disk_locn *ba, void *baton) { return _extract_disk_location("ba", ba, baton); } static int _extract_mdas(struct lvmcache_info *info, struct dm_config_tree *cft, struct dm_config_node *pre_sib) { struct _extract_dl_baton baton = { .i = 0, .cft = cft, .pre_sib = NULL }; if (!lvmcache_foreach_mda(info, &_extract_mda, &baton)) return 0; baton.i = 0; if (!lvmcache_foreach_da(info, &_extract_da, &baton)) return 0; baton.i = 0; if (!lvmcache_foreach_ba(info, &_extract_ba, &baton)) return 0; return 1; } int lvmetad_pv_found(const struct id *pvid, struct device *dev, const struct format_type *fmt, uint64_t label_sector, struct volume_group *vg, activation_handler handler) { char uuid[64]; daemon_reply reply; struct lvmcache_info *info; struct dm_config_tree *pvmeta, *vgmeta; const char *status, *vgname, *vgid; int64_t changed; int result; if (!lvmetad_active() || test_mode()) return 1; if (!id_write_format(pvid, uuid, sizeof(uuid))) return_0; pvmeta = dm_config_create(); if (!pvmeta) return_0; info = lvmcache_info_from_pvid((const char *)pvid, 0); if (!(pvmeta->root = make_config_node(pvmeta, "pv", NULL, NULL))) { dm_config_destroy(pvmeta); return_0; } if (!config_make_nodes(pvmeta, pvmeta->root, NULL, "device = %"PRId64, (int64_t) dev->dev, "dev_size = %"PRId64, (int64_t) (info ? lvmcache_device_size(info) : 0), "format = %s", fmt->name, "label_sector = %"PRId64, (int64_t) label_sector, "id = %s", uuid, NULL)) { dm_config_destroy(pvmeta); return_0; } if (info) /* FIXME A more direct route would be much preferable. */ _extract_mdas(info, pvmeta, pvmeta->root); if (vg) { if (!(vgmeta = export_vg_to_config_tree(vg))) { dm_config_destroy(pvmeta); return_0; } log_debug_lvmetad("Telling lvmetad to store PV %s (%s) in VG %s", dev_name(dev), uuid, vg->name); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_found", "pvmeta = %t", pvmeta, "vgname = %s", vg->name, "metadata = %t", vgmeta, NULL); dm_config_destroy(vgmeta); } else { /* * There is no VG metadata stored on this PV. * It might or might not be an orphan. */ log_debug_lvmetad("Telling lvmetad to store PV %s (%s)", dev_name(dev), uuid); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_found", "pvmeta = %t", pvmeta, NULL); } dm_config_destroy(pvmeta); result = _lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "update PV", uuid, NULL); if (vg && result && (daemon_reply_int(reply, "seqno_after", -1) != vg->seqno || daemon_reply_int(reply, "seqno_after", -1) != daemon_reply_int(reply, "seqno_before", -1))) log_warn("WARNING: Inconsistent metadata found for VG %s", vg->name); if (result && handler) { status = daemon_reply_str(reply, "status", ""); vgname = daemon_reply_str(reply, "vgname", ""); vgid = daemon_reply_str(reply, "vgid", ""); changed = daemon_reply_int(reply, "changed", 0); if (!strcmp(status, "partial")) handler(_lvmetad_cmd, vgname, vgid, 1, changed, CHANGE_AAY); else if (!strcmp(status, "complete")) handler(_lvmetad_cmd, vgname, vgid, 0, changed, CHANGE_AAY); else if (!strcmp(status, "orphan")) ; else log_error("Request to %s %s in lvmetad gave status %s.", "update PV", uuid, status); } daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return result; } int lvmetad_pv_gone(dev_t devno, const char *pv_name, activation_handler handler) { daemon_reply reply; int result; int found; if (!lvmetad_active() || test_mode()) return 1; /* * TODO: automatic volume deactivation takes place here *before* * all cached info is gone - call handler. Also, consider * integrating existing deactivation script that deactivates * the whole stack from top to bottom (not yet upstream). */ log_debug_lvmetad("Telling lvmetad to forget any PV on %s", pv_name); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_gone", "device = %" PRId64, (int64_t) devno, NULL); result = _lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "drop PV", pv_name, &found); /* We don't care whether or not the daemon had the PV cached. */ daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return result; } int lvmetad_pv_gone_by_dev(struct device *dev, activation_handler handler) { return lvmetad_pv_gone(dev->dev, dev_name(dev), handler); } /* * The following code implements pvscan --cache. */ struct _lvmetad_pvscan_baton { struct volume_group *vg; struct format_instance *fid; }; static int _lvmetad_pvscan_single(struct metadata_area *mda, void *baton) { struct _lvmetad_pvscan_baton *b = baton; struct volume_group *this; this = mda_is_ignored(mda) ? NULL : mda->ops->vg_read(b->fid, "", mda, NULL, NULL, 1); /* FIXME Also ensure contents match etc. */ if (!b->vg || this->seqno > b->vg->seqno) b->vg = this; else if (b->vg) release_vg(this); return 1; } /* * The lock manager may detect that the vg cached in lvmetad is out of date, * due to something like an lvcreate from another host. * This is limited to changes that only affect the vg (not global state like * orphan PVs), so we only need to reread mdas on the vg's existing pvs. */ static struct volume_group *lvmetad_pvscan_vg(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct volume_group *vg) { struct volume_group *vg_ret = NULL; struct dm_config_tree *vgmeta_ret = NULL; struct dm_config_tree *vgmeta; struct pv_list *pvl; struct lvmcache_info *info; struct format_instance *fid; struct format_instance_ctx fic = { .type = 0 }; struct _lvmetad_pvscan_baton baton; dm_list_iterate_items(pvl, &vg->pvs) { /* missing pv */ if (!pvl->pv->dev) continue; info = lvmcache_info_from_pvid((const char *)&pvl->pv->id, 0); baton.vg = NULL; baton.fid = lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->create_instance(lvmcache_fmt(info), &fic); if (!baton.fid) return NULL; if (baton.fid->fmt->features & FMT_OBSOLETE) { log_error("WARNING: Ignoring obsolete format of metadata (%s) on device %s when using lvmetad", baton.fid->fmt->name, dev_name(pvl->pv->dev)); lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->destroy_instance(baton.fid); return NULL; } lvmcache_foreach_mda(info, _lvmetad_pvscan_single, &baton); if (!baton.vg) { lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->destroy_instance(baton.fid); return NULL; } if (!(vgmeta = export_vg_to_config_tree(baton.vg))) { log_error("VG export to config tree failed"); release_vg(baton.vg); return NULL; } if (!vgmeta_ret) { vgmeta_ret = vgmeta; } else { if (!compare_config(vgmeta_ret->root, vgmeta->root)) { log_error("VG metadata comparison failed"); dm_config_destroy(vgmeta); dm_config_destroy(vgmeta_ret); release_vg(baton.vg); return NULL; } dm_config_destroy(vgmeta); } release_vg(baton.vg); } if (vgmeta_ret) { fid = lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->create_instance(lvmcache_fmt(info), &fic); if (!(vg_ret = import_vg_from_config_tree(vgmeta_ret, fid))) { log_error("VG import from config tree failed"); lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->destroy_instance(fid); goto out; } /* * Update lvmetad with the newly read version of the VG. * The "precommitted" name is a misnomer in this case, * but that is the field which lvmetad_vg_update() uses * to send the metadata cft to lvmetad. */ vg_ret->cft_precommitted = vgmeta_ret; if (!lvmetad_vg_update(vg_ret)) log_error("Failed to update lvmetad with new VG meta"); vg_ret->cft_precommitted = NULL; dm_config_destroy(vgmeta_ret); } out: return vg_ret; } int lvmetad_pvscan_single(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct device *dev, activation_handler handler, int ignore_obsolete) { struct label *label; struct lvmcache_info *info; struct _lvmetad_pvscan_baton baton; /* Create a dummy instance. */ struct format_instance_ctx fic = { .type = 0 }; if (!lvmetad_active()) { log_error("Cannot proceed since lvmetad is not active."); return 0; } if (!label_read(dev, &label, 0)) { log_print_unless_silent("No PV label found on %s.", dev_name(dev)); if (!lvmetad_pv_gone_by_dev(dev, handler)) goto_bad; return 1; } info = (struct