.TH VGS 8 "LVM TOOLS" "Sistina Software UK" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME vgs \- report information about volume groups .SH SYNOPSIS .B vgs [\-\-aligned] [\-d/\-\-debug] [\-h/\-?/\-\-help] [\-\-ignorelockingfailure] [\-\-noheadings] [\-\-nosuffix] [\-o/\-\-options [+]Field[,Field]] [\-O/\-\-sort [+/-]Key1[,[+/-]Key2[,...]]] [\-P/\-\-partial] [\-\-separator Separator] [\-\-unbuffered] [\-\-units hsbkmgtHKMGT] [\-v/\-\-verbose] [\-\-version] [VolumeGroupName [VolumeGroupName...]] .SH DESCRIPTION vgs produces formatted output about volume groups. .SH OPTIONS See \fBlvm\fP for common options. .TP .I \-\-aligned Use with \-\-separator to align the output columns. .TP .I \-\-noheadings Suppress the headings line that is normally the first line of output. Useful if grepping the output. .TP .I \-\-nosuffix Suppress the suffix on output sizes. Use with \-\-units (except h and H) if processing the output. .TP .I \-o, \-\-options Comma-separated ordered list of columns. Precede the list with '+' to append to the default selection of columns. Column names are: vg_fmt, vg_uuid, vg_name, vg_attr, vg_size, vg_free, vg_sysid, vg_extent_size, vg_extent_count, vg_free_count, max_lv, max_pv, pv_count, lv_count, snap_count, vg_seqno, vg_tags. Any "vg_" prefixes are optional. Columns mentioned in either \fBpvs (8)\fP or \fBlvs (8)\fP can also be chosen, but columns cannot be taken from both at the same time. The vg_attr bits are: (w)riteable, (r)eadonly, resi(z)eable, e(x)ported, (p)artial and (c)lustered. .TP .I \-O, \-\-sort Comma-separated ordered list of columns to sort by. Replaces the default selection. Precede any column with - for a reverse sort on that column. .TP .I \-\-separator Separator String to use to separate each column. Useful if grepping the output. .TP .I \-\-unbuffered Produce output immediately without sorting or aligning the columns properly. .TP .I \-\-units hsbkmgtHKMGT All sizes are output in these units: (h)uman-readable, (s)ectors, (b)ytes, (k)ilobytes, (m)egabytes, (g)igabytes, (t)erabytes. Capitalise to use multiples of 1000 (S.I.) instead of 1024. Can also specify custom (u)nits e.g. \-\-units 3M .SH SEE ALSO .BR vgdisplay (8), .BR pvs (8), .BR lvs (8)