.TH PVSCAN 8 "LVM TOOLS #VERSION#" "Sistina Software UK" \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME pvscan \(em scan all disks for physical volumes .SH SYNOPSIS .B pvscan .RB [ \-\-commandprofile .IR ProfileName ] .RB [ \-d | \-\-debug ] .RB [ \-h | \-\-help ] .RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ] .RB [ \-\-version ] .RB [ \-\-ignorelockingfailure ] .RB [ \-e | \-\-exported ] .RB [ \-n | \-\-novolumegroup ] .RB [ \-s | \-\-short ] .RB [ \-u | \-\-uuid ] .BR .B pvscan .RB [ \-d | \-\-debug ] .RB [ \-h | \-\-help ] .B \-\-cache .RB [ \-a | \-\-activate " " \fIay ] .RB [ \-b | \-\-background ] .RB [ \-\-major .I major .B \-\-minor .I minor | .IR DevicePath | .IR major:minor ]... .SH DESCRIPTION pvscan scans all supported LVM block devices in the system for physical volumes. .SH OPTIONS See \fBlvm\fP(8) for common options. .TP .BR \-e ", " \-\-exported Only show physical volumes belonging to exported volume groups. .TP .BR \-n ", " \-\-novolumegroup Only show physical volumes not belonging to any volume group. .TP .BR \-s ", " \-\-short Short listing format. .TP .BR \-u ", " \-\-uuid Show UUIDs (Uniform Unique Identifiers) in addition to device special names. .TP .BR \-a ", " \-\-activate " " \fIay Together with the information already cached in lvmetad, automatically activate any logical volumes that become activatable after the scan done on one or more devices. The logical volume to autoactivate is matched against the activation/auto_activation_volume_list set in lvm.conf. If this list is not set, then all volumes are considered for autoactivation. The autoactivation is not yet supported for logical volumes that are part of partial or clustered volume groups. .TP .BR \-b ", " \-\-background Run the command in the background. .TP .BR \-\-cache " [" \-\-major " " \fImajor " " \-\-minor " " \fIminor " | " \fIDevicePath " | " \fImajor:minor " ]..." Scan one or more devices and instruct the lvmetad daemon to update its cached state accordingly. Called internally by udev rules. All devices listed explicitly are processed \fBregardless\fP of any device filters set using \fBdevices/filter\fP configuration setting. To filter devices even in this case, the \fBdevices/global_filter\fP must be used. If lvmetad has not yet cached any metadata or the filters have recently been changed, then all devices may be scanned, effectively ignoring the rest of the command line. Otherwise, if all the devices referenced on the command line contain metadata in the default lvm2 format, other devices are not accessed. If metadata written using the obsolete GFS pool format is encountered, this is ignored and so lvmetad should not be used. .SH SEE ALSO .BR lvm (8), .BR lvmetad (8), .BR pvcreate (8), .BR pvdisplay (8)