lvmcache_info *) label->info; baton.vg = NULL; baton.fid = lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->create_instance(lvmcache_fmt(info), &fic); if (!baton.fid) goto_bad; if (baton.fid->fmt->features & FMT_OBSOLETE) { if (ignore_obsolete) log_warn("WARNING: Ignoring obsolete format of metadata (%s) on device %s when using lvmetad", baton.fid->fmt->name, dev_name(dev)); else log_error("WARNING: Ignoring obsolete format of metadata (%s) on device %s when using lvmetad", baton.fid->fmt->name, dev_name(dev)); lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->destroy_instance(baton.fid); if (ignore_obsolete) return 1; return 0; } lvmcache_foreach_mda(info, _lvmetad_pvscan_single, &baton); /* * LVM1 VGs have no MDAs and lvmcache_foreach_mda isn't worth fixing * to use pseudo-mdas for PVs. * Note that the single_device parameter also gets ignored and this code * can scan further devices. */ if (!baton.vg && !(baton.fid->fmt->features & FMT_MDAS)) baton.vg = ((struct metadata_area *) dm_list_first(&baton.fid->metadata_areas_in_use))->ops->vg_read(baton.fid, lvmcache_vgname_from_info(info), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1); if (!baton.vg) lvmcache_fmt(info)->ops->destroy_instance(baton.fid); /* * NB. If this command failed and we are relying on lvmetad to have an * *exact* image of the system, the lvmetad instance that went out of * sync needs to be killed. */ if (!lvmetad_pv_found((const struct id *) &dev->pvid, dev, lvmcache_fmt(info), label->sector, baton.vg, handler)) { release_vg(baton.vg); goto_bad; } release_vg(baton.vg); return 1; bad: /* FIXME kill lvmetad automatically if we can */ log_error("Update of lvmetad failed. This is a serious problem.\n " "It is strongly recommended that you restart lvmetad immediately."); return 0; } static int _lvmetad_pvscan_all_devs(struct cmd_context *cmd, activation_handler handler, int ignore_obsolete) { struct dev_iter *iter; struct device *dev; daemon_reply reply; int r = 1; char *future_token; int was_silent; if (!lvmetad_active()) { log_error("Cannot proceed since lvmetad is not active."); return 0; } if (!(iter = dev_iter_create(cmd->lvmetad_filter, 1))) { log_error("dev_iter creation failed"); return 0; } future_token = _lvmetad_token; _lvmetad_token = (char *) "update in progress"; if (!_token_update()) { dev_iter_destroy(iter); _lvmetad_token = future_token; return 0; } log_debug_lvmetad("Telling lvmetad to clear its cache"); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_clear_all", NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "clear info about all PVs", "", NULL)) r = 0; daemon_reply_destroy(reply); was_silent = silent_mode(); init_silent(1); while ((dev = dev_iter_get(iter))) { if (sigint_caught()) { r = 0; stack; break; } if (!lvmetad_pvscan_single(cmd, dev, handler, ignore_obsolete)) r = 0; } init_silent(was_silent); dev_iter_destroy(iter); _lvmetad_token = future_token; if (!_token_update()) return 0; return r; } int lvmetad_pvscan_all_devs(struct cmd_context *cmd, activation_handler handler) { return _lvmetad_pvscan_all_devs(cmd, handler, 0); } /* * FIXME Implement this function, skipping PVs known to belong to local or clustered, * non-exported VGs. */ int lvmetad_pvscan_foreign_vgs(struct cmd_context *cmd, activation_handler handler) { return _lvmetad_pvscan_all_devs(cmd, handler, 1); } int lvmetad_vg_clear_outdated_pvs(struct volume_group *vg) { char uuid[64]; daemon_reply reply; int result; if (!id_write_format(&vg->id, uuid, sizeof(uuid))) return_0; reply = _lvmetad_send("vg_clear_outdated_pvs", "vgid = %s", uuid, NULL); result = _lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "clear the list of outdated PVs", vg->name, NULL); daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return result; } /* * Records the state of cached PVs in lvmetad so we can look for changes * after rescanning. */ struct pv_cache_list { struct dm_list list; dev_t devt; struct id pvid; const char *vgid; unsigned found : 1; unsigned update_udev : 1; }; /* * Get the list of PVs known to lvmetad. */ static int _lvmetad_get_pv_cache_list(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_list *pvc_list) { daemon_reply reply; struct dm_config_node *cn; struct pv_cache_list *pvcl; const char *pvid_txt; const char *vgid; if (!lvmetad_active()) return 1; log_debug_lvmetad("Asking lvmetad for complete list of known PVs"); reply = _lvmetad_send("pv_list", NULL); if (!