.TH "LVMCONFIG" "8" "LVM TOOLS #VERSION#" "Red Hat, Inc" "\"" .SH "NAME" lvmconfig, lvm dumpconfig, lvm config \(em Display LVM configuration .SH SYNOPSIS .B lvmconfig .RB [ \-f | \-\-file .IR filename ] .RB [ \-\-type .RI { current | default | diff | full | list | missing | new | profilable | profilable-command | profilable-metadata } .RB [ \-\-atversion .IR version ] .RB [ \-\-ignoreadvanced ] .RB [ \-\-ignoreunsupported ] .RB [ \-\-ignorelocal ] .RB [ \-l | \-\-list ] .RB [ \-\-config .IR ConfigurationString ] .RB [ \-\-commandprofile .IR ProfileName ] .RB [ \-\-profile .IR ProfileName ] .RB [ \-\-metadataprofile .IR ProfileName ] .RB [ \-\-mergedconfig ] .RB [ \-\-showdeprecated ] .RB [ \-\-showunsupported ] .RB [ \-\-validate ] .RB [ \-\-withsummary ] .RB [ \-\-withcomments ] .RB [ \-\-withspaces ] .RB [ \-\-withversions ] .RB [ ConfigurationNode... ] .SH DESCRIPTION lvmconfig produces formatted output from the LVM configuration tree. The command was added in release 2.02.119 and has an identical longer form \fBlvm dumpconfig\fP. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-f ", " \-\-file " \fIfilename" Send output to a file named 'filename'. .TP .BR \-l ", " \-\-list List configuration settings with summarizing comment. This is the same as using \fBlvmconfig --type list --withsummary\fP. .TP .IR \fB\-\-type " {" current | default | diff | full | missing | new | profilable | profilable-command | profilable-metadata } Select the type of configuration to display. The configuration settings displayed have either default values or currently-used values assigned based on the type selected. If no type is selected, \fB\-\-type current\fP is used by default. Whenever a configuration setting with a default value is commented out, it means the setting does not have any concrete default value defined. Output can be saved and used as a proper \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) file. .RS .IP current 3 Display the current \fBlvm.conf\fP configuration merged with any \fBtag config\fP if used. See also \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) for more info about LVM configuration methods. .IP default 3 Display all possible configuration settings with default values assigned. .IP diff 3 Display all configuration settings for which the values used differ from defaults. The value assigned for each configuration setting is the value currently used. This is actually minimal LVM configuration which can be used without a change to current configured behaviour. .IP full 3 Display full configuration tree - a combination of current configuration tree (\fB\-\-type current\fP) and tree of settings for which default values are used (\fB\-\-type missing\fP). This is exactly the configuration tree that LVM2 uses during command execution. Using this type also implies the use of \fB\-\-mergedconfig\fP option. If comments are displayed (see \fB\-\-withcomments\fP and \fB\-\-withsummary\fP options), then for each setting found in existing configuration and for which defaults are not used, there's an extra comment line printed to denote this. .IP list 3 Display plain list of configuration settings. .IP missing 3 Display all configuration settings with default values assigned which are missing in the configuration currently used and for which LVM automatically fallbacks to using these default values. .IP new 3 Display all new configuration settings introduced in current LVM version or specific version as defined by \fB\-\-atversion\fP option. .IP profilable 3 Display all profilable configuration settings with default values assigned. See \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) for more info about \fBprofile config\fP method. .IP profilable-command 3 Display all profilable configuration settings with default values assigned that can be used in command profile. This is a subset of settings displayed by \fB\-\-type \-\-profilable\fP. .IP profilable-metadata 3 Display all profilable configuration settings with default values assigned that can be used in metadata profile. This is a subset of settings displayed by \fB\-\-type \-\-profilable\fP. .RE .TP .BI \-\-atversion " version" Specify an LVM version in x.y.z format where x is the major version, the y is the minor version and z is the patchlevel (e.g. 2.2.106). When configuration is displayed, the configuration settings recognized at this LVM version will be considered only. This can be used to display a configuration that a certain LVM version understands and which does not contain any newer settings for which LVM would issue a warning message when checking the configuration. .TP .B \-\-ignoreadvanced Exclude advanced configuration settings from the output. .TP .B \-\-ignoreunsupported Exclude unsupported configuration settings from the output. These settings are either used for debugging and development purposes only or their support is not yet complete and they are not meant to be used in production. The \fBcurrent\fP and \fBdiff\fP types include unsupported settings in their output by default, all the other types ignore unsupported settings. .TP .B \-\-ignorelocal Ignore local section. .TP .BI \-\-config " ConfigurationString" Use \fBConfigurationString\fP to override existing configuration. This configuration is then applied for the lvmconfig command itself. See also \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) for more info about \fBconfig cascade\fP. .TP .BI \-\-commandprofile " ProfileName" Use \fBProfileName\fP to override existing configuration. This configuration is then applied for the lvmconfig command itself. See also \fB\-\-mergedconfig\fP option and \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) for more info about \fBconfig cascade\fP. .TP .BI \-\-profile " ProfileName" The same as using \fB\-\-commandprofile\fP but the configuration is not applied for the lvmconfig command itself. .TP .BI \-\-metadataprofile " ProfileName" Use \fBProfileName\fP to override existing configuration. The configuration defined in metadata profile has no effect for the lvmconfig command itself. lvmconfig displays the configuration only. See also \fB\-\-mergedconfig\fP option and \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) for more info about \fBconfig cascade\fP. .TP .B \-\-mergedconfig When the lvmconfig command is run with the \fB\-\-config\fP option and/or \fB\-\-commandprofile\fP (or using \fBLVM_COMMAND_PROFILE\fP environment variable), \fB\-\-profile\fP, \fB\-\-metadataprofile\fP option, merge all the contents of the \fBconfig cascade\fP before displaying it. Without the \fB\-\-mergeconfig\fP option used, only the configuration at the front of the cascade is displayed. See also \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) for more info about \fBconfig cascade\fP. .TP .B \-\-showdeprecated Include deprecated configuration settings in the output. These settings are always deprecated since certain version. If concrete version is specified with \fB--atversion\fP option, deprecated settings are automatically included if specified version is lower that the version in which the settings were deprecated. The \fBcurrent\fP and \fBdiff\fP types include deprecated settings int their output by default, all the other types ignore deprecated settings. .TP .B \-\-showunsupported Include unsupported configuration settings in the output. These settings are either used for debugging or development purposes only or their support is not yet complete and they are not meant to be used in production. The \fBcurrent\fP and \fBdiff\fP types include unsupported settings in their output by default, all the other types ignore unsupported settings. .TP .B \-\-validate Validate current configuration used and exit with appropriate return code. The validation is done only for the configuration at the front of the \fBconfig cascade\fP. To validate the whole merged configuration tree, use also the \fB\-\-mergedconfig\fP option. The validation is done even if \fBconfig/checks\fP \fBlvm.conf\fP(5) option is disabled. .TP .B \-\-withsummary Display a one line comment for each configuration node. .TP .B \-\-withcomments Display a full comment for each configuration node. For deprecated settings, also display comments about deprecation in addition. .TP .B \-\-withspaces Where appropriate, add more spaces in output for better readability. .TP .B \-\-withversions Also display a comment containing the version of introduction for each configuration node. If the setting is deprecated, also display the version since which it is deprecated. .SH SEE ALSO .BR lvm (8) .BR lvmconf (8) .BR lvm.conf (5)