_lvmetad_handle_reply(reply, "list PVs", "", NULL)) { log_error("lvmetad message failed."); daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return_0; } if ((cn = dm_config_find_node(reply.cft->root, "physical_volumes"))) { for (cn = cn->child; cn; cn = cn->sib) { if (!(pvcl = dm_pool_zalloc(cmd->mem, sizeof(*pvcl)))) { log_error("pv_cache_list allocation failed."); return 0; } pvid_txt = cn->key; if (!id_read_format(&pvcl->pvid, pvid_txt)) { stack; continue; } pvcl->devt = dm_config_find_int(cn->child, "device", 0); if ((vgid = dm_config_find_str(cn->child, "vgid", NULL))) pvcl->vgid = dm_pool_strdup(cmd->mem, vgid); dm_list_add(pvc_list, &pvcl->list); } } daemon_reply_destroy(reply); return 1; } /* * Opening the device RDWR should trigger a udev db update. * FIXME: is there a better way to update the udev db than * doing an open/close of the device? */ static void _update_pv_in_udev(struct cmd_context *cmd, dev_t devt) { struct device *dev; log_debug_devs("device %d:%d open to update udev", (int)MAJOR(devt), (int)MINOR(devt)); if (!(dev = dev_cache_get_by_devt(devt, cmd->lvmetad_filter))) { log_error("_update_pv_in_udev no dev found"); return; } if (!dev_open(dev)) return; dev_close(dev); } /* * Compare before and after PV lists from before/after rescanning, * and update udev db for changes. * * For PVs that have changed pvid or vgid in lvmetad from rescanning, * there may be information in the udev database to update, so open * these devices to trigger a udev update. * * "before" refers to the list of pvs from lvmetad before rescanning * "after" refers to the list of pvs from lvmetad after rescanning * * Comparing both lists, we can see which PVs changed (pvid or vgid), * and trigger a udev db update for those. */ static void _update_changed_pvs_in_udev(struct cmd_context *cmd, struct dm_list *pvc_before, struct dm_list *pvc_after) { struct pv_cache_list *before; struct pv_cache_list *after; char id_before[ID_LEN + 1] __attribute__((aligned(8))); char id_after[ID_LEN + 1] __attribute__((aligned(8))); int found; dm_list_iterate_items(before, pvc_before) { found = 0; dm_list_iterate_items(after, pvc_after) { if (after->found) continue; if (before->devt != after->devt) continue; if (!id_equal(&before->pvid, &after->pvid)) { memset(id_before, 0, sizeof(id_before)); memset(id_after, 0, sizeof(id_after)); strncpy(&id_before[0], (char *) &before->pvid, sizeof(id_before) - 1); strncpy(&id_after[0], (char *) &after->pvid, sizeof(id_after) - 1); log_debug_devs("device %d:%d changed pvid from %s to %s", (int)MAJOR(before->devt), (int)MINOR(before->devt), id_before, id_after); before->update_udev = 1; } else if ((before->vgid && !after->vgid) || (after->vgid && !before->vgid) || (before->vgid && after->vgid && strcmp(before->vgid, after->vgid))) { log_debug_devs("device %d:%d changed vg from %s to %s", (int)MAJOR(before->devt), (int)MINOR(before->devt), before->vgid ?: "none", after->vgid ?: "none"); before->update_udev = 1; } after->found = 1; before->found = 1; found = 1; break; } if (!found) { memset(id_before, 0, sizeof(id_before)); strncpy(&id_before[0], (char *) &before->pvid, sizeof(id_before) - 1); log_debug_devs("device %d:%d pvid %s vg %s is gone", (int)MAJOR(before->devt), (int)MINOR(before->devt), id_before, before->vgid ? before->vgid : "none"); before->update_udev = 1; } } dm_list_iterate_items(before, pvc_before) { if (before->update_udev) _update_pv_in_udev(cmd, before->devt); } dm_list_iterate_items(after, pvc_after) { if (after->update_udev) _update_pv_in_udev(cmd, after->devt); } } /* * Before this command was run, some external entity may have * invalidated lvmetad's cache of global information, e.g. lvmlockd. * * The global information includes things like a new VG, a * VG that was removed, the assignment of a PV to a VG; * any change that is not isolated within a single VG. * * The external entity, like a lock manager, would invalidate * the lvmetad global cache if it detected that the global * information had been changed on disk by something other * than a local lvm command, e.g. an lvm command on another * host with access to the same devices. (How it detects * the change is specific to lock manager or other entity.) * * The effect is that metadata on disk is newer than the metadata * in the local lvmetad daemon, and the local lvmetad's cache * should be updated from disk before this command uses it. * * So, using this function, a command checks if lvmetad's global * cache is valid. If so, it does nothing. If not, it rescans * devices to update the lvmetad cache, then it notifies lvmetad * that it's cache is valid again (consistent with what's on disk.) * This command can then go ahead and use the newly refreshed metadata. * * 1. Check if the lvmetad global cache is invalid. * 2. If so, reread metadata from all devices and update the lvmetad cache. * 3. Tell lvmetad that the global cache is now valid. */ void lvmetad_validate_global_cache(struct cmd_context *cmd, int force) { struct dm_list pvc_before; /* pv_cache_list */ struct dm_list pvc_after; /* pv_cache_list */ daemon_reply reply; int global_invalid; dm_list_init(&pvc_before); dm_list_init(&pvc_after); if (!lvmetad_used()) return; if (force) goto do_scan; reply = daemon_send_simple(_lvmetad, "get_global_info", "token = %s", "skip", NULL); if (reply.error) { log_error("lvmetad_validate_global_cache get_global_info error %d", reply.error); goto do_scan; } if (strcmp(daemon_reply_str(reply, "response", ""), "OK")) { log_error("lvmetad_validate_global_cache get_global_info not ok"); goto do_scan; } global_invalid = daemon_reply_int(reply, "global_invalid", -1); daemon_reply_destroy(reply); if (!global_invalid) { /* cache is valid */ return; } do_scan: /* * Save the current state of pvs from lvmetad so after devices are * scanned, we can compare to the new state to see if pvs changed. */ _lvmetad_get_pv_cache_list(cmd, &pvc_before); /* * Update the local lvmetad cache so it correctly reflects any * changes made on remote hosts. */ lvmetad_pvscan_all_devs(cmd, NULL); /* * Clear the global_invalid flag in lvmetad. * Subsequent local commands that read global state * from lvmetad will not see global_invalid until * another host makes another global change. */ reply = daemon_send_simple(_lvmetad, "set_global_info", "token = %s", "skip", "global_invalid = %d", 0, NULL); if (reply.error) log_error("lvmetad_validate_global_cache set_global_info error %d", reply.error); if (strcmp(daemon_reply_str(reply, "response", ""), "OK")) log_error("lvmetad_validate_global_cache set_global_info not ok"); daemon_reply_destroy(reply); /* * Populate this command's lvmcache structures from lvmetad. */ lvmcache_seed_infos_from_lvmetad(cmd); /* * Update the local udev database to reflect PV changes from * other hosts. * * Compare the before and after PV lists, and if a PV's * pvid or vgid has changed, then open that device to trigger * a uevent to update the udev db. * * This has no direct benefit to lvm, but is just a best effort * attempt to keep the udev db updated and reflecting current * lvm information. * * FIXME: lvmcache_seed_infos_from_lvmetad() and _lvmetad_get_pv_cache_list() * each get pv_list from lvmetad, and they could share a single pv_list reply. */ if (!dm_list_empty(&pvc_before)) { _lvmetad_get_pv_cache_list(cmd, &pvc_after); _update_changed_pvs_in_udev(cmd, &pvc_before, &pvc_after); } }